Star Emperor Tyrant

Vol 2 Chapter 1193: Tu Xing

Star Emperor Tyrant Chapter 1196 Slaughter the Star

?Science Fiction?? Chapter 1196 Tu Xing Chapter 1196 Tu Xingwen/Chengxue Words in this chapter: 2531:

Soon, the high-level of the Hu army passed the plan to change the decoy as the main attack.

The decoys that were swaying in the star-patrolling corridor at the beginning suddenly turned around suddenly, and began to go straight to the star regions of the Star Dragon Empire, and began to attack the Star Dragon Empire.

Such a massive attack really made all the local troops feel uncomfortable.

They neither dared to send troops to fight head-on, nor were they able to abandon the people and leave. They could only follow from a distance, and some were hiding among the people, preparing to engage in ground contact with each other.

It didn't take long for the star field to be occupied by Hu people.

After all, it is impossible to resist the enemy's attack only by the number of local troops.

In the southern star field, there is a star named Chikan.

It is an ordinary legion of the Hu clan that is responsible for attacking this planet, and of course, it is also an affiliated race legion.

They met with stubborn resistance.

It turns out that this planet is not simple. Most of the people who live here are mecha enthusiasts, and there are countless mecha schools, mecha shops, and mecha factories.

It can be said that all the economy and culture of this planet exist around mechas.

Here, every year there is a mecha contest and a school’s mecha competition. I can’t say that every household has no mecha, but on average every adult has a mecha. This is normal.

Every year, many mecha masters are born here, and they are well-known far and wide.

Moreover, the people of Chiguan star love mechas, are accustomed to martial arts, and the people are sturdy people. They are very famous and difficult people. Many people in the Southern Star Region heard that someone came from Chiguan star immediately. He is a mecha master, and he has a bad temper and is not easy to provoke.

This is everyone's first impression of them.

Of course, Chi Guan Xing invested in the embrace of the Star Dragon Empire along with the original Five Nations Alliance. He did not expect that their mecha industry not only did not languish, but became even more popular.

Because the Star Dragon Empire attaches great importance to mecha.

There are a large number of mechas in the army, which not only requires more powerful mecha technology, but also more excellent mecha fighters.

The most sensational thing about Chiguan was that the Star Dragon Empire’s scientific research department sent high-level officials to Chiguan Xing to personally invite all mecha masters to join the scientific research department. He was given the Black Iron Medal as soon as they met, transferred to the scientific research department, and helped the Imperial Aircraft. Upgrade of A.

And with the arrival of people from the scientific research department, there are also a large number of recruits from the army.

They even let out the words, as long as they are from the Red Stars, as long as they graduate to adulthood, they will receive them all, and they can start from the small captain of the army's grassroots mecha unit.

At that time, Chi Kan Xing was very hot for a while because of these two things.

Countless large enterprises and companies have set up branches in Chiguanxing, and they have funded various schools. One after another mecha contests have continuously emerged, which has also led to the continuous rapid growth of Chiguanxing's economy.

Today, the sudden attack of the Hu clan annoyed the people of Chi Guanxing.

They all walked out of the house one after another, putting on the mechas they had treasured for a long time.

The sudden outburst of combat power by the Chi Guanxing people caused a big loss to the Hu clan troops who came to attack.

The landing troops sent out in the first wave did not even come out of a blister, and they were gone.

The commander of this legion was very annoyed and immediately sent additional landing troops to take the planet.

But before long, the adjutant had a bad face and reported again: "General, the resistance of this planet is very tenacious. It seems that the people have spontaneously organized resistance. Their combat power is not weak, and our landing troops have suffered heavy losses! "

"Trash! A bunch of trash!"

The commander cursed loudly: "The opposing garrison is afraid to come over to fight us from a distance. You tell me that our elite fighters can't beat a group of local people? It's my training for you. Are you relaxed?"


The adjutant dared not say a word of shock.

"Give you another chance to increase your troops again. Within an hour, you must take it down, otherwise, you will go back to me and be a soldier!"

The general yelled at him and stopped saying more, and then went on to report to his superiors and colleagues.

The adjutant ran down and crawled, and then in a fit of anger, all the warships of the whole army began to eject the landing troops, accompanied by countless landing ships, and then passed through the thick atmosphere and began to storm the Red Star.

Its huge number almost immediately flooded the entire sky of Chikan Star.

Obviously it was during the day, as if Chi Guan Xing had entered the night at once.

With such a terrifying number of enemies, not only did not scare the Chikan Star Mecha divisions, but instead made them high in fighting spirit, one by one, they couldn't wait to soar into the sky and started fighting.

Suddenly, the whole sky seemed to be like dumplings, and both sides were constantly being destroyed and falling down.

If you look closely, you will find that most of the fallen soldiers are Hu clan warriors.

All the people of Chiguanxing are all soldiers at this moment, and they are playing to the fullest.

It didn't take long for the adjutant's face to turn pale.

Because judging from the current war situation, I am afraid that their landing troops have a feeling that they can’t get it How does this make him go to the chief?

Although the opponent's number occupies a disadvantage, but there are many masters, especially the mecha in the opponent's hands, the game is really too smart, and many people are almost crushing his troops.

On the contrary, his troops also have some masters in landing operations, but the proportion is very small, and they can't match the opponent at all.

No way, he can only report to his boss again where the war is anxious.

And the boss was angry, and immediately ordered the battleship to aim at Chi Guan Xing and kill Xing!

Suddenly, countless battleships with billion guns were equally famous.

Almost instantly, the entire Chiguan star turned into a sea of ​​lava.

Countless children, old people, and women died of unfavorable lives.

And the mecha divisions who were in the battle suddenly fell into madness, fighting more desperately, and even chasing some enemies out of the atmosphere, but such mechas are generally set on fire by battleships, instantly Died unfavorably.

This is a cruel war. With the loss of ground support and supplies, the number of mecha fighters on the star continues to decrease, and they can’t even escape. As long as they get out of the atmosphere, they face the enemy’s concentrated fire. At this time, No matter how powerful the mecha technology is, it won't work.

In less than half an hour, as the mecha energy continued to run out.

More and more heroic soldiers died.

The garrison troops of the Star Dragon Empire watching and watching from a distance flowed with tears and were heartbroken, but they were unable to help. Almost all of the Chiguan Star, billions of people, died unfavorably, and even the Chiguan Star was destroyed. It is almost impossible to be inhabited by intelligent races in the future.

The only people who survived the disaster were a few black metal mechas that escaped the firepower net, were taken by the local garrison, and then fled.

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