Star Emperor Tyrant

Vol 2 Chapter 1277: Amethyst vein

Soon, evil tyrant came to an inconspicuous leisure room in the base.

Speaking of speaking, once intelligent robots become saints, they will get closer and closer to creatures. They begin to have more desires, and they are no longer as before, just busy at work.

They also began to chase and enjoy.

Therefore, such a large number of Xingjue fighters in this base has also brought about the rise of a large number of entertainment and leisure facilities.

And in this inconspicuous lounge is where the evil tyrants and others gather.

Entering the secret room, it is already full of people, roughly, the number of people is no less than hundreds.

After seeing the evil tyrant, some people all stood up and called the evil king.

However, most of the people are sitting in their seats and motionless. To be honest, it is a very embarrassing thing for a group of star warriors to salute a smart robot that has just melted. The more powerful people don’t even bother to act, and they don’t take a straight look at the evil tyrant. You must know that the evil tyrant walked in the base before, but he relied on other star warriors to protect him. Otherwise, the galaxy would be bad. Under the circumstances, it is difficult for him to survive, let alone other things.

However, the evil tyrant did not care at all, and he gave a courtesy, then came to the top seat and sat down and said:

"Everyone, we are all people who are deeply persecuted by guards and other high-levels. They are not worthy of leading us, nor are they worthy of leading Mang Yuan. Now that we have made a decision to resist them, we must take action. Recently, Xinglong The empire’s actions are very strange. It seems to be targeting our base. We can’t sit still. Ji Min and I have cooperated many times. Therefore, we can take down a few guards and hand them to Ji Min in exchange for peace. We can exchange for absolute safe time and lay the foundation for our strength."

As soon as the evil tyrant finished talking, no one agreed, and no one spoke. They all appeared very calm.

The evil tyrant was not surprised either, it seemed that everyone's reaction had been in his expectation.

The above words are too high-sounding, the content is empty, and there is no real content. Who can become a star warrior, who is not a battle-skilled, superior in wisdom, they are not like evil tyrants, who rely on the assistance of amethyst to break through, they are It was Mang Yuan that he managed to reach this point through thousands of years of hard work, and it was precisely because they were Star Heroes fighters that they were recruited by the guards.

They wouldn't be incited by a few casual words of evil tyrants.

I saw the evil tyrant continue to say: "Presumably everyone knows that although we are a joint organization, everyone comes here for different purposes. Some are for money, some are for power, and some are because of friends in the last war. He died in battle and retaliated for guarding, but I believe that there is one thing that everyone will want, that is to live and get a lot of amethyst mine."

When it came to the amethyst mine, all the people present were not indifferent, and they began to feel moved. Many people turned their heads to the evil tyrant and motioned him to continue.

"This time my breakthrough, I almost didn't encounter any obstacles. The amethyst mine perfectly realized the deposit of our spiritual consciousness. When the head was tempered, there was almost no risk. Then the spirit was melted, and the success rate was almost close. One hundred percent, such a cosmic treasure, I think everyone will not let it go. According to my observation, there must be a huge amethyst ore vein hidden in this galaxy, in the vast dust. I must have seen it. , When the Xingjue soldiers made a noise, the guard agreed to increase the reward, and there was no delay in the distribution. Mangyuan did not have so many amethyst mines, so these amethyst mines can only be on the side of the Leapfrog System, the Star Dragon Empire Guarding all the star fields outside the galaxy, our teleportation simply cannot move such a large distance, jumping over the defensive star field of the Star Dragon Empire. This is proof that as long as we find this amethyst vein, we will have a lot of It’s not difficult to buy all the fighters in this base. When the time is right, our power can easily surpass the guards, Kui, Qiu and others. When the time comes, we will take them in one fell swoop, and then I and Ji Min Contact, hand over the guards and others to him, we will be able to make peace with the Star Dragon Empire, and then survive, and get countless amethyst mines at the same time. At that time, everything will be under our control, and we will advance and retreat calmly."

This time, many of you were moved.

Evil bully's words almost resonated with them.

In fact, it is not a secret that there is a huge amethyst vein in the Milky Way galaxy. Many people can think of this as long as they speculate a little.

But before, I used to hold myself to look for it slowly, and I found the property that belonged to me. I never thought about sharing it with others. Now it is the first time that the evil tyrant has taken it to the face.

What's more, what the evil tyrant said is very reasonable. The collective power is definitely greater than the individual's strength, so it is easier to find, and according to the evil tyrant's method, it can break 100% of the control of the base by the guards and others.

As long as they get the amethyst mineral vein, buy a large number of star warriors, and guard a few people to become a polished commander, who will be afraid of him?

In this way ~ whether it is hate guarding, or just for money, for power, all can be satisfied. This is a plan that can completely unite everyone.

"Why do we give the guards and others to Ji Min? Ji Min can't help us now, why bother to seek cooperation with them, and wait a long enough time, maybe the intelligent robots we release will bring us huge I’m afraid that Ji Min will be our prisoner at that time."

A voice suddenly sounded.

Obviously, someone did not fully agree with all the evil tyrant's words, and raised objections, at least, when facing Ji Min, he chose not to agree.

Evil Bully glanced at the talking Xingjue Warrior, and said, "This is one of my proposals, because I know Ji Min best. He is not a person who sits and waits for death. We release the intelligent robot and he will see it. It is impossible without any. Although even I don’t know how to prevent the upcoming robot frenzy from the standpoint of the Star Dragon Empire, I know that Ji Min will never just wait for it, and his next step is the biggest It may be to deal with us. For Ji Min, we are in the center of the galaxy, like a thorn in the throat, we must get rid of it quickly. During this time, Ji Min's actions outside the galaxy prove this point. Waiting for someone to talk with them will be able to slow down Ji Min's hands on us. This is something we must do.

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