Star-source Legend

Chapter 1534: Make a decision

Originally, Mia was ready to fight to the death. At that time, once she found that she had no resistance at all, Mia would directly choose to reverse the meridian to forcefully improve her strength and help Yunxia and Peng Jun fight to escape. Opportunity.

But now the two of them don't have any ability to shoot at all. Facing Qing Ming's already arranged means, it would be difficult for them to get out of the sky.

Therefore, at this moment, Mia also felt very helpless and desperate in her heart.

Of course, Mia is actually hating himself for why his strength only reaches the middle stage of the Dao Sage realm. If his strength has also reached the late stage of the Dao Sage realm, it may be that he has the opportunity to fight against Qing Ming.

"Mia, I know what you are going to do next, but I don’t allow you to do that. By the way, it’s because the two of us have caused you. In this way, for a while, I will use the life energy in my body to help you recover to the peak State, and then the two of us will help you open a gap through self-detonation. At that time, you will directly display the unique escape method of the spiritual teacher, and directly leave here to find Afan and the others.

Although very unwilling, this is the only way at present, otherwise, the three of us will all die here for nothing. "

With Yunxia's intelligence, she naturally understood Mia's plan.

However, in Yunxia's view, since Qing Ming had arranged everything before he appeared, it is absolutely impossible for them to escape easily. It is only Mia's strength, although reversing the meridian can increase it by at least ten times, reaching The state is similar to Qing Ming, but it can only last for less than three minutes at most. After three minutes, Mia's whole body will directly crack, and then it will explode. There is no **** left. This is not Yunxia willing saw.

On the way, Mia has already helped her and Peng Jun a lot, and Mia, as one of the few controllers on the human side, plays a very important role in the overall trial. Naturally, it cannot be compromised here.


"No, but Mia, this is my decision. You should know how we discussed before we came in. Moreover, Peng Jun and I are not really dead completely. When the trial is over, the two of us will still be resurrected. Here.

Don't hesitate, for our plan, for the sake of death is not meaningless, just sit as I said. "

Mia was about to refute immediately and was directly interrupted by Yunxia, ​​and the whole person fell into silence directly.


In the next instant, Yun Xia's body burst into a powerful breath for an instant. Then, a group of energy emitting a strong life breath appeared in front of Yun Xia, and then under Yun Xia's control, it was directly submerged. Into Mia's body.

Suddenly, Mia’s body formed an aquamarine mask directly, and the surging life energy, within a few seconds before and after, it allowed Mia to recover all the previous consumption, and even inside the body because of the forced extinction. The shock injury caused by the Excalibur blocking Randy's electric wave is also directly restored.

However, this is the only thing Yun Xia can do so far. After mobilizing this life energy, Yun Xia's whole person has become weaker, and she can't even stand firmly.

"Haha, do you want to fight to the death? You have to know the gap between the middle and late stages of the Dao Sage realm. Although you are the master, your own mental power may be enough to compare with me, but our four holy beasts, every A member has special spiritual defense supernatural powers for cultivation, just to guard against the mental attacks of your spiritual masters.

You have no chance. Honestly, hand over all the trial tokens, I can give you a happy one, otherwise, after I solve you first, you will definitely not want to see the final outcome of the two of them. "

Feeling the state of Mia facing him, even though he was a little surprised in his heart, Qing Ming had strong confidence in his own strength, and he spoke directly at this moment.

"If you have a chance, you can only know if you have played it. Today, I will let you know that the power of the controller is not what you can imagine."

At this moment, Mia also said coldly.


In the next moment, the surging mental power was directly released under Mia's control, and shrouded towards Qing Ming.

Immediately afterwards, Mia immediately displayed the means of mental counter-shock. Even if Qingming specializes in cultivating a good spiritual defense secret technique, he still suffered some influence in the face of Mia's desperately displayed mysterious skills. .

"call out!"

In the next instant, the God Extinguishing Sword appeared directly, and immediately after, under Mia's control, it turned into a golden streamer, facing Qing Ming's eyebrows.

The powerful sharp aura is released, and the terrifying penetrating power allows the surrounding space to be directly penetrated. It can be said that Mia’s attack looks simple, but it has already displayed control. By the means of the reader, he had predicted in advance where Qing Ming might dodge.

This is the advantage of the spiritual teacher. In many cases, facing the spiritual teacher, even at a higher level, you can only passively resist.

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