Star Emperor Tyrant

Vol 2 Chapter 1293: Evil tyrant leaves

Star Emperor Tyrant Picture Chapter 1288

?Science Fiction?? Chapter 1288 Evil Tyrant Leaving Chapter 1288 Evil Tyrant Leaving Text/Chengxue Number of words in this chapter: 2457:

"Ji Huang! How can you keep delaying, our affairs are busy, if we can't start the equipment as soon as possible, then please forgive us for being rude, we have to return home, we have been delayed here for too long, we still have a lot of Research has been at a standstill..."

A trembling old man made a hoarse voice, and kept mumbling.

The same was true of several elderly people nearby, with a look of anger.

Who would dare to be so rude to Ji Min? So domineering?

However, it can be seen from the expressions of the guards next to them that they did not care, but Ji Min did not let them control.

They are scientists of the Lanster family, that is, the leader of the scientific research personnel responsible for launching the extragalactic equipment.

These people are scientific madmen, not to mention the emperor, even if the heavenly king Lao Tzu stands in front of them, he will have to spit out his temper.

Ji Min could only laugh bitterly. He really couldn't make it clear. He could also understand these researchers. Like the old Bai and others, they had devoted their entire lives to research and had no time for a moment.

This time, after they arrived, they have been doing nothing for several months. First, they waited for two months. I expected that after the equipment was ready, they would start the equipment immediately and go home after things were done, but they didn’t expect it to be because of Ji Min’s plan. The change was delayed for another month.

I don't know what Ji Min is doing. Seeing that one month is about to become two months, and there is no sign of stopping, it seems that they have to wait forever, they can't stand it.

One by one, they rushed directly to Ji Min's flagship.

It is even more threatening. If they do not turn on the equipment immediately, they will leave and return to the country.

Ji Min will never give in to ordinary people, but these people are different. They are all scientists. For this kind of people, Ji Min respects the most, regardless of the race.

They are all great people.

And now he is still cooperating with the Lansters, so he can’t offend the Lansters. It’s up to them to turn on the device. Ji Min understands that although the device hasn’t been turned on yet, the time is fast. The device is a must. Open it, unless he doesn't want to get rid of those madmen who have evolved from robots.

It took a long time to persuade these old men to go out.

Ji Min was sweating.

For these stubborn and paranoid old men, what power or interest is completely useless, and can only be worn slowly.

After this group of Lanster researchers left, they boarded the spacecraft that returned to their residence. At first, everyone was silent and no one spoke. Suddenly, one person said: "Is this urging Ji Min, will he be born? Doubt? Maybe we should be more relaxed, at least we should not push him too eagerly, so that we are too impatient."

"It's okay!"

The lead old man said: "This time we performed very well. This is in line with the identity of a scientific researcher. If we have not urged it, it will be a little unsightly. How can a group of scientific lunatics wait for nothing without doing anything? Complaint? I have a hunch, Ji Min should use us soon."

"Yes! That's right!"

"Well, it makes sense."

Inside the spacecraft, several other people agreed.

Seeing that everyone agreed, the leader said again: "This time, everyone must calm down. You must remember your identity, that is, a scientist who has been studying for a lifetime. After returning, be sure not to expose it. Now the equipment is everywhere. The soldiers of the Star Dragon Empire are patrolling, and we must not disclose it, otherwise the consequences are unimaginable. This time, the Star Dragon Empire must be destroyed in one fell swoop, and Ji Min’s legend should end here."

"Haha...We must destroy the Star Dragon Empire and get rid of Ji Min!"

"That's a great achievement..."

Soon, there was a burst of laughter from the spacecraft.

After dealing with this group of unexpected guests, Ji Min once again turned his attention to the situation in front of him.

The spacecraft and Amethyst promised to prepare for the evil tyrant were already ready to be completed, and it was time to contact the evil tyrant. Ji Min dialed a signal address that the evil tyrant had left him.

It didn't take long for it to be dialed and received over there.

The evil tyrant's figure appeared in front of Ji Min again.

"Ji Min, you contact me now, it seems that Amethyst is almost full, right? Presumably you are trying to urge me to complete the agreement at the time."

"Yes, according to the agreement, what I should do has already been done, and what you should do should be done. I want to see the guard's head!"

Ji Min said unceremoniously.

"Don't worry! Guarding is already lonely at the moment. After three days, I will ask someone to send his head to your hands to ensure that you have a fruitful harvest!"

Evil tyrant replied and hung up the communication.

Seeing the evil tyrant's response so freely, Ji Min knew in his heart that this evil tyrant probably didn't intend to act according to the agreement. It seemed that his little expectation before was really delusional.

I am afraid that evil tyrants have this ability to seize the guard, and he will not let himself do what he Come, contact the troops in front, notify the Xuanjin fleet to withdraw, and send the army to seize the Universe with amethyst. Ship. At the same time inform General Bu Uncle, start the plan! "

Ji Min immediately ordered.


Naturally someone passed the order.

At the other end, the evil tyrant personally cut off the connection and looked around, and saw that all his subordinates who were loyal to him were standing by his side, and his place was no longer in the galaxy, but in a spaceship.

It is the space mothership.

"Ji Min, ah Ji Min... You want me to do things for you. I want to be beautiful. I am in the spaceship you sent me now. If you have the ability, you can catch me again?"

The evil tyrant laughed and said excitedly.

Obviously, he was very happy to be able to put Ji Min together, and after so many years, he finally found a little comfort in Ji Min.

"Evil King, this cosmic mothership is really quite good. It is not much different from the most advanced warships of our Teng Snake series. We have already checked. The entire warship is fully functional, all available, and far The army of the nearest Star Dragon Empire also needs half an hour to arrive, and we can set sail at any time!"

A star fighter took the opportunity to report.

He is very confident, but this is normal. If he wants to use his hands and feet on a battleship, how can he hide them from the saints who evolved from intelligent robots?


Evil Ba waved his hand and said, "Start immediately, accelerate, and then jump. Ji Min can’t give Ji Min a little time to react. With the amethyst mine on the ship, we can make a comeback at any time, and now leave here to find our star area!"

"Yes! Evil King!"

The crowd responded in unison.

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