Star Emperor Tyrant

Chapter 1075: 1 back bite

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Star Emperor Tyrant

Chapter 1079

?Science Fiction?? Chapter 1079 A bite back Chapter 1079 A bite back article / Chengxue Word count: 2689:

Marshal Lin's words already contained a touch of solemnity.

"In fact, we can see some problems from the previous two battles. In the first battle, Ji Min commanded a force no better than ours, but he easily found loopholes in the line of defense of the patrol in the mobile battle. It can be achieved not only by Ji Min’s tactics alone. Without the cooperation of his generals, it is impossible. We have all seen that line of defense, and there is no problem at all, and we all know the commanding capabilities of the Owl Patrol Marshal. From all aspects, it is sufficient to explain that Ji Min’s generals may be able to recruit a lot of good fighters! In fact, if possible, I really don’t want us to take the initiative to attack and give up the line of defense that we have operated for hundreds of years. It is to attack the enemy's strength with one's shortcomings."

"I heard that Ji Min's best fighter is the domain commander. Ling Ming is just a general under the domain commander. I'm afraid this battle is dangerous and unpredictable!"

Huo Ming also sighed.

"Old man, are you scared?"

Marshal Lin smiled.

"Afraid? Of course I am afraid. I am afraid that you will not meet a good opponent. You can solve it without me. Doesn't it seem like I'm pretty good."

Huo Ming joked.

"Really? Then this battle will trouble you. After this battle, don't blame me for not giving you a chance to play!"

Marshal Lin laughed out loud.

Soon, dozens of units were separated from the Emperor Kuang Lan's army, and they scattered in all directions. Each unit had only one legion, or even less than one legion. They dispersed, and the army on the Star Alliance side Randomly gnawing on the battlefield.

It seems chaotic, but they are interlocking and pressing step by step, making people dazzling and unable to distinguish their intentions.

"To be able to perform a tentative attack so beautifully is simply art!"

On the far left of the Star League defense line, the commander of this section is the Eighth Merry. He stared at the number of enemy attacks on the star map in front of him, and couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

This is the first time he has participated in the command of such a large-scale war.

Ji Min gave them the greatest authority within their respective jurisdictions. As long as they were not in cooperation with Ji Min's actions, he was responsible for all the commands here.

He understood that this was the training opportunity Ji Min gave him.

Not only him, but every other domain commander is like this.

Therefore, he is not only staring at the battle situation in his own jurisdiction, but also at the whole battlefield at all times. Whether it is the opponent's offensive routine or the way of fighting on their side, he is thinking and learning seriously.

Speaking of which, they are also working hard to cultivate their own experience and methods of leading more troops, but from the virtual system to the reality, after all, there is a little gap.

So he cherishes this opportunity very much.

After this time, I must want to encounter such a large-scale battle again, but it is not easy.

"Domain Commander, there are two troops attacking our defense zone!"

The adjutant on the side said suddenly.

"Oh? Let me see!"

The Eighth Meteor Map was drawn, and the star map suddenly narrowed, revealing that outside his line of defense, two troops crossed and attacked. The two troops each had a legion strength, and their strength should not be underestimated.

"The trajectory of their actions? Huh... I know, it's so bold. Since it's so tempting and trapping, it clearly didn't put me in the eye. It just so happens that today, let you taste the power of my eighth romantic!"

The Eighth Merry saw the intentions of the two fleets at a glance. They were doing provocative action trajectories. They often opened fire when they were out of range and left with one blow. They had no love for war at all, but they were still reluctant to leave.

This is clearly trying to seduce him.

If you encounter a general who is uncomfortable, seeing this action, it is likely to rush out.

The Eighth Merry has long seen that several fleets are attacking other battles in the distance, but they have not tried their best. They are constantly adjusting their attacks according to the actions of these two fleets. They are clearly ready to cooperate with them at any time to encircle and annihilate them. Enemies lured out.

"Look at me in the most corner of the battlefield, thinking that your majesty can't take care of it, so I want to bully me. Unfortunately, my Eighth Merry is not so good to bully. If you want to eat me, it depends on whether you have such a good mouth! Are you ready to get a bite back?"

The eighth romantic sneered.

He stared at the battlefield coldly. Suddenly, seeing that the other party had once again lured, he withdrew and left, and the other fleets that had been coordinating saw that the lure failed again, so they moved away from each other and continued to focus on their attack area.

But at this point, the Eighth Merry suddenly ordered: "Angel Legion is attacking frontally! The Seventh Army, the Eighty-83th Army, and the Ninth-Third-Third Army will attack. Ten minutes later, regardless of the outcome of the battle, retreat immediately!"


The soldiers on the side gave orders immediately.

"My lord, do we want to inform General Anling next to me to cooperate?"

The adjutant suddenly suggested.

"It seems that your eyesight is getting longer recently! The fighter plane is fleeting, you don't need to notify, but don't worry, General Anzero's eyesight will not be worse than yours, he will cooperate!"

The eighth Merry smiled.

On the battlefield, the fleet of the Crazy Lan Empire has just been seduced and has already withdrawn. I thought it would be the same as before, without any results. Who knows that when they have left a long way away, when they are mentally relaxed, eighth The wind is flowing.

Moreover, the first action is the Thunder offensive. The three main armies come out together, with the extremely elite Angel Legion as the tip of the line, without the slightest hesitation, the first line is to accelerate without hesitation, and then slam into the enemy's two fleets.的阵中.

It seems that he is not afraid of a fight in the slightest, and he is coming fiercely.

The enemy was shocked.

Not only did their generals not expect it, but even the soldiers were unprepared, and all of a sudden, they lost their positions.

"Don't mess! Don't mess! End the battle, UU reading, we have reinforcements, hold on!"

The commanders of the two legions kept shouting. Under their constant orders, perhaps the word reinforcement gave the soldiers courage, but there was a trace of stability in the battlefield.

Seeing that this side was being attacked, the other offensive Kuang Lan Di ** regiments on both sides immediately prepared to evacuate the battlefield and go to encircle.

But how can it be so easy to evacuate?

They had been in accordance with the order they had received in advance. When the two legions were responsible for the lure, they would pretend to attack and support there at any time and encircle the enemy that was lured out. If the lure over there failed, then they would really attack and lure over there. The troops of the United States are responsible for support, and the two sides alternate with each other, traps are trapped, and they wait for the enemy to fall.

But this time the luring failed over there. They had just thrown into the real attack, but the other party suddenly attacked, and suddenly hit them seven inches above, only feeling extremely uncomfortable.

At this moment, suddenly the guards in front of them started to move, and several fleets appeared from the side to take their backs, and the commanders who were still fighting were suddenly frightened.

If they were copied, they would have to explain here today.

At this time, how can you care about your friendly forces, save your life first, and a few legion leaders broke their wrists, leaving a few battalions behind to drag the Uzbek's fleet, and ran away.

But the two legion leaders who were bitten by the angel legion saw their reinforcements thrown down and ran away. They almost vomited blood and saw several legions next door outflank them.

They can't manage that much anymore.

With an order, they threw down the troops in the two towns and fled.

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Star Emperor Tyrant

Chapter 1079

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