"Why are you always staring at me?"

Huang An turned his head and looked at Jing Liu behind him.

"I just think you're very quick at making up lies."

Jingliu thought for a moment and explained.

"Work requires it."

Huang An said indifferently, walking forward:"I need to weave all kinds of lies, my mission requires it."

If he wants to survive, he can't make any mistakes in weaving lies.

Although the lie just told was indeed too outrageous.

But there are all kinds of wonders in the world?

Jing Liu didn't respond, she just explained it casually.

Huang An walked to the gate of the community:"Find the property management."

It's easy to get an extra key card in this community.

Phone number, ID number, building number and floor, fingerprint to confirm identity, and then a new key card is in hand.

"Just a test for you."

Huang An folded his arms and looked at Jing Liu:"Which building and floor is your home?"


Jingliu was squatting and touching Xiaobai. She was stunned when she heard this question.

She looked at the staff around her who were looking at her and blinked:"Isn't it... the 19th floor of Building No. 6?"

"What's the room number?"


"That's right."

Huang An nodded, turned around and nodded to the staff, then began to call out the number.

"Wait a moment."

A new set of key cards soon arrived in Huang An's hand. He raised his hand and handed the key cards to Jing Liu:"Home keys"


Jing Liu was stunned for a moment, then raised his hand to take it.


Although he knew that the man only said this for convenience, Jing Liu was still stunned for a few seconds.

Her home was destroyed.

Does it count as a new home now?

"I remind you that this card is for money, including property fees, which are also recorded in the account."

Walking into the community, Huang An shook the card in his hand and said to Jing Liu.

Jing Liu nodded:"How much money do I owe you now?"

"Less than ten thousand."

Huang thought for a moment,"Do you think I should include those three bullets?"

"Isn't that what you used to kill me?"

Jing Liu's mouth twitched.

"But you're not dead"

"If it were an ordinary person, he would be dead."

"The same goes for me."

Huang An shrugged:"If it was an ordinary person, I would be cut in half by a sword energy."

Jing Liu thought he was that... evil creature, he thought Jing Liu was some organization that was hunting him down.


Jingliu shrugged his shoulders, imitating his example:"I almost killed you, and you almost killed me, so we are even."

And now the misunderstanding has been explained.

"Then go home."

Huang An didn't say much, and walked towards Building No. 6.

Jing Liu lowered his head and looked at Xiao Bai.

Xiao Bai stuck out his pink tongue and looked a little tired.

Jing Liu lowered his head and gently picked it up.

"Friendly reminder, it just pooped."

Jing Liu froze, holding Xiao Bai's body. It was not right to hold him in his arms, nor was it right to put him down.


After returning to the house and taking a shower, Huang An immediately carried Xiaobai, who had been locked in a cage since entering the door, by the scruff of his neck and walked into its private"bathroom". Wipe its butt, body, belly, and paws.

Fortunately, he had foresight and bought a few more sets of small pet clothes at the pet store yesterday. He changed it when night came.

After wiping Xiaobai clean, he squatted down and let it out casually, and Huang An cleaned the bathroom again.

When he came out, Jingliu was still in a familiar posture, sitting on the sofa, holding Xiaobai and looking into the distance.

Huang An took a look and turned into his own room.

She might be uneasy too.

But she just couldn't understand it.

Huang An's computer was in his room.

He sat at the desk, turned on the computer, and opened WeChat.

A dark prompt box popped up

【Micro Moon】


Huang An quickly typed out two words


WeChat is open.

Huang Ming has sent the mission information and location.

Huang An opens the document.

{Mission codename [High Class Party]

Target codename: White Apple

Gender: Female

Real name: Song Qinglin

Age: 36 years old.

Identity: CEO of Lianshi Branch of Huaquan Media Co., Ltd.

Family situation: Father: Song Huaming, 59 years old, Chairman of Huaquan Media Co., Ltd., currently living in No. 3 Huabao, Mingcheng, Beijing.

Mother: Chang Xue: 57 years old, living with Song Huaming. Husband

: Zhang Mingtai: 34 years old, President of Qingyehui, living in No. 4, Tianhai No. 1 Villa District, Lianshi.

Son: Zhang Linyi: 12 years old, studying at the First Primary School of Lianshi, the name of the class teacher: Zhang Quan.

Daughter: Zhang Miaomiao: 3 years old, living with her parents and brother. Father

-in-law: Zhang Baiyi: 57 years old, currently living in No. 4 Huabao, Mingcheng, Beijing, the money comes from the only son Zhang Mingtai.

Mother-in-law: Liu Yun: 57 years old, living with Zhang Baiyi, the money comes from the only son Zhang Mingtai.

Your temporary identity is: Bai Yi, 32 years old, Vice President of Bai Zhou Hui. The target and his family members have all been dealt with in secret.

Identity advantage: Bai Pingguo is new to this kind of work, and due to nervousness, she has been overly secretive, and has never had a real face-to-face contact with Bai Yi. As Bai Yi, your contact code with Bai Pingguo is"The Story of Snow White". The mission target picture is attached below.


Huang An read these carefully several times before scrolling down.

{【Once any omission or mistake occurs in the mission, immediately eliminate the target on the scene. If the action fails, you and this action have nothing to do with any organization, and your existence will not be recognized. 】

Observer: **


【This confidential document will be automatically destroyed within three seconds after you turn to the bottom page.]}

Huang An raised his hand and left the computer.

In fact, it took less than three seconds before a bunch of garbled characters appeared in the file. The next second, a window popped up indicating that there was no such file, and the file disappeared without a trace.

Huang An clicked to exit

【Phoenix Fate: Micro Moon

���An: Youyang.

Huang Ming: Well, have you finished reading it?

Huang An: I have finished reading it.

Huang Ming: Be serious. This is the job assigned by RD. If something goes wrong, I can't protect you. Huang An: If the information is correct, nothing will go wrong.

Huang Ming: I like your confidence. This time your observer is Huang Yu.

Huang An: He comes in person?

Huang Ming: Well, it is better to be safe for RD's mission. In fact, I was thinking about going there, but the target's network of contacts is quite wide, and we need to control it.

Huang An: Where are the target's family members?

Huang Ming: Huang Xiao and Huang Zhan have already been dispatched.

Huang An: Clean up?

Huang Ming: Yes, cut the grass and uproot it, leaving no one alive, don't worry, you will be fine.

Huang An: Yes.

Huang Ming: There is no failure, only death.

Huang An: Yes. 】

The chat history was automatically cleared, and Huang An closed his eyes gently, leaning back in the chair and thinking.

RD's mission...

RD, the full spelling is RED DROGEN

The abbreviation is RD.

Of course, this has another homonym...

It seems that this goal is a bit big.

And their transactions...

Isn't this poison, fire and killing...

Huang An opened his eyes.

The equipment is collected inside, and there is also his contact inside.

This mission will be very dangerous, but they must do it.

Because of this, the Huangtian organization can survive until now


Huang An took out the cigarette from his pocket, put it aside, stood up, found a clean ashtray from the drawer beside him, and placed it on the table.


Smoke slowly blew out, Huang An opened his eyes, and put out the cigarette he had just taken a puff of.

Anyway, it would not start until tomorrow night.

I had to make some plans.

Huang An stood up, put away the ashtray, opened the door and walked out.

Jing Liu was still sitting on the sofa, and Xiao Bai in his arms had fallen asleep.

"Aren't you afraid it will pee on your legs?"

"It almost did that just now, so I carried it to the toilet."

Jingliu shook his head.

"This is for you."

Huang An took out a bank card and a business card and handed them to Jing Liu.

"What are you doing?"

"Bank card and house address."

Huang said indifferently:"I'm going out now. There is an alarm clock here. If I haven't come back for more than 48 hours and haven't called home, here, that's the landline."

Huang pointed to the landline on the low cabinet not far away:"You will use that one, right?"

Jingliu stared at him and nodded.

"If I don't call you before or after the alarm goes off, you take these things, Xiaobai, and the pile of things in the storage room, and go to the house at this address. Here is the key, you can find out the address yourself."

Huang An threw the key to Jing Liu:"Do you understand?"

"Are you going to carry out a mission?"

Jing Liu frowned.


"Will it be dangerous?"


"I will go with you"

"There's no need. One more person means more danger. Just trust me."

"I need someone in this world who can take care of me."

Jing Liu stared into his eyes.

"I will try my best to come back. If nothing unexpected happens, I will be fine."

Huang An shook his head.

He was just used to entrusting everything to prevent the worst outcome.

It was fine when he was the only one living in this house before, but now there is more than one person.

"That's it."

Huang An walked towards the room.

He had to go around the target location to at least verify the evacuation route.

There was an extra layer in his closet.

Huang An opened the closet, spread out the clothes hanging inside, laid them on the bed, turned around and rubbed to find the innermost buckle.


A wooden board was removed, revealing a glowing password input board.


Without any sound, the sandwich panel at the back opened automatically.

A wide variety of weapons were revealed.

It is nonsense to have a rifle at home in this world. Keeping a rifle at home on the 19th floor means that you plan to massacre and rob a bank.

There will be some in the mission equipment, so he doesn't need to bring too many things.

But if there really is such technology one day, he really wants a hidden blade.

Maybe there won't be that day.

Or maybe he won't live to see that day?

Huang An raised his eyebrows and took a short M9 bayonet.

This knife has been modified and is shorter than the normal M9 bayonet, making it easier to carry.

Most importantly, it is easier to handle.

Put the knife in the scabbard and put it in the inner pocket of his clothes.

His clothes are specially made, so it is quite easy to hold these things.

Huang An walked out of the room and looked at Jing Liu:"Can you cook?"

Jing Liu was stunned for a moment and shook his head

"There are leftovers and bread in the storage room, as well as the compressed biscuits you ate before, water, milk and so on. If you are hungry, go get it yourself. The dog food is also in the storage room. There are scales inside. You can decide how much to pour."

Huang An reminded him:"Remember?"

At this time, he was very lucky that this was not a person who traveled from ancient times and knew nothing.

Jing Liu looked at the storage room and nodded.

In short, everything is in the storage room.


Huang An turned and walked towards the door.

He didn't bring his key card, and he might not be able to wear this equipment later. It would be unnecessary if he was discovered or lost.

Anyway, Jing Liu was at home.


Jing Liu's voice came from behind. Huang An stopped and turned around:"Is there anything else you don't understand?"

Jing Liu shook his head, his eyes serious:"Be careful."

Huang An was stunned for a moment.

It seemed that no one had ever said this to him.

He was silent for two seconds, turned around and pushed the door open.


His figure disappeared outside the door as it blocked him.

Jing Liu frowned, lowered his head and touched Xiao Bai in his arms.


The mission location is in a high-end hotel.

Bodyguards are already standing around.

Huang An, like a passerby, wore light clothes and carried a schoolbag he bought from somewhere, and walked into a small hotel not far from the hotel.

In order to avoid being overly noticed, he also wore a wig.

This is also to prevent his white hair from being too dazzling after being discovered.

About this white hair...

White hair is the reason for success and failure.

When this hair was first dyed, it was to make the neighbors around him more impressed. It would be best if he was the kind of young man who was uneducated and unskilled. In this way, even if he went out for a mission at night, he would be regarded as a fool by the neighbors. Even if the police came to check one day, the neighbors' impression of him would still be there. He was usually kind to the neighbors. In the eyes of the neighbors, he was a simple, uneducated, but somewhat gentle child.

At night, he avoided the neighbors' eyes. In the eyes of the neighbors, he was just a lazy guy sleeping at home.

The white hair was indeed a bit eye-catching.

This was also one of the reasons why he didn't let Jing Liu come.

Jingliu's white hair and appearance are a bit too eye-catching, especially those red eyes - walking on the street, seeing a pair of red eyes, who wouldn't take a second look?

At least he won't be so noticeable after wearing a mask and a wig. Jingliu is an accident when he goes out on the street.

"King-size bed room, two days."

Huang An checked in with his ID card, took the room card, and went upstairs.

His room was at the back.

Huang An took the room card, looked around, frowned, and seemed very impatient.

His room was at 415.

He walked to the door of 416 and knocked.

After knocking several times without any response, he swiped the room card again.


The card error prompt sounded.

Huang An picked up the card and looked at it for a long time, then looked up at the room number, patted his head, turned around and looked behind him, swiped the card to enter his room.

Open the door, draw the curtains, lock the door, and turn off the lights.

Huang An opened a small white program on his phone.

When the program was opened, the screen of the phone turned into a camera interface.

This is a small program made by a person named Huang Luo in the organization. It can detect cameras with one scan.

In fact, cameras in hotels are not common.

There are countless people staying in hotels every day.

There are not as many cameras as you think.

Huang An checked carefully, but there was nothing.

He drew back the curtains and opened the windows for ventilation.

Through the window, he could still see the hotel opposite.

Huang An picked up his phone

【Huang An: Wei Yue.

Huang Ming: You Yang.

Huang An: Yes, I'm at Qingyun Hotel, 415, the innermost of the fourth floor, opposite the mission target.

Huang Ming: Is there anyone living opposite?

Huang An: No, I've confirmed it. Of course, it's not ruled out that they are asleep. Although I knocked several times, I will continue to observe. Give me a message when you get to the door.

Huang Ming: Yes. 】

For the next few hours, Huang An did nothing.

He moved a chair and sat at the door. From time to time, he stood up and looked through the cat's eye at the movement of the opposite side and several nearby rooms.

No movement... It seems that there is really no one living there.

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