"Sister! That's not fair!"

"What's wrong?"

Jing Liu looked at Bai Miao.

"You also said you don’t have a boyfriend!"

Bai Miao cried.

That’s right, how could such a fairy not have a boyfriend.

It’s all because of her…

No, it was Jing Liu who said she didn’t have a boyfriend, right?

"That... is definitely not my boyfriend."

Jing Liu shook his head honestly.

"So he is chasing you?"

"No, we are good friends."

Jingliu said


Bai Miao's eyes lit up:"Does he have a girlfriend?"

Looking at Bai Miao's eyes, Jing Liu inexplicably didn't want to answer.

After a long silence, she nodded:"No."

You two have no relationship, who are you to not answer others?……


Bai Miao blinked:"Then what does he like?"


Jing Liu was stunned for a few seconds.

She realized that she really didn't know what Huang An liked.

Huang An had never shown that he liked something.

Oh, there was... the bracelet she gave him.

Huang An seemed to like that.

But she couldn't say that.

"I don't know either."

Jing Liu finally shook his head.

"No way, sister!"

Bai Miao propped up his chin:"That... is so handsome! Can you still bear it?"

"Although your foundation is indeed strong……"

Bai Miao muttered.

Jing Liu curled his lips and said,"We are just simple friends."

"I've sent you food."

"It's normal for friends to send food to each other."

Jingliu said softly

"Ah...he doesn't have a girlfriend.……"

Bai Miao propped up his chin and said,"Sister, where does he live?"

"It's... behind me."

Jing Liu frowned quickly and pointed vaguely in the direction behind him.

"He's also a rich man."

Bai Miao grinned and said,"Just kidding, you two have such a good relationship but you're not together, he must look down on me, I won't compete with you for it"

"We are not boyfriend and girlfriend.……"

Jing Liu said helplessly

"Then can I go after him?"

Bai Miao smiled, turned around and blinked at Jing Liu.

Jing Liu was stunned.

Bai Miao went after Huang An...

Jing Liu opened his mouth, but said nothing.

"Ah...Is that so?"


Jingliu blinked blankly.

Bai Miao's eyes were full of cunning:"Don't worry, I won't chase him."

Jingliu opened his mouth, hesitated for a long time before asking:"Why?"

"I won't tell you."

Bai Miao smiled and shook her head.

Jing Liu stopped talking. She found that she couldn't keep up with the girl's train of thought.

This day was almost dull, and Jing Liu had adapted to this job.

Generally speaking, there was nothing too difficult. If there was no bread or less, put it on the table, put the new one inside and the original one outside, and then cover the tray with new paper. When it was almost done, take the bread clip to the back to wash, wipe it clean and put it back.

Generally speaking, it was not difficult at all, and it was not tiring.

Chat with Bai Miao, and occasionally talk to Huang An on the phone

"Sister, I'm leaving, aren't you leaving too? I'll take you all the way."

When getting off work, it was just getting dark. Jing Liu looked up at the sky and responded to Bai Miao's question:"No, you go first, thank you.""

"Oh, is Huang An coming to pick you up?"


Jing Liu nodded.

Bai Miao raised his eyebrows and smiled meaningfully.

"Well, I'll go first."

She said nothing, waved her hand, and turned to leave.

Jing Liu waited for about five minutes, and Huang An came running over with Xiao Bai.


Jing Liu handed Huang An a small box.

"What's this?"


Something that makes you obsessed.


Huang An glanced inside the small box through the gap, then raised his eyebrows and looked at Jing Liu:"Really? You just started working and you spend your salary?"

"We make money to spend it."

Jing Liu said, taking Xiao Bai's leash from Huang An's hand:"I'll take a walk for a while"


Huang An let go of his hand:"It's starting to grow rapidly."

In just one month, Xiao Bai's legs and head have obviously grown longer.

But the longer his legs get, the thinner his body looks, and his head has grown a lot.

It seems extremely uncoordinated.

Not as cute as before.

"It needs bigger clothes."

Jingliu looked at Xiaobai's small pants that had exposed his legs and said softly.

"I have bought it."

Huang An nodded:"It has been delivered. I plan to change it when I get home."

"Then why didn't you just replace it when you delivered it?"

"I had already dressed it in this outfit by then."

Huang said secretly,"I thought I couldn't let you wait too long."

He carried the small cake, and the two of them walked slowly towards home.


When Huang An woke up the next morning, he found that Jing Liu was already awake.

"Why did you get up so early?"

Huang An raised his eyebrows.

""Look at it!"

Jingliu pointed at Xiaobai next to him.

Huang An turned to look.

Xiaobai was lying there, tearing the big doll that Huang An had given Jingliu before.

Oh, that's right.

Ever since Huang An gave Jingliu the doll, Jingliu put the doll on the bed.

Xiaobai has always had an inexplicable hostility towards the doll that looked like a big dog.

Before, Jingliu would habitually close the door when entering and leaving the house, not letting Xiaobai in, and it could never find a chance to take revenge on the doll that was competing with it for favor.

But today Jingliu got up early and forgot to close the door when he came out.

This guy just grew up a lot, swaggered in, dragged the doll out of his mother's room all the way, and tore it with his head shaking.

Jingliu wanted to snatch it away, but Xiaobai was sure that she was reluctant to hit it, so he didn't move at all, wagging his tail at Jingliu, while lowering his head and biting the doll's head with a wheezing sound.

""Get up."

The moment Huang An squatted down, Xiao Bai immediately dodged and stepped back.

The feeling of oppression from the master.

Huang An picked up the doll and looked at Jing Liu:"Do you want to wash it?"

"" Yeah."

Jingliu nodded.

Huang An cleaned the floor very well, so the doll was not that dirty.

But the top of its head was stained with Xiaobai's saliva.

Huang An turned around, found a pair of plastic gloves and put them on:"Speaking of which, it's a good opportunity to clean up the house at this time."


Jing Liu looked around.

The dining table was so clean that it could reflect light.

Huang An took down the tablecloths on the dining table and took them to the bathroom to wash.

Immersing himself in cleaning is an enjoyable process.

Even if there is a washing machine, Huang An is still keen on watching the process of one piece of clothing or cloth after another becoming clean in his hands.

So he always insists on hand washing.

Bed sheets, quilt covers, pillow covers, and even the carpet in the middle.

Huang An walked to the low table in the middle of the living room.

"Let me do it."

Jingliu lifted the low table before him. It was a bit difficult for Huang An to lift the table.

But Jingliu didn't seem to use any effort.

He bent down, grasped it firmly, and stood up without any pause.

It was as if it was not a heavy object at all, but a paper one.

Xiaobai's cage and mattress were cleaned and replaced by Huang An.

Then the windows and glass in the whole room were cleaned.

Jingliu also helped to clean up, but she could only do the laundry.

It was a long and slow process for Huang An to clean the house.

Wash the rag, wring it half dry and wipe it again. Repeat this many times, and the glass will be very clean without a trace.

Jingliu commented that his greatest contribution this time was to help Huang An move the low table in the middle of the living room.

Huang An wiped the thin sweat from his forehead and put the aromatherapy aside.

He turned and walked into Xiaobai's exclusive room.

Xiaobai was waiting for his master there. Give it a bath.

Huang An gave Xiao Bai a bath again, blew it dry and combed its hair.

The kid really shed hair.

After cleaning up all the hair, Huang An let Xiao Bai go.

Of course, it is common for dogs to shed hair, and he has no magic, so it is impossible for Xiao Bai to not shed any hair.

In other words, he has to be more diligent.

Xiao Bai looked quite well-behaved when he was young... but the older he gets, the more mischievous he becomes.

From the last time he rushed to the sea, now that his legs are a little longer, he has to jump on the bed.

In the past, Xiao Bai only rested on Jing Liu's legs and arms, and later Huang An's arms were added to the rest area.

Now Xiao Bai's activity area is gradually increasing. Although the bed in Jing Liu's room is not high, Xiao Bai can pull the doll down from it...

The kid is stronger now and has grown taller.

It will probably be on the bed and sofa soon.

Huang An narrowed his eyes and pinched Xiao Bai's ears:"You are not allowed to go on the bed and sofa."

What can Xiaobai understand?

Although it has grown up a lot.

The growth of young dogs is very fast, and Xiaobai's appetite has increased greatly.

The previous dog food is not enough for it.

Huang An simply bought a larger bag of the same dog food.

The supplements also need to be increased, and they should be arranged together.


Jingliu meets the same group of people every day when she goes to work.

As time goes by, many people have become familiar with this pretty girl.

This store became popular because of Jingliu.

But after becoming popular, it will face another problem.

As mentioned before, the people living here have their own businesses and families. They don’t have time to play this kind of game, and they are rarely interested in such games.

The people here are either with their families all day, or they are busy with company matters every day. They are not interested in games. They have not even heard of the name of Star Dome Railway. Who would know who Jingliu is?

But once it becomes popular, Jingliu's face will be spread outside...

Huang An looked at the information about Jingliu on his mobile phone.

【Jingliu: Someone took a photo of me today, but I held him down.

Jingliu: He said he was a street photographer and wanted to take two photos of me.

Jingliu: I asked him to delete them.

Huang An: Okay, I get it.

Huang An: Next time I will call the police directly, it is illegal to take a photo of you without your consent.

Jingliu: He said I hurt him.

Huang An: Let him quote the price directly, I am not short of money.

Huang An: If you are in a bad mood, you can smash his phone and I will pay him twice as much.

Jingliu: Not really... He did delete it.

Huang An: Check his photo album to see if there are any recent deletions.

Jingliu: Yes, I saw him delete it.

Huang An: Yeah.

Putting down the phone, Huang An narrowed his eyes.

In fact, things didn't have to come to this point, but Jingliu was quick to hold the man down.

It should have been fine if I just explained it...

It seems that Lord Luofu Swordsman still can't change some of his past habits.

Huang An turned his head to look at Xiaobai beside him, then looked at the time displayed on his phone, and stood up:"Let's go"


"You should go back to the cage. I'll go bring her food."


Xiaobai wagged his tail and went back to the cage.

Huang An plugged the cage in and turned around to cook for Jing Liu.


""Sister, have you noticed that there are a lot more young boys in our store recently?"

Bai Miao leaned on the counter and looked at Jing Liu and asked.

At least six people had come to ask them for their WeChat accounts today.

Bai Miao was indeed not bad looking, but she believed that those people came for Jing Liu.


Jing Liu didn't care how many young boys came today, but these people asked her for her WeChat and she was a little annoyed.

Just as she was thinking, the door was pushed open.

Huang An walked in with a thermos lunch box

"Brother Huang!"

Bai Miao waved to Huang An:"Good afternoon."

Bai Miao and Huang An are now much more familiar with each other, at least they greet each other when they meet.

"Well, good afternoon."

Huang An nodded and handed the insulated lunch box to Jing Liu:"Beef brisket stewed with tomatoes, a layer of blanched broccoli on top, and rice on top."

"Have you eaten yet?"

"I have eaten."

Huang An nodded.

Speaking of which...

Huang An watched Jing Liu unscrew the lunch box and thought about it.

The corresponding day of each month is coming soon.

Huang An has been sitting beside Jing Liu with his arms folded, waiting for him to finish eating.

Bai Miao, who was standing aside, felt that her spicy hot pot was not fragrant anymore.

He didn't even let her go during the meal?

"Um... do you want to eat together?"

Jing Liu noticed that Bai Miao was looking at her.

She turned her head and asked softly

"Ah! No no no! No need for that."

Bai Miao waved his hands repeatedly, indicating that he did not mean to disturb their world of two people.

Huang An closed his eyes.

In this area, almost no one came to buy bread at noon.

Because bread is only breakfast or snacks for them, they would not take it as lunch.

At noon, everyone ate with their families or dealt with company matters, and no one had the energy to buy bread.

So the two of them could eat quietly.

After the meal, Huang An's face was not very good.

"What's wrong?"

Jing Liu lowered his head slightly and asked in a low voice.

"It's okay."

Huang An shook his head, picked up the lunch box and turned to leave:"I'll pick you up in the evening."

Jing Liu looked at Huang An's back with some surprise.

He seemed to be in a bad mood?

Jing Liu frowned.

""Why does Brother Huang look like that?"

Bai Miao's eyes widened:"No way, sister, he doesn't let you eat leftovers? Doesn't he raise you as a daughter?"

The first thing that came to Jing Liu's mind was not to refute.

He was a thousand years old, and he was raised as a daughter by a short-lived person in his twenties. What a joke.

"No... I don't know why either."

Jing Liu shook his head:"Maybe something happened that made him feel bad."


Bai Miao propped up his chin and said,"Brother Huang always has a blank expression on his face. This is the first time I can see that he is really depressed."


Jing Liu frowned.

What happened to him...

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