Star Wars: The Silver Pledge

Chapter 102 News Interview

Hearing Li Yu's question, the Gotar man code-named Chen Xuangan immediately responded: "Most of the servants are still alive. Although they are under house arrest, they will be able to leave soon. For example, Miss Nan Wuyou used to Personal maid Li Qiong."

Li Yu asked: "So, except for the so-called majority of people, what about the others?"

Chen Xuangan said: "It's a pity that they can't leave, because they have broken the secret of Qiankun Security's invisible people."

Li Yu nodded, which was also in line with his guess. In fact, he even knew exactly what the secret of the so-called invisible man was.

The memory card that he accepted Nan Wuyou's entrustment to drive the Silver to the underground base of the manor and took it away is probably storing the most hidden secret in the manor.

If during the attack, the people in the manor ran to the underground base in order to take refuge, saw the facilities and equipment in it, and even peeped into the information that they should not read, then with the style of Qiankun Group, it is indeed impossible to let them go. become free.

But that's not the point, the point is...

"Among those people, there should be a very special person." Li Yu carefully considered his words, "It should be a woman, and then..."

However, before Li Yu finished speaking, he was interrupted by the Gotar.

"Is this the man you mean?"

Li Yu was stunned for a moment, then raised his head and looked at the old and twisted TV on the bar.

I saw the news host, who looked funny because of the distorted picture, was chanting the press release in an orderly manner. Beside her was a picture sent from other news sites, in which a woman in a white robe could be vaguely seen... Because the TV was too old, it was hard to see her real face clearly.

Fortunately, the voice of the host is still clear and recognizable.

"The case of the murder of Nan Heli, chairman of Nanming Capital, now has new investigation progress. Qiankun Security stated that the previous investigation results were only false appearances deliberately made by the perpetrators. The real culprit was not Nan Heli's family servant. His person. And the one who investigated all this is a person from outside the Qian galaxy."

At this time, the TV seemed to be blessed to the soul, and finally resumed normal operation for a moment, and the picture and sound were extremely clear, allowing Li Yu to see the live picture beside the host clearly.

A woman with deep and sharp eyes appears in the center of the picture, with a relaxed smile on her face, but those eyes are so deep that they seem to be able to suck people's souls away.

The next moment, the host revealed her identity.

"This is the Jedi Master from the Republic, Mastema."


At the same time, in the [Omnivore] bar in the deserted area, a burly miner was hiccupping and said: "Anyway, that's all I know about the dragon people you're asking about. Lah... Although I personally have no problem with those people with horns on their heads, when I lived in the city, when I met people who were born with deformities like that, I always avoided them. Many brats would still Throwing stones at them. After all, they say that the encounter is unknown. Hey, are you listening?"

The miner stretched out his generous palm and waved in front of the handsome young man who invited him to drink and tell a story, but found that the other party's attention had long been locked on a noisy big-screen TV next to the bar.

The miner turned his head, frowned, and complained in his heart that some idiot drank too much and lost his wits to adjust the TV program, replacing the well-played space city idol song and dance with the boring Xia Jing news.

People living in deserted areas have never had a good impression of those stereotyped news programs that sing praises.

The world will never become better because of the exaggeration of news programs. On the contrary, everything they swear to praise will only make people living in the real world feel more pathetic... On this point, no matter how beautiful and sad the host is Dear lady can't change either.

If the Gan galaxy is really as beautiful as Xia Jing News described, why are so many people forced to live in the deserted area?

And the content of this news is even more boring.

Is there any new progress on the truth about Nan Heli's death? Who cares about the truth about the death of the elite? Anyway, it is nothing more than the power struggle of the elite class, and whoever dies and who lives has nothing to do with the people living at the bottom.

After all, whoever goes up will not make the people below live better.

But the young man in front of the miner was staring at the TV screen engrossed, his body motionless, as if his breathing was also stagnant.

Next to the TV, a drunken drinker, impatient to listen to the host's speech, staggered and wanted to change the channel. But just getting close to the TV, I felt as if a basin of cold water had been poured on my head.

Inexplicably, a chill appeared in his heart, as if if he went any further, something extremely terrifying would happen.

The alcoholic's drunkenness suddenly became half sober, he looked around ignorantly, wanting to know if someone had tampered with him, but in the end he found nothing. It seemed that he was the only strange person in the entire tavern... He couldn't figure it out, so he had to check out and leave, regretting that he had drunk too much just now.

In fact, everyone in the tavern who tried to walk over to interrupt the news program felt the same fear. So although no one likes to watch Xia Jing's news, the boring news program continues to be broadcast.

"According to the investigation results of the Jedi Master, the driving force behind the death of Chairman Nan Heli is likely to come from outside the Qian galaxy. As we all know, Nanming Capital, as a giant company in the galaxy, has always shouldered the important responsibility of maintaining the order of the galaxy capital. If there is an outsider If capital wants to stir up wind and rain in the dry galaxy, it must pass the Nanming Capital. In the past countless years, Nanming Capital has resisted many crises for us, so it has become a thorn in the side of outsiders..."

Although the bored miner didn't like news programs, since no one was going to change the channel, he could only listen to it all the way, and so far, he couldn't help but make a nasal sound of disdain.

"It's not new for the Republic to conspire against us. It talks about member states, but it never treats us as its own. I think the death of Nan Heli is probably caused by the Republic, don't you think?"

The miner boldly expressed his conjecture, and then wanted to seek the approval of others, but when he turned his head again, he found that the handsome boy had disappeared without a trace!

And after the young man left, the environment in the tavern finally returned to normal, and someone in the noisy crowd immediately shouted: "Change the channel!"

The nearest drinkers rushed over to cut off the news program.

At this time, the host with a sweet smile on the show had just finished the last sentence.

"During the period, the Jedi Master received great assistance from the Silver Knights..."

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