Star Wars Civilization

Chapter 043: Strong Thief

The man in black had just jumped up and stood up, when the spear was already flying towards him. He watched in horror as the spear approached his chest, and tried desperately to avoid it with the fastest movement, but it was As soon as the movement started, he felt a heavy feeling in his chest.

Then, he felt something explode in his chest, and a huge fear suddenly struck his mind.

"How is it possible..." After this last exclamation flashed through his mind, he completely lost consciousness.

In just such a short moment, Shen Zheng killed a man in black with one move, which even he did not expect.

Only then did he understand what effect the past half month of training had on him. [

Turning his head, he was surprised to see that the battle behind him was not as smooth sailing as his side.

Lafite stopped the man in black, but in just a few moves, he was already pushed back by his deputy. Lafite, with a power of 86, was no match for the man in black. He barely managed to fend off a few attacks. After that, he was kicked to the ground.

The man in black jumped up quickly, the insect breath on the soles of his feet simulated sharp cones, and stepped hard towards Lafite.

"Get out!" Shen Zheng shouted, and the Blood Spirit Whip flew out and wrapped around the ankle of the man in black like a rope. With a strong pull, the Blood Spirit Whip contracted hard, and the black spirit whip was instantly swung out. One of the clothes man's feet was severely severed.

"Ah!" With a scream, the man in black fell from the air to the ground. Lafite on the side saw the opportunity and hurriedly swept out with his arms. The sharp insect breath blade on his arm pierced the chest of the man in black. After opening his mouth and making a gurgling sound, his head tilted and hung softly.

"Thank you, you saved me again..." Lafite jumped up, and just as he was about to thank Shen Zheng, Shen Zheng rushed towards the chaotic battle group like the wind.

In just this moment, the other four men in black already had blood on their hands, and six students died in the hands of these four men in this short period of time. While the other students were frightened, they were also completely aroused with anger. They roared one after another and rushed towards the four people as if they were desperate.

The four people's eyes were cold, with a hint of ridicule, and they obviously didn't take these students seriously.

Shen Zheng's face was gloomy, and while the blood spirit whip was dancing, he had already rushed towards the man in black who was throwing a student to the ground and was about to hit him with a punch to kill him. The blood-colored whip struck in the air and wrapped around the man's neck. Killing intent surged in Shen Zheng's heart. With a move of his wrist, the blood whip quickly tightened, and a human head flew away from the man in black with the force of the whip. The neck, the headless body shook, and then fell softly.

"How did he become so strong?" Lafite behind him looked at Shen Zheng blankly, feeling a chill in his heart.

Half a month ago, I could still fight with him for a long time, but now...such a terrifying man in black is not his enemy with one move!

Lafite suddenly understood what the word "genius" meant.

Only then did the remaining three men in black notice Shen Zheng. Seeing that three of their companions had been killed, the three were surprised, but they did not retreat in panic. Instead, they shouted angrily and rushed towards Shen Zheng together.

Shen Zheng, who had already understood the strength of the man in black, was not afraid of the combined attacks of these three people. He waved the Blood Spirit Whip with his right hand and swept it towards the two people on the right. When he raised his left hand, an explosion had already condensed and slammed to the ground. A flying shot hit the man in black on the left.

"Be careful!" The students over there were startled when they saw Shen Zheng shooting an explosion. It was too late to hide away, and they were extremely frightened - this weapon exploded like a grenade. In the end, they will never consider whether the people around them are their own people or enemies. They will bombard them regardless of whether they are friends or foes, but it is an extremely deadly thing.

The explosion exploded instantly, but it did not shoot out spikes as everyone imagined. The airflow of the explosion and those terrifying sharp energy spikes all shot out in one direction.

The direction of the man in black.

Without any chance, this powerful explosive energy, with more than a dozen sharp energy spikes, hit the man in black directly on the chest. Although the man in black had already raised his arms in time, with the energy condensed on his arms The shield-shaped insect breath resisted, but it was of no use. The huge explosion energy shattered his Insect Breath Shield and shattered a pair of his arms, and all of the spikes pierced into his chest without even landing.

With a look of shock and reluctance, he was blasted straight out and was already dead when he landed. [

"This..." Lafite took a breath. "How did he do it? How could he change the way the explosion exploded? Could it be that he has become an insect controller!? This is impossible, this is impossible! But how to explain this thaumaturgy of controlling insect power?"

The two men in black who were beaten back by the blood spirit looked pale for a moment and looked at Shen Zheng with a bit of horror.

"What a skill! I didn't expect that among such an inconspicuous patrol, there would be a strong man with an insect spirit. Interesting!"

At this time, a scream came, and a thin figure rushed out from a dark corner quickly. The sound arrived before the person arrived, and the person had already arrived before the sound. Before anyone could see his appearance clearly, he had already risen into the air, jumped over everyone's heads, and kicked Shen Zheng hard.

Two streams of light shot out from the soles of his feet, turning into two endlessly rotating moon-shaped sharp blades, making a heart-stopping buzzing sound, and slashing towards Shen Zheng with an aura that seemed to cut the sky and the earth apart.

Long before this person appeared, Shen Zheng had already felt the danger coming from that dark place. Although this person came with lightning speed, it still failed to make him panic at all. He stood motionless, like a majestic mountain. No matter how the strong wind blew or the heavy rain washed him, he would remain motionless for ten thousand years.

As the wrist shook, the blood-colored whip moved like a shadow, danced like a snake, and struck in the air. It hit the two rotating moon blades almost at the same time. With a harsh explosion, the energy moon blade was volleyed by the blood spirit whip. It exploded into two dazzling flashes of light and then dissipated.

But the thin man in black had also taken this opportunity to land firmly in front of Shen Zheng, and with a sneer, he kicked his feet in turn towards Shen Zheng's head and face.

Shen Zheng looked at the other party and felt a burst of joy in his heart. He could feel that the man in black in front of him was much stronger than those guys just now. He had been practicing fighting skills for half a month, and he had been suffering from the lack of an opponent of comparable strength to practice with him. Now this man appeared. , and the identity of the enemy, but it just quenched his thirst for actual combat.

Without moving his body, the Blood Spirit Whip was retracted with the surge of his insect breath, wrapping around his arm like a spiritual snake, forming a blood-colored arm guard on his right forearm. Shen Zheng did not retreat even an inch. He first moved his upper body sideways to dodge the first kick, and then raised his right arm to block the opponent's second kick.

The thin man in black sneered. After one kick was blocked, the other kick immediately came over. His feet were linked together with great force. Insect breath was surging crazily on his legs and feet. Every kick kicked out Can cause a popping sound in the air.

Shen Zheng didn't have any fear or panic. At this moment, he seemed to have returned to the fighting training ground. His mind was thinking about the fighting skills and tactics that Lei Che had taught him, and his body was constantly practicing these theories and skills in the battle. . Slowly, he suddenly felt a sense of enlightenment. He completely mastered the changes, functions, and cooperation of those techniques one by one.

At this time, the man in black had kicked dozens of kicks in succession, but none of them was successful.

"What are you waiting for? Act quickly!" He was a little anxious. He caught a glimpse of the other two surviving men in black from the corner of his eye. Seeing them nervously standing around looking at him, he immediately shouted loudly.

"Yes!" The two men in black trembled, turned around immediately, and headed forward.

"Don't even think about leaving!" Lafite yelled. Although he was a little frightened, he still rushed forward. The other students also released insect breath and followed him to stop the two men in black.

Although the man in black was powerful, he had suffered a loss from Shen Zheng before and was frightened. Moreover, the number of people was far less than the patrol team at this time. He was trapped for a while, but he could not escape.

The thin man in black became anxious, stared at Shen Zheng fiercely, and screamed: "Go to hell!"

A feeling of extreme danger came over him. Shen Zheng frowned slightly and finally took a big step back.

At this moment, the body of the thin man in black suddenly rose into the air, his feet moving quickly like a phantom, creating an afterimage. Those afterimages formed a flower-like shape in the air, and several shining rotating moon blades shot straight out from the center of the flower, raining down on Shen Zheng.

Not them!

Shen Zheng looked calmly at the man in black, not at these terrifying rotating moon blades. He clearly felt that the strong danger was still lurking on the man in black, and compared with it, these moon blades were nothing. [

He did not throw out the Blood Spirit Whip on his right arm, but raised his left hand and fired continuous explosions towards the moon blades. In the deafening explosion, the moon blade turned into energy fragments along with the explosion.

What is it that gives me such a strong sense of danger? Is it a terrifying move or some kind of deadly weapon?

During the fierce battle, Shen Zheng not only did not feel nervous, but instead felt a trace of curiosity mixed with excitement. He was like a child waiting to open a birthday gift box, eager to know what the mysterious "gift" was.

It didn't take him long to think, and the answer was there.

Under the cover of the dazzling formation of moon blades, the thin man in black made a small movement unnoticed - of course, the so-called unnoticed refers to ordinary students like Lafite.

And Shen Zheng was definitely not included in the list of people who couldn't detect it.

He had been staring calmly at the man in black, not the moon blade, so when the body of the man in black moved slightly, he could clearly see it immediately.

When the action was completed, the man in black had a glistening blood-colored knife in his hand. The knife was not big. The curved arc showed a streamlined beauty, and the thin blade gave people a sharp edge. The feeling of reaching the extreme. And that touch of blood-like color made Shen Zheng's heart move even more.

Insect spirit? It turned out to be an insect spirit!

Shen Zheng couldn't help but be a little surprised. The strength of these thieves is too strong. Some of these thieves actually possess such a rare insect spirit. You must know that your patrol should not be in the Chongdian defense area, which means that the people who come here should not be the strongest among thieves.

So what happens to the strongest among them? Is it possible that the senior members all have an insect spirit?


Without time to think about this problem, Shen Zheng's eyes flashed with cold stars. He pretended not to notice the appearance of the insect spirit and deliberately turned his gaze towards the flying moon blades.

In the curtain of light spots formed by the collision between the moon blade and the explosion, the man in black shot at Shen Zheng in the air, and the sharp insect spirit scimitar in his hand quietly wiped away Shen Zheng's neck.

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