"You might as well make some Xundi yourself."

Ah Ha shrugged.

"Jingliu said that this would easily affect the circulation of the Xianzhou Alliance.……"

Yuanming shrugged and said,"I can't take advantage of the alliance... I can always find a company, right?"


Ah Ha laughed softly,"I have an idea. Ah Ha likes it. By the way, do you really want to bring disaster to all the forces of the Star Gods?"

"I hope you like my plan."

Yuanming shrugged.

Ah Ha's face showed an expression of disbelief - even disgust.

"Yuanming has changed a lot."

But that expression was fleeting on his face, and Ah Ha immediately smiled and said,"Yuanming has changed a lot."

"If I can stay with you and not change, I'm really amazing."

Yuanming shrugged:"To be honest, is there any way?"

Ah Ha shook his head:"No, the company's management of credit points is very strict... and you might as well just create some credit points."

"Good idea."

Yuanming raised his eyebrows and said,"But I have never seen what a credit point looks like.""


Ah Ha tilted his head, raised his hand and snapped his fingers.

A blue-purple cardboard appeared in his hand.

"Here, this is the credit point."

Ah Ha raised his chin and said,"Credit points are usually stored using company-issued cards. It's too troublesome to just hold this thing."

"Small problem."

Yuanming chuckled.

Just create a space and stuff it in.

He can create as much as he wants.

Of course, there may be a currency imbalance... What is that called?

Yuanming has never been to school, so he doesn't know what these names are.

The company may realize it, but it doesn't matter - because the company can't find him.

Yuanming chuckled and stood up:"Let's go."

"How realistic, Yuanming."

Ah Ha held up his face with his hands:"Don't come to Ah Ha if you have nothing to do. If you come to me, you either treat me as a joke or you have something serious to talk to me about."

"Otherwise, why would I look for you?"

Yuanming raised his eyebrows:"My wife is in the fairy boat.""

Why would I look for you, old Aha, when you can be so close to such a lovely A Liu.

Aha nodded, raised his hand and waved:"Goodbye then."


Yuanming disappeared without a trace.


Ah Ha stared at the direction where Yuanming disappeared.

Speaking of which... maybe I should transform into a female body next time to look for Yuanming. Maybe I'll see Jing Liu getting jealous, which would be fun.

Ah Ha chuckled.

Forget it.

Yuanming is so protective of that little envoy... he'll probably kill him.

There's no fun in a fight, not everyone is like Destruction.

Ah Ha stood up.

Let's go back.

Have two more drinks.


"What have you been doing?"

Jingliu asked softly, rubbing a strand of hair on Yuanming's forehead.

"……how do you know?"


Jingliu chuckled twice:"Mind induction."

Yuanming pinched her nose, did not answer immediately, just smiled and asked:"Am I getting up now?"


Lord Jianshou sighed helplessly, lowered his head and kissed his lips.

Jingliu realized that it would not end after the kiss.

Yuanming did not let go of her until Jingliu's breathing began to quicken.

"Qinglu is still here……"

Jing Liu curled his lips.

Of course Qinglu could hear it. The powerful hearing of the Chiming tribe made her feel very uncomfortable here.

What? The Chiming tribe is guilty of having good hearing, right?

And you two didn't seem to pay attention to it before?

Of course, it was only these things that Yuanming didn't avoid her. Generally speaking, when talking about the Star God, Yuanming would still block Qinglu's hearing.

"I went to see Ah Ha."

Yuanming said,"I was thinking of going to the company to get some credit points."

I don't know why, Yuanming said it very normal, but Jingliu just had a feeling that he was going to rob

"Why do you suddenly want credit points?"

"……I'm spending your money"

"What happened to my money?"

Master Jian Shou thought about it but never expected this reason:"My money is your money... Besides, I have plenty of money. I have deposits in Zhu Ming Xian Zhou.……"

She stared.

Yuanming shook his head:"It's different, A Liu."

He held her hand tightly and put her cold little hand into his collar:"I can give you all the money, or I can have money and not spend it, and then spend your money with peace of mind... But the premise is that I have to have it." Although the way he made money in his previous life was not glorious, at least he relied on his own ability to live that kind of life.

Just like a weapon.

You can use it, but you can't live without it.

"I don't mean anything else. It's like you are using the Fragmented Sword now, but you have a more powerful and more convenient sword. You can use the sword that is integrated with you, but you can't live without it."

Yuanming looked into Jingliu's eyes:"Can you understand what I mean?"

Jingliu certainly understood, but she was still a little unhappy.

How to say it... Jingliu fell in love with someone for the first time in thousands of years, and it was her first time to fall in love. All the first times were given to the man in front of her.

She wanted to give him everything she had.

This is also another problem-it is difficult for lovers who have just been together to face the reality because their minds are immersed in that kind of spiritual satisfaction.

Of course, Yuanming can still maintain some rationality.

After all, it is him who is being given now.

If the envoy gives something to the star god, few people may believe it if it is spread out.

"Ah Yuan."

Jingliu held Yuanming in his arms and gently pinched his neck from behind:"I am very sad."

"What's wrong?"

Yuanming held her hand and turned his head to ask

"Why do you have to divide it so clearly?……"

The Sword Master pouted.

"Ah Liu... it's not clear."

Yuanming sighed and pinched her cheeks:"There is really no need to distinguish so clearly between you and me, but there are some things I must have... Madam, you don't want others to say that your husband is a gigolo when you go out, right?"

"Who dares!"

Jingliu widened her eyes, but did not continue.

She was just simply feeling uncomfortable.

But on second thought, the money obtained from the company belonged to Yuanming himself.

Perhaps it was a man's strange self-esteem?

Jingliu lowered her head and kissed Yuanming:"What are you going to do?"

"……In fact, I plan to create some myself."

Yuanming chuckled, and then Jingliu frowned:"No! You can't! This will easily cause problems with currency circulation."

Jingliu certainly didn't understand, after all, she was not very clear about these things.

But she knew that she couldn't do this.

"I can't find the fairy boat again."

Yuanming gently scratched Jingliu's chin.

Jingliu always liked to scratch his chin like this, and now he found that it was really fun.

Jingliu's chin was smooth and soft... In fact, there was no extra flesh, and there was nothing else except the feel of skin.

"That won't work either."

Jingliu shook her head and rested her chin on Yuanming's head.

Yuanming usually liked to hug her like this and rest his chin on her head.

"I'll think about it again.……"

Yuanming kneaded her little hand

"Ah Liu."

Yuanming took her hand and placed it on his lips and kissed it softly:"I love you"

"I love you too"


Yuanming laughed softly:"When do you get off work today?"

"There is not much work today, maybe I can go out for dinner with Bai Heng and the others tonight."

Jing Liu shrugged.

Speaking of which, she was also quite puzzled about how Ying Xing and Bai Heng got along.

Ying Xing was so busy every day that the limelight of the workers in the Engineering and Manufacturing Company was almost completely overshadowed by this young and over-professional Bai Ye. Almost all the apprentices came to learn from Ying Xing.

Although according to Ying Xing, most of the apprentices had no talent and might not be able to forge a qualified weapon in their entire lives.

But at least they still had passion.

Most importantly, Bai Heng was not the kind of person who could sit still.

Ying Xing It would take at least an hour to make a tool, and at most days. Based on Jingliu's understanding of Bai Heng, Bai Heng probably couldn't just sit there and wait for Ying Xing to finish.

But that's not necessarily the case.

Jingliu thought and chuckled.

Just like she never thought that she would be with someone this far.

Kissing in Jian Shou Mansion?

Hugging each other in Jian Shou Mansion was beyond the psychological endurance of Lord Jian Shou at that time.

But now, let alone kissing in Jian Shou Mansion...

Jingliu seemed to have thought of something, her pretty face flushed, and she turned her head away.

It's almost...……


There were six people at the party, including three couples, two couples and one single couple.

"Stay away from us."

Jing Yuan took two steps back indignantly:"You are so inhumane!"

Yuan Ming's face was expressionless.

"I don't have any humanity."

Yuanming shrugged and said,"Jingyuan, instead of spending your time complaining, why not ask the fortune teller at the Taibusi to predict your future marriage?"

"That's right."

Ying Xing chuckled and said,"Maybe you'll bump into one on the street tomorrow.""


Jing Yuan was so angry that he didn't know what to say. He couldn't say anything for a long time.


His marriage?

Forget it.

At least Jing Yuan didn't want to get along with a person of the opposite sex, nor did he have the consciousness to spend the rest of his life with that person.

Bai Heng had been talking about love in his ears. Jing Yuan's love view was biased towards the fox people.

But now he just wanted to take care of his own affairs... Forget about others.

"Hey, Jing Yuanyuan."

Bai Heng raised his hand and pushed the wine glass in front of Jing Yuan:"Pour me a glass"

"Let Ying Xing pour it for you!"

Jing Yuan hugged the wine pot tightly.

"Hey! You took the best wine I brought!"

Bai Heng's ears trembled.

"Drinking with you guys is too much of a burden. This is my reward, I won’t give it to you."

Jing Yuan said he wouldn’t give it to Bai Heng, but he still poured a full glass of wine for him:"Ying Xing, Ying Xing, you finally achieved your goal. You don’t even know how Ying Xing tortured me and Dan Feng before."

""Hmm~ Really?"

Bai Heng smiled, turned around and poked Ying Xing with his arm.

"Hey! Jing Yuan!"

Ying Xing glared at Jing Yuan


Kyung-won makes faces at him.

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