Star Emperor Tyrant

Chapter 701: Space Mothership

"This is a good thing, what's the matter?"

Ji Min asked in doubt.

The plan proposed by the chief engineer made Ji Min's heart bright. Now human warships still haven't stepped out of the shadow of the previous federation. Although the army's combat power has been improved by increasing energy shields and expanding the scale of super warships, it still hasn't come out after all. Ji Min was naturally unwilling to have more powerful warships.

He has promised to hand over the technology of the super battleship to the Spirit Eyes. If humanity does not have a more powerful treasure of the town clan, this is not worth the loss. Unexpectedly, the chief engineer immediately gave him a suggestion, which is more powerful than the super battleship. , This is what he needs!

He had promised to give the super warship technology to the Spirit Eyes, but he was actually ready to urge the scientific research department to speed up the research process of new warships.

He knew that once the development of a new type of warship was completed, the super warship of this level of technology would not be so absolutely important, and it might even be the most suitable for the combat effectiveness of a large warship equivalent to the new warship. It is just that the new technology has not been researched and developed. The battleship is so important, so he didn't think much about it, and agreed to the conditions of the spirit eye clan.

Now there is a more advanced space carrier. He is naturally full of joy. As long as the space carrier is developed and the new warship is completed, the super warship handed over to the Lingmu tribe will instantly become insignificant, at least in It is not worth mentioning in front of the army that has completed the upgrade of warships.

And at this moment Su Lao interrupted and said:

"Xiao Min, don’t listen to Lao Wang talking about it. This space carrier will not talk about the technical problems. It is only the initial investment, and more than half of the funding of the research institute has to be adjusted. You must know that the research department is now There are 3.72 million research teams, and there are tens of thousands of research teams alone. They are all big projects that cannot be abandoned, including the development of new warships, materials, energy, armor, mecha, nano, laser, etc. For the hundreds of categories, if they follow their plan, most of these projects have to be stopped. This is only in terms of funding. They also require that all categories must form a high-level and high-end team to cooperate with their research, so other Projects will be affected. The investment in the early stage alone will not be able to bear the scientific research department, not including the middle and later stages. This is definitely a research that cannot be invested in a short time!"

"Hey! Old Su, you can't say that. Our divisions have many requirements, but they are all practical and useful. The space carrier we developed is not an ordinary warship. It is a strategic-level weapon. There are many fleets. If you can't get it, you only mention the cost, why don't you mention the brilliance of the results, you are overturning a ship with one stick!"

The chief engineer of the warship division surnamed Wang heard what Su Lao had said, but he stopped doing it and immediately refuted it.

"Then your plan is just a plan! Can you guarantee to solve all the problems? Guarantee that there will be no problems in the subsequent research and development process? If there are problems that cannot be overcome, the resources of the entire empire are given to you, but you cannot be used. Who will be responsible for the results? What the empire needs now is an increase in combat power, and the empire is now at war!"

Su Lao did not show weakness, and the eloquence of long-term quarreling with Granny Yang was immediately reflected, and Lao Wang was speechless.

And Lao Wang obviously understood that he couldn't win against Su Lao by his mouth, but he was not a person who was dismissed in a few words, and immediately began to play a rogue.

"I don't care. This plan must be passed. This is a study that can comprehensively improve the empire's combat power. Once it succeeds, we are not afraid even if they are the gods. If they meet us, we will go around. You can say nothing, you must pass. !"


Soon, several senior veterans from the battleship division all joined the battle, and Su Lao and other managements did not show any weakness. The two sides immediately began to fight each other. Looking at this situation, the two sides are familiar with each other, and they should often confront each other. .

However, Ji Min listened in a daze.

However, he probably understands one thing, that is, this cosmic mothership seems to be very unusual. It can make the chief engineer call out the slogan that once the cosmic mothership is built, the gods will have to stand aside. It is conceivable. Its power, but its input cost also made Ji Min perspire coldly.

Finance alone requires half of the scientific research department's investment, which is simply scary.

You must know that the Ministry of Research has always been Ji Min's focus. It can be said that although the Ministry of Research has brought countless new technologies to the empire, it is also a huge scary gold swallowing beast.

The scientific research department carried out so many projects at the same time, relying on Ji Min to convene the country's top scientific researchers and the financial support of the entire empire.

So many experiments, so many equipment, and each item is a huge amount of money. It can be said that even if it is a failed experiment, the money thrown away is in the hundreds of millions, and behind every successful technology, it can be Thousands of failures lay the foundation.

The daily running account of the financial department of the Ministry of Scientific Research is directly dialed from the Royal Bank. The number is so large that Ji Min has not bothered to look at it many times. Anyway, he doesn't want to count the string of zeros, and all are handled by Ran Qin.

Now, a project has to spend half of the original funds. If Ji Min doesn’t want to stop other projects under study, he has to add at least half of the funds. Even if he is the emperor, he will sweat profusely. , He understood why they didn't notify him of the plan that Bai Lao didn't pass this plan. It was a crazy plan, and no one would report it under normal circumstances.

He already had a hunch that once he ordered his support, the rest of the empire would definitely put a snowflake-like protest on his desk.

Because the cost of the research department has seriously affected the empire’s investment in other industries, it is impossible for the whole empire to work for one research department. The empire is now developing rapidly. In which aspect does it not require a large amount of capital investment support? It's all given to the scientific research department. It's no wonder people in other departments don't make trouble!

"Okay! Everyone, UU reading Chief Engineer Wang, you can introduce this spaceship in detail, let me listen to it!"

Ji Min spoke.

Although he was also taken aback by the other party's plan, it also aroused his interest in this plan and can't wait to hear it.

When everyone saw that Ji Min had spoken, they stopped arguing. After all, they dare not give up the emperor’s face. To be honest, Ji Min’s status in their minds can be said to surpass that of any federal president in the past hundreds of years. Not only his legendary life, but also because of Ji Min’s incredible views on science, Ji Min generally does not interfere in the development of the scientific research department, but many times, his opinions have been proved to be very reasonable, and also Helped the completion of technology.

Even in the past, space jumping, artificial wormholes, energy shields and other key human technologies have the shadow of Ji Min. Although he does not know specific technology, his flexible and changeable brain, extraordinary vision, and even Even more amazing than the average scientist.

Some people have even commented that if Ji Min specializes in the scientific research industry, his achievements can definitely surpass any person today. This has been verified once again from the rescue of the small greed.

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