Star Emperor Tyrant

Chapter 962: Take down the enemy

?? All the surviving fighters ran far away madly, and the other warships close to this warship also moved away quickly.


   Because that arrow pierced through its light source energy reactor.




   A huge explosion sounded, and a ball of fire and a shock wave quickly dissipated.


   Except for some of the fighters who wore the Mo Xing armor, all the other fighters died, and several warships that were a little closer to the side were also seriously injured.


Fortunately, the defensive power of the new battleships of the Star Dragon Empire is amazing. This kind of exploded and uncondensed explosion cannot cause fatal damage to it. This is only easy. Even so, they did not dare to rely on the Earth Federation before. It’s too close. Once there are warships to take photos, they must first move away from each other.


   And that arrow is not finished. It went straight through, piercing through dozens of warships, before consuming energy and exploding.


   Not all warships that were hit exploded.


   But even so, this blow caused a lot of damage to the vanguard.


   This is because the Star Dragon Empire has all replaced new-style warships. This effect has only been achieved. Otherwise, if it were the previous warships, this time the casualties would be doubled!


   This is the first time that the vanguard has received such a powerful attack.


Judging from the on-site effect, the attack power of this arrow has surpassed the positron combination gun. Even the positron combination gun cannot penetrate dozens of fully defensive new warships at one time, at least in the penetrating power. Above all, this skill is very powerful.


   The reactions of the two sides who saw this scene were different.


  The warriors of the Royal Protoss finally raised a bit of morale, and began to seek cooperation with other people, launching joint moves, hoping to cause more damage to the army of the Star Dragon Empire. <>


   "Okay! Good job, let the special forces continue their efforts, don't keep your hands, continue to attack!"


   The imperial **** clan leader general shouted excitedly.


   Sure enough, no matter what army it is, there is no resistance at all when it encounters an attack from a special force.


   In fact, without the general's order, the special forces over there started to act again, and this time, not one star lit up, but a full ten stars lit up, ten stars rose up, and began to turn into arrows.


   Obviously they saw that this kind of attack was effective and started to expand the scale of the attack.


   If this attack is released, the damage it causes will inevitably make the enemy's heart hurt.


   At this moment, suddenly, dozens of huge beams of energy flew towards the special forces.


   The huge death crisis made all the special team masters make the right choice in an instant, that is, to withdraw the attack and fully defend.


   Suddenly, one by one released the spirit armors, gathered energy, and then formed a huge energy shield, standing in front of them, and for a moment, the energy bombardment hit them.


   There was a violent energy fluctuation, and all the special forces masters were shocked and retreated many distances.


   Thousands of Qitian-level masters can only take action together, and their defenses are extremely strong, even with so many positron combination guns, they can't help them.


   "Continue attacking!"


   The leader ordered again.


   However, at the next moment, they were just preparing to continue their attack, and dozens of positron combined artillery bombarded them.




   the leader shouted hurriedly. <>


   There is no way, they can only continue to defend.


   In this way, wave after wave of attacks have been continuously interfering with them, and they can't help but defend, and there is no chance to attack again.


   The entire special forces team is busy jumping up and down, just can't make an attack.


   The Royal Protoss special team was suppressed, and the morale of the other fighters continued to drop, and the defeat had already appeared.


   "General, why don't you assemble the warships and concentrate your firepower to destroy this team of masters?"


   On the vanguard flagship, the adjutant asked the vanguard commander.


The general shook his head and said: "Qitian-rank powerhouse, it is a humanoid battleship, which is not so easy to destroy. As long as we gather firepower, I am afraid that they will already feel the danger before the artillery shoots out. That is, we may not be able to hit any of them, so don't doubt the Qitian-level powerhouse's keen perception of threats."


   "Then why don't they disperse now? I'm afraid it doesn't make much sense to keep fighting like this?"


   asked again.


"Hey...This is thanks to the commander of the Eighth Wind Valley. He has already studied the army of the Gods. The special operations team of the Gods is really amazing, but as long as they keep attacking them, they can't be distracted and counterattack. Now They can only resist. We can't hit them with concentrated firepower, but if they fly away, there will be no way to launch a combined move, and the Qitian-level masters who can't launch a combined move can play a role on the battlefield. It's too small, so the current situation is as early as I expected!"


   "The general is great!"


   said with a smile.


   "Well, it's not me who is great, it's the domain commanders who are great. I can come up with such unreliable but practical tactics. I admire it anyway!"


   Suddenly, the general said sharply: "The time is almost here, General Tin should be almost here!"


   seems to follow his words. <>


   At this moment, another fleet of the Star Dragon Empire jumped out of the void. This time, the coordinate fixed-point feedback of the vanguard army jumped very accurately, and it appeared directly on the other end of the imperial gods army.


   The army that appeared this time was even bigger, with 4 million warships directly.


As soon as    appeared, this army did not stop in the slightest, directly divided into four groups, constantly penetrating the entire Imperial God Clan's army.


Suddenly the entire Gods tribe was double-teamed by the five fleets of the Star Dragon Empire What made the Gods soldiers even more desperate was that on this battlefield, their army numbers were no longer comparable to those of the stars. The number of troops in the Dragon Empire has increased.


   Compared with the battle formations formed by warships, their wars formed by humans were small, thin and insecure. For a while, the morale of the entire Imperial Protoss army plummeted, and soon fell into an underestimation.


   No one would have thought that the battleships of the Star Dragon Empire could jump directly to the hinterland of their Chao Ming Empire. According to their intelligence, the space jump of the Star Dragon Empire could only be hundreds of light-years away at a time.


   However, at this moment, no one has explained all this for them.


   At this moment, the vanguard finally broke through into the hinterland of the gods army, the location of the wormhole group, and directly and powerfully exploded all the wormholes.


   This is like the last straw that overwhelms the camel, and the warriors of the Gods on the battlefield suddenly surrendered in pieces.


   In just a quarter of an hour, there was no longer a resisting soldier of the Gods on the battlefield.

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