Star Emperor Tyrant

Chapter 866: Thor

d This time the conversation between the two parties was very tacit, and all the problems were resolved.

There is no vacant place on the surface of its planet. Every piece of land has its own function. It has been developed many times. Buildings, gardens, equipment, everything. No piece of land is free and you can see it in outer space. The buildings on Tulong star cover all the places, with dense green plants in the middle.

There are air tunnels interspersed in the sky. Some buildings are so high that they penetrate into the sky, even out of the atmosphere. Countless spacecraft fly around on the surface of Tulongxing.

Even the Moon, where the Star Dragon Empire has the most developed business contacts, did not have such a grand occasion, Ji Min was full of emotion.

This is the heritage of a long-standing race.

For a planet to be transformed into this, develop into this way, every piece of land will be perfectly developed. This is the accumulation of time, and it is not just technology that can do it.

He personally rushed to Tulong Star now has his own purpose. After a few days, the Star Alliance Council will be held here. In addition to solving some accumulation problems of the Star Alliance, the purpose of the meeting is to join the Star Dragon Empire. Deliberation on the issue of the Star Alliance.

Of course, before that, Ji Min had to go to see the Thunder God's wrath and death.

The wise Tela has made an appointment for them, so Ji Min must come to Tulongxing himself.

Soon, after several inspections and confirmations, Ji Min's battleship was finally put into Tulongxing, and the battleship stopped at the military aerospace port of the Tula tribe.

Naturally, someone who arrived earlier sent a car to pick up Ji Min and his party.

After arriving at the place he rented, it has been almost completely renovated, all in human style. It looks very different in the surrounding buildings, but Ji Ming is really satisfied. Now all the places here are not open. He didn't plan to do business on his own either, this place was for the human businessmen who came here later.

This is one of the ways he promotes human civilization. Although it is decorated in the same style as the Tula, and the integration is faster, Ji Min doesn’t care about the money at all. What he wants is that human civilization will gradually be more people. Well known.

Therefore, he not only intends to decorate all the rented buildings in a human style, but he will also handle all other commodities in a human style.

Of course, this is a story.

After Ji Min stayed in his residence, he immediately began to send people to the residence of the Thunder God Clan in Tulongxing to invite the Thunder Wrath of the Thunder God Clan to come to the meeting.

This was an appointment long ago, and it didn't take long for the Lei Shen Clan's vehicle to stop outside Ji Min's station.

As soon as the car door opened, the people of the Thunder God Clan got out of the car, and Ji Min waited at the door early.

The Thunder God tribe is a race that pays great attention to cultivation. They are huge and strong, a bit similar to the Ming tribe of the monster seller, but they are taller than the Ming tribe. Every adult of the Thunder God tribe grows to seven or eight meters There is no problem, and the best of them can grow to more than ten meters.

The people of the Thunder Gods are always the focus no matter where they are, and their size can always make people unconsciously cast their eyes on them.

At this moment, the leader of the Thunder God Clan's group is a rickety, old-faced old man, and behind him are several strong guards.

Ji Min understood that this old man was the Thunder God's Wrath of the Thunder God Clan, and he had killed him.

Although he has gained a long life by virtue of his extremely high cultivation base, ten thousand years is too long, even if he is still unable to resist the erosion of time, his face is old and his body can no longer be the same as when he was young. , Stand straight.

"You are welcome to come to me to participate in today's dinner party, Thor's Fury!"

Ji Min greeted him from a distance, and when he met, he smiled and said in the official language of the Star Alliance.

Today's Faming is not wearing a gleaming armor fighting the universe alone like when he was young, but wearing a set of loose and soft clothes that don’t fit. It looks like Some are laid-back, and some have compromised his former wise image, but Ji Min knew that this was his original state.

He is old after all.

When Faming met Ji Min, his eyes involuntarily glanced at the house behind Ji Min.

There, he sensed a lot of powerhouses, especially 11 of them, with strong and long auras, extraordinary. If it were his heyday, he would certainly not take these auras in his eyes, but now he is actually It is a pseudo-transcendent, even because of the increase in age, even the pseudo-transcendent is not even considered, at best it is stronger than the general Qitian stage late stage, so the breath of these eleven strong men made him feel threatened .

And this is also Ji Min's purpose for inviting him to come to his residence, not to go to him by himself.

Because Ji Min needs a group of strong men to be able to control the life, he has long studied the Thunder God tribe, and people of this race have always only obeyed the strong.

For people whose cultivation is weaker than theirs, they always dismiss it. Arrogance is their display to the weak, and respect is their respect to the strong. c

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