"As long as you can rest assured."

Tian Chi nodded, and didn't ask any more questions:"Bai Heng, are you still planning to leave?"

"Not for the time being."

Bai Heng shook his head:"When the war is over, we plan to go on a trip together. It might be interesting to take them to Dablair."

"Traveling... is difficult, right?"

Tian Chi chuckled:"Long Zun, Bai Ye, Jian Shou... well, it seems that only you can be truly free."

"So, identity is also a constraint."

Bai Heng supported his chin:"You have the deepest understanding."


Tian Chi murmured.

Back then, she was able to drive a star raft around Luofu to escort the deacons of the Earth Heng Division.

Since she entered the Sky Port Division, she has become accustomed to seeing these people who left the sky... She seems to have aged.

"It seems you are still young."

Tian Chi laughed twice

"Of course.

Bai Heng laughed twice.

The vibration of the jade auspicious sign interrupted the conversation between the two. Bai Heng raised his eyebrows and took out the jade auspicious sign.

The jade auspicious sign, which was similar to jade, glowed, and the information of the jade network was displayed on the light screen.

Unlike the limited social interaction of those close friends, Bai Heng's jade network was densely packed with new message notifications.

There were people she knew in several major immortal ships, and even friends from other star systems.

"Ying Xing?"

Bai Heng raised his eyebrows.

【Bai Ye: Are you there?

Invincible Flying Knight: Yes.

Bai Ye: Are you home now?

Invincible Flying Knight: No, I'm in Sichen Palace, what's wrong?

Bai Ye:...Another meeting?

Invincible Flying Knight: Oh... Yes, it's really unbearable to be so busy every day.

Bai Ye:...Bai Heng, I always think you have a misunderstanding of the definition of busy.

Invincible Flying Knight: Is it okay for me to work hard?

Bai Ye:...Okay.

Bai Ye: I have something to give you】


Ying Xing regretted it the moment the message was sent.

He wanted to click to withdraw, but Dan Feng grabbed his arm instantly.

Jing Yuan snatched his phone away at that moment.

Dan Feng really couldn't stand it anymore.

One or two people were like this.

Jing Liu caught him showing off his affection, and Ying Xing tortured his nerves all day and night.

If you want to succeed, do it quickly!

Lord Long Zun's patience has reached its limit. He held Ying Xing tightly and waited until the time for Yu Luo to withdraw was up before letting Ying Xing go.

"Dan Feng!"

Ying Xing's face turned red with embarrassment:"Why are you holding me up!"

"Be a man, Ying Xing."

Dan Feng said expressionlessly,"Just solve it quickly... Stop torturing us two."


Ying Xing was depressed.

He should have just followed Bai Heng's advice. He felt that he didn't create the right atmosphere for the conversation.

And why did he have to say"send it to me"? Wasn't it too obvious?

But if it wasn't obvious, what if Bai Heng didn't understand? Wouldn't his feelings be suffocated? What if Bai Heng left again? Maybe he wouldn't see him for a long time...

Was he going to have to watch Jingliu and Yuanming show off their affection?

It would cost him his life.

"Jing Yuan, am I being too abrupt?"

Ying Xing regarded Jing Yuan as his last straw.

Jing Yuan smiled kindly:"How about I use the Jade Omen to help you explain it to Bai Heng?"

"Get lost!"

Ying Xing snatched back his jade sign and looked at the information on it.

【Invincible Flyer: Great, the gift you gave must be something good.

Invincible Flyer: Can you tell me what it is?

Invincible Flyer: Yingxing? Why didn't you reply?

Invincible Flyer: Hey! Where are you? Little Yingxing? Should I go find you or should you come find me?】

"She wants to see me...she wants to accept……"

The villain in Ying Xing's heart jumped up three feet high, but in an instant he was pinned to the ground:"Dan Feng! What should I do...If I let her come to me on her own initiative……"

"I don't know, don't ask me"

【Lord Longzun refuses to provide you with any strategies】

"Jing Yuan!"

"Same as above."

Jing Yuan was even more straightforward, he took a step back and pretended to be dead.

Seeing that neither of his two bad friends could be relied on, Ying Xing took a deep breath and turned to look at Dan Feng:"Lord Longzun, I really need help."

He was panicking now.

Just like a child who got zero on the test and his parents knew they were coming home soon.

Bai Heng was coming to see him?

He hadn't replied yet...

What should he do?

Most people couldn't understand Ying Xing's train of thought and his whining attitude towards feelings.

Dan Feng closed his eyes, as if he had become a part of his own statue.

Well, I really can't rely on him this time.


There is another person among the Five Warriors on the Cloud!

Ying Xing took out the jade omen and temporarily ignored Bai Heng's message.


Yu Zhao was shaken, Jing Liu took a deep breath and gently pinched Yuan Ming's face:"Someone sent me a message"

"Who is it?"

"Ying Xing."

A trace of surprise flashed in Jing Liu's eyes, and she opened the jade channel.

【Baiye: Help! Urgent!!! ]

Jingliu looked up and exchanged glances with Yuanming, then lowered his head to look at Yuzhao.

【Jingliu: ?

Baiye: I made the wine pot for Baiheng, I said I wanted to give it to her, but I felt that the atmosphere of the chat was not right... She said she wanted to find me, how should I reply?

Jingliu: ?

Jingliu: Just tell me where you are? Is it worth asking?

Baiye:... But I just insulted her.

Jingliu: Believe me, you can't insult her, you don't have the courage.


Baiye: Then I will just tell you where I am?


Baiye: Okay... I'll try. 】

Jingliu put Yuzhao down and sighed:"Why hesitate so much?"

It would be great to speak directly like Yuanming.

Jingliu turned his head, raised his head and touched Yuanming's nose:"It's better for you to do this."

Yuanming blinked, gently lowered his head and kissed her lips.

Jingliu responded a little clumsily.

Until now, she still hasn't learned the details of kissing-because Yuanming doesn't know how to do it either.

But if the two practice together, they will become proficient one day.

Moreover, it was this clumsy kissing skill that made people want to bully him.

The tiny tongue responded tentatively, just like a kitten scratching the heart, making people feel itchy.

I can't help it.

Yuanming... This is Jianshou Mansion, we'll talk about it tonight.

Yuanming gently opened his eyes.

Jingliu's face was flushed, and his breathing was heavy and hot, spraying on his chin.

Jingliu was a little out of breath when he tilted his head back to kiss him.

Now such a tight kiss made it even more difficult for her to find a gap to breathe.

"Stupid A Liu."

Yuanming let her go and whispered in her ear with a smile:"Can't you breathe when you kiss?"


Lord Jianshou patted his face, turned his head and looked at Qinglu who was pretending to be dead beside him, then pinched the back of Yuanming's hand, and then put aside other thoughts and turned to review documents. Qinglu


She can watch Lord Jianshou show affection here every day while working.

No... It's watching Lord Jianshou show affection here every day, and working at the same time.

Who knows the family members.

This is not a serious job.

Eating dog food and working at the same time


"I'm leaving!"

Master Baiye left Linyuan Realm in a heroic and high-spirited manner.

He was going to look for Bai Heng.

Of course, he didn't have the courage to go to Tianbosi, where many acquaintances were running around, to look for Bai Heng.

He asked Bai Heng to go to Changletian for a stroll.

……Chang Letian.

Ying Xing probably couldn't send anything to that place.

Dan Feng rubbed his brows.

Whether you want to send it or not, he doesn't care.

Physically and mentally exhausted, Lord Long Zun felt for the first time in his hundred years of ruling Linyuan Realm.

"Dan Feng."

Jing Yuan raised his eyebrows and looked at Ying Xing's back, then raised his head and looked at Dan Feng again:"You'd better pray that he can succeed."


Dan Feng glanced at him.

"Yingxing can't possibly pester Jingliu, Yuanming will throw him out. If he fails, guess who he'll complain to?"


He takes back what he said before.

Emperor Gong Siming, bless Yingxing to succeed.

Let him go.


"So... why should we two follow?"

Dan Feng's eyes were almost dead, but he couldn't persuade Jing Yuan.

"Let’s follow and see, if Ying Xing fails, we can just hide."

Jing Yuan gave a thumbs up:"Do you understand, Dan Feng, do you want to be pestered by Ying Xing?"

"……That's right."

Dan Feng coughed twice and turned to look at Ying Xing and Bai Heng in front of him.

Ying Xing's complaints were not ordinary annoying.

""Ying Xing, what do you want to give me?"

Bai Heng's ears twitched, and she looked at Ying Xing with a puzzled look.

He had already called her out, so was he planning to take her on foot to Changletian?

"Well... let's go somewhere first……"

Ying Xing took a deep breath.

Bai Heng didn't know, and Ying Xing didn't know.

There were already two groups of people following them.


"Ah Liu...what are we two going to do?"

"Hush... Bai Heng's pointed ears are really sharp."

Jingliu made a gesture to whisper more quietly, and quickly moved to the front with Yuanming.

The two were originally shopping here. It was rare that Jingliu didn't have so many documents today, and Qinglu was also fast, so the two planned to go out for a walk, buy some food and go home for a drink.

Jingliu enjoys drinking and tasting tea.

But she has not experienced the feeling of drinking alone with her lover.

It seems that everyone thinks that male and female partners should do male and female things, or walk hand in hand, and at most just talk.

But she wanted to try drinking with Yuanming under the moon... That must be a very good experience.

I didn't expect to meet Yingxing and Bai Heng here.

My own Ah Liu suddenly became interested, and Yuanming of course agreed with both hands and feet

"Ying Xing actually dared to ask Bai Heng out alone……"

Jingliu stroked his chin, one hand still holding Yuanming's hand.

Yuanming didn't look at Yingxing, his eyes were on the two people on the left.

Danfeng had obviously noticed him, and the two looked at each other.

As for the master and apprentice...these two people were lying in the corner looking at the two people in front. They are really worthy of being a close master and apprentice.

Yuanming saw the twitching corners of Danfeng's mouth.

He shrugged helplessly, and did not tell Jingliu that Danfeng and Jingyuan were also here.

Since the previous incident, he understood one thing-Jingyuan's training tasks are very heavy, and this kid is very playful, and sometimes he may sneak out.

It's better not to expose him.

Yuanming curled his lips and turned to look at Yingxing and Baiheng in front of him.

Yingxing and Baiheng were talking about something, and soon walked into the corner in front.

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