Star Emperor Tyrant

Vol 2 Chapter 1127: Expedition preparation

Star Emperor Tyrant

Chapter 1130 Expedition Preparation

?Science Fiction?? Article/Chengxue Words in this chapter: 2406:

Now he has a whole ten black gold fleet in his hands.

Add up to only 100,000 warships.

But the Berserker Army has armed 10 million soldiers in such a short period of time.

This is the maximum utilization of Xuanjin Mine.

Because an Alassteel tribe is transformed into a berserker, the basal gold mine consumed is too small compared to the basalt battleship. If it is not for worrying that the Alassel tribe can’t be suppressed, Ji Min will even be more armed. Many Berserkers are by no means limited to one legion.

But this is obviously unreasonable.

If the Aras steel clan grows bigger, it will be difficult for other ordinary troops to suppress the Berserker Legion.

Therefore, Ji Min's goal is, the wild army, he will only maintain a legion, at least if he has maintained such a large force as the patrol corridor, then there will always be only one legion.

And the guard corps of the other twenty domain commanders will all be turned into a black-gold battleship of a corps, and use the space mothership as the flagship. In this way, the berserker corps will become a sword in his hand to injure the enemy, instead of being able to Sword that hurts oneself.

Of course, the Berserker Legion is not necessarily better than the Xuanjin Warship.

At least, they can't complete the long-range raid mission alone, because the Berserkers cannot perform space jumps. They are living entities and it is impossible to install jumping equipment in their bodies.

They can only take a larger transport ship, follow the large forces to transfer, to the battlefield, and get off the transport ship, which is where they can show their power.

This restricts many of their performances in all aspects. Moreover, their logistical supplies are not simple. As far as eating is concerned, they need at least ten times the logistical supplies of other corps to satisfy them and maintain their combat effectiveness. .

It is okay to rely on them to win a war, but it is unrealistic to rely on them to expand territory and defend the country. Ji Min is not that stupid yet.

His goal was to establish the Berserker Army first, because they did use the least basal gold mines to form the greatest combat effectiveness, and then began to expand the number of basal gold battleships that command the guards in various domains on a large scale.

"The rest of the troops will take a moment! Collect the Berserkers and form a division, and then go to the Military Industry Department to find Chen Ding for the transport ship. You are among them on this expedition to the galaxy."

Ji Min said calmly.

"Yes! Your Majesty! This time, Percy, I must do something for your Majesty."

Percy said excitedly.

Everyone knows that Ji Min is going to expedition to the galaxy, but Ji Min has not announced how many people will be sent and which legions will be sent, so many people are speculating.

Being able to travel to the galaxy also means being able to make military merits. This is related to the position of the commander of the domain, and no one will not fight for it.

At the last meeting, Percy didn't listen, but was not there.

Their Arrassteel people are too big, and the meetings are all outside the venue.

Just like now, Ji Min just told his projection that he didn't bother to see him, otherwise, even if Percy was lying on the ground, Ji Min's neck would hurt.

"Percy, I heard that many of your Alassteel people are dissatisfied with me disbanding your army, especially those generals, who seem to have a lot of opinions. What about you? Is that the same way?"

Ji Min asked suddenly.

Percy was taken aback, afraid to look at Ji Min’s color, and hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, the final will be loyal and will never have such thoughts. It is the final that will personally hand over the head of Alamein to your majesty. In the end, the loyalty to your majesty can be learned from the sun and the moon, and there will never be any other thoughts, and in my opinion, your majesty’s approach is 100% agreed. My Aras steel clan is different from other tribes and has a natural advantage. There are also unavoidable flaws. Although our tribesmen are easy to practice and can easily reach the Qitian level, we have difficulty in giving birth and the number of tribesmen has not been able to increase. Therefore, your Majesty established the Berserker Legion and disbanded the ordinary Legion, which helps to help. We reduce casualties. Those who are dissatisfied with your Majesty must be short-sighted people. Your Majesty must not take it to heart."

Percy was very worried at the moment.

Ji Min had just dealt with tens of millions of traitors from the Kuang Lan Empire. If Ji Min had done something with them Alas Steel Clan, it would be an absolute disaster.

No matter how many survivors of the Crazy Lan Empire died, there was little feeling, but everyone in the Alaska Steel Clan was a rare population. He didn't want to make Ji Min misunderstand their Alaska Steel Clan because of some villains.

Ji Min also recognized Percy's words quite well.

"If you can think of it this way, that's the best. I gave the Salas Steel Clan so many mysterious gold mines, but it's not for you to resent me. I can leave it to you to deal with this matter as soon as possible. The galaxy is running out of time, so be prepared. This time, the Berserker Army should be able to come in great use."

Ji Min ordered.

"Yes! Your Majesty!"

Percy took the order, and soon his figure disappeared.

After Percy left, Ji Min fell into deep thought.

He began to think about who he should take to the Milky What is the current state of the Milky Way, he didn’t know, but he knew it would definitely not be a smooth journey, because there were robots there, and Jiang Tie had discovered it before Interracial figure.

This alien technology does not seem to be inferior to that of humans. It will definitely take a long time to develop from a normal race to the current technology of humans.

It is also enough to prove that its population is huge and it will definitely not be like a human being. It is purely a nouveau riche.

Even with the wormhole entrance of the Monster Vendor Star, it is difficult to develop like humans.

Because human space jumping technology and artificial wormhole technology are almost developed by our own coincidence, the monster star does not mean invincibility. What is needed behind this is the support of huge evolution stones. Other races are not as good as humans. Fortunately, he has a Zerg royal mother crystal that can catalyze mutant beasts.

You know, even the Zerg’s royal mother crystals have different effects. He Tie’s ability is almost his unique ability. Therefore, this human method of producing evolution stones is basically impossible to replicate. .

Without a large number of evolution stones, even with the entrance to the Monster Vendor Star, it would only be one step faster than the Tula clan in the Star Alliance, and would not be able to completely become a nouveau riche like humans.

We must know that from the first time human beings entered the Monster Vendor Star and returned to the present, technology has always erupted like an eruption, and basically has not stopped. This is the benefit of mastering the Monster Vendor Star and conquering the patrol corridor.

There is still a long way to go before human beings want to completely master all the current technologies and integrate them into their own technologies to benefit the people and integrate into all places of life.

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Chapter 1130 Expedition Preparation

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