Star Emperor Tyrant

Chapter 955: Puppet emperor

?? "This group of perverts, the entire mankind is a group of perverts!"


   The general scolded while looking at the damage report.


   These three million six hundred and twenty thousand soldiers were put on the battleships. In fact, there were only 300 or 400 battleships. However, the battle of the gods is always calculated by the number of soldiers, which is different from the casualties of other forces.


   This report was handed over to the Great Emperor Zhu Ming. I guess I would inevitably be scolded, I just ask not to be punished too severely.


   Since the antagonism with the Star Dragon Empire, the three empires of the Royal Gods have put aside the grievances that had previously disputed each other, and worked together to face the pressure from the Star Dragon Empire.


Since the Star Dragon Empire invaded the Black Death Empire and the Spirit Eyes, its strength has expanded unprecedentedly. Of course, this is not the reason why the Gods are afraid. What the Gods are afraid of is the super cannon and space jumping technology of the Star Dragon Empire.


  With the space jumping technology, the Star Dragon Empire can spy on all the information of the Royal Gods at any time, but the Gods cannot understand the information of the Star Dragon Empire. Coupled with the existence of super cannons, the three major empires of the Gods cannot but be afraid.


   With the encouragement of the senior officials of the imperial family, the officers of all levels of the Royal Gods began to learn the history and army composition of their Star Dragon Empire, analyze the battles they fought before, and analyze the weaknesses of Ji Min.


   In short, many people now know general information about human beings.


   Because of this, many people privately criticize Ji Min as a pervert.


   A star thief can develop to where it is today in such a short period of time. Isn't this a metamorphosis? You know that Ji Min is only in his twenties. At this age, he is still a minor!


   And soon, a name representing the mysterious golden mecha, the golden devil, began to spread quickly among the army.


   When this report was passed to the hands of Emperor Jianming, the Emperor suddenly became angry.


   The people of the Star Dragon Empire escaped in his hands once again. <>


   Now it is very difficult for him to obtain the information of the Star Dragon Empire. It is the best opportunity to get the information of the Star Dragon Empire from this group of people, but unfortunately he has not succeeded.


   He has already missed this opportunity.


   The result of the exchange of fire between the army stationed near the wormhole and Chen Xing made him realize the rapid development of mankind now, and they seem to have developed new weapons.


   "Come on, go and invite the Black Emperor to come over!"


After    finished his anger, Emperor Chao Ming calmed down, and then a calm look appeared on his face again.


   Now that the entire Chaoming Empire is no longer the one he is familiar with, why should he worry? Even if the Chanming Empire is destroyed, it will be sooner or later, so why should he care?


   Then, deep hatred appeared in his eyes.


   Black Temple has become the state religion of the Chao Ming Empire, and its power has expanded very rapidly.


And all of this was pushed by him himself. He is a puppet of the Black Emperor. He listens to everything. The army is intervened by the Black Emperor. Every army has a so-called divine envoy supervising army. Many generals of the army are He couldn't bear it anymore, performed a longevity operation, and became a slave to the Black Emperor. As far as he knew, the entire Chuming Empire had almost fallen.


   Almost all the high-levels have been completely breached by the Black Emperor.


   His existence is just to influence the existence of ordinary soldiers and ordinary people, and promote the expansion of the Black Temple.


   The same is true of the mad blood empire and the winter demon empire, which seems to be controlled by other black temple veterans.


   In the three empires of the Royal God Clan, people and ghosts abound. They are generals, ministers, and kings in the eyes of the people, but in the eyes of the madmen in the Black Temple, they are a group of slaves.


   A group of slaves who have a little use value and can help them stabilize the God Clan. <>


The    huge Royal God Race, walking slowly in such a deformed form.


Fortunately, the wormhole technology obtained from humans has been widely used in the past few years. People’s business is getting better and better, everyone’s living standards are constantly improving, and people are enjoying the benign changes in life brought about by technology. , And did not notice the changes at the top of the empire.


  Sometimes, he even wanted to die, but he hated why he didn't have such courage in the first place. Now, even if he has the courage to die, he can't change everything now.


   If he was not afraid of death at the beginning, but swear to expose the conspiracy of the Black Temple and send an army to encircle and suppress the Black Emperor, then the Royal God Clan would not look like this deformity now, and he would not know that he was controlled by a foreign race.


   But there are exceptions, and that is the army on the front line of the Zerg.


This army has always been controlled by Jianlong and his sons, and if Jianlong and his sons have undergone longevity surgery, no one knows that Jianlong and his sons have a close relationship with a veteran of the Black Temple called Tu Ni, and there are rumors that they have seen Jianlong. Longevity surgery has been done.


   Many people believe that with the help of Tu Ni, the father and son had performed longevity surgery.


   However, some people are skeptical, that is, the front-line group of the most elite forces of the three empires, the Black Temple and other elders simply cannot invade.


   The senior officers of this army seem to be opposed to longevity surgery. No matter who goes to lobby, it won't work. Therefore, this army is still firmly controlled by the dragon and his sons.


   None of his staff had any surgery. As the commander-in-chief, Hua Long should naturally not have surgery.


   There are many people who support the two statements.


  While the father and son Huanlong never stood up to clarify, it seems that he only cares about the war against the Zerg, and ignores everything else. <>


   "Emperor brother, you must keep your heart, and don't be tempted by the longevity! The future of the Royal God Race depends on your choice!" Emperor Zhu Ming thought solemnly.


   This is also one of the reasons why he insists on living. Jian Long is very capable. He has always been his right hand arm. Now it is possible that he has not undergone longevity surgery.


His hand holds a huge force, and he is the only person with huge real power among the three empires of the gods. As long as the army in his hand is not controlled by the people of the black temple, the gods will always return There is a glimmer of hope.


   As he thought about it, the Great Emperor Chao Ming began to start to froze again.


The guards near the main hall of    are no strangers to it, and now Emperor Mingming doesn’t know what’s wrong? The whole person has become taciturn and irritable, and it has been a long time since he spoiled the princess.


  Fat has become his daily must-do.


   It didn't take long for the Black Emperor to come.


   The guards of the original hall immediately saluted respectfully, then stepped back and replaced them with guards from the Black God Temple.


   This is already the norm. The Black Temple's status in the Chaoming Empire has long surpassed the imperial family. No, as soon as he saw the Black Emperor, the Emperor Chaoming suddenly bowed down and saluted like a conditioned reflex.


   Fortunately, there are no outsiders here, otherwise, the majesty of Emperor Chao Ming might be wiped out.

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