Star-source Legend

Chapter 1663: Start fusion

At this time, even Zhang Fan's parents didn't know what to say. After all, they also knew that their son was not joking. They had heard about the three forbidden areas before Zhang Fan left, and they knew how dangerous they were.

"Father, you can't keep us out just because we are your children. I remember that you taught us from a very young age that if a person wants to grow up, it must have experience.

The strength of the few of us now has encountered a bottleneck, because we have never actually had any practical experience. In this case, we will always be like infants, and our ultimate achievement is very limited.

So, this time, we decided to go together. Because this is a very rare opportunity. After you leave, father, our strength is impossible to go to the three forbidden areas again.

Maybe this time, following father you, we have the hope of succeeding in getting promoted. "

At this time, Zhang Heng also said aloud, his expression was very serious.

"You guys think so too?"

Nodding, Zhang Fan also turned his attention to Zhang Minghui and asked directly.

"Yes, convinced, what Ah Heng said is what we thought. In fact, even if you don't come back this time, we are planning to find a place that we haven't been to to experience.

As a warrior, without experiencing the test of life and death, one's own strength will never reach its peak. We don't want to live on your reputation all the time. In that case, others will always ignore us.

What we need is to prove ourselves. "

At this moment, Zhang Minghui also spoke.

"Well, since you think so, let's go together this time. However, you must remember that after you arrive, everything is under my command and you cannot act without authorization.

You are my children, my dearest relatives, if there are some problems, I can't explain to your mother and your grandparents if there is no pain in my heart.

By the way, Tamron, your strength has reached the late stage of the Ancestral Realm, and this time you will go together. "

Looking at a few people, Zhang Fan is actually very pleased in his heart, because he himself is an adventurist. It can be said that as long as he has the opportunity to improve his strength, Zhang Fan can bear it even if he pays some price. of.

What's more, his current strength has reached the peak of the venerable. Among the three forbidden areas, as long as you are relatively careful, there is no threat to his existence at all.

As for the safety of others, Zhang Fan is also confident to guard.

At this moment, Zhang Fan also spoke.

"Okay, it's not too early. Let's go back and rest early."

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Fan also got up and said to everyone.

After everyone left, Zhang Fan did not accompany Liu Ruyan and the others, but sat in the hall alone, silently thinking.

In fact, Zhang Fan himself is not very sure about what will be done tomorrow. Therefore, at this moment, he is also constructing some possibilities in his mind.

There was no sleep. On the next day, the news spread to the entire universe. It can be said that many people find it incredible.

After all, integrating the Ten Thousand Thousand Immortal Saint Emperor Huixing, the Demon God Star, and the Mechanical Star perfectly with the earth, the difficulty of which is impossible to think about.

This is also because many people do not know Zhang Fan's strength. Otherwise, there will be absolutely no doubt.

However, many powerhouses of the Monster Race and the Machine Race have also received news that Zhang Fan has now become the Venerable Universe, so he is also looking forward to what the earth will eventually become after all fusion.

At this moment, Zhang Fan's figure had already appeared outside the Wanxian Saint Emperor Huixing.

With the current strength of Zhang Fan, it can be said that in a single thought, he can reach any place in the entire universe. This is also because Zhang Fan’s achievements in space are extraordinary, coupled with his own super strength. To.

Because the news was received in advance, everyone is mentally prepared for the Ten Thousand Thousand Immortal Saint Emperor Huixing, or the Demon God Star or the Mechanical Star, and everything is no different from normal.


At this moment, everyone felt a vast aura emanating from the starry sky of the universe. At this moment, Zhang Fan no longer concealed his own power, and directly displayed his divine body.

At this moment, Zhang Fan’s body is also constantly getting bigger. It lasted for five minutes. In the end, Zhang Fan’s body size surpassed the 10,000 yuan immortal Emperor Huixing. The entire human body, as if the entire universe was about to be. Can't let go of the general. It can be said that many people who have been watching the live broadcast are shocked.

"Come!" At this moment, with Zhang Fan's low drink, it was like thunder. Zhang Fan stretched out his hand. Suddenly, among the shocked expressions of many people, the huge Ten Thousand Thousand Immortal Saint Emperor Huixing As if it were a basketball, Zhang Fan was directly caught in his hands.


Immediately afterwards, Zhang Fan strode out. It didn't take long for his figure to have arrived outside the earth, and the first time he released the Ten Thousand Thousand Immortal Saint Emperor Huixing, juxtaposed with the earth.

In order not to affect other life planets in the void outside of the earth, the three-clan powerhouses had taken action long ago to transfer these life planets and important resource planets.

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