The five heroes of Yunshang won a great victory in their first battle.

They destroyed more than half of the Buliren fleet and forced them to flee in panic.

This incident even alarmed the marshal, who sent a message through the Huangzhong system to inquire about the situation of the five heroes of Yunshang.

This battle made Luofu the center of attention.

After all, before this, the martial power mentioned in the immortal boat was Yaoqing.

Now Luofu can also squeeze into the forefront.


So, what are the Five Warriors on the Cloud who are stirring up the situation in the Xianzhou Alliance doing?


Five drunkards...

Yuanming sneered:"Five drunkards"


Bai Heng retorted:"We just get together occasionally."


Yuanming smiled and said,"Since I came to Xianzhou, until now, you have gathered every now and then."

"Oh, this is called affection. Besides, you didn't refuse."

"I know, I'm just complaining."

Yuanming crossed his arms and said,"There should be a celebration banquet over there, but the five heroes of Yunshang, who are the center of the discussion, are drinking and having fun here... Under the statue of Luofu Dragon Lord"

"This was agreed upon before."

Bai Heng leaned back and chuckled,"Hey, I didn't expect to win so easily."

"To be honest, it is not easy for the four envoys to win.……"

Yuanming crossed his arms and said,"Then I’d better quit the Star God Realm as soon as possible, so as not to embarrass the Star God."

Jing Liu smiled and reached out to pull Yuanming’s hair,"Is Changle Tianjun gone?"

"He won't stay in one place for long."

Yuanming shook his head:"How do you feel?"

"Actually, I don’t feel anything special."

Jing Liu lowered his head and smiled:"Maybe it’s because I’ve won too many times?"



The two laughed

"What what?"

Bai Heng came over:"What does Versailles mean?"


This Blue Star proper noun should not have appeared in Xianzhou yet.

"If I had to explain it... it wouldn't be very clear."

Yuanming scratched his nose:"You can simply understand it as... a self-deprecating word." Jingliu raised an eyebrow.

She could only understand the meaning of this word, but the strange thing was that she couldn't explain it clearly.

Strange... really strange

"Being modest?"

Bai Heng stroked his chin, as if thinking.

"Oh, don't use it in negotiations."

Yuanming waved his hand and said,"This is a dialect I learned from another planet. There is no such language on Xianzhou."


Bai Heng curled his lips, didn't think any more, and turned around to play with Ying Xing.

"Don't sit on the ground, aren't you cold?"

"I am the envoy."

Jingliu looked up at Yuanming with a smile on his face.

Yuanming raised his eyebrows and sat next to Jingliu.

"Is not It Cold?"

"……I am Star God"


Jing Liu chuckled:"That's true."

"I didn't expect that I would receive such a stupid order."

"Who are you saying is stupid?"



Jingliu grabbed Yuanming's shoulders and shook him.

She was the only envoy who could play with her own star god like this.

But a normal girl would at least pat him, and if she went too far, she would just pull his hair.

Jingliu realized that something was wrong and withdrew his hand with some embarrassment.

"I always feel like I'm not a woman at all."

Jing Liu smiled awkwardly and touched his nose.

"I don't feel anything."

Yuanming leaned back and said,"You are you, why do you always worry about whether you look like a woman?"

"Bai Heng said that responding like this means you think so too"

"You are so feminine, Jingliu.

Yuanming raised his thumb and interrupted Jingliu:"You are so sexy, I……"

"Stop... stop!"

Jingliu raised his hand to interrupt him and touched the goose bumps on his arm.

She was indeed not suitable for such"praise".

Yuanming was not suitable for praising others like this.

Yuanming smiled lightly:"I have something to ask you, it is very important to me"


Jing Liu blinked.


Yuanming was silent for a long while:"You have been in the immortal boat for thousands of years, have you ever found someone you like?"

Jingliu was stunned.

She shook her head:"Never."

She was so aggressive before, and the immortal species were not sensitive to love. She had never been confessed to by anyone - because no one dared

"I see."

Yuanming nodded:"Then can you find someone you like now?"


Jing Liu's wine glass froze at his lips:"What do you mean?"

"I'm going to let you know."

Yuanming held the wine glass, his eyes deep:"I like you"


It all happened too suddenly. The wine glass in Jingliu's hand fell and she caught it in a panic.

The wine spilled and Jingliu widened his eyes:"What did you say?"

"I said, I like you."

Yuanming didn't look at her:"It's not strange, right? I still hold the normal human thought, nothing has changed, more than a year is long enough for me, maybe I haven't adapted to the time scale of the Star God yet."


The earlobes were burning hot, and Jingliu was hesitant and couldn't even speak clearly.

"Ah, I don't intend to ask for your response. Your emotional scale and judgment should be different from mine, but I think that since I like you, there is no need to hide it."

Yuanming has never accepted the concept that love needs to be hidden.

Straight is the way they get along.

"If you hate me...oh, or if you don't hate me, but just don't have any feelings for me, please reject me directly."

Yuanming said:"If you don't hate me, I hope we can still maintain the original way of getting along, that's it, but there will be changes, because I will pursue you."

"Chase... Chase……"

The wine glass fell to the ground, and Jing Liu blushed. Her fair cheeks were flushed.

The last time she heard someone say they liked her was a thousand years ago when her father and mother said they liked her.

Although there were people who liked her after that, they couldn't even say"like" when they stood in front of her. This was the first time in the thousand-year life of Master Jianshou that someone confessed to her face - such a direct confession.

"If you don't hate it, please answer me directly, or you can agree or refuse here."

Yuanming said.

He didn't know how to deal with feelings.

But according to Huang Mei, you have to be bold when facing feelings. It's not shameful to like someone and want to spend the rest of your life with her. Just say it directly. So he chose to say it directly.

"I won't embarrass you."

Yuanming said calmly:"Jingliu, I want to know your answer"


Jing Liu took a deep breath.

It had been a thousand years.

She herself didn't know what her heart was like, and she didn't even know if she still had the ability to love.

The memories and pain of the past were circling in her mind, and she could only numb herself with the happiness of the present.

"I have never faced these things... I am not lying to you, I have lived for nearly a thousand years, but I have spent most of my time fighting and practicing swordsmanship, and the only people I have come into contact with are these few people... I really don't know how to answer."

Jing Liu seemed a little uneasy and reached out to grab Yuanming's clothes:"But I don't hate it... It's just... Can you give me some time, even one night... Let me think about it carefully"

"Of course.

Yuanming smiled and said,"I'm glad you didn't reject me."

He breathed a sigh of relief, but he didn't know that Jingliu was also relieved at the same time.

She had to face these problems and couldn't avoid them anymore.

"Jing Liuliu! Yuanming! Come on! It's time to retreat!"

Bai Heng's call came from a distance.

"Bai Heng is calling.

Yuanming smiled at the mirror and said,"Let's go."


Jingliu nodded and stood up with him.

"Why are you two so weird?"


Jing Liu shook his head, his mind was in a mess.

"Hey, Jing Liuliu, where is your wine glass?"


Jing Liu was startled and turned around and ran back:"I just fell to the ground."


The party was over and everyone went home.



"I confessed to Jingliu"

"……It's so much fun"

"Is this all you think?"

"Or else?"

Ah Ha's mouth twitched:"Are you expecting me to be your emotional teacher?"

After traveling with Yuanming, the frequency of Joy Star God's silence increased sharply.

"I thought you would feel differently"

"There are so many things that Star God can do."

Aha smiled softly:"Yuanming, just make the decision."

"I've decided"

"The love story between a star god and a messenger."

Ah Ha smiled and said,"It's so funny... If it were put in a tavern, it would definitely become a hot topic."

"Tell the truth."

Yuanming took a deep breath and covered his face with his hands:"I'm a little nervous for some reason."

He had been holding it in for a long time, and when he confessed to Jingliu, he felt like his head was going to explode.

"……Fuli will definitely be interested"

"What are you interested in?"

"Maybe we can create a new light cone."

Ah Ha smiled and said,"Remember the shyness of a star god."

"……I'm not shy"

"You're just shy."

"I said no"

"Yuanming said one thing and meant another"



"Do you want to fight?"

"Record the moment when a star god became angry and embarrassed. Fu Li, come quickly."



The conversation between the two star gods on the roof did not reach the house at all.

The moonlight poured in through the window, but some people still did not fall asleep.

Jingliu opened his eyes and looked at his fingers.

What is Yuanming to her?


Don't deceive yourself, Jingliu, sometimes you can realize that it is not the behavior of family members.

She is also testing.

Not testing Yuanming.

But testing her own heart.

When Yuanming remembers everything she mentions, even if it is just a sentence she mentions occasionally, will her heart be touched?


Jingliu knows.

Maybe it is a different opportunity, a different experience.

Yuanming is different from everyone around her.

He wants to kill her when he meets her, but he is not afraid of her.

The two are almost forced to be tied together.

They have been living inseparable for almost a year, their lives are intertwined, and they can see each other after brushing their teeth in the morning. From indifference

, to inseparable, and then to paying attention to safety every time they go out.

No, it has been more than a year.

During this period of time after arriving at the Immortal Boat, the two of them still live together.

Jingliu has the same attitude towards any feelings, whether it is friendship or love.

She tried, not daring to take a further step.

Past losses and pains lingered in her mind.

When she left Zhu Ming, the woman looked at her coldly.

From now on, you no longer need anyone.

But she didn't just say this.

She also said, Jingliu, move forward.

Don't look back.

Her slender fingers clenched.

Or rather, she couldn't tell her own feelings apart.

If her love for Yuanming was not as much and rich as Yuanming's love for her, would Yuanming be very tired?

At that time, would the relationship become irreversible?

But if she refused, she would not be happy, and neither would Yuanming.

Doesn't she like it?

"Good morning, Mirror"

"Stay safe, Mirrorflow"

"Happy birthday, Mirror"

"Jingliu, I'm worried about you"

"I'll bring you food"

"Thank you for your hard work, Mirror"

"You said last night that this stone beef is delicious. I went out this morning to buy some dumplings. It's my first time making dumplings, so my skills are not good. Please forgive me."

It was his birthday when he got up early to make noodles, and he had dark circles under his eyes.

He had a wound on his ear, but he still carried a small cake and came back to tell her that he wiped it in the stairwell.

It was a year, and the light finally bloomed in the abyss.


The abyss of the first half of life, the light of the second half of life.


Mirror Flow���eyes.

Jingliu, you like him.

But can her liking compare to Yuanming's liking?

Jingliu is a bit too picky.

In fact, in many cases, liking something is not equally abundant, but it rises and falls.

In life, liking something increases because of various things, just like the waves, which rise and fall but never reach the bottom.

This is the only way to last.

What are you still hesitating about, Jingliu.

Without the evil spirits, close friends can save your life, and life can be eternal.

You have no reason to hesitate.

"Jingliu, sometimes people have to be selfish."

Yuanming said at that time.

Yes, Jingliu.

You should be selfish for a while.

Jingliu closed her eyes.

Let her be selfish just once.

Just once


At daybreak, the Sword Master opened her eyes.

She dreamed of Yuanming last night.

Perhaps because of her confused mind, she actually dreamed of him walking with another woman, laughing and talking, close and intimate.

The nameless fire in her heart almost melted her.

Jingliu rubbed her head, threw the quilt aside in annoyance, stood up, opened the door and walked out.

Yuanming was not in the living room, but there was a fragrance coming from the kitchen that she could not ignore.

"Wake up so early?"

Yuanming accurately detected the footsteps at the kitchen door. He turned his head and glanced at Jingliu:"The noodles are not ready yet. Sleep a little longer or go wash up. It will be ready soon."

"Um... good morning."

Jing Liu rubbed his slightly red eyes.

"Well, good morning, Jingliu.

Yuanming smiled.

Jingliu turned and walked towards the bathroom.


The noodles were fragrant, but Jingliu was in no mood to eat them after flipping them with chopsticks.

On the other hand, the Star God who had caused her to be uneasy was sitting opposite her, flipping the noodles calmly.

"Don’t you have an appetite?"

Yuanming looked at the bowl in front of Jingliu, which had not changed at all, and said,"It will be clumping up soon.""


Jingliu took a deep breath and said,"I want to talk to you about what happened yesterday."

"Well, you say.

Yuanming was stunned for a moment, then he gently put the chopsticks aside.

"I like you, but I don't like you as much as you like me.……"

Jing Liu just felt embarrassed, and felt so shameless for saying this.

It's not the kind of embarrassment that comes from actively saying that you like someone, but the sadness of saying that your love is not as strong as the other person's, and the sadness of abandoning your sense of responsibility.

"You go on."

Yuanming stared at her seriously, but the corners of his mouth could not help but rise.

She also liked him.

He heard this sentence clearly.

Of course, he could not ask Jingliu to like him equally. After all, she was an immortal, with thousands of years of emotional accumulation, and her views on feelings were different from his.

"But I don't want to let you go... I'm very slow in feeling and I don't know what to do.……"

Jing Liu didn't know what to say, and ended up knocking his head in annoyance.

Yuan Ming was amused by her actions:"What's wrong? Shouldn't I be the one who's nervous?"

"I just don't know how���To love someone."

Her fingers pinched the edge of her skirt, Jing Liu lowered his head, and his voice became lower:"I think I should explain all these things to you."

She thought again, she was still selfish.

If she really didn't want to delay others, she should have refused at the beginning, instead of saying, I don't want to let you go.

"But I like you too."

Jing Liu was stunned and raised his head.

"I said it yesterday, you are you."

Yuanming propped up his chin:"Smiling, angry, childish, cold, every side is you, what I like is Jingliu, not the happy Jingliu, not the childish Jingliu, not the cold Jingliu, nor the angry Jingliu, it is Jingliu, all Jingliu, what I like is Jingliu, everything about Jingliu"

"……"Can you understand what I mean?"

Yuanming felt that what he said was particularly stupid, which made him feel a little uneasy.

But his uneasiness made Jingliu no longer uneasy.

She smiled and narrowed her eyes.

"I know you."

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