StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 341 Vadona is under our protection

The main city of Vadona is shrouded in bleak clouds and the fear of zerg. The hateful-looking alien dragons hover over the city like a flock of crows returning to their nest.

The majestic skyscrapers in the center of the city also trembled due to the arrival of the insect swarm. All the LED and holographic screens were fluttering due to the commotion of the power supply hub. The entire city seemed to be screaming in the impending disaster.

Carolina Davis, accompanied by the family's butler, left the banquet hall floor and headed to the helipad on the top floor. The elevator was already overcrowded and overloaded at all times, so they could only take the stairs through the safety passage.

This city center building named Vadona Gate has been open to Vadona's celebrities since it was built. The strict and comprehensive security facilities and tight security have made this place always considered the safest place on the entire planet.

No wanted criminal or robber has ever made the celebrities in this building so nervous, just because someone told them that the two forces they feared most - terrifying aliens and rebels were coming.

As Davis walked through the long corridor, people walked past her from time to time. These people were either staff in this skyscraper, or people with power and status, regardless of their attire or appearance. How different, they were all horrified now.

When disaster strikes, not everyone can fearlessly take up arms to defend their homeland.

When Davis stepped onto the top apron, the roar of anti-aircraft artillery became even more intense, and some of the more violent roars came from the explosion of the federal arsenal in the main city of Wardona.

The protective shield opened by the defense matrix force field designed by the Kaimorian technology giant Lars Technology Company did a good job of isolating the wind and rain from the outside world, but it could not block the sound.

Standing on the edge of the parking platform, Davis could see the gray dome over the main city of Vadona through the transparent energy shield. Lead-gray clouds gathered above the city, blocking the sunlight falling from the dome, and the entire city was shrouded in darkness. The urban buildings below the tarmac are still flashing with colorful lights, flickering on and off.

"Rebels. How many are there?" Davis did not rush to board his armed airship like other dignitaries who were allowed to enter the tarmac, but just looked at his butler worriedly.

"I don't know." The white-haired butler was not affected by the tense atmosphere around him: "The Vadona radar observation station discovered at least twelve battlecruisers. If they are all rebels, then the federal press statement The person must be lying.”

"It seems that the federal navy did not inflict heavy damage on the rebels as they said. On the contrary, their strength has increased exponentially compared to a few years ago. The rebels are already a force that cannot be underestimated. ." Davis said as she retied her long, pale blond hair into a high bun.

"Get aboard quickly, Carolina." The steward said at this time: "The central airport in Vadona is already overcrowded. If it is later, we may not be able to catch up with the large transport ship evacuating Vadona."

"Wardona is my home. And today I will witness her loss with my own eyes." Davis turned around and prepared to leave.

Facing the threat of the insect swarm, Davis felt human for the first time and felt the insignificance of his own power.

A scream of "Trikli" came from the clouds, and a crack opened in the dark clouded sky. A dozen screaming Jörmungandr Alien Dragons quickly passed through the clouds and stopped on the top of the skyscraper below. Ping hit, their carapace flashing bright purple in the faint light.

The automatic anti-aircraft turret on the roof rotated and fired at the snake-like flying creatures with cortical membrane wings, roaring and throwing out a series of golden bullets. A few of the alien dragons that nimbly moved in the air were beaten into blood mist by the dense rain of bullets, but the rest escaped the intensive anti-aircraft fire.

A luxury yacht that had just taken off was caught by two alien dragons that flapped their wings powerfully. Davis watched with his own eyes that the yacht, worth tens of millions of federal credit coins, was torn into pieces, and screams came from the crowd. The screams rattled her eardrums.

Never before have humans seen such monstrous alien creatures outside of holograms and zoos, and the zerg are far scarier than the most ferocious beasts in the universe.

The snake-like body of the Allosaurus is covered with sharp spikes, shaped like a barbed file. Davis has never seen any other animal in the universe that has so many exaggerated fangs and thorns like the Allosaurus. Every pair of its orange eyes, every pair of sharp fangs and spikes seems to be Born to kill.

From the moment they emerge from their eggs in hatcheries and spires, these mutalisks are destined to kill for the swarm, or die defending it.

"We can't stay here." Davis is a strong woman, but she can't help but feel real fear when she sees the mutalisks.

It is extremely dangerous to forcefully lift off in the sky occupied by the alien dragons. The limited armor of the armed airship cannot withstand the powerful acid of the alien dragon symbiotic blade insects. An alien dragon flapped its wings like a bomber and dropped several bright green symbiotic blade insects onto the tarmac. The explosion shook the seemingly fragile protective shield.

Lars Technologies had claimed that their product could easily withstand the broadsides of battlecruisers, but no one had ever actually verified it. Although Kaimorian's technology has always been as simple and reliable as their KMC armor-piercing projectiles.

"Get out of here!" When Davis turned back, he saw several yachts belonging to wealthy businessmen or nobles still continuing to take off without mercy, and some people were hysterically shouting that this defensive force field was indestructible.

Those yachts that still choose to take off immediately become the new targets of the Allosaurus. Although the pilots of these yachts are all highly paid aces, the Allosaurus are definitely efficient and deadly aerial hunters.

Davis followed the security personnel back the same way without looking back, but at this moment there was a cry of surprise from behind him. A burst of chaotic thoughts and uncontrollable despair filled Davis' uneasy heart. She couldn't help but feel disappointed with the Terran Federation, which had promised to protect Vadona.


"It's the fleet!"

Hearing people's exclamations, Davis turned around instantly. I saw an unparalleled giant steel ship sailing out from the dense clouds, with rows of naval guns flashing with cold light, and the lights on its wide bridge were always bright.

The silver-gray steel giant was moving forward in the storm, shaped like a moving steel fortress. Hundreds of fighter planes trailing ice-blue and orange-red tail flames flew out from both sides of the battleship, chasing the alien dragons they had driven here and streaking over people's heads.

The battlecruiser was above the city, only a thousand feet away from where Davis stood. She could vaguely see the red whip ring symbol on the bow of the battlecruiser. The battlecruiser also depicts a silver Z-shaped lightning bolt, which may be the emblem of its fleet or derived from its name.

Only by standing underneath a battlecruiser can you deeply appreciate the majesty of this type of steel giant. Every cold muzzle under its stainless steel ship illustrates the human standing in the interstellar space. The power of the universe demonstrates mankind’s infinite determination and courage to challenge the stars.

This scene was deeply reflected in the eyes of Carolina Davis. Since then, she has determined that the source of power for mankind to conquer the galaxy comes from strong ships and cannons.

"We are the Korhal Revolutionary Army. The zerg that invaded Vadona have collapsed under the offensive of the revolutionary army. I am Augustus Mengsk, and I promise you that Vadona is safe now." The skyscraper in the center of the city An image of a revolutionary soldier wearing a wide-brimmed military hat and a dark gray cloak appeared on the screens in the building.

"The Korhal Revolutionary Army will do its best to provide protection to every colony we encounter that is forced to join the Federation polity under the pressure of the Tyranid Federation, so that the people of these colonies will not be threatened by the Zerg."

"Wadona is now under our protection. All anti-aircraft fire ceases immediately and we come for peaceful purposes."

"Augustus Mengsk." In front of Davis was a slightly shorter skyscraper screen, on which was the young and very enterprising leader of the Korhal Revolutionary Army.

Augustus Mengsk, the Mengsk family he represents, and the Korhal IV rebels have always been a serious thorn in the side of the Tyranid Federation. They have always been considered the source of trouble in the territory of the Tyranid Federation. After all, every colony Korhal visited was on the verge of destruction under the attack of the zerg and protoss.

"The demon of Korhar, the lackey of the zerg and protoss, the traitor to humanity." Davis read out a few titles that Augustus had recently received, and suddenly felt that life was really wonderful.

A few years ago, on Tarsonis Prime, Augustus Mengsk from Korhal IV only brought a few private soldiers of the Demon of Heaven to the banquet. At that time, no one realized that the handsome and always named The young nobleman who treated everyone with a smile would become the rebel leader who now commands a large fleet.

In the eyes of the nobles of Tarsonis, no matter what reputation and status Augustus's family enjoyed in Korhal IV, he was always a small nobleman from a small place.

"The Federal Council and the Creation Family will eventually pay the price for the stupid decisions they made." Davis sighed: "They destroyed Korhal, but they also created an avenger full of rage."

Davis did not believe that the Revolutionary Army was a murderous demon and butcher in federal propaganda, because Wardona had accepted some refugees who had escaped from the fringe world. Some of those people had witnessed with their own eyes the fleet of the Revolutionary Army falling from the sky, like the angel of death summoned by God.

She also had a detailed understanding of the political policies and ideas of the Revolutionary Army, most of which were Angus Mengsk's enlightened policies that focused on development and people's livelihood when managing Korhal IV. In any case, this at least proves that they are not entirely dependent on a peasant rebel army who advocates for justice for the people.

In the territory of the Tyranid Federation, it is illegal to have books and information about the Korhal Revolutionary Army, but the all-pervasive Sons of Korhal can always hand over a copy to those who are dissatisfied with the Federation at the right time. Detailed information.

Davis has quite a collection - although most of it is portrait briefings of Augustus. Possession of such dangerous contraband was likely to attract a late-night visit from the federal secret police, but a nobleman like Davis would not raise such suspicions.

"Augustus, Wolf of Korhal."


"How come you can see rebels in places where there are bugs and protoss? It's not like they are related to these alien aliens."

After hearing Augustus's words, the people around him showed completely different names from Davis. Some of them cursed Augustus and his revolutionary army maliciously, while others turned to fear. Will your property be damaged by the arrival of the revolutionary army?

It is said that wherever the revolutionary army goes, the people who welcome them most are the people at the bottom and those blue-collar workers who want to improve their status. As for those who are already living a satisfactory life, they do not welcome the arrival of the revolutionary army, because it is very likely that will change your life.

However, in this era, those who live a satisfactory life are always in the minority. Years of war and long-term corruption in the government have sucked the blood of the Terran Federation, and the rulers are always thinking about breaking the bones and sucking out the marrow.

The anti-aircraft firepower in the center of the main city of Vadona did not cease fire due to the arrival of the Revolutionary Army warships, but was re-aimed at the new enemy. Before the threat of the zerg had completely retreated, the federal government and the rebels started fighting.

To the Federation garrison on Valdona, the rebels and zerg were equal enemies. In most cases, the rebels are even the higher priority enemy.

"It's dangerous here, Carolina." The butler reminded Davis, who was staring intently at the battlecruiser in the sky.

"The Revolutionary Army will not harm civilians." Davis suddenly said to the housekeeper.

"But you are a nobleman with status, child, you are not a commoner. The rebels are a group of rural farmers and miners who have no food in the fringe world." The steward responded to Davis: "Augustus Mengsk coerced With them coming here, can you expect that his rabble will not show their bestiality in the bustling Wadona?"

At this time, two transport planes painted in gold and red were approaching the apron with the humming roar of their engines. Davis immediately realized that the other party's target was not him, but the nearby city government building. This commercial skyscraper was undoubtedly the best place to stop.

The automatic turrets of the parking platform locked on the Revolutionary Army transport aircraft and fired continuously. They immediately damaged one of them and forced it to circle and land in the city center, while the other one headed straight for the parking platform.

The people on the platform were horrified and dispersed. After a while, only Davis and her butler and security personnel, who looked ashen but still loyally protected the family lady, were left on the platform.

The pilot of the transport plane was still operating the spacecraft to avoid the bullet chain as it passed over the protective cover of the parking platform. In the transport ship hatch opened against the wind, a ghost agent wearing goggles aimed at the automatic machine on the platform. The turret fired accurately.

What he uses is a federal ghost agent-style locking round that can lock on machinery and disable it. For now, the ghost agents of Nova Squadron are most fond of using this new weapon.

This locking round also paralyzed the protective shield force field generator on the platform, which caused the rain originally isolated by the protective shield to fall suddenly, soaking Davis' hair and evening gown.

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