Star-source Legend

Chapter 1024: Star-Moon Realm Early Peak (Part 2)

Of course, with the continuous influx of the power of the star source, the old Xing was directly suspended in the air at this moment, receiving the help of the power of the star source to recover himself.

At this moment, Old Xing did not actively absorb the power of the star source. It can be said that in the entire universe, except for Zhang Fan, there is no one who can directly absorb the power of the star source.

However, Xinglao is to a certain extent equivalent to the weapon spirit of Xingyuan Fragment Space. It can be said that the power of Xingyuan is also actively helping Xinglao recover himself all the time.

This can be known from the increasingly powerful aura exuding from Xing Lao now.

And Xiao Gu, looking at the colorful rays of light around Xinglao Si at this moment, feeling the terrifying pressure that Xinglao accidentally exudes, his heart is extremely shocked.

The former owner of the follower, he has seen many strong people, including the powerful existence of the peak of the ethereal realm.

However, in Xiao Gu's view, the aura exuded by Xing Lao's soul body at this moment was definitely more powerful than that of the Ethereal Realm.

"Could it be that Elder Xing was once a terrifying powerhouse in the ancestral realm?"

This time, Xiao Gu couldn't help but guess.

And the changes in the universe, especially around the moon, can be said to have attracted the attention of many people on Earth.

With the current technological advancement of the earth, even some ordinary people are able to see some things in the universe through astronomical telescopes, at least many things in the solar system can be seen clearly.

At this moment, many people looked at the growing white cocoon in the moon. It can be said that they were very shocked in their hearts, but they were also full of worry.

After all, the unknown is always scary.

And because of this situation, Nalandi and the others were also invited to the military headquarters.

However, as soon as Nalandi saw this situation on the moon, the worry in their hearts relaxed a lot.

"Haha, don't worry about it. This situation was caused by A Fan. It must be A Fan in the center of this light cocoon.

As someone else, it may be a bit difficult to go to the moon, but we should know that Afan owns a spacecraft, let alone the moon, even if he leaves the solar system, or even the Milky Way, he can do it.

Ten years ago, when people like us were in retreat, Afan said that he would find a relatively stable and safe place to make breakthroughs.

In this case, obviously, A Fan's strength should be increased again, and it has reached the most critical moment.

That layer of white light cocoon was actually condensed because Afan was actively absorbing the power of the stars in the void.

After he completes the breakthrough, I believe it will disappear.

Externally, you can just release the news directly, so as to prevent many ordinary people from thinking. "

Nalandi also looked at Zhong Chengyun and Mu Jianfeng with a smile at the moment.

"It turned out that Afan made it, so we jumped. Because, at the very beginning, we didn't find any traces of spacecraft on the moon, let alone Afan.

This situation also appeared suddenly.

We were also worried about whether something abnormal would happen, so we hurriedly found a few of them. "

Hearing what Nalandi said, Zhong Chengyun was also relieved at the moment and explained.

"Hehe, with Afan's strength, if there is something hidden, you will never find it. But it is estimated that Afan himself would not have thought of this situation.

At this moment, Afan must be at the most critical moment of the breakthrough, and it must not be disturbed.

You will pass the news directly to the EU countries and the American countries, so that they don't try to detect any place, so as not to affect Afan's breakthrough. "

Smiling, Nalandi also looked at Zhong Chengyun and said.

"Hmm, okay, I will rush to pass on the news. Otherwise, they may be tempted to use satellites to detect the situation there."

Hearing what Nalandi said, Zhong Chengyun also walked directly out of the headquarters at this moment, and immediately gave orders and passed messages.

Soon, everyone knew that this movement was caused by Zhang Fan's breakthrough. Suddenly, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, but they also admired Zhang Fan even more.

After all, the breakthrough alone caused such a big movement, and Zhang Fan's strength must be stronger than before.

The stronger Zhang Fan is, the more secure the future of the earth will be.

Of course, many people don't know that in the near future, Zhang Fan will take most of the powerful people on the earth to leave the earth directly to the universe, otherwise, it will definitely cause a certain degree of panic.

For many people, Zhang Fan is the patron saint of the earth. As long as Zhang Fan exists, the earth will be extremely safe.

However, if Zhang Fan leaves, many people will feel a sense of crisis in their hearts.

This is also what Zhang Fan, including Nalandi, has been worried about.

Leaving is to make yourself stronger, so that you can better protect the earth in the future.

However, leaving also means that within a certain period of time, there will be a power fault on the earth.

In the unlikely event that some explorers in the universe came to the solar system by chance, it would definitely be a disaster for the human beings on earth.

It can be said that it is difficult to choose.


As for the movement caused by his own fusion of star source fragments, Zhang Fan is not clear, even if he knows it, he will not feel anything.

Zhang Fan at this moment has already entered the most critical moment.

Normally, the fusion star source fragments are fast or slow.

But it will take a month or even longer at the fastest.

However, this time, according to Xing Lao's estimation, it may take only half a month for Zhang Fan to complete the integration.

Unconsciously, twenty days passed.

And on earth, the third quarter of the global genius martial arts is still in full swing.

On the moon, the star power cocoons condensed around Zhang Fan have reached a terrifying point. It can be said that the front, back, left, and right sides are at least several kilometers in size.

At this moment, Zhang Fan has actually successfully integrated the third fragment, and because there is still a lot of power, Zhang Fan also intends to use this power to break through into the Star-Moon Realm in one go.

With the continuous influx of strong starry sky power in the body, it can be said that Zhang Fan's body is always in a saturated state.

In the center of Zhang Fan's eyebrows, at this moment, the nine starry sky marks have become distorted and completely turned into a ball.

In Zhang Fan's body, a large amount of starry power is constantly strengthening Zhang Fan's body, including soul power.

And Zhang Fan's star mark is undergoing transformation at this moment.

This process is sometimes very long.

After a full month, the nine star scars in Zhang Fan's eyebrows had completely disappeared and gathered together. In the end, it was directly transformed into a crescent shape.

And when the starry sky in the center of Zhang Fan's eyebrows turned into a crescent shape, immediately, a powerful breath burst out from Zhang Fan's whole body.


In an instant, the huge light cocoon condensed around Zhang Fan's body, which was thousands of meters long, was directly shattered.

The majestic power even caused the entire moon to shake.

At this moment, Zhang Fan's figure was also directly suspended in the air.

In the center of his eyebrows, a crescent-shaped mark transformed from the scars of the starry sky also exudes a dazzling light, making people afraid to look directly.

At this moment, Zhang Fan also felt that his power was very powerful, at least dozens of times stronger than when he was at the peak of the Star Jubilee realm.

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