Star Emperor Tyrant

Chapter 1066: Trick

"Let the soldiers of the Royal Mecha Legion and the Central Legion pay attention. I'm going to use my tricks!"

Chen Xing commanded loudly.


The adjutant hurriedly issued orders to the Royal Mech Corps and the Central Corps.

Soon, the adjutant reported back: "General, the order has been delivered!"

"Okay, start the Thunder Project!"

Chen Xing commanded loudly.

Soon, the Space Mothership suddenly stopped attacking, floating in place and no longer turbulent. Then, his entire energy shield was getting bluer and thicker, and it seemed that it was increasing the thickness of the rain cover.

Suddenly, at a certain moment, above the energy shield, there was an extra layer of purple electric current flashing, and finally it got stronger and stronger, and finally turned into an extremely strong current flickering above the energy shield.

Then, the Space Mothership shook and began to accelerate.

Moreover, it completely gave up the offensive, so it rushed forward with the energy shield, leaving the Royal Mecha Legion and the Central Legion to fight in place.

Seeing that the Space Mothership finally stopped firing, the soldiers of the God's Punishment Corps finally felt relieved.

Although they are not afraid of death, they are destroyed every time they see the mothership of the universe. This feeling is uncomfortable. They all have a selfish idea, and they are praying in their hearts. The ship saw them.

Now that the Space Mothership stopped firing, they naturally breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing the speeding impact of the Space Mothership, many soldiers of the God Punishment Corps fired desperately, trying to block the steps of the Space Mothership, but it was of no use.

However, the Space Mothership has not stopped, but has accelerated.

Soon, the two sides were very close.

Some brains moved quickly, and they began to think of something, and the whole face changed.

"Quick! Get out of the way, it's going to hit us!"

That's right, this is Chen Xing's trick.

This trick is vulgar and impractical. It is difficult to see such a scene on the general battlefield. It is just like the cloned warship exploding itself. It is an act of self-harm.

In the universe, once the speed reaches a level, when they collide with each other, it will definitely hurt both sides.

If anyone wants to drive a warship to hit someone else, the biggest consideration is not whose warship is of good quality, but whether he is ready to die.

Dare to blatantly drive the tactics of hitting people with warships, it seems that only the Xuanjin fleet can do such a thing.

Naturally, the space mothership is not made by a cryptic mine.

But it just rushed forward abruptly like this.

At this moment, many of the warships that had reacted were too late to retreat, and could only watch the huge body of the space mothership slam into it fiercely.

At this moment, they also forgot to fire, and stared blankly.

Closer, closer, suddenly, "Boom!"

The first battleship that encountered the Space Mothership was stunned and hit by the Space Mothership. The whole was struck into a pile of scrap metal and exploded violently.

And the space mothership seemed to have no loss at all. It turned out that before the energy shield approached the battleship, the powerful and unmatched electrical energy above the energy shield instantly destroyed the battleship and caused it to explode violently. , And then the energy shield came into contact with it, and easily bounced off the wreckage of the battleship after the explosion.

The energy shield is most afraid of physical attacks. If you directly use the energy shield to withstand countless warships and slam into it desperately, I am afraid it will be a bit too much.

But this space mothership thought of a way to destroy the warship with powerful electrical energy before the energy shield touched the warship. In this way, the pressure on the energy shield was much smaller.

Although it was only this small change, it was really a genius idea to allow the space mothership to directly hit the tactics.

However, it is only the space mothership that can achieve such a function, and it is impossible for other warships.

The energy required to do so is simply astronomical, that is, the cosmic mothership stopped for a while to bless the energy with all its strength. It is enough to see how much energy the electric energy and the energy shield occupy?

Had it not been for a crystalline body of stellar energy in the cosmic mothership, it would have been impossible to provide such a huge amount of energy.

Therefore, this tactic can only be used by the Space Mothership.

However, this is enough.

I saw that after the successful collision of the Space Mothership, he immediately let go of his scruples and accelerated with full speed. No matter what it was in front, the battleships, mechas, and aircraft all hit directly.

I saw the crackling explosions of the battleship hit by the Space Mothership, but it couldn't stop the Space Mothership at all.

The cosmic mothership rushed forward frantically. Amidst the dumbfounding of the soldiers on both sides, it severely pierced the battle formation of the God Punishment Corps. The impact came down and created a huge unmanned belt on the battlefield.

The speed of the spaceship slowed down slightly until it broke out of the enemy

Even Chen Xing couldn’t remember how many battleships were crashed along the way. Anyway, from the moment he came into contact with the first battleship, he only felt an explosion in front of him, which even affected the spacecraft’s detection and reconnaissance system. It was suggested that the strength of the energy shield has been fluctuating between 95% and 100%, and he was very relieved, I am afraid it would have stopped long ago.

At this moment, he was out of the battlefield, and soon a map of the battlefield appeared on his flagship.

Suddenly, Chen Xing's eyes lit up and said:

"On the left, the enemy's rear army command center, speeding up the impact, will never give them a chance to escape!"

Under Chen Xing's order, the Space Mothership accelerated again and rushed towards Lei Gang's direction.

At this moment, Lei Gang was already dumbfounded. He didn't expect that the enemy would still have this hand. How to fight it? This big warship is really not only big, it even shows the suppression of all aspects of his technology, and his troops can hardly cause any harm to him.

If Lei Gang knew the classification of Lanster's military technology system at this moment, he would have thought that the technological content of this special warship had clearly reached the first level of Ghost Flower.

And it must be the best in the first order of the ghost flower, otherwise it will not be possible to form a complete technological crush on the God's Punishment Army.

But at this moment, he obviously didn't have time to think about things, and the whole person was tense.

"Come on, send the guards, let them go up and block, let's retreat!"

Lei Gang shouted loudly.

In an army that is brave and good at fighting, there must be no problems in command, otherwise the battle will be defeated. Lei Gang knows this very well, so he can only sacrifice other people to delay time. He cannot die, otherwise, the battle will be defeated. The new government has completely become a joke.


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