StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 210 Blood Hunter

Later on March 17, just before 11 a.m., Lieutenant Colonel Moser, who was responsible for guarding the western defensive wall and outpost of the August settlement, ordered people to send the bodies of the alien creatures they killed back to Switzerland. The command center where Kidd is located.

The revolutionary army has reported many killings, but so far only this body has been found.

Along with the alien body came some simple food, including thick bread made of synthetic flour, a few dollops of whipped cream, smoked beef and a few cans of tea.

Rick had the armor-stained corpse soaked in dark black blood placed on a long table with a battle map. Dozens of Revolutionary Army officers gathered around the long obsidian table brought from Kohal. Talking quietly while stuffing food into your mouth.

These Revolutionary Army officers are generally between the ages of twenty and thirty. Their dark red power armor is lined with straight single-breasted dark gray jackets and field army trousers made of artificial cotton. They have wolf head badges and emblems on their chests. The V-shaped military rank mark, and the wide-brimmed military cap hanging on the coat rack of the headquarters is painted with the insignia of the revolutionary army's whip ring.

Young soldiers simply wear military uniforms and wear slim-fitting belts, which is enough to attract attention among the public and attract people to sign up to join the army. Augustus believed that handsome military uniforms were very necessary and received a lot of funding from Parliament.

The uniforms of the Marine Corps, Fleet and Army in the Revolutionary Army are all different, and all are equipped with two sets of uniforms.

"Is this a monster that killed the indigenous creatures of Suez, Noviev and Sir Sir Seal?" When Rick was silent, a Revolutionary Army major carefully stroked the dark body with a cold metallic sheen. Colored armor.

This is an alien creature with rough dark gray skin. It is about 9 to 10 feet tall (2.7 to 3 meters). It is much larger than a human adult male. It has four powerful fingers with sharp nails on its palms. The hind feet are similar to those of earth's artiodactyl mammals, with the lower legs bent back from the knees to the bare ankles. Judging from the structure of the crotch, it should be a creature that can walk upright.

The staggered wrinkles on his skin make him look like the dense scales of a reptile under the cold blue light of the command post. However, if you look carefully and reach out to touch, you will find that the surface of his skin is actually quite smooth and delicate to the touch.

The creature had a long, narrow, pointed chin and a protruding forehead, with several inches of gray hair on the back of its head that looked like some kind of dreadlocks. He wore a helmet made of black alien metal, full-body armor, and a crimson woven war skirt that extended to the leg joints. Sharp thorns and blades could be seen everywhere on his armor, as if to kill as many of their enemies as possible. The enemy exists.

His chest had been hit hard by several howitzers and thousands of nail bullets, but it looked like it was only a little worn. The wound came from his unobvious neck, and the deep purple blood that was almost black had dried up at this moment. It can be seen that this creature is not invulnerable, but also made of flesh and blood.

Rick simply couldn't imagine what kind of enemy this creature had been fighting, otherwise such an almost brutal and bloody decoration would be used against his own kind.

It took him a long time to take off the creature's helmet. At this moment, all the officers shuddered at its strange face. The creature had only a pair of dull eyes and no nostrils or lips. It was impossible to imagine whether it needed to breathe or take in nutrients.

As he gazed into the creature's face, Rick felt an indescribable throb that made Rick shudder.

In this universe, humans are never alone.

He recalled what the Bennett family tutor said to him when he was a child: Some of the starlight in the sky came from millions of years ago, and the stars that emitted these lights were probably destroyed long ago. There are billions of stars in the universe, and there are infinite possibilities for life forms.

As early as when people on Earth established colonies in the solar system, humans were searching for possible intelligent creatures while exploring the universe, but found nothing.

In the Koprulu sector, the creatures discovered by humans are nothing more than giant insects and primitive reptiles from Umoyan. Without exception, their intelligence is no higher than that of a two-year-old domestic pet dog.

The revolutionary army once encountered a terrifying alien creature on Victor V. Federation researchers named this creature the Zerg tribe (zerg). Apparently they had already encountered alien creatures. Confederate troops may have also encountered the creature that the Korhal colonists encountered at Baishel and had already named it, but this has never been made public.

"He looks really disgusting." A lieutenant said angrily after all his comrades died at the hands of alien alien creatures.

"What local species did they evolve from? Crabs or lizards - they look very primitive." Another revolutionary army captain said.

"He is such a primitive man, but he has individual stealth technology that can evade most of our detection methods, a sub-folding force field, a stealth force field, an energy shield generator, enough to cut through CMC-200 powered armor and even arc light The tank's over 100 mm armor, the clustered plasma light blade that bisects it, and the particle light cannon that can tear our warriors into pieces with one shot may be the remnants of an ancient alien civilization." Rick concluded.

Two years ago, this 20-year-old Major General of the Revolutionary Army was a son of the founding family who was desperate for life. He was tired of the luxurious but spiritually empty life every day, and lived in the shadow of his outstanding sister all day long. In the short period of time since then, he has experienced a series of events such as the Kailian War, the Korhal Rebellion, and the Great Escape.

These experiences are tempering an ordinary noble son into a steel-like warrior. However, when facing these alien enemies on Beisher, steel is like hammering on a ball of cotton.

If the person leading this colonial fleet was not a resolute leader, then he would have been unable to stabilize the situation. Any army that enters the jungle will eventually be unable to return, and the people will be brutally slaughtered. This place is outside the Koprulu Star Sector, far away from the core world of mankind, and is isolated and helpless.

However, Rick knows that he must not give up easily. He has an important responsibility. The most important thing is that he is one of the most trusted people of the Revolutionary Army Marshal, the deputy squad leader of the first class of the Demons of Heaven, Augustus Mengsk. hand.

This is the only belief that supports Rick.

"Their civilization has probably degenerated tens of thousands of years ago, but even so, the technology of these creatures still has an overwhelming advantage over us."

"The small number is probably the reason why this creature has not launched a full-scale attack on us." He said: "They have been wandering beyond our reach, weakening our military strength through sneak attacks again and again, and waiting until we The army was exhausted and the general attack began."

"I even suspect that they have a unique hobby. These creatures still prove their strength by hunting down the strongest warriors among us, just like some ancient tribes in the earth's time."

"It would be great if he was still alive." Finally, Rick said with some regret.

"Do you know how he died? This bastard and several of his companions ran rampant in Moser's military camp. They took on dozens of soldiers before killing him." A lieutenant punched him hard. Smashed on the table.

"What the hell is going on? Is this just a training ground for them to test their warriors? We are just livestock raised by these creatures."

"They will only attack our soldiers and have absolutely no interest in those women and children who have no ability to resist, but it does not mean that they have some kind of chivalry and compassion. Maybe this kind of creature does not have similar qualities at all. to human emotions.”

"God knows where these monsters live, in alien ruins or underground? We have been passively beaten."

"What I'm more worried about is that they probably have a fleet." Rick was worried.

As he spoke, Rick removed a metal bracer from the creature's arm, and with his other hand picked up a weapon about seven feet long that resembled some kind of cane.

Rick spun the heavy cane, tapped it on the table, and handed it to his adjutant: "Give it to our engineers. Maybe this will be helpful in our research on new weapons."

Then, Rick waved his hand to stop his subordinates who wanted to stop him from trying, and put the metal wristband from the alien creature on his forearm, and his strong arm was so strong compared to this wristband. of slenderness.

Nothing unusual appeared.

Shaking his head, the disappointed Rick handed the wristband to his lieutenant: "Bring him to the scientists for dissection. Only by knowing the body structure of these creatures can we figure out their possible weaknesses."

"How should we call this creature so that we can unify the commands?"

"Alien monsters." Rick said, "What else can we call them?"

"Sebold, how much supplies do we have left?" Several soldiers who walked into the headquarters took out the body of the alien creature with purple-black blood flowing out.

"The sealed wheat flour, meat, canned fruits and other foods should be able to support the 320,000 people in the August settlement for nine weeks. If the production line of the synthetic food factory is activated, we can support at least half a year. Food Supplies are not a problem, the important thing is that we lack high-energy gas fuel and weapons."

Sebold is a lieutenant officer under Rick. His dark gray uniform has a V-shaped rank insignia and a naval ribbon and a Rose Cross awarded by the Revolutionary Army Headquarters in recognition of his role in the Battle of Korhal. contribution in. At the same time, he is the first mate of the colonial mothership Stillling, and is mainly responsible for the logistics, supply and daily management of the colonial ship.

"What about other cities?" Rick asked again.

The biggest dilemma for the colonists on Baishel was that their large settlements were scattered across two main plains, and many settlements were separated by high mountains or huge lakes. This resulted in the garrison of the revolutionary troops being relatively scattered. There were only a small number of troops stationed in three settlements with a population of about 200,000.

He noticed that their enemies seemed to rarely use aircraft, so he tried to use transport planes to reinforce troops in weakly defended settlements, so that the people in these settlements would not be slaughtered or order would collapse due to lack of protection. .

"The food supplies in New Ridenheim, New Faust, New Danzisk, New Balik, and New Lexington are about the same as ours, and the brigade-level troops and militia stationed in these cities are suffering from bullet shortages and morale. The militias are still using old-fashioned water-cooled machine guns and gunpowder weapons to defend themselves against the invisible enemy, and there have been reports of soldier suicides," Seibold said.

"The number of enemies is unknown, and their location is unknown. They have figured out our daily routine and always launch attacks late at night, just to drag us down——"

"We've been trapped on this damn green planet with an enemy that's malicious to us and has never tried to communicate with us," he said.

Rick nodded and hummed in a low voice. As he silently walked towards a main console, his golden hair spread on his forehead like the canopy of a round mushroom.

"We can only try to build a gas refining plant on the high-energy gas spring that has been discovered. Can the purple high-energy gas be refined and purified?" After walking around the headquarters for a few times, Rick asked again.

"That's not the latest thing discovered. Interstellar explorers from Kemorian and the Tyranid Federation have discovered this kind of gas on several desolate and dead planets. They call this gas terrazine." Seibold said.

"Tetrazine is a special type of high-energy gas that cannot be used as refined fuel - in some backward colonial worlds, local residents even treat it as a drug. They believe that inhaling this gas can give them some kind of superpower. .”

"Is this true?" Rick looked at him.

"Well, everyone who has tried it has become mentally disturbed - the SCV driver who accidentally fell into the terazine gas spring already showed some symptoms of schizophrenia." Seibold said.

"He began to believe that the star Baisher was a supernatural being and worshiped it as a god. This poor man always heard inexplicable whispers in the dead of night and thought it was Baisher himself talking to him."

"It's really weird. Forbid everyone to come into contact with this gas and seal all terazine gas springs." Rick gave the order.

At this moment, with the ticking reminder, the signal of a revolutionary army outpost came on the main holographic projection screen of the headquarters.

"This is the E-9 outpost. We received a distress signal from the 1st Vulture Company of the 9th Division. They disappeared in the jungle a month and a half ago." A man wearing a flat-topped military cap with straw gray hair The sergeant with the wolf head cap badge reported.

"Take it," Rick said.

The common jungle landscape of Beisher suddenly appeared on the main screen. There were about a hundred Revolutionary Army vulture soldiers, motorized soldiers and mechanics lying in the dense ferns. Although it's unknown how they managed to survive in the jungle for such a long time, it certainly looks like these people are still alive.

There was no alien creature on the screen, only human soldiers who groaned from time to time.

"This is an obvious trap, but they know that humans will never abandon their companions." Rick said coldly.

The other party had obviously deciphered human language. At this time, an English word suddenly appeared on the screen.


Thanks to the helmsman of My Star for the reward, thank you to the Sublime King, Uncle Luo Heng and Agent Rongrong for the reward, thank you for the recommendation votes and monthly passes!

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