Luo Ming looked around the mansion but didn't see Jing Liu.

He was a little worried.

When he returned to the pavilion, he found that the"Moonlight" he had placed on the wooden table had also disappeared.

"Did Jingliu take the sword with him?

Luo Ming immediately used his mind to sense his own flying sword.

A moment later, a silver stream of light emerged from the sky, bringing with it a sharp aura, and stopped steadily in front of Luo Ming.

"Take me to find Jingliu."

Luo Ming patted the hilt of the 'Yuehua' sword and fed it a stream of sword energy.

The silver sword was like a child who got candy. It happily circled in the yard for a few times, then suddenly rose into the air and flew in one direction.

Luo Ming immediately followed.......

About a quarter of an hour later,

Jing Liu's figure appeared in front of Luo Ming, with a scabbard without a long sword tied around his slender waist.

‘Yuehua immediately left Luo Ming without looking back, as if to show her loyalty, turned around and returned to the scabbard, then exposed a section of the sword and looked at Jingliu tentatively.

Jingliu snorted lightly, but did not say much, and continued to walk forward.

Luo Ming coughed twice.

He came to Jingliu and said with concern:"Why did you come out? You should rest well now and should not walk around."

Jingliu looked forward and said calmly:"She is your sister?"


Luo Ming nodded heavily

"Then why does she call you honey?"

"Because we have a better relationship"


Jing Liu sneered,"Then why did you come back to be with your sister who you have a very good relationship with?""

"Xianzhou is my home, of course I have to come back."Luo Ming tried to make himself look very sincere

"That was in the last life. Now your home is not in Xianzhou."

"No, in this life too."

Luo Ming came to Jing Liu, put his hands on her shoulders, and said seriously:"Home is where you are."

Jing Liu was stunned, and avoided Luo Ming's affectionate gaze as if she had been electrocuted. A faint intoxicating blush appeared on her fair and attractive neck.

"Let me go!"

Jing Liu slapped Luo Ming's hand away, avoided him and continued to walk forward.

Although his voice was still cold, it was no longer as cold as before.

Luo Ming laughed and hurriedly chased after him.......


""Hold on, brothers, the reinforcements will be here soon!"

A captain of the Cloud Cavalry, holding a battle knife, led a dozen soldiers and was resisting the attack of the rich evil creatures.

Behind them, several Cloud Cavalry soldiers were seriously injured and dying. If they were not treated in time, their lives would be in danger.

After Jianmu was resurrected, the Danding Division, which was closest to it, was also the most affected. Those originally docile spirit beasts, after being exposed to the breath of Jianmu, all turned into cruel and bloodthirsty rich spirit beasts.

The secret teachings of the Medicine King hidden in the dark also almost came out in full force, vowing to bring the glory of the Kind Medicine King back to the Luofu Fairy Boat.

In such a critical situation, a group of Cloud Cavalry troops were ordered to join the battlefield and fight with the enemy. They made great achievements in battle, but many soldiers were also in danger.


Among the rich evil creatures, the ape god, whose body was as huge as a hill, roared.

A thick shadow appeared behind it, and its momentum immediately began to surge, becoming more vigorous and violent, as if it would launch a blatant attack at any time.

""No, don't let it charge!"

The face of the captain of the Cloud Riders changed, he raised his formation knife, and almost without hesitation, rushed forward alone.

The power of the Ape God's heavy attack is very powerful, and it is a range attack. The battle formation they formed before was blown out by the heavy attack, resulting in several brothers being seriously injured.

If it is allowed to complete the charge, the entire team will almost certainly be wiped out.

Seeing the captain fearlessly rushing towards the Ape God, the Cloud Riders who fought desperately were all bloodshot, but they had no time to care about anything else, and could only watch their leader die tragically.

At this moment.

A silver sword light suddenly appeared on the battlefield.

With just one move, the Ape God, which was like a small mountain, was easily cut in half and smashed to the ground.

The captain of the Cloud Riders who was going to die was stunned, and the soldiers who formed a battle formation to resist the enemy were also stunned.

They watched the silver sword light chop melons and cut melons. Like a dish, he easily chopped those rich spiritual beasts into pieces.

The tragic and bloody battlefield fell into a dead silence.


The silver long sword turned upside down and fell into the scabbard.

The Cloud Cavalry soldiers looked over immediately, and in their sight, a slender figure stood quietly, with a long sword hanging on his waist. He looked like the world-famous lone swordsman in the ancient Xianzhou, which made people involuntarily admire him.

The captain of the Cloud Cavalry who was pulled out of death swallowed his saliva.

Legend has it that there are many masters hidden in the folk of Xianzhou. Almost no one in the Cloud Cavalry believed it, but now it seems that everything is true!

But before the captain of the Cloud Cavalry went over to thank the person who saved his life.

He saw the"master" trotting out and flattering a cold woman with a flattering smile:"Hey, Jingliu, don't walk so fast. What do you want to eat for dinner today? Master will make it for you personally."

The two figures quickly disappeared from sight.

The mouths of the Cloud Cavalry soldiers opened a little wider, and they felt something in their hearts snapped and shattered.......

Dandingsi is too big.

It is not much different from a complete city.

Luo Ming and Jing Liu spent nearly half an hour, cleaning up a lot of rich evil things, before they arrived at the Xingcha Ferry.

This is a real ferry.

Several Xingchas are quietly parked on the sea. Looking into the distance, there is an endless deep ancient sea with no end in sight.

"You really want to come here."

Luo Ming smiled and took Jing Liu's hand.

Just when he touched the thrilling softness, he was thrown out abruptly.

Jing Liu looked at the sea and said in a calm tone:"What do you mean?"

Luo Ming smiled and didn't mind,"If I'm not mistaken, the Scale Abyss Realm has been opened, and Huanlong has probably sneaked in. This Star Core Chaos should be over."

The Scaled Abyss Realm was originally a cave managed by the Chiming Clan. It is said to be an ancient sea wonderland transplanted from the Chiming's hometown world. After

Jianmu was cut off in that war (Emperor Bow Ascension to the God), its roots were tangled and never really died. The alliance decided to seal Jianmu into the Scaled Abyss Realm and hand it over to the Chiming Dragon Lord for generations to watch over, intending to use the power of the Chiming Dragon Lord to contain Jianmu.

But too much time has passed, and the inheritance of the previous generation of Dragon Lord has an accident, and the power of the seal is almost gone, which gives Huanlong the opportunity to sneak in.

As one of the seven messengers of the Destruction Star God, an energy creature without a physical body, Huanlong is absolutely capable of seeing Jianmu's body to implement his own plan of creation and destruction.

"Let's go, it's time for us to go on stage, otherwise Jing Yuan and Dan Heng alone won't be enough to keep Huan Long."

Luo Ming extended his hand to Jing Liu.

This time, Jing Liu did not refuse and gently handed over his hand.

The two entered the Xingcha side by side, and in the blink of an eye, they turned into a stream of light and drove rapidly towards the Linyuan Realm.

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