Star Wars: The Silver Pledge

Chapter 141 Give Up Resistance

After simply dealing with the injury, Lei Yongxun continued to use his brain to propose more life-saving conditions.

"I can also arrange for you to leave this city smoothly - after this incident, it is impossible for you and Wang Yi to stay in [Li] any longer. In fact, you are not a local at all, right? The locals are afraid Don’t dare to lay hands on me yet.”

Seeing that Xiao En didn't interrupt, Lei Yongxun said again: "Afterwards, we can go from the Tianhuang District, no, we need to go back to the Tianxuan District first, and then there is a secret road leading directly to the port. I can take you through the secret road. Take the escape ship of our Lei family. That spaceship can freely enter and leave the defense circle without any extra certification! It stores routes to multiple surrounding planets, and can even escape from the dry galaxy when necessary!"

When Sean heard this, his heartbeat started to speed up slightly.

Lei Yongxun was indeed a bit smart, he fully understood the current needs of Jedi apprentices, and the escape route he said did not sound like a fake. For this dean, it is in his interest to send the evil star as far away as possible.

Therefore, the harvest of this operation seems to be richer than expected. Originally, they just wanted to save people, but now they even found a way out.

But Sean quickly rejected this blindly optimistic plan: every word Lei Yongxun said was just empty words, and until he actually fulfilled his promise, he couldn't have too high expectations for the future.

But in any case, Lei Yongxun did point out a way forward, before getting more information, let's move forward along this way.

Xiao En made a rational judgment in his heart, but he still didn't move the gun completely away. He had to maintain the suppression of Lei Yongxun at all times, and let the imprint of fear firmly cover his heart.

For this extremely cunning opponent, even tying him up with ropes might not be useful. Only fear can overwhelm all conspiracies and schemes and make him honest.

Thinking of this, Sean felt helpless.

Using fear to control the enemy is by no means the righteous way, but more like the way of darkness. It is a despicable trick that only perverted killers like Xia Xi are willing to use. In fact, when Xiao En tried to subdue Lei Yongxun with the touch of the heart just now, Xia Xi's face could not help appearing in his mind, and what he imitated was his speech and demeanor.

But it is undeniable that this method is really useful. A despicable and cunning high-ranking dignitary relied on fear to resist the touch technique, but was overwhelmed by a greater fear. If it weren't for this trick, Sean didn't know how long he would have to deal with him.

"All of this is for the purpose of justice, even if the means are slightly extreme...It is better than sitting and watching the tragedy happen for the sake of justice. Justice is not self-satisfaction, but a necessary choice."

Sean convinced himself silently, and suppressed the instinctive resentment in his heart.

Everything he did was incompatible with the teachings he had received and the habits he had developed over the past ten years... But the situation he is facing now is also a predicament he has never seen before, and extraordinary things should be done at extraordinary times .

Even if you really did something wrong, let’s reflect on the lesson afterwards.

And at this moment, Lei Yongxun said again: "Don't drive directly to Tianhuang District, it will be very conspicuous, I suggest you make a transfer in Tianxuan District 4 or 5..."

Xiao En ignored the other party's advice, but pointed his gun at Lei Yongxun again.

Lei Yongxun smiled bitterly: "I'm not playing tricks, I just want to save my life... My airship is really conspicuous, and almost everyone in Tianxuan District knows that Lei's luxury airships rarely fly to areas where civilians live. The place. Kang Jie went to the Seventh District to pick up Wang Lu a few days ago, which has already aroused many people's discussions. If you drive directly to the Tianhuang District like this, you are simply signaling that there is a problem with the flying boat!"

Sean remained unmoved.

"At that time, not only the Lei family, but the entire upper circle of [Li] will be alarmed, and it will be difficult for you to escape!"

Xiao En smiled and said, "Then you'll be buried together. Isn't it romantic to die with your rival's family?"

These words made Lei Yongxun shudder.

"You, you are crazy!"

Sean continued to instill fear with laughter, and his fingers kept knocking on the trigger with crisp sounds, as if the deadly energy beam would be triggered at any time to harvest Lei Yongxun's life.

"People can be crazy, but guns can't. By the way, I will not be buried with you. I will only find your home and send everything you cherish to accompany you. Don't question whether I can do it..."

"Enough! What can you do if you force me to death!?" Lei Yongxun wailed almost hysterically, "I have already offered you all the conditions I can offer, even if you kill me, it is no better condition!"

"Really, then I'm not going to be polite." Sean really pulled the trigger bluntly.

A beam of energy brushed against Lei Yongxun's cheek and sank into the rear seat of the flying boat.

Lei Yongxun's mind went blank, and he was in a trance for a long time before realizing that he was still alive... and the wandering between life and death again made him completely lose all courage to resist.

After choosing to give in, Lei Yongxun's mind became a little clearer, and he said in a deep voice: "I see, let's lower the altitude of the airship first. Cruise along the low altitude, starting from the third and fourth districts, to Turn into the Tianhuang District in the Seventh District. This way it will be less likely to be misunderstood."


Sean smiled, and lowered the altitude of the flying boat as he said.

Lei Yongxun was silent for a while, and then explained: "I have walked this path twice before. Sometimes after the private banquet, when I chat with the guests and it is not convenient to go to a specific place, I will go around like this. Of course , under normal circumstances, you won’t go into the sky yellow zone. But with this trajectory, even if the route suddenly deviates, at least it won’t cause too much vigilance.”

"But when you're in the Tianhuang District, you must act quickly. Heizi and the others will definitely ask me when they see me coming. If I don't respond at that time, they will think too much."

Sean said: "You tell them to get away now, and don't get in the way."

As he spoke, he threw a communicator into the back row.

Lei Yongxun was startled, and looked at the communicator on his lap in disbelief.

With this communicator, he has too many opportunities to ask for help, and the young killer in front actually gave him this opportunity?

"This, this is..."

Sean aimed his gun at the opportunity again: "What are you waiting for? Hurry up and give instructions to your private soldiers."

The Jedi apprentice was not at all worried that Lei Yongxun would dare to play tricks. After several rounds of confrontation, the opponent's cunning and despicableness had been firmly bound by fear, and he no longer had the ability to resist.

Lei Yongxun didn't know that his falsehood had been completely seen through by others, he swallowed a mouthful of saliva, nodded vigorously, then grabbed the communicator, and contacted the familiar subordinate.

"Heizi, it's me."

A flattering voice came from the communicator: "Master Lei, what are your orders? I have already dealt with the previous matter..."

Lei Yongxun only felt his scalp tingling for a while. He really didn't dare to think about how this was handled properly.

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