Star Emperor Tyrant

Chapter 561: Public enemy of the universe

With just one blow, thousands of warships in the robot fleet were destroyed by this strange attack.

Even the Eighth Merry, I was stunned. He did play game wars with generals such as Mofeng and Bloodblade, but they were all on paper, but they were based on the number of troops, technical strategies, etc., to win or lose, but never Have seen the real battle of the Royal Gods army.

Seeing such a huge offensive power of the Royal God Clan, the eighth romantic brows furrowed deeply, thoughtfully.

And this blow also completely ignited the fury of the violent wind. With an order, three armies of the robot army came out, attacking from the left and right and from below. With such a huge army attack, the three of them naturally Will not sit and wait for death, only to see countless Royal Gods armies appear among the many behemoth ships.

As soon as these armies appeared, they gathered and lined up skillfully, one square after another, completely defending the Royal Gods and the Eighth Merry Fleet. The defensive defense, the offensive offense, coordinated perfectly, stopped the robot army. Fight together.

As the war between the two sides progressed, the killer moves on both sides continued, you come and I go, the casualties continue to increase, and the chaos of this starry sky is unbearable.

At this time, Tutian, the flagship of the Black Dead Army, looked at the intelligence and hesitated.

"General, in my opinion, we should go to war at this time. At this time, the two sides are not fighting. It is a good opportunity for us to take the opportunity to attack. The situation of this mysterious fleet is almost explored. It is obviously the second heaven. The reinforcements of the empire were actually deceived by them at first. They thought it was three hundred super fleets. It turned out to be only three million troop carriers. The fighting turned out to be based on soldiers in troop carriers, so we don’t have to be afraid at all. We take action, and neither side of the war will escape death.”

A general led the voice.

"No, once we move, the robots and the mysterious fleet will no longer be able to exert such force. They will definitely stop the war against us," another general suggested.

"I'm afraid that they have been fighting for a long time. There is still a few hours away from the battlefield. If we don't take the initiative to attack in advance and miss the fighter, it will be difficult to clean up the two sides in one fell swoop." The previous general refused to accept.

"All right"

Seeing that everyone had a bigger dispute, Tutian couldn't help but stop him.

"In this battle, so far, neither side has hurt the bones, so we continue to wait, we must wait for a suitable time, so that we can win the battle."

"What the general said is quite true. I will wait to obey the general's order and wait a while." Everyone said to the sky, naturally happy and relaxed, observing the intelligence one by one, and stopped talking.

At this moment, Tutian suddenly said: "Come here, quickly transfer the information we have collected to the Gem Star Region, so that General Tusuo will be prepared, and I will send back the situation here at any time. "

Everyone saw that the Gods and the robots had a great time fighting, and the casualties on both sides were very heavy, especially the robot fleet. The reduction can be seen, and they think that the two sides are now consuming each other's forces, as long as they wait until At the last moment, sending troops in one fell swoop will surely defeat the enemy.

But now, after careful observation, Tutian discovered that the mysterious fleet was actually not damaged, at least equivalent to that fleet.

If those huge warships are only troop carriers, not warships like humans, then the space in their bodies must be very large. That is to say, the number of troops that can be stored in them must be much more than that of human warships of the same size. Come, the number of fighters lost so far is not a big deal, at least for the mysterious fleet.

Seeing this, Tu Tian suddenly felt that General Tu Suo should be notified.

According to General Tusso’s overall strategic policy, if humans are strong, they will suppress humans and will not hinder robots from supporting the frontline. If robots are strong, they will feign a little to attract the robot fleet, so that robots will not have too many troops to support the frontline. Maintain a three-way unbeaten balance, and then consume the war potential of humans and robots.

But now there is a force that is obviously the reinforcements of the Second Heaven Empire assaulting the Sco Star Region, and depending on the situation, the robot is obviously out of enemy. In this case, he has to consult General Tusuo.

Because once the robots in the Sco Star Region are destroyed, humans have the advantage. In this case, he has to contact General Tusso to fully attack the Second Heaven Empire.

And he didn't know the next action of this mysterious fleet, so he had to inform General Tusso that the situation had changed, no matter what it turned out, it was always good to prepare early.

At this moment, Tutian could see the problem, and the Eighth Romance could naturally also be seen.

The fighting power of the Gods is beyond expectations. He believes that the current Gods fleet should still have its hands. Just looking at the ease of battle, you know that they are not using their full strength. Waves of Gods warriors are engaged in the battle. Not fast or slow, every wave of soldiers is not too much, not the slightest chaos, and it feels like you are ready.

The Eighth Merry believes that even if all the opponent’s robots fight all the lights, it will not hurt the roots of this Royal Gods fleet, because the ratio of deaths between the two sides is really too big, and every God Gods warrior kills and wounds thousands of people, the other side The fleet of robots will damage dozens of warships.

Such a battle was not the battle he wanted.

"Come here, get through the communications of the three generals, and say that the Eighth Merry has something to do with you."

Soon, under the order of the signal soldier, Jianlong, Mofeng, and Bloodblade met again with the Eighth Merry Video.

"Brother Why are you looking for us now? Now the war is a tense moment, we have to direct the battle," Bloodblade said directly and mercilessly.

The Eighth Merry laughed and said: "Brother Blood Blade, this robot fleet is nothing. Even if it is faced by my Second Heaven Empire, it will be like a chicken dog. There are several generals in the army, I don’t think What difficulties can these troops that don’t even have a super fleet cause you? This army is just a meeting gift from the other side. I think their high-level has already left, and they won’t stay here and wait for death.”

The Eighth Romance has this inference, naturally because the opponent does not have a super fleet. Otherwise, if the evil tyrant appears, how can there be no super fleet to follow?

"If it's true as the brother Fengliu said, then this robot family is really difficult to deal with. So many armies say to give up and give up. If it is allowed to develop, this race will probably become an extremely difficult character in this universe. "Blood Blade said with an ugly face.

"It's not if, but now they have become difficult characters. It is impossible for us to destroy them at the moment. Do you know how our emperor evaluates them? They are now public enemies of the universe" Eighth Merry said indifferently.


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