StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 472 Despicable Disintegration

The ground shook violently and never stopped for a moment, as if the planet Char itself was trembling and sobbing. The red ocean is flowing turbulently, and the thick ash clouds piled up on the horizon are rotating and moving rapidly under the influence of the storm.

At this time, the sun has risen, and the surface temperature in areas exposed to direct sunlight can reach two to three hundred degrees. Because Char's atmosphere is filled with thick ash clouds, the temperature inside is astonishingly high.

Jim Raynor was standing on the top of a high plateau. The hot wind that seemed to dry people blew the ash layer under his feet, revealing the black volcanic rock underneath.

There are 6 anti-aircraft missile towers and a newly assembled ion cannon (one of the Tarsonis orbital defense weapons in the Battle of Ion Cannon) on the high ground. A golden-red flag is flying in the wind, and heavily armed Revolutionary Army soldiers are watching closely. Looking at the sky and the land beneath my feet.

This is the position of the 303rd Marine Battalion. They were ordered to guard the high ground south of the Char Expeditionary Force command post.

The highland and several other bunker groups together form the barrier of the Revolutionary Army's Char Expeditionary Force headquarters. Next to it is the command center, command company station and position hospital. There is even a field kitchen where bread can be baked for preparing meals. Provide a more comfortable environment for wounded soldiers.

As the revolutionary army holds more and more colonial planets, the salaries and benefits of the soldiers have also increased. The soldiers loved Augustus not only for the liberation and freedom he represented, but also because he loved his soldiers like a son.

"Commander, tactical analysis shows that the number of insect swarms far exceeds ours."

Next to Reno was a table stacked with several supply boxes, with an open holographic projector placed on it.

The holographic screen was playing images intermittently transmitted back from the front line, and the mechanical adjutant connected to the flagship Norad II central supercomputer occupied the lower left corner of the screen.

Next to it is a news report from a week ago. The Tarsonis UNN Company, which has been controlled by the UED, broadcast the news that they signed an armistice treaty with the Revolutionary Army to the entire Koprulu sector.

For a moment, it caused an uproar in the territory of the past Tyranid Federation and even other human forces. Even mercenaries and pirates were moved by the news, which was even bigger than the news of the fall of Tarsonis.

The Terran Federation's reputation among the various colonial worlds was so bad that more people applauded the fall of Tarsonis than worried that Earth would claim more land.

At the same time, various public opinion trends were different. For the federal colonies that expected peace, they were unwilling to get involved in more wars.

Some public opinions are quite unfavorable to Augustus and the revolutionary army. Some people think that he is a traitor to the Tyran race. However, this also makes more and more radicals regard Augustus as the last hope to resist the people on earth. . More people noticed that if anyone could defeat the Earth invaders, it could only be Augustus.

And Renault and Charles knew even better. This peace talk was just the calm before the storm, just to make the people on earth believe that the revolutionary army had the idea of ​​​​peace talks.

Renault didn't know why Augustus was so sure that the UED would take large-scale military operations and invest large-scale troops in Char, but in any case, the facts once again proved that he was right.

As long as the news that Gerald Dugar led a large number of UED fleets to invade Char reaches Augustus, Augustus will immediately start a war.

The situation is quite favorable to the revolutionary army. As Renault saw in Char, the UED has already destroyed a large number of troops in Char.

"Okay, you stupid head, tell me something useful." Renault wanted to put his feet on the line, but didn't give up: "I'm not blind."

This holographic projector has a regular rectangular black box, which is handmade using riveting technology. It is produced by Terra Company, which pays attention to fine workmanship. The bottom of the box is painted with the wolf emblem of the Mengsk family and the white coat of arms of the Revolutionary Army.

It was Renault's personal belongings and was not distributed by the Revolutionary Army Equipment Department. It was given personally by Marshal Augustus Mengsk, and Renault regarded it as a treasure.

From this position, you can clearly see the broad ash plain to the northwest of the highland. The straight upward smoke pillars and the black rocks exposed in the scorching sun create an unpleasant and desolate scene.

Countless insects spread throughout this wasteland, forming thick smoke that kept moving on the ground. They were blocked from the revolutionary army's position by an invisible wall. They were moving manically towards the main nest area like a black tide. Insects such as King Insects, Mutalisaurs, and Insect Swarm Guardians gathered in the sky. A black cloud formed by the gathering of flying creatures.

If it weren't for the interference force field formed by the "Big Bill" psychic jammer, even the Fortress made of steel would not be able to withstand the fangs and claws of the sea of ​​insects.

This location is quite close to the main nest area. Just where the Revolutionary Army built its base, you can see zerg organic buildings that were blown down by artillery, napalm flamethrowers, and cluster explosives everywhere. The ugly, reddish-brown mass of flesh had lost the support of bones and tissue fluid, and was wilted and shriveled by Char's scorching sun like a rotten apple.

Among the many hatcheries, queen worm nests, scorpion worm caves, thunder beast caves and tunnel worm tunnels is the huge cocoon that wraps the new master. Countless zerg surround it and surrender to the swarm master.

The cocoon is no different from ordinary ones in appearance. It is wrapped in a tough green shell like a skin and is covered with sharp spikes. But the one surrounding the Lord is unusually huge. It seems to be a mountain made of organic tissue, flesh, blood vessels and heart.

The cocoon's height, footprint, and visual impact were equivalent to twenty of the Terran skyscrapers Raynor had seen on Tarsonis.

The new master is obviously still waiting for hatching, a process that has lasted for half a year. At the beginning, it was just an embryo formed by the aggregation of several brainworms, but now it is as majestic as a mountain.

Raynor could imagine the scene waiting for the cocoon to hatch, and he hoped he would never see it.

At present, the coalition forces have invaded the main nest area and are engaged in an extremely bloody battle for position with the Tiamat and Grund swarms guarding the nest. All parties have become red-eyed, and the battle is extremely fierce. Even from Renault's position, he can smell the smell of blood and the burnt smell of burnt corpses.

At this time, the revolutionary army has retreated to the second line and no longer assumes the main offensive mission. Even Gerald Dugar's UED troops no longer storm the main nest area and instead let the hybrids assume the main offensive mission.

Char is one of the most dangerous planets in the Koprulu sector, and the main hive is the most dangerous place on the planet.

The entire underground of the main hive area has been opened up by Nydus Worms and is closely connected with all the wormhole networks of Char. Therefore, there are zerg from all latitudes of Char coming from the main hive area at all times. The huge Zerg air force also made it impossible to approach the main hive area from the air.

Once deep into the main hive area, the human troops lost most of their advantages and were no different from the zerg than lambs to be slaughtered. And their sacrifices had little effect from a strategic point of view, not as big as the revolutionary army's psychic disruptor.

The troops brought by UED from the mainland cannot afford to lose and are difficult to replenish. ——Although the expeditionary force came here with the determination to die in the wilderness if they failed.

So now it's the Protoss and Hybrids who are still fighting in the main hive area, while the humans are responsible for providing fire support and guarding their rear.

Although Phoenix's "humane" tone of voice claiming that fighting alongside the hybrids made the protoss nauseous and gave them goosebumps, the protoss still endured the physical disgust with determination and did not put the hybrids and zerg together. Killed together.

In order to kill the Overlord, the protoss obviously tried their best. Even as they continued to warp reinforcements from their homeworld of Sagulath in the warp matrix they set up on the surface of Char, it seemed like an endless stream of Templars had landed on Char.

The Zerg and the Protoss seem to be natural enemies. After the Battle of Aiur, the conflict between the two races has been continuously amplified. The protoss will not miss any opportunity to eliminate the enemy, even if it means fighting to the end.

The hybrids and protoss were stepping on the corpses of the zerg, and although the process was slow, they were indeed advancing towards the Overlord's position.

The psychic war cries of the protoss resounded through the sky, and even from such a distance, Raynor could feel the coming dullness. Renault wanted to fight side by side with the protoss, but so many people were waiting for him to give orders, so he couldn't get away.


Surrounded by anti-aircraft machine gun positions of the Revolutionary Army, they were constantly attacking the alien dragons in the sky that were flying and attacking randomly due to accidentally falling into the force field of the psychic disruptor.

A few miles away, the arc-light siege tank positions set up were using their 120mm Thor's Hammer siege artillery to bombard the tunnels of the Nydus Worms in the main hive area. The artillery fire was continuous, and each batch of salvos consumed enough artillery shells. The logistics officer's face was ashen.

The protoss and UED were also firing. From time to time, blue particle cannon shells and sky-shrouding rockets fell into the main nest area with hoarse and sharp screams, on the ground covered with ash and deep purple germ carpet. Huge "fountains" hundreds of feet high were set off, revealing the black rocky ground below.

Countless shrapnel and energy-filled shock waves tore through everything in the main nest area, and countless insects were blown to pieces. The oversaturated firepower tore at the corpses of the dead and the living simultaneously, destroying everything to ashes.

"I am Magen Toles. Assault Team B is calling the headquarters. General, we have broken through the defense line and are approaching the Overlord." At this time, a highlighted communication channel popped up on the holographic projection screen.

It was one of the special operations teams sent by Renault, and each team was led by a ghost agent. The task is to follow the attacking protoss and hybrids to deploy psychic disruptors in the main hive area. In the event of an emergency, these teams have direct contact with Raynor himself.

"Well done." Renault was relieved: "Lieutenant Toles, evacuate immediately once the deployment of the psychic disruptor is completed. Where are the rest of the team?"

The sensor on this ghost agent can also send back some unstable images. He is moving at a speed that is impossible for ordinary people to reach. Renault can only see the fleeting remains of the Protoss Dragon Knight and the giant thunder beast. corpse.

"I'm sorry." Like many ghost agents, the voice behind Toles' mask was unusually hoarse: "I carry their nameplates with me, as if their souls are with me."

The ghost agents of the Revolutionary Army have their own names rather than code names. They are regarded as part of humanity rather than monsters or killing tools.

"According to the plan, the Dark Priest Azma of the Protoss is leading the Dark Templar warriors to approach the Overlord. They are about to succeed." He continued:

"I can feel the powerful power within the Overlord, but it has not awakened yet. In front of the Dark Templars, it is as weak as a brainworm."

In the Revolutionary Army, everyone who understands this joke knows that this ghost agent is joking about their domestic brainworm α. After all, it can't even defeat a Crusader wild turkey. Such is the deadpan sense of humor of the Ghost Agents.

"." Just when Renault was about to give another order, ghost agent Toles followed up.

"The UED has also sent a team to get close to the Overmind," Toles said. "I have to know what they are doing - these Earthlings can't see through my disguise."

"Back off, Lieutenant!" Raynor said immediately.

"I'm approaching them, General. It's a special operations team, four medical soldiers." There seemed to be a problem with Toles's communication equipment, and he couldn't hear Renault's words at all.

"There's something wrong - God, they're trying to control that Juggernaut with nerve agents. How is that possible, how is it possible for humans to control a monster like that?" he said.

"This is holding a dog leash to lead a hungry tiger."

"Stop them!" Renault was so shocked that he broke into a cold sweat.

Once Dugar successfully controls the Overlord, the Char swarm will be under his control, and the Revolutionary Army will have no chance of defeating the UED.

"What about the Star Spirits? They can also read minds and will never let Dugar succeed!"

At this moment, Toles stopped his high-speed movement with a scream. Judging from the footage sent back by the helmet, he was pierced through the chest by a sharp claw that struck from behind. Sharp black claws emerged from his chest, covered in blood.

It was a finger from a hybrid. He was much taller than a human. This attack from behind directly took Thores off the ground.

Then, the hybrid took Thorus and ran quickly towards the main nest area, and some kind of evil laughter was constantly transmitted into Renault's mind through the ghost agent's equipment.

"Are you still lucky?"

"Bastard!" Renault punched the holographic projection device, and there was a metallic twisting sound.

Before Thores died completely, the sensors on his helmet were still working normally, so Raynor could see four UED medics injecting nerve agents using nanosyringes on the power armor.

As expected, the amount of nerve agent they carried was enough to control the Overmind. However, this team apparently did not notice the sudden appearance of the Dark Templar.

-The UED knows very little about the Dark Templar.

Dark Priest Azma emerged from the shadows and killed three of the four medics with clean swords, but was unable to prevent the last medic from injecting poison into the body of the Overlord.

In the final scene, the Dark Templar fight against a swarm of hybrids.

Oh my god, this is so awesome - I was inundated with 99+ messages when I woke up in the morning, and our fighting spirit is back!

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