Star Ring Mission

Chapter 279: fail

"Calculate all the strong magnetic bombs, let the mechanic modify them, and install them on the first-generation mechas. Also, disguise those first-generation mechas as the mechas of the Wet God Guild, and then select the ten best pilots. Officer, prepare for a suicide attack."

"Can this be done?"

York asked worriedly.

"If it were changed to normal, it would be very difficult, but under the strong attack of the idiots from the Wet God Guild, maybe we can really succeed, hurry up and prepare."


York didn't say much.

At this time, in the periphery of the Kotedo mining area, Akshay and the two of them watched Su Mo make such a big killing, and their intestines were almost regretful.

They thought that the third-generation mecha would be strong, but they really didn't expect it to be so strong.

This time the loss was huge, but they still had to hold on.

At this time, the people below ran over to report: "Report, Commander Akshay, our troops attacking other mining areas also received strong counterattacks. Not only did those guys not flee, but they came to us."

Akshay's expression became a little stiff, he looked at Amorkady and said.

"Amokadi, why don't we adjust our strategy? How about we don't hit the Coteto mine first, but deal with the guys below?"

"Aren't you cowardly? We agreed before we came?"

How could Amorkadi not see the two of them, Xiao Jiujiu, and directly blocked them back with a sentence. If you want to take advantage, but don't want to contribute, how can there be such a good thing.

"Okay, keep fighting, not for one day, not for two days, not for two days, not for three days!"

Akshay's faces were also a little bit awkward, so they didn't believe in evil.

"Okay, I like to hear this sentence, give it to me!"

Amokadi also regained his confidence.

However, the idea is beautiful, but unfortunately the reality is cruel. Su Mo used her behavior to teach everyone a lesson.

He is like a war weapon that doesn't know how to get tired, beheading the enemy crazily.

And it just so happens that the power system of Killing Blade is nuclear fission, and the power battery life is super long, and it will not fall off the chain at a critical moment.

But even so, Amokadi and the others did not give up, so they have already died and too many people have died here. If you just retreat like this, then everything will be lost in vain.

"Give it all to me!"

The three Amokadi roared in exasperation.

So another wave of mechas came from all directions.

Su Mo took a deep breath and swept over with knife after knife.


One after another mecha exploded, and at this time, ten more first-generation mechas rushed up at the same time.

Su Mo raised the beam saber in his hand high, almost going crazy, and his eyes started to turn scarlet.

"Total Annihilation!"

Double beam saber swept away.

The ten surrounding mechas suddenly accelerated and slammed into the beam saber, just to get as close to Su Mo as possible.

At this moment, Su Mo's pupils shrank, and he keenly sensed danger. There was something wrong with these ten mechas.

It's a pity it's a little late!

These ten mechas were smashed by the beam saber that swept past.

The terrifying red thunder light boomed and spread out, instantly swallowing up the killing blade.

Inside the cab, a red warning box popped up immediately on the console screen.

"Warning: Strong magnetic interference..."

Su Mo pulled the lever and found that the entire third-generation mecha didn't respond at all.

His heart suddenly sank to the bottom of the valley, but he was careless, and he was actually overshadowed by the other party!

Right at this moment, the eight second-generation silver light mechas rushed out extremely fast.

The weapon in the hands of the leading Emaya mecha was also replaced with a special pry tool, and its goal was very clear, that is, to forcibly pry open Su Mo's cockpit.

"Hold him down for me!"


York and the others replied in unison.

At this time, Qianchengxue immediately noticed something was wrong, she immediately controlled the mecha to sweep away a fighting mecha, and charged towards Su Mo with full power.

However, it was still a little late, York took the lead in grabbing the left hand of Killing Blade, and the rest of the team grabbed its right hand, left foot, and right foot.

At this time, Emaya rushed to the front of Su Mo, raised the pry tool in her hand and inserted it.

There was a burst of air breaking.


The pry tool in Emaya's hand was hit by the thrown Dawn Shield and flew out directly.

"Damn, York, take someone to kill that mecha."

Emaya froze in her heart and roared in anger, at the same time she rushed towards the prying tool that was knocked into the air.

York immediately let go and let a team member next to him take over, and then rushed towards Qianchengxue with two silver light mechas.

Qiancheng Xue lowered the beam cannon and blasted it towards York.

Unfortunately, it didn't hit, and York controlled the mecha with a sharp twist to avoid it.

The other two silver light mechas came into contact with Qianchengxue in an instant, and the two mechas slashed at the same time with their alloy sharp blades.

Qianchengxue spread a knife sideways and raised the alloy blade in her hand to block the other knife.

However, a figure covered her at this time, York appeared in front of her in an instant, and the control mecha kicked Qianchengxue mecha fiercely on the chest.

The Dawn Guardian flew straight out and hit the ground heavily.

In the cab, Qianchengxue's face was extremely ugly, she couldn't fight one-on-three at all, she was knocked down after just one face-to-face.

At this time, Emaya retrieved the pry tool again and rushed towards the Killing Blade at a very high speed.

Her heart is already in her throat, success or failure is here!

Emaya rushed to the killing blade, raised the pry high and inserted it.

"It's done."

However, at that moment, the light in the eyes of Killing Blade's lowered head suddenly lit up, and the paralyzed Killing Blade suddenly raised his head.

Directly start the overclocking without too much struggle. Instead, all the power is input to the eight pairs of jet auxiliary wings on the back.

In an instant, he pulled the crowd who suppressed him and forcibly lifted off into the sky.

Immediately in midair, Su Mo controlled the mecha and threw the silver mecha out.


With a scream, he fell heavily to the ground.


When Emaya saw that Su Mo was freed from the bondage, her heart sank to the bottom.

The many subordinates who were thrown out immediately got up. When they heard Emaya's order, they immediately executed it without any hesitation.

Including the three Yorkers who were going to attack Qianchengxue, they also gave up decisively and fled in all directions.

"Want to run?"

Floating in midair, Su Mo was completely irritated, and pushed the joystick directly.

Immediately afterwards, the inside of the palm of the killing blade cracked, a gap appeared, and it was stuck on the handle of the double beam saber.

The two beam sabers directly get kinetic energy.


In an instant, the two beam sabers grew by half, and the particle halo emitted became more intense.

Su Mo directly locked on Emmaia and swooped over at a low altitude.

"Protect the Legion Commander!"

The silver light mecha, who was retreating, saw Su Mo hit Su Mo at high speed, and immediately gave up escaping, changed direction, rushed towards Su Mo without fear, and slashed with a sharp alloy blade.

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