Star Railway: Star Eater Joins The Chat Group

Chapter 59: Following The Internet Cable To Silver Wolf’S Home

Digging and digging in the big Black Tower Space Station.

Silver Wolf was in a hurry last time, but this time he wandered around leisurely and found a lot of good things.

"This Black Tower Old Deng is really capable. He has collected so many rare items. He has a rich family background."

"A pile of metal fragments, it looks like... the remains of a sword?"

"A pair of wings, it looks a bit like a prop in the game, can you fly with it?"

"A scoring gun, I saw this last time I came, it's an interesting thing."

"Tsk tsk, there are portraits of Black Tower everywhere, this old Deng is too conceited."

Silver Wolf walked all the way, and he could see the portrait of Black Tower almost everywhere in the Black Tower Space Station.

"The doll looks like a child, and the portrait also looks like a child. Could it be that Black Tower Old Deng grew crooked when he grew up, so he only dared to meet people as a child?"

"Huh, it must be like this, damn Black Tower Old Deng."

Silver Wolf's guess is really evil, but she has indeed never seen the current appearance of the Black Tower.

It was very mysterious. Every time Heita came to the space station, she controlled the puppet remotely. I have never heard of her showing up in any public places. It seems that 320 has been hiding in a mysterious place to do her own research.

Silver Wolf felt that Heita Laodeng's lifestyle seemed to be somewhat similar to his own.

As long as there was no mission to go out, she would stay in her room all day playing games regardless of whether it was sunny or rainy, day or night.

Leaving a big drop of sweat on Heita's portrait, or a little bit of other friendly embellishment, Silver Wolf continued to invade deeper into the Heita space station.

It was just that the cassette she wanted was hidden quite deep. If she invaded, it would definitely alarm Heita Laodeng.

Silver Wolf thought about it and decided to lay down a means first and think of a way later.

"Oh, I almost forgot the main thing. I came here to investigate suspicious people."

Silver Wolf patted his forehead and only then remembered that he had a mission this time.

With the means of cyber hackers, it is still easy to investigate a suspicious person.

In just a few seconds, Silver Wolf had locked onto the blond man who suddenly appeared and mixed with the Star Dome Train. "Through the call information records of the monitoring equipment in the space station, we can understand. "Ghidorah, a high-dimensional god, hiss... headache, it seems a bit bad, there is no such person in Elio's script." Silver Wolf immediately realized the problem, and the bad premonition made her want to pack up and run away immediately. "Since you are here to investigate me, why don't you chat for a few words before leaving?" Ghidorah suddenly appeared in front of Silver Wolf, interrupting Silver Wolf's escape. "Oh, you actually found me, it seems that high-dimensional gods are indeed capable." Silver Wolf's expression was quite calm, and her body was not here, so there was nothing to be afraid of. Ghidorah guessed: "I guess, it was Elio who found that there was a problem with his prophecy, so you came to investigate me." "His prophetic ability is indeed very powerful, but he can only see part of the future of this universe, so it naturally cannot work on me." "I just don't know how much influence I have on his prophecy, I am very curious about this. "

Silver Wolf shrugged, blew bubble gum and said: "How can I know about the prophecy? It's useless for you to ask me."

"Although I am curious about you, let's talk next time. I have to go back to play games."

After saying that, Silver Wolf immediately logged off. Facing King Ghidorah made her feel very uncomfortable.

In the secret base of the Star Core Hunter on a certain planet, Silver Wolf muttered King Ghidorah's name after logging off.

"Khidorah, King Ghidorah... What's wrong with me? Why is this name always in my mind?"

Silver Wolf patted his forehead, felt a little dizzy, and went to the bathroom to wash his face.

After wiping his face with a towel, he saw a blond man in the mirror.

"Yohoo." Ghidorah waved and said hello.


Silver Wolf, who was confused, suddenly woke up (ajfj), and the rabbit ears on his head stood up in fear.

After seeing clearly that it was Ghidorah, although it was not a ghost, Silver Wolf was even more scared.

Did it find him along the network cable (一)?!

Silver Wolf was scared like a frightened rabbit, huddled in the corner holding a big hand, shaking like a sieve.

"Look how scared you are, even if I eat people, I will eat the planet together, I have no appetite for a single skinny little rabbit." Ghidorah said as he walked into the living room, sat down on the sofa as if he was back home, and casually opened a bag of potato chips and started eating.

I have to say that the secret nest of the Galaxy Hunter is quite warm and well-designed, and the decoration and layout are like an ordinary family with children.

Xingbao left, and there was still the little friend Silver Wolf.

Ghidorah turned his head while sitting on the sofa and asked: "Are Kafka, Aren, Sam, or Firefly not here?"

Silver Wolf came to his senses now and was not so scared anymore, but still pretended to say: "They may just go out for dinner and will be back soon."

"We Star Core Hunters all have special skills. If you don't want to be beaten, leave quickly."

While speaking, Silver Wolf slowly moved towards the door, intending to run away quickly.

She was now scolding Elio and Kafka in her heart for asking her to go to the Black Tower Space Station to investigate, but ended up causing a big trouble.

Who can tell her why the gods from higher dimensions would also use the trick of following the network cable to find someone?

Don’t the star gods in our universe care?

What about Aha?

Where did the god of fun die?

What about Aha, who loves to join in the fun and always makes trouble?

Aha, come out and save him!

There is a god from a higher dimension here, come and join in the fun!

Silver Wolf, who couldn’t think of a trick, could only call out to the happy sand sculpture god in her heart, hoping that if this god heard her, he could come and save her life.

However, Ghidorah didn’t want to contact the star god for the time being, and directly blocked the “signal” of Silver Wolf.

As the highest level of the Star Iron Universe, contact with the star god is easy to be discovered by the world will.

However, Silver Wolf seems to be much less courageous than he remembered. Could it be that the Internet-addicted girl is afraid of this trick of following the network cable to find home?

At this time, in fact, only a very simple method is needed to restore Silver Wolf to normal state.

Ding Dong, Ghidorah turned on the huge monitor and game console in the living room, and Silver Wolf immediately stopped running.

"I want to play a game of Speed ​​Rush, and I need an opponent." Godzilla picked up the game controller and said.

In a flash, Silver Wolf sat next to Ghidorah at the speed of light and picked up another controller.

See, isn't it super simple, even simpler than calling a cat with a can of cat food.

Anyway, for Silver Wolf, life can be abandoned, but the game must be played.

Moreover, what kind of bad guy is willing to play a game of Speed ​​Rush with her?

He likes to play games, this must be a good god in a high dimension!

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