Star-source Legend

Chapter 1110: Giant Qianlong City

"Hehe, this can be considered your luck. After all, no one thought that you could find so many brass and mysterious iron on a small Mars, especially underneath, there are still many that have not been excavated.

Perhaps, after countless years of brewing, a large number of mineral deposits will once again be generated on Mars.

This is why many people in the universe are willing to become cosmic adventurers. After all, once you can discover a life planet or a planet with very rich mineral deposits, you can directly exchange a lot of wealth.

Only if you have enough wealth, any cultivation resources can be obtained.

In the universe, all kinds of treasures abound, even those that directly make an ordinary person become a powerhouse in the Star-Lord realm, even the Star-Moon realm or even the Star-Sun realm, have some treasures, but they are not cheap.

Your "Xuantian Devouring Soul" is the most amazing technique I have ever seen. According to Elder Xing, at the end of the cultivation, he can directly return to the original and return to the original. Anything in the universe can be swallowed directly. This supernatural power is even stronger than the legendary chaotic beast.

Now you are actually like a chaotic beast in your infancy. With the passage of time, after you have cultivated to Dacheng, you may be able to swallow an entire galaxy completely within one thought. "

Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Xiao Gu said with a smile now.

"Then Xiaogu will work hard for you first, and remember to remind me when you arrive. I will also practice hard in these ten days. Now, I have broken through to the third level, and I also want to see if I swallow the brass essence directly. What kind of effect will it have if there is a mysterious iron spirit?

Zhang Fan also said to Xiao Gu at this moment.

"Do not worry."

Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Xiao Gu responded.

Nodding his head, Zhang Fan sat cross-legged in front of Xuan Tie Jing and Brass Jing, closed his eyes, and started to swallow the cultivation practice.

Soon, ten days passed in an instant.

And in these ten days of cultivation, Zhang Fan also found that as he continued to devour the brass spirit and the black iron spirit, his body strength was also increasing a little bit, as if something was happening that he couldn’t even see. Clear change.

Especially the brass spirit and the black iron spirit, although they do not contain the power of the starry sky, the special power allows the inside of Zhang Fan’s body to be greatly improved, even if every cell is able to contain it. The power of the starry sky is also increasing.

In addition, the Star Source Fragment Space currently has a wealth of starry power, so Zhang Fan's speed can be said to be rapid. If Zhang Fan were not planning to reach the golden rank of the mid-star-moon realm in the martial arts field, it would not take long before he could get a breakthrough.

It can be said that Zhang Fan has always tried his best to suppress his strength, and his foundation has definitely reached the most perfect state.

"Afan, I am about to leave the dark universe and head for Qianlong Star."

At this time, Xiao Gu's voice came out directly, and Zhang Fan's eyes that had been closed were also directly opened.

Afterwards, Zhang Fan left the star source debris space and returned to the spacecraft.

This is actually another difference between Zhang Fan and a normal martial artist, that is, even if he uses his mind to condense his body to practice in the Star Source Fragment Space, the effect is exactly the same as his own practice in reality.

This is something other warriors have been unable to do.


Soon, with the slight shaking of the spacecraft, the surrounding scenery was once again displayed on the screen above the console of the spacecraft.

In Zhang Fan's line of sight, he also saw a huge golden yellow planet radiating from a distance. From the front, the area of ​​Qianlong Star is at least dozens of times that of Luangyu Star.

At this moment, in the void surrounding Qianlong Star, there are also spaceships of various shapes and sizes coming and going.

"Come on, Xiaogu, let's go in."

Zhang Fan also spoke at this moment.

Then Xiaogu controlled the spacecraft to land towards Qianlong Star.

Soon, the spacecraft received the signal from Qianlongxing's mooring port, and slowly landed in a specific area.

Regardless of whether it is on Luangyu Star or Qianlong Star, basically a large enough port will be cultivated outside of every larger city.

At this moment, the port where Zhang Fan and his spacecraft landed is also Qianlong City, which belongs to Qianlong Star.

When landing, Zhang Fan also saw the huge Qianlong City stretched out from high above.

The entire Qianlong City seemed to be at least ten times longer than its width, and it looked like a real dragon lying on the ground, presumably because it was called Qianlong City.

After paying a certain fee, Zhang Fan walked out of the port and flew towards Qianlong City under the leadership of the staff at the special port.

Qianlongxing's gravity value was higher than Luangyuxing's, so it took Zhang Fan some time to get used to it. At the same time, Qianlong Star has a special suppressing force, and both the surrounding space and the ground are more stable and harder than Luangyu Star.

Zhang Fan also tried it.

In Luangyu Star, a random blow on his own can leave a large pit on the ground.

In Qianlongxing, he tried it just now, and the same power only caused a small pit on the ground. It has to be said that the two changes have also surprised Zhang Fan.

But think about it as well.

After all, if you are in the Star-Moon realm, if you really don't have enough suppressing power, once you make a full move, the destructive power it will cause is very terrifying, not to mention the powerhouses in the Star Sun realm.

Without enough stable space and solid ground, perhaps Qianlong Star could not support many powerful people at all, and it was already broken.

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