[Bai Ye: She promised to give me an answer within a week!

Bai Ye: She promised to give me an answer within a week!

Bai Ye: She promised to give me an answer within a week!

Bai Ye: Jing Liu? Jing Liu! Did you see it? ]

Jing Liu threw Yu Zhao aside with an expressionless face, turned around and hugged Yuan Ming:"Go to sleep,"

"Won't you reply?"


Jingliu leaned into his arms again.

After a while, she suddenly thought of something and turned around to pick up Yuzhao:"Just reply one line."

【Jingliu: I am being intimate with my sweetheart, please do not disturb me.


This time it's OK.

Jing Liu threw Yu Zhao aside, and didn't intend to pay attention to Ying Xing who was broken. He turned around and hugged Yuan Ming:"Go to sleep!""

"Why is he so excited?……"

Yuanming chuckled and shook his head helplessly.

"Danfeng and Jingyuan can't run away either, just watch them."

Jingliu nestled in Yuanming's arms:"Bai Heng might send news later."

The Sword Master had a habitual premonition about these close friends.

As soon as she finished speaking, the jade channel vibrated again.

The sound was high-pitched, which was the fixed reminder tone for Bai Heng's letter.

Jingliu turned around and picked up the jade

【Invincible Flyer: Jing Liuliu! I guessed it right! I promise to reply him within a week!

Invincible Flyer: I promise to reply him within a week!

Jing Liu: I am making out with my sweetheart, please do not disturb me.

Invincible Flyer:? 】

After treating two people with the same words, Jing Liu threw Yu Zhao aside and hugged Yuan Ming:"I really sleep this time."

"Are you sure there won't be any more messages?"

"Jing Yuan will probably send it, but you don't need to reply."

Jing Liu shook his head:"Go to sleep."

Yu Zhao really sounded two more Jing Yuan exclusive reminder sounds.

But Jing Liu had no intention of replying.

Yuan Ming chuckled and hugged Jing Liu tightly:"Good night, my lady"

"Good night……"

Mirror Flow Close your eyes

"Ah Liu, what about the second half of the sentence?

Yuanming rubbed Jing Liu's nose and said,"My lady,……"

"……Good night, my husband."

Jing Liu was now able to let go of his shame.

Yuan Ming laughed twice and stopped talking.


Yuanming endured the whole night and did nothing.

The sweet and soft lady lying in his arms was really a test of his willpower.

"Ah Liu."

Yuanming lowered his head and kissed her forehead gently:"Wake up"


Jing Liu shook his head:"What time is it?……"

"Seven o'clock in the morning."

Yuanming chuckled and said,"After breakfast, I will go to the parade ground to watch Jingyuan's sword training in the morning, and then go to Jianshou Mansion. Master Jianshou, is this arrangement to your liking?"

"Hmm...very satisfied."

Jingliu chuckled, raised his head and kissed Yuanming on the lips:"Husband, a kiss before getting up."


Yuanming smiled and said,"There are still many things to do today, right?"

"Who knows?"

Jingliu sighed:"Without Tengxiao, all these things will fall on me."

"Otherwise I'll just drag him back."

Yuanming chuckled and said,"I feel bad for making my wife so tired..."


Jing Liu smiled, buried his head in Yuanming's chest and took a deep breath:"Energy replenishment is complete."

"What energy to replenish?"

"The energy I need to maintain my daily activities can only be provided by the Chaos Star God."

"Can Yuanming do it?"


Jingliu puffed up her cheeks:"It's okay if I try."

Yuanming laughed, looked at her cute appearance, stretched out his hand and pinched her cheeks:"Aliu, don't be so cute, I'm afraid I can't help it"

"Then I will be more restrained."

Jing Liu immediately became timid and sat up.

"It's better not to hold back.

Yuanming smiled.


"Ying Xing, if I were you, I would take advantage of these two days to accompany Bai Heng and let her see how good you are.

Dan Feng gritted his teeth and said,"You still have the heart to stay with me every day."

"Of course, I have to wait patiently."

Ying Xing said as a matter of course:"Of course I won't stay here forever."

"Danfeng, help me figure out what I should give Bai Heng?"

Ying Xing blinked and looked at Danfeng with a hint of hope in his eyes.

""Get lost."

Dan Feng waved his hand, and Ying Xing was thrown out of the Linyuan Realm like a sack.

Lord Longzun's patience had reached its limit.

What was the point of Bai Ye staying here every day?

This was mainly because this was the Linyuan Realm.

Jing Yuan could run, but he couldn't.

He could only listen to Ying Xing's nagging here, and he couldn't hide at all.

Lord Longzun simply threw him out.

You can talk to whoever you want, just don't talk to him.

"How stingy... I just want to talk to you."

Ying Xing rubbed his back and stood up from the ground.

The delivery had to be done at night, and he still had to go back to the Industrial Manufacturing Division during the day.

Those apprentices should have made a lot of progress, right?

Those officials are not freeloaders.

But don't wait until he goes back, those apprentices still can't even make a single thing.

Ying Xing sighed and staggered towards the Industrial Manufacturing Division.

Bai Heng?

Where is Bai Heng now?

Who knows, she said she would give him an answer within a week, and now she must have gone somewhere to skip work.


Ying Xing misunderstood Bai Heng.

Bai Heng did not skip work.

Today was a rare free day, Bai Heng forced Tian Chi to go out for a walk, and let her appreciate the beautiful scenery of Luofu today.

Note: Beautiful scenery of Luofu: refers to the soft and cute appearance of Luofu Sword Master after falling in love.

Of course, these are not the main purpose.

Bai Heng's main purpose is to observe Ying Xing's every move.

"If I'm not mistaken, isn't that Ying Xing?"

Tian Chi raised his eyebrows:"Why are you following him?"

"There is something very important."

Bai Heng grinned helplessly and turned to look at Tianchi:"Tianchi, how is Luofu now?"

"Hmm... How is Luofu now?"

Tianchi looked around and nodded with satisfaction:"Very good... Luofu is now prosperous."

"It is all thanks to everyone's efforts that we have achieved what we have today."

The main reason is that the Luofu Immortal Boat has never encountered any disasters within the Immortal Boat. The Luofu Immortal Boat itself is located on the inner side of the Immortal Boat Alliance's channel, with the Yuque Immortal Boat in front of it, and the Yaoqing Immortal Boat and Zhuming Immortal Boat behind it.

It is like being firmly protected in the middle. Even if the enemy crashes into it, the first thing they will encounter is the Yuque, and the Yaoqing behind it.

The Yaoqing Immortal Boat is much more famous in the universe than the Luofu Immortal Boat. After all, it is an immortal boat that became famous through force. In addition, according to legend, Emperor Gong Siming created many achievements on the Yaoqing Immortal Boat before he became a god, so the Yaoqing Immortal Boat has always been famous. The mainstream trend is to use force, and even the training of the Yaoqing Xianzhou people includes training in force and weapons.

The Yaoqing Xianzhou has more cloud cavalry than Luofu.

The Yuque Xianzhou is the eye of the Xianzhou Alliance gazing at the sea of stars, and its status is more important.

In comparison, Luofu was not very popular at the beginning, after all, the surrounding Xianzhous were obviously more brilliant.

But later on, it developed.

The extremely powerful Dragon Lord, the powerful generals, and later a talented and brilliant sword master came.

From then on, everything in Luofu Xianzhou was like a flower that finally bloomed, gradually blooming.

"It's really nice."

Tian Chi chuckled:"This place is much better than Yaoqing, right?"

"Well...I guess so."

Bai Heng chuckled:"Maybe it's because I've lived in Luofu for too long, and I have a filter for this place?"

"This is not a filter." Tian Chi shook his head:"This is the real change of Luofu Xianzhou"


Bai Heng looked at Ying Xing in front of him and smiled softly:"Yes."

The changes are really great.

Whether it is this fairy boat or these people, they have changed a lot.


"By the way, why not give some of those documents to Dan Feng?"

"The Dragon Master of the Immortal Realm is only responsible for guarding the Scaled Abyss Realm, and these matters are not his responsibility."

Jing Liu shook his head:"What's more, the relationship within the Immortal Boat is actually very complicated. The relationship between the Immortal Boat people, the Cloud Cavalry Army, and some people from the Six Departments and the Immortal Clan is actually not very good."


Yuanming frowned.

"In fact, everyone is right. The Chiming tribe cares more about life and death than the Xianzhou people. They also care more about their compatriots and friends than the Xianzhou people. So in their minds, the tribe members are always the most important."

Jingliu shrugged:"As for those rulers, in their view, the Chiming tribe is a self-contained group with its own system, Dragon Lord, Dragon Master, and these tribe members, pearl protectors, etc. They do not belong to the Luofu Xianzhou system, and rarely listen to the rulers. They even openly confront the Luofu officials on certain things. Of course, the rulers will not like it."

"Of course, there are a small number of people who think that the Chiming tribe calling themselves the Immortal tribe is a sign of climbing high. Under the protection of the Patrolling Star God, they are still trying to establish a relationship with other Star Gods. This is a bit... um... ungrateful. Or they think that the Chiming tribe thinks highly of themselves, and the real Immortal tribe may not care who they are.……"

Jingliu sighed helplessly:"It's just these things. The relationship within Luofu is not that close."

The Chiming Clan and the Six Departments are of the same level. They even have their own law enforcement system, which makes them not feel much belonging to the Luofu Xianzhou.

There are indeed one or two fools who are like brainless people, swaggering and arrogant on the street, looking down on the people of the Xianzhou, and believe that they, the immortal species who will eventually face the danger of immortality, are atonement for their greed, unlike their immortal race, who reincarnate and transform.

After a while, internal conflicts came about.

Teng Xiao was busy with this matter.

Later, he thought it through and directly recognized the self-contained system of the Chiming Clan, giving them enough freedom. The participation of the immortal species is very poor, and it is impossible to develop into any major conflicts. After all, most of the Chiming Clan members are friendly.

He opened most of the positions in the Six Departments to the Chiming Clan - in fact, he still kept some.

Jingliu felt a headache when he thought about these things.

She could only hope that the Chiming tribe would not cause any more trouble before Teng Xiao returned.

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