Star World Legendary Guild

Chapter 543: : Senior sister lacks money to play billiards with the prince

On December 29, 1173, at six o'clock in the morning of Xingyu, in the training ground of the stronghold of the Sacred Pattern Mercenary Corps in the Bostro Fortress, Yan Tielong was being abused by his senior sister Borong Muya's swordsmanship.

After the sixth game losing streak, Yan Tielong made a stop gesture to Bo Rong Muya, who was in a good mood, but Bo Rong Muya was very dissatisfied and asked Yan Tielong if she could do it. She was only warming up.

When Yan Tielong heard what Senior Sister Bo Rong Muya said, he really wanted to beat the other party hard, but he really couldn't beat the other party, so he thought he still had important things to deal with, so it wasn't that he had to leave the training ground if he couldn't.

When Bo Rong Muya heard her younger brother's words, she showed a disdainful expression, but she still drove Yan Tielong away like flies.

Yan Tielong was very happy when he saw Bo Rong Muya let him go, but on the surface he was very respectful and said goodbye.

When Yan Tielong left the training ground, he was really relieved. He really had nothing to do with the senior sister who was still in the training ground. After all, the master and the wife were very kind to him. In addition, the teacher gave him precious medicine books before leaving. , which had to make him endure and indulge in Bo Rong Muya.

For example, it is not compulsory for the senior sister to complete the tasks of the mercenary group every month, and he also gives five times the basic salary. Of course, the salary is all from Yan Tielong's private house. This is also Yan Tielong's disguised compensation for the help of his master and his wife.

However, Bo Rong Muya spent a lot of money recently, so she was short of money. As a result, she asked Yan Tielong to pay one year's salary in advance.

Yan Tielong directly refused the senior sister's request for salary one year in advance. In order to repay the care of his wife and master, he had to let his senior sister be independent, so he directly used the rule that the mercenary group did not pay the salary in advance. Of course, if the senior sister asked He borrowed money, and he was very willing to borrow it. New 81 Chinese website updates the fastest computer: https://

Bo Rong Muya really didn't like Yan Tielong. She was willing to lend money to Yan Tielong, but she didn't care to lend it at all, so she took Yan Tielong into the training ground to vent her anger.

Yan Tielong approached Ye Xing Ruosi and asked about the recent fruit and vegetable sales. He planned to take his share of the funds to buy some materials and send them to the Church of Life. After all, he didn't want the church to be too shabby.

Yan Tielong did not expect that the net profit from fruits and vegetables harvested recently was close to 100,000 gold coins. In Ye Xing Ruosi's words, if the fruits and vegetables were well prepared, it might be even more.

In response to Yan Tielong's request of nearly 30,000 gold coins, Ye Xing Ruosi was very generous and let him carry three boxes of gold coins, each of which was nearly 10,000 gold coins.

Ye Xingruosi saw Yan Tielong carrying the box into the carriage, he was curious and asked how to ask for thirty thousand gold coins?

Yan Tielong directly purchased a large amount of materials to send to the church. After all, the materials for the church were almost delivered now. He didn't want his younger brothers and sisters in the church to live too badly.

Ye Xing Ruosi heard that Yan Tielong used 30,000 gold coins to buy materials to send to the church, so he suggested that Yan Tielong should not send the materials of 30,000 gold coins at one time, but to send them separately. All things are given to those families in need in the fortress.

At the same time, Ye Xing Ruosi also reminded Yan Tielong that if he gave too much at one time, he was worried that thieves and thieves would target the Church of Life, which would put his life in danger. New 81 Chinese website updates the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

When Yan Tielong heard Ye Xing Ruosi's words, he thought about it a little and felt that Ye Xing Ruosi was right, so he asked how much to give?

Ye Xing Ruosi saw that Yan Tielong accepted his proposal, he continued to propose, now send a small amount of material, preferably enough for the living church to consume. After the New Year, after the price has dropped significantly, purchasing a large amount of material is the most feasible plan. .

When Yan Tielong heard Ye Xing Ruosi's proposal, he also felt that Ye Xing Ruosi said it well, but he made some changes and let Ye Xing Ruosi handle it. By him to buy the material, he can also reduce the loss.

After Yan Tielong handed Yexing Ruosi the matter of donating the material to the Church of Life, he planned to take his fiancée and Inglisyu to go shopping together, but unfortunately his good wishes were interrupted by the knight Kisley who came.

"Excuse me, Miss Kisley, what does Her Royal Highness have to do with me?".

When the knight Jisliyi heard Yan Tielong's question, she directly reminded Yan Tielong that yesterday he asked Qingyin Lester to bring a crazy guy to them and left, so Her Royal Highness wanted to know who that person was yesterday?

Hearing the reminder from the knights of Jisliyi, Yan Tielong remembered that he forgot to explain to Qingyin Lester yesterday, so he could only take Ingrid Yu and Shiteraliya to the Prince's Mansion, and after the solution was completed Going shopping.

As soon as they entered the Prince’s Mansion, Yan Tielong and the others were taken to the activity room by members of the Crystal Knights. At this time, Long Ruiede scored three consecutive billiards goals in the activity room, and then complacently asked the Governor Politero beside him how he played. Sample?

Governor Brittrow applauded very enthusiastically, and praised that Prince Longruid was too strong, and he has not mastered it yet.

When Prince Long Rui Ed saw Yan Tielong, he was very enthusiastic and called Yan Tielong to come in and play together. In his words, Bolitro was too weak, and he lacked even interest in playing.

Yan Tielong was speechless when he heard the words of Prince Long Rui Ed, because he learned from the female knights of the Crystal Knights that Prince Long Rui Ed was really not good at playing billiards, so the female knights didn't know how to play billiards at all. Let His Royal Highness, so he was brought over to help the prince improve his billiards skills.

But now it seems that Prince Long Rui Ed has found self-confidence in the governor of Platinum. In order not to undermine the enthusiasm of His Royal Highness, Yan Tielong also played, and controlled his own level so that he would naturally lose a goal compared to the prince.

At the beginning of the second billiards game, Yan Tielong asked what Her Royal Highness was doing while playing.

Prince Long Rui Ed might have won the first game. He was very happy and told him that his sister was training with the elder.

When Yan Tielong heard that Princess Long Lias was training with the Great Elder, he really wanted to see and learn. Unfortunately, Yan Tielong's wish could not be realized because Princess Long Lias was not in the Bostro Fortress, but in the Dragon's Cave.

In the second round of billiards, Yan Tielong defeated Prince Long Rui Ed by a slight advantage.

After the second round, Prince Long Rui Ed got tired and went to the rest area to ask Yan Tielong about the game yesterday.

When Yan Tielong heard the prince's inquiry, he took out the delicacies made by the contestants of the six courses. Among them, the dark death **** matsutake mushroom and the dream-returning soup were not brought out. The former he was worried that Prince Long Rui Edd couldn't stand it, and the latter was mixed with drugs and must not be given. Prince tasting.

Yan Tielong did not talk about the ending of the food competition, but introduced who made the food.

Prince Long Rui Ed saw that the dishes were still smoking, and he understood that the food in front of him was stored by Yan Tielong using the space equipment, and only the time in the space inside the space equipment did not flow.

Seeing that there were only six dishes, Long Rui Ed asked Yan Tielong about the other two dishes?

Yan Tielong told Prince Long Rui Ed directly that the other two dishes were not good for His Royal Highness, so he did not bring them out.

When Prince Long Rui Ed heard Yan Tielong's words, he regretted saying that he was not in good health and could not even taste delicious food.

After Prince Long Rui Ed finished his sigh, he asked the Crystal Knight to take another six silver bowls and divided the six dishes into half, and then asked the Crystal Knight to give the food to Princess Madeqingris to taste.

Yan Tielong felt that Prince Long Rui Ed did not like Princess Ma Deqinglis, but Bian Bian pretended that he liked each other very much. It seems that the royal life is not arbitrary!

Originally, Yan Tielong thought that Long Rui Aide would taste it immediately, but he did not expect that Long Rui Aide would actually invite Yan Tielong and the three of them to taste it together with Governor Platinum.

For the prince's invitation, Governor Platinum is very After all, the other party is His Royal Highness, and he may become a king in the future.

Actually, Yan Tielong wanted to say that he had already had breakfast, but he had to stay and enjoy the food together because of Governor Platinum's excitement.

With the female crystal knight as the maid, Yan Tielong and the others had to dine according to noble etiquette, and Yan Tielong was the worst in terms of etiquette, and even Ingrid Yu was more polite than Yan Tielong.

After tasting the perfect meal, Yan Tielong asked Prince Long Rui Aide which dish he liked, and Long Rui Aide replied that Xiong Fei Dili's barbecue was the best, and then Prince Long Rui Aide asked whether the first place in the food competition was a barbecue chef. kitchen?

Yan Tielong shook his head and told Prince Long Rui Ed that the champion was not Xiong Feidi Li, but another named Max Ed.

When Prince Long Rui Ed heard the result of the food competition, he asked curiously which dish was the champion dish?

Yan Tielong shook his head and told Prince Long Rui Eddard that the six dishes on the scene did not have the champion's dish, because the champion dish was not suitable for the prince's body.

Prince Long Rui Ed heard that the champion dish could not be tasted, so he asked about the details of the food competition.

When Prince Long Rui Ed heard that there was a chef who gave one point to the other contestants, he was very angry, but Yan Tielong let the prince calm down, and he told which contestant who gave one point to the other contestants had already be punished, and the punishment is heavy.

Prince Longruid heard that Bogheads was terminated from his employment contract by his employer, so he said what he deserved, and then talked about some topics in the food competition.


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