Star Emperor Tyrant

Vol 2 Chapter 1163: Pressure Naxi

It didn't take long for Naxi to receive a reply.

Lin Yun contacted him again and told him that his Majesty had agreed to his surrender and also agreed to his conditions.

Naxi's hanging heart finally let go.

However, Lin Yun also told him again that the specific conditions of surrender need to be discussed after his majesty arrives. During this time, the Star Dragon Empire will not act on the Smona Iron Clan.

This made Naxi really confused about what Ji Min was thinking.

So he can only wait.

And Lin Yun, like Naxi, is also waiting. Ji Min heard that he was doing a class, and he invited many experts and professors. He could reach the speed of the Tosso galaxy within a few days at a normal speed. Ji Min had gone twice. It's just a week.

During this time, Ji Min hadn't seen anyone, and had been attending classes on the Space Mothership. During the period, he also recruited the blue and green clothes that were left in the patrol corridor. He didn't know why.

Not to mention Naxi, even Lin Yun, Bu Chengxue and other domain commanders couldn't figure out what Ji Min was thinking.

It was not until two weeks later that Ji Min suddenly sent a message, asking all the domain commanders and the blue and green clothes to gather together and summoning Naxi at the same time.

When Naxi arrived, Ji Min had been in the mothership for a long time with the domain commander, the blue-green suit and others, and Naxi had been waiting nervously outside.

In the past two weeks, he has been very anxious every day.

After announcing the surrender, the entire Smona Iron tribe was in a weird state. All the people in the tribe understood him, and he was not to blame, but Ji Min did not send anyone to receive it, nor did he send anyone to control the army.

The only change in the entire Smona Iron tribe was as if he had announced a surrender.

No one cares, and there is no change. The Smona Iron Clan is still the original Smona Iron Clan, and there is no change at all. The more so, the more unstable Naxi is.

What happened to Ji Min's delay? Is there something more important than accepting the surrender of the Smona Iron tribe?

At this moment, he was finally about to see real Ji Min again.

He had also seen Ji Min once in Monster Vendor Star before, but it was a pity that he stood too far away and didn't see clearly at all.

Only now did he understand how powerful Ji Min was.

Occupying the Monster Vendor Star is just the tip of Ji Min's iceberg. In the universe, Ji Min's power is still huge and frightening.

I don't know how long I waited, but suddenly, a soldier came to send a message.

"Naxi, your majesty summoned! Come with me!"

Naxi stood up at once.

He didn't answer, and followed the soldier in a small spaceship, ejected from the battleship, and headed directly to the space mothership.

Perhaps only by approaching the Space Mothership can we appreciate its hugeness. Although she had been psychologically prepared for a long time, Naxi was amazed by the sheer size of the Space Mothership and was grateful for how correct his previous decision was.

With such a huge battleship, he really couldn't even think about it. He didn't even have a bit of intelligence before. If the Smona Iron Clan wanted to fight the Star Dragon Empire, there was no chance of winning at all.

Now may be the best ending for the Smolnar Iron tribe.

Passing through the energy shield, flying over the densely packed warship parking area, and passing through some unknown functional areas, the spacecraft finally docked in a small aerospace port.

And he also followed the soldier out again.

As soon as it came out, there was a speed car ready for a long time.

Within the battleship, there was still a speed car that needed to travel, once again allowing Naxi to understand how big the battleship he was standing on now was.

Not long after riding the speed car, he stopped, and was taken into a room by the soldiers.

Lin Yun, who I had seen, was sitting in it. In addition, there were other people who had done research. These people were all domain commanders of the Star Dragon Empire, and they were all figures with real power.

Once he surrenders, these people are his immediate bosses, and he can't offend anyone alone.

At the top, a person is sitting with his back facing away, only the arm holding the arm of the chair can be seen.

This person must be Ji Min.

Naxi knelt down and said loudly, "Submit him to Naxi, see your majesty, and see all the sirs!"

During this period of time, Naxi, the human language, has learned very well. At this moment, there is actually no sense of disobedience.

"Get up!"

Ji Min said quietly.

As Ji Min turned around, Naxi finally saw Ji Min’s real-life appearance. This person is absolutely young among humans, but the heavy pressure made him dare not look any more and took a look. , He lowered his head again.

As far as he knows, Ji Min's current age is only about twenty years old. This young age belongs to the Smana Iron Clan, who are all minors.

But the emperor in front of him has been fighting on the battlefield for many years, and the blood on his men is more than anyone he has ever seen.

"Thank your majesty!"

Naxiy gave a thank you, then stood up.


Ji Min shouted suddenly.

"The minister is here!"

"The impression you left on Lin Yun is very good! This made him ask for credit for you many times in front of and said a lot of good things for you, saying that you gave up for the sake of the Smona Iron Clan It’s a person worthy of reuse, but I didn’t tell him that I have a piece of information prepared by robots for me. They have close contacts with you, and their understanding of you far surpasses those of us here, I Saying that you are a person who can't give up self-interest for the sake of the Smolina, do you...want to excuse?"

Ji Min suddenly said leisurely.

Everyone present was shocked, even Lin Yun was taken aback, his face suddenly embarrassed.

It is not that he has not investigated Naxi, but the result of his investigation is that Naxi has a high reputation among the people of the Smona iron tribe. He gathers huge public opinion in one person, and such a person naturally cannot be a bad person.

But Ji Min's words really made Lin Yun suddenly embarrassed.

The people may be deceived, but it is impossible for his partner to deceive. The robot has surrendered now, and naturally there is no need to cheat him. Then the information given by the robot is absolutely true.

But Naxi knelt on the ground in shock.

He only knew that Ji Min had suppressed the evil tyrant's power, but he didn't expect that the robot even sorted out his information and handed it to Ji Min. This is really a hundred secrets!

"The minister dare not defend!"

Naxi lowered his head deeply and said in a deep voice.

"I dare not, it seems that you still want to argue..."

"No! I don't want to... everything that your Majesty said is true. I did have a bad mind. I seized this opportunity to gather power while other clan elders were running away. In order to gain the trust of the people, order to deceive your majesty to reuse me, to gain real power, and not to become an ordinary surrender...the surrender should die for the crime, please punish your majesty!"

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