The sound of the kitchen door opening brought Jing Liu back to her senses, and she looked towards the kitchen.

In fact, the kitchen was very clean, but Huang An was cleaner. In his eyes, everything seemed to be dirty.

Put the canned seasonings together, and the bottled seasonings together.

There were no water stains around the sink.

Huang An folded the wrung-out rags and placed them in an iron trough above the drain next to the sink.

The iron trough fit the rags just right, without any more or less.

Huang An nodded, and it was hard to tell from his expressionless face whether he was satisfied or not.

It's time to cook.

Huang An walked towards the refrigerator.

After observing for so long, Jing Liu didn't seem to be picky about food at all.

However, Huang An's dinner was always very simple. This man is now his master after all... Shouldn't he cook some good dishes...

At least there should be some meat or something?

Huang An looked in his refrigerator.

He didn't eat meat often, but occasionally boiled chicken breast in plain water.

It tasted good.

But Jing Liu probably wouldn't be used to it.

After all, that thing is a bit choking.

Huang An closed the refrigerator door, turned and walked towards the door:"Is there anything you don't want to eat?"

"Well...if I have to say it, I don't eat fox meat."

Jing Liu thought about it and said this.

"That's ok, few people sell that stuff here."

"Do you still eat fox meat here?"

"I don’t know, no one around me eats foxes."

Huang An shook his head, looking at Jing Liu’s unacceptable expression, and asked in confusion:"Do you like foxes very much?"

"No, I have a friend who is a foxman."

"So, there is a difference between fox people and foxes, right?……"

"Psychological reasons.

Jing Liu shook his head:"Ah... if you like to eat……"

"I don't want to eat."

Huang An shook his head, turned around, opened the door and walked out:"Stay at home, I'll go out and buy some food."


Jing Liu nodded honestly:"Be careful."

Huang An glanced at her again


He only responded with one word, but at least it was a response.

The door closed, blocking Jing Liu's sight.

It was rare.

In his first half of his life, he had never thought that one day there would be someone in his family who would tell him to be careful when he went out.

But speaking of it, Jing Liu would also leave, right?

He had to learn a little more before she left.


"So, you know the truth you have always wanted to know."

Huang Ming crossed his arms, with some teasing in his eyes, looking at Huang Yu who looked a little ugly in front of him:"What do you think? Talk to me?"

"This matter...can't be told to Huang An"

"In fact, you don't trust him very much, and I don't trust him very much either. I say it's for his own good, but I think it's not good for him to keep this from him."

Huang Ming said, and shrugged again:"Of course, he has no curiosity about these things."

"He is not as cold as he appears to be, he has a lot on his mind."

Huang Yu shook his head:"Huang Ming, I understand you."


Huang Ming sighed:"Thank you for understanding me, it's good. It's tiring to carry all these things by myself, especially when someone comes to ask questions."


"No need, now that you know, at least you won't ask again, this is the biggest help to me."

Huang Ming waved his hand:"Will you feel differently when you visit her next time?"

"Maybe there will be.

Huang Yu nodded.

"Now I have nothing to let anyone down!"

Huang Ming suddenly stood up from his seat and said,"I suddenly want to go see Huang An."

"Just stay here by yourself, no one is welcome there."

"Don't you welcome me too?"

Huang Ming curled his lips

"No, I should say, you are especially not welcome. Ah, don't be too depressed, there is still me."

Huang Yu chuckled.

They have known each other for nearly 30 years, and he is too familiar with what Huang An is like.

"For Ah An, we must kill first and report later."

Huang Ming raised a finger:"After all, I also want to see what kind of beauty is hidden in his golden house."


Yu narrowed his eyes and said,"You installed a camera in his room."

"No, I really haven't."

Huang Ming quickly waved his hands:"I saw him before, when he was shopping with that girl, I saw him, but I didn't dare to go up to him. The two of them were wearing couple outfits, hey, you know what, they looked pretty good."

"How did you meet him near his home?"

Huang Yu knew Huang An too well.

Huang An was too lacking in curiosity and exploration.

When there was no mission, Huang An would usually just wander around the small piece of land near his home, like a wild wolf patrolling the territory, never stepping out of the territory. If

Huang Ming wanted to meet him, he could only do so near Huang An's home.

"I have a house over there too."

Huang Ming propped up his chin and said,"I just don't live there often. It's probably covered in dust. I wanted to go back and take a look that day, but I ran into them. I was almost discovered by that guy. Fortunately, a girl went over to chat with me... Hey, but I saw that white-haired girl standing there and didn't seem to want to care. What's going on? Aren't they a couple?""

It shouldn't be... If they're not a couple, how could Huang An let a woman into his house?"……

"You ask me, who should I ask?"

Huang Yu leaned back and said,"But normally, Huang An would only let people he trust into his house, right?"

"Why doesn't he let me into his house? Every time I visit him, he looks like he wants to find me and kill me."

"Could you at least say hello? That's not called a visit, that's called attempted theft."

"It's too much to say that, but if I say hello, he will refuse sternly."

��It's better not to go."

Huang Yu shook his head:"That girl is obviously not from the same world as us. If Huang An wants to protect her, then help him protect her."

"Oh... I have to take a look then."

Huang Ming took out his phone and said,"It seems that the task I was thinking of giving him will be assigned to someone else."

"Very dangerous?"


"Could it be related to RD again?"

"No, I have already told them that we will not accept any more missions in the short term, especially their"

"What should I do if RD is found?"

"It's a short time. I decide how short it is."

"What about Huang Yuan’s mission this time?"

"There is a fat pig over there, I can cut it with my knife, Huang Yuan is quite tempted anyway"

"Hahaha, why did he use Yuan as his code name? He could just switch it with Huangcai."

"Maybe it's possible, but when Huangcai was promoted to the Phoenix level, he gave himself the code name Huangjin. I told him to get out, and he never mentioned it again."


Huang Yu laughed dryly twice:"So, what is the mission?"

"There are missions abroad."

Huang Ming looked at his phone, his expression seemed a little distressed:"It seems that the old white bear has lice on his legs."

"Good lice or bad lice?"

"Hmm... sounds like it's drilling into the cortex"

"The old polar bear's skin doesn't look very thick."

"Ah, it's very thin and can't withstand bullets."

Huang Ming looked at the phone, with an unclear light flashing in his eyes:"We need a woodpecker."

"The woodpecker wants to eat meat"

"Hahaha, I have this idea. After all, the lice have drilled too deep, and the woodpecker can hardly control itself."

"Huangcai will like this kind of task, haha"

"But he's not good, I need someone good"

"Huang Zhan and Huang Xiao?"


Huang Ming shook his head:"This kind of thing can't be left to the two of them. RD and Old White Bear are still doing well on the surface... We need someone who is good at dealing with people, like Huang Mian."

"Then let Huang Mian be alone?"

"No, it requires a plan, a long road, and a team."

Huang Ming shook his head.

"I said, you already have a candidate in mind, right?"

"Hahahaha, I was discovered"

"Because when you discuss with others, it is basically after you have decided the result."

Huang Yu crossed his arms and said,"I don't understand, why do you still need to discuss with others?"

"Uh… maybe it’s because I want to practice my negotiation skills? I’ll feel very accomplished if I can decide the outcome and guide the other party’s purpose during the conversation."

"Forget about this kind of sense of accomplishment, it's really a bad taste."

Huang Yu chuckled:"Then, tell me the answer"

"You, me, Phoenix face, and Phoenix money"

"Are you crazy?"

Huang Yu's mouth twitched:"What's the difference between this and the Huangtian organization mobilizing all its forces?"

"No, isn't there still a Phoenix left?"

"What about Huang Zhan and Huang Xiao?"

"Jiangsu and Zhejiang"

"Huang Yuan is abroad, Huang Zhan and Huang Xiao are in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, and Huang Zhou is in the Magic City, right? Huang Luo said some time ago that he was going to Beijing to do something, and the others are also staying in different places... So Huang An is the only Phoenix-level killer left in Lian City?"

"Well, that's what it looks like now."

Huang Ming nodded with a smile,"But Huang Xi is on his way back, and Huang Zhou will be back soon. As for the rest, Huang Mei will be back within three days. Huang Ren... should not be in the country now, but will be back soon. Huang Yi will be back soon too. He is in Japan now, and there is something going on there that needs him."

"Hehe... Phoenix Wing has had a lot of things going on lately."

"Well, Japan is not very peaceful."

Huang Ming leaned back and said,"It's decided then. Let Huang Zhou and Huang An take care of each other. Huang Mei will be back soon anyway.""

"Forget it. Huang An already has a girl at home. Huang Mei... let her stay away."

"Huang Mei will definitely be very sad to hear what you said"

"Let her be sad"

"Hahaha, so ruthless."

Huang Ming laughed twice:"But don't worry, Huang Mei won't fall in love with someone else"

"What does it have to do with me?"

"I didn't say it has anything to do with you, don't take it personally, okay?"

Huang Ming chuckled and looked at Huang Yu teasingly:"Actually, I support it. We are from the same world, maybe we will die together, so it's not a matter of who is delaying whom."

"One has to be left behind, maybe one of them can escape."

Huang Yu looked away and stared at the ceiling above his head which was engulfed in darkness:"Isn't that right?"

"Don't worry too much about Huang Mei, she will be angry."

Huang Ming laughed twice and said,"Get ready, we will set off tomorrow afternoon."


Huang Yu stood up and said,"Let's go."

Without waiting for Huang Ming to answer, he turned and left, disappearing into the darkness.

The doctor who came and went without a trace.

Huang Ming smiled and gently closed his eyes.


"So, you probably understand?"

"Is it necessary to notify someone about this kind of thing?"

Huang An asked as he picked up half a rib and asked the boss to help chop it.

"Well, of course, I thought you'd be the only one here for a short time."

"It doesn't matter."

Huang said indifferently

"Hmm... You are such a heartless person. I will miss you so much."

"Anything else?"

"Oh, by the way, I mainly want to tell you that Huang Xi, Huang Zhou and Huang Mei will come to accompany you soon. You know Huang Zhou's temper, I can't stop him."

"……Don't let him come"

"Talk to him yourself"

"Will he listen to me?"

Huang An took the ribs and asked with a frown.

"Well... based on past experience, no, eh, An, Huang Zhou doesn't like you, does he? Oh my god, that's scary."

"Get lost."

Huang An frowned and said,"I don't have time to deal with him."

"He shouldn't bother you too much, and I don't know why he is so obsessed with you."

Huang Yu laughed twice:"Anyway, Huang Xi and Huang Mei will probably come to see you too, so you should be ready."

"I have someone at home"

"It has nothing to do with me."

Huang Yu said irresponsibly and hung up the phone.

Huang An stared at the phone expressionlessly.

Huang Mei could still be dealt with, after all, her heart was not on him, and he was used to her frivolous attitude.

But Huang Zhou...

This was a rare person who could give Huang An a headache.

How to describe him better...

Maybe it was because he had been exposed to such missions too much in the past, which made Huang Zhou a little mentally abnormal.

He was a little too familiar.

But in fact, his personality was not much different from Huang An.

In the mission where he met Jing Liu, his observer was Huang Zhou.

Huang Zhou seemed to be keen on staying by Huang An's side, perhaps because he felt that the two were actually very similar.

But Huang An liked to be alone.

At home, he and Jing Liu also maintained their own space. Unless something happened, the only space where they intersected was the dining table. and the kitchen.

And... how should I put it, the relationship between Huang Zhou and Huang An.

The two have a very deep friendship.

But Huang Zhou is always testing Huang An's bottom line.

It's not that excessive, he seems to be very keen on teasing others with words.

Especially with Huang An's taciturn personality, Huang Zhou is always happy to follow him.

In terms of doing things, Huang Zhou is like learning from Huang Ming - or maybe he is learning from Huang Ming.

Huang An is indeed not good at dealing with people like Huang Zhou - a little too enthusiastic.

He carried the ribs, wondering whether he should break Huang Zhou's limbs when the time comes.

What should I stew with the ribs...

Chinese cabbage is actually a good choice.

The taste is distinct and the flavor is thorough.

It's really good.

Huang An nodded and turned to walk towards the vegetable stall.

As for Huang Xi... a psychopath - a psychopath with a brain.

Huang An commented on him like this.

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