StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 258 Don’t underestimate humans


Sobbing broke the eerie calm in the bridge of the Norad III. A naval officer of the Alpha Squadron with the rank of major suddenly began to sob. Tears poured out continuously from the fingers of his face.

This was a confidant officer sent by Augustus to take over part of the command of Alpha Squadron and to a certain extent, isolate and restrain Edmund Duke.

Like the most loyal and brave warrior in the Revolutionary Army, this Major of the Revolutionary Army is a member of the Pan-Taeran Revolutionary Party of Kerkha origin, fighting to overthrow the Terran Federation and seek the welfare of all Terran people.

This major also participated in the Battle of Korhal as a revolutionary army noncommissioned officer and witnessed the destruction of Korhal IV with his own eyes. The scene at that time left a very deep impression on this strong soldier. with painful memories. This kind of psychological trauma is common among the Korhal, and now it is likely to reappear among the Cha Sara people.

"Drag this coward out! Drag him back to his cabin! Let him get out!" Duke roared, as furious as a lion whose tail was stepped on. He wasn't grieving for Cha Sara, just out of his own impotent anger.

Of course, the crying Revolutionary Army officer was not treated roughly and was only helped out of the bridge by two sergeants.

"Turn right rudder, start main thrusters, move to 5, 4, 2." Duke shouted.

Under Duke's order, the Norad III sailed closer to Cha Sara, but still kept a considerable distance from the golden protoss fleet that was regrouping near the moon and was evacuating Cha Sara's high-altitude orbit.

"General." The communication connection between the Norad III and the central command room of the Revolutionary Army base was never disconnected. Augustus immediately said: "That's not his fault."

"Try to send a communication request to that protoss fleet and see if you can establish a communication connection with them." Augustus said to Duke as the Norad III slowly sailed towards Cha Sara.

"We have been trying." Duke took a deep breath: "We even used the deciphered Tal'darin Protoss language, but we have never received any response."

"These warships look like Tal'darin protoss," Augustus said, "but they are actually quite different."

The revolutionary army that has fought against the Tal'darin can find many striking similarities in the appearance of these gorgeous golden-blue battleships with the appearance of the Byshel Tal'darin protoss battleship, but if the former's battleships are a combination of war and art, The latter develops the aesthetics of killing to its peak.

"Are these re-dyed Tal'darin protoss or their distant cousins ​​who like gold." Duke hated all protoss, just as he disliked all inhuman xenos.

"They didn't take us seriously." Augustus calmly stated a fact that he considered to be a matter of course: "The protoss don't even care about how many cannons we have on our battleships. In their eyes, Humans are just a miserable and weak race."

Then they waited for a few more minutes, trying to get a response from the Protoss fleet, but that direction remained silent.

"There was no response at all. They ignored all communication signals." Duke punched the current control panel: "Maybe to them we are just a bunch of squeaking rats."

"I'm worried that their next target will be Mar Sara." Augustus said slightly uneasily.

"Is there still our fleet around? Where is Omega Squadron?"

"No more, Marshal, it's just us." Duke said: "Omega Squadron has been parked at the orbital base on the other side of the Sala system. They are still on 'vacation.'"

The Revolutionary Army currently only has one battlecruiser owned by Duke and some attached spacecraft in the Sala System. It was Augustus who ordered Duke to stay and monitor the situation in the Sala System when he led the main fleet of the Revolutionary Army to leave.

At this time, Norad III moved in a short jump between the outermost planet of the Sala galaxy and Cha Sara, less than a month away from Ma Sara, another human colonial planet in the Sara galaxy. Astronomical unit. Suddenly, the Norad III was closer to the glorious golden protoss fleet and Cha Sara, who was melting in the flames.

"Scan Cha Sara and see what's going on there." Augustus then gave the order to Norad III.

"Report to the marshal, preliminary scan results show that there are no signs of life activity on the surface of Cha Sala." The order immediately received a response from a technical officer.

"The tens of millions of zerg on Cha Sara are dead, and the Jörmungandr swarm has been reduced to ashes."

"Where are those Behemoths?" Augustus asked again.

".We did not find those huge Zerg biological battleships." The technical officer replied: "We detected the remaining traces of the warp."

"The Zerg's Behemoth can jump like our spaceship? How is this possible?" Duke didn't believe it: "What do they rely on to enter the hyperspace channel, tentacles, wings or those ugly puss?"

"Psychic power," Augustus said.

"It can only be psychic."

"Closely monitor the movements of this protoss fleet." Augustus said: "If the protoss fleet responds to our communication request, immediately receive my channel."

"Yes, sir."

"General, the protoss fleet has moved again. God, they are heading for the Mar Sara galaxy!" At this moment, a technician in front of the bridge console suddenly shouted.

"There are millions of people on Mar Sara!" a female officer on the Norad III screamed.

"Gather my fleet." Augustus made a decisive decision: "We can't let them do that!"

Suddenly, the reassembled protoss fleet moved again. In the illusive golden-blue flash, the protoss fleet jumped into the synchronized orbit of Ma Sara in a large-scale space distortion and flash vortex. It seemed that they were undoubtedly going to repeat what they had done to Cha Sara before. matter.

There are still dozens of Terran Federation military transport barges and space debris recovery ships in the synchronous orbit of Mar Sara, but these ships have lost their original luster, and their surfaces are covered with ugly purple-black veins and biological organisms. Tissue granulation and pulsating blood vessels. Obviously these spacecraft have been eroded and infected by the Jörmungandr swarm, and the possibility of anyone surviving inside is slim.

The human spaceship that happened to be blocking the space between the Protoss fleet and the planet was immediately turned into a ball of molten black debris under the gunfire of the Protoss warships. However, in the eyes of the crew of Norad III who were far away from Mar Sara, the star was The spirit is undoubtedly slaughtering its own kind.

"We are the only ones left." General Duke took two steps and repeated what he had just said: "We are the only ones who can stop them."

There was just silence as all the crew members on the bridge waited for Duke's order.

"I am General Duke, all speed up." After about ten seconds, Duke gritted his teeth and ordered in the command channel of the captain and the captains: "Once we enter the ejection range of the dock, launch all our missiles. Wraith fighter, all artillery ready to fire!"

"How dare these alien bastards do that in front of me?"

The crew of the Norad III carried out this order which was extremely crazy from any point of view without hesitation. The dark red-painted steel giant sailed towards the Ma Sara and Protoss fleet in silence. .

"Don't underestimate humans, you alien bastards!" Duke said.

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