Star Emperor Tyrant

Chapter 1000: The advantages and disadvantages of Shenjin

"The sixth level of energy?"

Ji Min exclaimed.

Does such energy really exist in the universe?

Just think of the tertiary energy that humans still used a few years ago, such as nuclear fission, nuclear fusion, and so on. In recent years, dark matter energy was first developed and utilized, and then the existence of fifth-level biological energy was discovered.

Ji Min originally thought that the fifth-level biological energy is already the highest-level energy, because its quantity is too scarce for the universe, and biological energy can never become the basic operating energy of a civilization like the fourth-level dark matter energy. , Because there is too little bioenergy.

Compared to dark matter, which occupies more than 96% of the entire universe, it is not worth mentioning.

Ji Min always thought it was the end point for such a scarce energy. However, at this moment, Old Bai said that Divine Gold is the sixth-level energy, which is more advanced and more precious than the fifth-level energy.

This is simply incredible.

But thinking about the method of obtaining the gods' gold, Ji Min felt somewhat taken for granted.

The **** gold, which was produced at the cost of destroying large galaxies like the Milky Way, is right for its identity. This thing is almost difficult to produce in nature, and it must be guided by humans.

As for the Zerg who can discover this method, Ji Min no longer knows how to guess. Maybe it is because the worms are boring to play, and then he thinks of pulling the stars to hit the super-giant black hole!

The other people present were also surprised that this **** gold could radiate sixth-level energy.

The generals thought more.

"Lao Bai, can this sacred gold also bless the super giant gun and the positron combined gun?" Xi Tianlei asked first.

Several other generals also looked at him expectantly.

Mr. Bai nodded and said: "Theoretically, it is possible, but I have not done any experiment, but it is understandable to bless the Positron Combination Cannon. It is completely meaningless to bless the Super Giant Cannon. This kind of energy only seems to increase. The power of the super cannon does not increase the attack range. There shouldn’t be anything that can be resisted by the super cannon right now? The effect is the same with or without blessing. If hit by the super cannon, no matter what it is, it will definitely die!

"Also, the energy of every **** gold is limited, not infinite, so the use of **** gold must not be used unscrupulously. It is extremely difficult to obtain, extremely rare, and we only have it in our hands. This one, so you should pay attention when using it. It is not recommended to bless powerful weapons such as positron combined guns. Because such weapons are blessed, they need to consume a lot of energy. The best is to bless cold weapons. With very little energy, it can best exert its power!"

Speaking of this, Mr. Bai once again introduced: "We have tested the properties of the light emitted by the **** gold, and found that it is very strange. It can be attached to the surface of the object and will not disperse unless it attacks and consumes this energy, such as After a knife is blessed with the energy of the gods, if you save it and keep it still, then this energy will never disappear, the loss is extremely small, and the small is almost incalculable. Even if it is placed for a thousand years, Nian also exists. Until this knife attacks, all the energy will gather the blade, release it, and exert its terrifying power. This is its characteristic, long-lasting, and extremely cohesive, it will not dissipate naturally and wear out naturally. This is something that no other energy of the first level can do, even if it is biological energy, after it is released, it will quickly dissipate, without exception."

"After blessing the cold weapon, can I only use it once?"

Ji Min asked.

Just now, Ji Min clearly saw that the golden light on the arrow he pulled out of his hand had almost been consumed, and it was almost inaudible.

He believes that in this event, the energy of everything is always conserved. To break the defensive power of the mysterious gold mine, the power that needs to be consumed must be extraordinary, and the energy blessed by the gods of gold for the arrows will naturally be consumed.

That's why this question arises.

"According to the experiment, yes!" Bai Lao explained: "This kind of energy cohesion is very strong and will not be scattered. Once attacked, they will all gather and burst out instantly, exploding with very powerful power, amazing attack power. So after every attack, most or all of this blessing energy will disappear! This is a shortcoming that is not a shortcoming. If you want to continue to exert the power of the weapon, you need continuous blessing to keep the **** gold active. status."

"If you can only use it once, then the effect on the battlefield is not too great. According to what you said, you must keep it active and continue to bless the fighters. If it continues to be active, is it a waste of the energy of the gods? How to do it at the same time Only give blessings to one's own side, not to the enemy?"

Ji Min kept asking several questions in a row.

Old Bai smiled: " Your head is always so flexible, and you can grasp the key issues at a glance. This is the flaw of this **** gold!"

I saw Elder Bai said to everyone, "Although some things in this universe are amazing, they are not absolutely invincible, but relatively powerful. Just like the mysterious golden warships of the previous patrol corridor, in fact, all countries have found some. The less efficient way to deal with it, until we invented the super particle enrichment cannon, it was a positive restraint of the Xuanjin battleship, and the emergence of the **** gold, the invincibility of the Xuanjin battleship was completely gone, so as to push it, so the **** gold It is by no means invincible!"

"Just like the question asked by Xiaojun, if you want to bless your soldiers and weapons on the battlefield, you must activate it all the time, but doing so will waste a lot of energy. We only have one **** gold, which can’t stand it. It's so wasteful, so this usage is inappropriate, and it's destined to not be popularized. This is one of its shortcomings."

"Also, when this energy is facing an attack, its state is full of inertia and will not be defensive at all. Therefore, its blessing is not afraid of defensive power, only offensive power!"

"As for how we can only bless our side and not the enemy when fully activated, our scientific research department cannot solve this problem at present. Our scientific research department also learned from General Chen Xing about his encounter with the Zerg. The Zerg seems to have been in control. This is a unilateral blessing method, but we understand that the time for **** gold is too short, and I don’t think we can work out a method of blessing only one side and not the other side in a chaotic battlefield in a short time. Because according to us It is inferred that the way the Zerg controls the gods is the way within the cultivation system, and in this respect, it is precisely the weakness of our scientific research department!"

Mr. Bai said all the questions in one breath.

ps: There is only one chapter today, Cavin, my brain hurts when I think about it.

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