Star-source Legend

Chapter 1177: Zhang Tenglong

"Senior, you mean Afan's younger brother, who was born with the strength of an apprentice?"

At this time, Nalandi and the others were also very shocked.

"Hehe, yes, I can still perceive this. The younger brother of A Fan, who was finally born five years ago, is obviously absolutely extraordinary.

His talent is even stronger than his brother.

After all, it is the first time I have seen a child born in five years among us on earth. "

Smiling, Situ Zhong also spoke directly at this moment.

"Abnormal, Afan is already so terrifying, and now there is another younger brother who has just been born and has reached the level of an apprentice (Earth Youxian). This is also terrifying.

According to this, wouldn't it be long before many of us will be caught up?

Oh my god, I can't imagine it. If Afan knew that his brother was so good at birth, he would definitely be very happy. "

At this moment, Liu Yun also spoke directly.

He now has the same strength as some other partners, reaching the seventh heaven of the Star Jubilee realm. In five years, from the first Star Jubilee realm with two heavens to seven heavens, with an average increase of one every year, this is already considered an absolute genius.

But compared with Zhang Fan's younger brother, their achievement is not worth mentioning.

Perhaps it won't be long before Zhang Fan's younger brother will catch up with them.

At this time, it may only take a few years.


At this time, Zhang Fan's father Zhang Fan also ran out, and seeing Zhang Shun, the look of the baby in Situ Zhong's arms was also bright, and he flew out and rushed into Zhang Shun's arms, appearing very affectionate.

"Hehe, the brat is more skinny than Afan, he ran away when he was born, why, want to go to heaven?"

Gently patted his son's white tender butt, Zhang Shun was also looking at his little son lovingly at this moment.

"Okay, give the child something to avoid catching cold. After all, he is still young."

At this time, Situ Zhong also took a blanket from a medical staff and wrapped the baby.

"By the way, is the child's name ready?"

Situ Zhong also asked immediately.

"Hehe, not yet. I also intend to let you, the master too, help to give a name. Although he is A Fan's younger brother, the age difference between him and A Fan is quite a bit different. It should be considered as a generation of Chenglong. ."

Zhang Shun said with a smile.

"Oh? You have to think about it. Your name and Afan together mean smooth sailing.

However, everything has stabilized now. In addition, this child was born with great talent, and he will definitely become another super genius in the universe in the future. In addition, he is regarded as the hope of Dragon Pavilion in the future. Zhang Tenglong is fine, as for the nickname, let's call it Along.

what do y'all think? "

When Situ Zhong heard what Zhang Shun said, he also thought about it, and finally came up with the name.

"Zhang Tenglong, represents the hope of our Tenglong Pavilion, very good. In that case, his nickname is the same as Along, the same as Chenglong's nickname.

Gao unhappy? Do you like this name? "

At this moment, Zhang Shun was also teasing his son and said with a smile.


When he heard his name, Zhang Tenglong also directly leaked a smile and chuckled, apparently satisfied with the name.

"Chenglong, Shi Le, Xiao Mu, the three of you are A Fan's disciples. Although Tamron's age is much younger, you need to call him Xiao Shishu from the perspective of generation.

As for me, my name is Master Tai, which is wrong according to the seniority. Seeing Tamron's talent is very good, then I will directly accept him as an apprentice.

From now on, he, like Afan, will call me Master. "

At this moment, Situ Zhong also looked at Zhang Fan's three disciples and said.

"Okay, too master. From now on he will be our little uncle, hehe."

Li Chenglong and the others seemed very happy when they heard what Situ Zhong said.

"Well, let's go, Xiaotong has prepared a splendid dinner. This time, you are also in the light of Along. Otherwise, if you want to taste Xiaotong's craftsmanship, I don't know when to wait."

Situ Zhong also said with a smile, and then everyone was teasing Zhang Tenglong while walking towards the gathering place.

As for Zhang Fan's mother, because it took too much energy to give birth to Tenglong, after drinking the tonic soup sent by Guo Xiaotong, she also had an early rest.

"Hey, that's really a blessing for Aaron. Sister Xiaotong's craftsmanship. Since I had the opportunity to taste it the year before last, I have been thinking about it for two full years.

That taste is hard to forget in retrospect. "

At this moment, Liu Yun also exaggeratedly said, his expression was very excited.

"Yes, after eating the meals made by Sister Xiaotong, it can be said that the daily life of the past few years has been caused by water and heat. No matter what you see, there is no appetite.

If it weren't for our martial artist, even if we didn't eat anything, there would be nothing to do, I guess it would have starved to death. "

Liu Hui was also very in favor of Liu Yun's words at this moment.

"You can be content if you can taste it. You know, Xiaotong's meals are not inferior to some panacea. One meal at the beginning of each year is enough to support your long-term cultivation.

And for this meal every year, all of us, depending on our strengths, need to eat hundreds of thousands of Cosmic Coins.

Who provides so many universe coins? It's not Afan or Situ Ge.

Eat every day, and it won’t take long before all of us have to drink northwest wind. "

At this moment, Murong Tian also said in a cold voice, causing everyone to leak an embarrassing look.

"Hehe, I'm all my own, so don't think so. But Xiaotian is right. The food Xiaotong needs are very high-end materials. After all, Xiaotong needs to improve his level. s material.

Otherwise, why do people keep cooking for you? "

At this moment, Zhang Shun also said with a smile.

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