Star World Legendary Guild

Chapter 553: : Barna Keane who wants to be a knight

On January 16, 1174, at 3:00 pm in Xingyu, Yan Tielong carried Ingrid Jade and a duck and camel to the baron's territory of Jayne Hailun, which means that Yan Tielong and the others finally caught up with his team.

"Boy, I said you need to hurry? You see, sister Inglisyu is exhausted!" Borong Muna complained a little distressed when she saw Inglisyu's lack of sleep and was carried off by Yan Tielong road.

When Yan Tielong heard his senior sister's complaint, he also admitted that he was wrong. After all, he was on the road overnight. Of course, even the mount suffered a lot of crimes, such as being filled with stamina potions and excitement potions. Mounted, the duck camel beast squatted down directly, closed its eyes, and fell asleep. It seemed that it was exhausted.

When Borong Muna heard Yan Tielong admit her mistake, Yan Tielong changed a little, and then she led the dazed Inglisyu to check on her body, using her words to travel all night in winter, even if Yan Tielong was taking care of him, it was easy for the child to get sick.

Yan Tielong watched Senior Sister take Ingrid Jade away, and he remembered that the big one and the young one seemed to be very close to each other as soon as they met. Even Senior Sister made his collections because of Ingrid Jade's relationship and he was interested to see it. .

"Captain, that kid from Jayne Hailun has something to see you!" Yan Tielong, who came from Qingyin Lites, whispered.

As Yan Tielong walked towards the castle with Qingyin Lites, he asked Qingyin Lites if he knew what the lord here was looking for him.

I learned from Qingyin Lites that Baron Jayne Seawheel was looking for him because of planting herbs.

According to the news that Flothurn inquired about in the tavern in the territory, several caravans wanted to sign contracts with Baron Jayne Seawheel to purchase medicinal materials, but they were all rejected by Baron Jayne Seawheel.

At the same time, Qingyin Lites also reminded Yan Tielong that there was also a problem with the herb planting site here.

It turned out that Qingyin Lites led the arrival in the morning, so Qingyuyi planting herbalists couldn't wait to see how the herbs planted in the first half of the year were, but they found that they found that the herbs that had reached their medicinal value were nearly a quarter less. Judging from the traces, it was dug up by humans rather than animals.

When Yan Tielong heard the two pieces of information, he subconsciously thought that Baron Jayne Hailun had rejected the businessman outright, but he secretly sent someone to guard him and steal. Now that the price is high, it is difficult for Yan Tielong to have doubts about Baron Jayne Hailun.

Of course, Yan Tielong didn't tell Qingyin Lites what he thought. Instead, he asked Qingyin Lites what he thought about the theft of medicinal materials.

Qingyin Lites directly pointed out that the slaves who planted medicinal herbs colluded with the patrolling soldiers of Baron Jayne Seawheel to secretly sell the medicinal materials, and he believed very much that Baron Jayne Seawheel himself did not know it. In his words, Baron Jayne Seawheel would not know at all. Then a little money makes his family lose the honor of the nobility.

Yan Tielong did not deny or agree with Qingyin Lites' statement. After all, the nobles cherished their wings very much, but it was not that they had not seen Yan Tielong secretly doing dirty things.

When Yan Tielong arrived at the entrance of the castle, the housekeeper they had been waiting for brought them into the castle study.

After Yan Tielong and the others waited for a while, Baron Jayne Hailun arrived, and he was very enthusiastic about the two of them.

When Yan Tielong directly asked Baron Jayne Hailun, in less than a month, a quarter of the medicinal materials from their medicinal planting area had been stolen. I don't know why.

For Yan Tielong to give face, Baron Jayne Hailun took out a scroll from the servant and gave it to Yan Tielong.

Yan Tielong looked at Baron Jayne Hailun suspiciously. When he heard the reason for the stolen medicinal materials in the scroll, he opened the scroll and looked at it seriously.

The contents of the scroll were actually that after the merchants were rejected by Baron Jayne, they secretly united with the surrounding nobles. At the same time, they sent people to secretly contact some slaves, and then joined forces to steal the medicinal materials. By the time Baron Jayne discovered that the medicinal materials were already there. Many were stolen.

Of course, it is also mentioned in the scroll that Baron Jayne Seawheel led the territory's armed forces to fight a few fights with the gang of medicine thieves, but neither side suffered much loss and the reason was simple; the people who stole the medicine ran away as soon as they saw Baron Jayne Seawheel.

When Yan Tielong finished reading the scroll, Baron Jayne Hailun told Yan Tielong that they caught a person who stole medicinal materials yesterday.

When Yan Tielong heard that a prisoner had been caught, he offered to meet the arrested prisoner.

When Baron Jayne heard Yan Tielong's request, he directly agreed, and then he asked the housekeeper to take Yan Tielong to the castle dungeon.

When Yan Tielong and Qingyin Lites followed the housekeeper to the castle dungeon, they found that there was no one in the entire dungeon except for a middle-aged man.

Yan Tielong looked at the middle-aged man and asked the housekeeper to open the cell.

When the housekeeper heard Yan Tielong's order, he reminded Yan Tielong before opening the cell that the prisoners inside were very violent, so be careful.

The door of the cell was opened, and when Yan Tielong entered the cell, the middle-aged man who had been silent just now suddenly rushed towards Yan Tielong.

Yan Tielong was not polite to the middle-aged man who rushed over, and he punched the middle-aged man directly.

To Yan Tielong's surprise, the middle-aged man actually avoided Yan Tielong's fist, but instead grabbed Yan Tielong's hand with both hands and threw Yan Tielong over his shoulder.

The middle-aged man made Yan Tielong unresponsive, and as a result he fell hard.

When the middle-aged man saw Yan Tielong falling, he walked towards the corner of the cell with disdain.

And Yan Tielong, who was standing in front of him, was very puzzled that the middle-aged man had already knocked him down, so why didn't the other party escape directly.

When Yan Tielong came to the middle-aged man before he spoke, he heard the middle-aged man say that he would not say anything.

Yan Tielong walked out of the cell. He pointed to the middle-aged prisoner in the cell and asked the housekeeper what was going on?

The housekeeper was a little embarrassed and told Yan Tielong in a low voice that the man in the cell named Bana Keen wanted to become a territory knight a long time ago, but after the previous territory, the elder brother of Baron Jayne Hailun, disliked him and let him increase his strength. Only then would he accept it, so Barna Keen went to practice.

After the death of the previous lord, he made some achievements and introduced himself to Baron Jayne, but unfortunately Baron Jayne, who was upset because of the woman, refused. Later, he was hired by those businessmen to protect their contacts with slaves from being arrested. As a result, he was the only one People blocked more than a dozen soldiers of Baron Jayne Sea Wheel.

After listening to the housekeeper's words, Yan Tielong wondered whether the people in the cell would still want to be the knights of Baron Jayne Hai Lun, or the other party should escape from the prison after he fell, instead of staying in the cell obediently.

Yan Tielong felt that the other party was very interesting, so he asked the housekeeper to get some wine and meat.

The housekeeper did not know what Yan Tielong was going to do, but he knew that his lord had great respect for the two men in front of him, and the other party was also the savior of the lord, so he saluted Yan Tielong and Qingyin Lites to prepare the wine and dishes that Yan Tielong wanted. .

After the housekeeper left, Yan Tielong once entered the old school. He sat across from Bana Keen and said, "Your Excellency Bana Keen, now the guy who is in the way has gone. I wonder if we can have a good chat?".

However, Yan Tielong was disappointed, and Bana Keen ignored Yan Tielong at all.

When Yan Tielong saw the other party and ignored him, he suddenly asked the other party whether he must become the knight of Baron Jayne Hai Lun?

Bana Keen finally had a reaction, he looked at Yan Tielong and didn't speak.

When Yan Tielong saw Bana Keen pay attention to himself, he directly told the other party that he was also a nobleman, and asked the other party if he would like to be his knight?

Qingyin Lites, who was on the side, heard Yan Tielong digging a wall, and he was speechless.

However, Qingyin Lites felt that his head of the group had little Bana Keen showed a real lack of interest, it may be that Yan Tielong did not show his noble status, so Bana Keen did not believe it. Yan Tielong was a nobleman.

Just when Yan Tielong found that he couldn't convince the other party, so when he was about to prove that he was a nobleman, he heard footsteps outside the cell, so he could only bear it, after all, Yan Tielong was a little guilty.

The steward led four servants to bring a small barrel of ale and four kinds of meat. After the steward put down the wine and meat, they were sent away by Yan Tielong.

Qingyin Lites helped Yan Tielong to bring the meat into the cell. He couldn't help but say, isn't it bad to dig into the corner of Baron Jayne Hailun?

Yan Tielong said disdainfully, "Lester, Baron Jayne doesn't look down on Barna Keen, so I don't count as digging right now.".

"But the head of the regiment, Bana Keen has been staying here since he was arrested, and I believe that Bana Keen's strength is more than enough to escape from prison, so I think Bana Keen should atone in the cell, and he will definitely join him once he goes out. Baron Jayne Seawheel!".

Yan Tielong put forward another pessimistic view. In his words, it would be impossible for Bana Keen to become a knight under normal circumstances. After all, he and his cooperating merchants had already tainted the aristocratic medicinal herbs and must have been spread.

It's just that Yan Tielong didn't expect that all his conversations with Qingyin Lites would be heard by Barna Keen, and his mood was even lower. After all, his hopes were dashed.

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