After throwing the body into the trash can, Huang Zhou clapped his hands gently and said,"This damn cotton machine... is so damn heavy."

Huang An glanced at the motionless trash can and said nothing.

"The big black guy's body should be very suitable for being made into a doll, what a pity."

Huang Xi sighed, her tone full of regret.

"With that Japanese guy, maybe we can name him"Partner", which will be very artistic."

Huang Yi was giving Huang Xi some advice again.

""Okay, okay, that's good!"

Huang Xi grinned and clapped her hands, her face full of excitement:"The next work will be called this name"

"Huang Yi should not be partnered with Huang Ren, but with you."

Huang Mei whispered,"Handle it and leave quickly."

Huang An put away the gun and turned to leave.

"Let's go, keep up"

"Do those two people have any communication props?"

"Yes, we took it, along with a gun."


Huang Luo responded and said nothing more.

Only the street lamps were still emitting light ahead, and this side was far away from the residential buildings.

"Go to the direction where the sniper was killed and check there. There might be other enemies there."

Huang Luo said:"You can also leave two people there to keep an eye on them."

""By the way, where is A Luo? That building is not short, you can even see the rooftop?"

Huang Xi asked

"Why are you talking so much nonsense?"

Huang Luo scolded him and said,"It's good enough to see you."

"Huang An, the sniper observation position is now left to you, and the observer is left to Huang Ren, is that ok?"


Huang An nodded.

There was indeed no one here who was more familiar with it than him.

"Okay, pay attention to check for dangers in the building. My coverage will be reduced when entering the building. I can't cover every corner. Everyone, be careful."


In fact, the building is not far from here. It was supposed to be a shopping mall, but it was too small and there were not many businesses in it.

This greatly shortened the life of the mall.

The six people walked into the mall carefully.

It was too dark here, and there was no need for any disguise to enter here.

Excessive disguise would expose one's position. Huang An took out his gun and gestured.

Huang Mei's physical skills were not particularly outstanding, but her observation ability was very strong, so she was protected in the center.

"Check the shadow area, there may be someone hiding here."

Huang An raised his hand and pointed to both sides.

Huang Yi and Huang Xi immediately dispersed and walked towards the shops on both sides.

There were few shops here, which was also helpful for them - there were not so many corners to worry about.

"not found"

"There is no trace of the enemy."

Huang Yi and Huang Xi said, holding their guns and returning to the team.

The night was dark, there was no movement, only the faint sound of breathing could be heard.

"There is movement on the fourth floor."

Huang Luo's observation ability is also top-notch.

Everyone heard this.

Huang An walked towards the stairs.

He raised his hand and pointed at the door in front of him, indicating to cover the door.

Huang Zhou walked up, half of his body hidden by the wall, aiming his gun at the dark second floor.

When the team disappeared on the stairs of this floor, Huang Zhou faced the second floor and slowly caught up with the team. The third floor was covered by Huang Yi, and Huang Zhou patted his shoulder when he passed by.

The two retreated together and caught up with the team in front


Huang An's voice was very low. There was someone on the fourth floor.

The door to the stairwell was closed. I don't know if it was locked.

"Wait for me to adjust the sniper position."

Huang Luo's voice sounded in the headset.

She was in a very high position, and she could see most of the fourth floor without much adjustment.

"I have confirmed at least six enemies. One is on the side of the gate, one is behind the pillar opposite the gate, two are in scattered shops, and one is hiding on the edge of the toilet. I can see the leaking gun barrel, but I can't cause effective damage. Another one is hiding in the shadow of the edge of the window sill. I don't know if there are other people. The positions are too scattered, and I can't cause too much casualties."

"Our firepower is stronger than yours. I have confirmed three submachine guns. The one standing by the door is holding a Russian-made pp2000 with an extended magazine. The one behind the pillar is an M11 with a silencer. The one hidden at the edge of the toilet is probably a Dagger submachine gun. Overall, your chances of winning are almost zero."

Huang An frowned.

According to Huang Luo's description, this was a perfect and dense crossfire line.

Huang Luo couldn't deal with the dagger submachine gun. Even if he dealt with the two on the side of the door and behind the pillar, it would take some time, and the dagger could shoot them into sieves.

What's more, there are three people.

Huang Luo's sniper rifle needs time to pull the bolt.

The reason why they are so cautious is because they are worried that the virus will be destroyed, because it is not yet certain whether the virus has the characteristics of airborne transmission. This is why they are not equipped with assault rifles.

The man in the toilet is the biggest blind spot. He hid in that position to avoid the sniper line from the window.

The man hiding under the window chose that position to prevent rope rappelling.

There is no visual blind spot that can be created, and this mall is small, with no central void.

Compared to a mall, this place is more like a large supermarket.

The firing rate of the dagger submachine gun can kill the six of them in five seconds. Six corpses were created inside.

Even if the number of bullets is ignored, the six of them will lose their ability to resist completely.

That position sticks its head out and faces the gate.

The most direct direction of blind shooting is also the gate.

The difference in firepower, Du Jian can kill them alone.

The fastest shooting here is the Glock 18 carried by Huang An and Huang Mei, but the stability is far less than that of Du Jian. If there is only one person, fire suppression is still possible.

But there are at least six people in that room.

And at least.

What's more, there are other people in the room, and there may be a tube of virus.

Huang An closed his eyes, thought about it, turned around and walked upstairs.

Huang Zhou blinked, obviously a little unresponsive, but for them, obeying orders takes precedence over self-thinking.

There are only four floors in total, and the top is the rooftop.

Huang An opened the door to the rooftop, walked to the top, and looked around.

There are usually iron railings fixed to the ground, but I don't know if they are strong.

"Are you planning to surrender?"

Huang Luo realized Huang An's intention:"But……"

"Do you have a better idea?"

Huang An checked the strength of the railings one by one and answered.

"Uh... you got a rope?"


Huang An took out a long rope from his inner pocket.

"Sometimes I really wonder if you are Doraemon, and your clothes are a treasure box"

"This is the Chen……"

Huang An narrowed his eyes, but couldn't remember the name of that person.

"Chen Zhiqing."

Huang Mei also confirmed and reminded him.

"Yes, it was given by Chen Zhiqing"


Huang Luo was a little surprised. She didn't hear it.

"Just when you were saying that they were going to take us to the risk of our lives."

The big black bag contained the rope for rappelling. Although it was not long, it was enough to descend to the fourth floor.

"In fact, I think we can do nothing and leave it to the army to deal with. Let them just keep an eye on this place."

Huang Luo was silent for a few seconds and said,"These are also human beings. There are only a few of them. They will definitely not be able to stand without rest. The army can take turns to deal with them. Waiting here with a gun, the gun is also heavy, and the mental tension will make you tired quickly. It's okay to leave it to the army. Let's find a better target to deal with."

Huang An and Huang Yi behind him looked at each other.

"To be honest, it makes sense."

Huang Yi nodded:"In such a battle, the army is definitely more professional than us."

"That makes sense, it makes a lot of sense."

Huang Mei also nodded.

Huang An rubbed his chin and thought for a few seconds.

After a while, he quickly put away the rope and said,"Call it a day, call for help.""

"I just like the way you don't want to take any responsibility, like a scumbag who makes my heart flutter."

Huang Mei chuckled and said,"Let's go, let's continue the investigation and have the army send someone to take over."

"I have sent a message to the army. A group of people will be coming soon. You just need to continue watching outside and don't let those people escape. When the army arrives, we will retreat."


Huang An nodded.

It's much easier to see it from here than to break in.

"Go to the stairwell to build a defense line, Huang Ren and Huang Zhou will check the third floor that they skipped, and then check the second floor after they retreat together."

Huang An waved his hand:"We don't need to take care of other things."


Huang Zhou nodded, patted the Phoenix Blade, turned around and walked downstairs quietly.

Huang An stood up and turned around and walked downstairs.


To be honest, they didn't have too many feelings about this matter. It was just because this was their own country. They had helped to block these people inside, and of course more things had to be left to professionals.

There were no twists and turns.

Those people inside were also able to hold on. They were probably guarding the toilet, and no sound was heard from inside.

The military people came up without making any sound. It was only after Huang Luo reminded Huang An that he noticed.

The leader held a rifle, nodded at Huang An, and passed by them with a dozen people behind him.

They were from two different camps, and now they are comrades in the same position.

Huang An looked back.

The equipment is complete, no problem.

Huang Ren and Huang Zhou have turned the entire third floor inside out.

"Hmm... So this is the structure of the women's restroom……"

Huang Zhou stroked his chin

"Can you not be a pervert?"

Huang Xi scolded him.

"What is pervert? I have never seen one before. I only see urinals in men's restrooms everyday. Do you want to see what women's restrooms look like?"

Huang Zhou has a twisted theory.

Those who conceal their desires are perverted. Those who express their desires directly like him are called frank!

"Besides, Huang Xi, how dare you say I'm a pervert?"

""Check the second floor."

Huang An interrupted their conversation and walked down.

The second floor was dark and there was no movement.

Those people seemed to be all entrenched on the fourth floor, completely neglecting the second floor.

The entire second floor was empty.

The toilets were checked.

The toilets here have only one window, which is extremely small. It is very difficult to put your arm in.

So there is no need to worry about whether the window on the fourth floor can become their escape route.

Huang An also simulated it.

It is still impossible to hit the person standing in the shadow of the toilet from this window.

But these things have nothing to do with them. The army will see to it. They are very experienced. Test.

Don't take on a job that you don't have the skills to do.

Huang An was thinking about it when Huang Mei patted his shoulder.

He turned his head.

Huang Mei waved her hand and pointed in the direction of Huang Zhou and Huang Ren, indicating that they had made a discovery, and raised her index finger to Huang An to signal him not to make a sound.

Huang An walked over gently.

Huang Ren and Huang Zhou were surrounding a fallen clothes rack, not saying a word, but walking around frequently, turning over the clothes around them.

Well, seeing this posture, Huang An understood that the black clothes rack must be wrong.

And which shopping mall normally uses black clothes racks?

Huang An was more direct and walked over with a gun in hand.

"Wait a minute.……"

Huang Mei said in a very low voice:"What if it happens to the common people?"

"What does it have to do with me?"

Huang An whispered,"The military said that there are only friendly forces and enemies in this area. Except for those wearing badges, everyone else is a target."

Huang Mei was stunned for half a second, and Huang An had already walked up, raised his hand to Huang Zhou and Huang Ren, pointed at the"rack" on the ground, and then raised his hand and pointed at his head.

What he meant was, where is the head?

This is probably a person. Even if it is not a person, it is okay to fire two shots to confirm.

But it is too dark, and the sky is pitch black, so it is difficult to tell which is the head and which is the foot.

If there was no one on the fourth floor, they would definitely start without saying a word.

But now it is not known how far the army has progressed. If too much noise is made rashly, it is very likely to expose the army and cause bad consequences.

Huang Ren frowned. He couldn't see clearly where the head and the feet were.

This is not a clothes rack.

This thing moved when Huang Ren passed by before.

Huang Ren's vision Very good, his observation ability is abnormal. He saw the hidden man move outside the shop, so he dragged Huang Zhou in.

Huang Ren squatted down with a gun in hand and looked carefully.

In the darkness, a pair of bloodshot eyes suddenly opened.

Huang Ren was startled.

But it was fleeting, because Huang An raised his hand and shot.

That was a black man. He knew that he couldn't hide for long, and the other party had probably discovered him.

So while Huang Ren was approaching, he wanted to launch a desperate attack. Even if he couldn't kill Huang Ren, he could take him hostage and have a chance to survive.

But Huang An was also squatting nearby. The moment his eyes opened, he raised his hand and fired three shots at the man.

The blood reflected a faint light under the cover of the night, and it was almost impossible to see clearly.

"Stay away from the blood."

Huang An raised his hand and signaled the others to step back:"Huang Xi and Huang Yi, check the other clothes."

Huang Xi and Huang Yi nodded and turned to check one by one.

It turns out that black people can be so black.

When the others stepped back, Huang An pulled the body out, covered his hands with clothes, and rubbed the gun against the man's chest.

Well, nothing.

Two more shots. Even if the Buddha came, they would be dead.

Huang An stood up, pulled off all the clothes covering the body and threw them aside, pulled it out a little more, and began to search the body.

The man had nothing except a dagger in his hand.

Huang An checked several more times, took out a dagger from his inner pocket, and cut the throat of the body again.

Don't ask, asking is to be cautious Too much.

The characters in the game all popped out to teach him swordsmanship.

He is now always worried that someone will suddenly travel through time like Jingliu, and then all the wounds on the corpse will be healed, and the dead will stand up again.

Huang An looked carefully again.

Otherwise, chop off the head and throw it in the toilet... Then even the king of heaven can't save it.

Forget it...

Huang An stared at the corpse's eyeballs that had begun to change color slightly, and picked up the dagger... After wiping the dagger on his clothes and putting it away, he stood up and walked towards the toilet.

Looking at the things in Huang An's hand, Huang Mei patted his face:"Ah Xi, it's over"


Huang Xi was still checking other shops and was a little confused by what Huang Mei said:"What do you mean?"

"Ah An has become as perverted as you."

Huang Mei covered her face:"What should I do...I don't love you anymore"

"Are you fucking crazy?"

Huang Xi cursed,"What's wrong?"

"You will know when you come out."

Huang Mei's tone was a little depressed.

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