StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 487 Stokov, please give me a warm word, surrender or not

The fierce battle at the edge of the Tarsonis system lasted only a short time, probably only an hour. The UED fleet was severely damaged. Only twenty-seven battlecruisers were destroyed or damaged, and countless ships were damaged. Millions of wreckage were floating in the cold, dead and dark deep space at the edge of the galaxy, such as Rootless duckweed.

It was too far from the star of Tarsonis, cold and dark. If no one comes here to salvage the ruined ship and collect the bodies that died in horrible conditions, they will still sleep here for countless centuries.

In this huge wreckage, there were so many bloody Zerg corpses stacked on top of each other, and the frozen blood was as dazzling as red crystal, illuminated by the red bridge warning lights of the Revolutionary Army fleet.

Outside the port side of the Hyperion, multiple Hercules-class transport aircraft were opening their hatches. Allosaurus with tags on their wings landed in the open hatchway in an orderly manner, using two huge membrane wings to lift themselves on the ground. Climbing forward on the alloy steel deck.

These alien dragons are quite different from the ordinary ones. Their wings are painted with bright purple paint, which is a label made by the Revolutionary Army's Alien Laboratory. Some of the heads are also wearing crudely welded standard helmets, which makes these monsters look like behemoths that blend machinery and flesh and blood.

Although under normal circumstances, the zerg are extremely aggressive, at this moment these zerg are as obedient as elementary school students wearing little yellow hats lining up to cross the road. Under the control of brainworms, monsters that were once extremely terrifying have shown their strong self-management capabilities.

It has to be said that the Revolutionary Army soldiers standing at the door counting the number of zerg are undoubtedly the real warriors among them. Not everyone has the courage not to tremble in front of the ferocious beasts that fall to the ground one after another.

"As expected of the most powerful brainworm in the revolutionary army, α, you did a great job." Augustus said.

"Of course." The light on the brain worm flickered twice, showing some kind of proud mood.

"I've brought you some human captives - this is literally harder than destroying a planet."

Outside Hyperion's bridge window, multiple Cerberus mutalisks were flying past holding a rectangular UED transport ship. It was full of terrified UED officers, technicians, and ship's doctors. Anyone who could end this life as quickly as possible committed suicide before being captured by the zerg.

"Leave it to the ghost agents and interrogation experts of Nova Squadron." Augustus ordered: "Let them tell the truth as quickly as possible. We cannot delay in Tarsonis for too long."

"We must find the deployment location of the electromagnetic force field generator. Considering the relevant information we obtained from Char's UED fleet, it shouldn't be too far from the battlefield."

The revolutionary army has now obtained information about UED electromagnetic force field generators, but they have no effective countermeasures. The only solution currently is to destroy the electromagnetic force field generator and electromagnetic bomb launcher.

UED brought electromagnetic pulse weapons that were far above the technological level of Tyranid humans. This weapon can emit high-power electromagnetic pulse waves in the form of electromagnetic bombs, creating an electromagnetic force field that can paralyze a fleet.

This is equivalent to an enhanced version of the special locking bullets and EMP electromagnetic pulse equipped by the Tyranid Federation ghost agents. It is not an insurmountable technology, but the effect is surprisingly good.

This is also the result of improvements made by UED Expeditionary Force Lieutenant General Alexey Stukov and his technical officers based on Terran and Earth technology. It was not originally among the technologies allowed to be used by the United Earth Council.

"After this failure, Stukov has no longer been able to assemble a powerful fleet. It can be expected that he will not take the initiative again in a short period of time." Arcturus rubbed his chin Dark brown short beard.

"Unless he can bring people back to life." Although he was confident, he did not think that he could easily capture Tarsonis:

"Today, Tarsonis has become one of the most impregnable fortress planets in the Koprulu sector. Stukov has also erected at least 100,000 anti-aircraft missile towers and orbital plasma cannons on the surface of the planet. Counting Tai The battle to break into Tarsonis will become extremely difficult due to the defensive equipment left behind by the London Confederacy."

"Even occupying the high altitude orbit of Tarsonis for an orbital strike would be risky and would mean our warships would be within the firepower of the orbital defense network."

During the Kailian War, the human fleet's orbital strike methods were quite limited, and nuclear bombs were always the most effective weapon of mass destruction. Now, the battlecruiser's upgraded Yamato cannon can also destroy cities directly from high-altitude orbits, and the compressed plasma beam is enough to cause devastating damage.

"Stukov will definitely deploy a large number of electromagnetic force field generators on Tarsonis. With poor communications, the landing will become a terrible disaster." Kerrigan said.

"I will never agree to launch a suicidal landing battle again." Augustus waved his hand.

Now Tarsonis has become a steel hedgehog full of spikes. The sacrifices that will be made if you want to land under the firepower of countless anti-aircraft missiles and laser pulse cannons are an astronomical figure that Augustus cannot accept. .

"Look at that planet - Tarsonis. She once gave birth to the first Tyranid humans and civilization." There was obvious fatigue in his voice:

"Over three hundred years, Tarsonis has accumulated unimaginable fame, power, and wealth. Destroying this planet at the cost of the blood of countless warriors has never been what I wanted."

"Revenge is not what I want."

A flashing light and shadow suddenly appeared from the newly restored star chart table. It was a beautiful blue-green planet, the source of life.

This is the most prosperous world in the history of Tyranids. In terms of population and development index, only the Kemorian Federation and the first star of the United Umoyan United States can barely compare in the Koprulu Sector. The numerous metropolises are enough to change the landscape of the planet, and the lights of the cities are clearly visible on satellites.

Tarsonis has the wealthiest people in the Koprulu Sector, and it is also the world with the largest gap between rich and poor.

Once upon a time, Korhal IV looked so beautiful. Much of Korhal is now a desert, the thin atmosphere of hydrogen and helium giving it a pale deep blue, the color of sickness and death.

Augustus would not gain any pleasure in vengeance from destroying Tarsonis in the same way, and in any case he would not gain much from destroying Tarsonis.

Tarsonis's population and developed industry were an unimaginable wealth, and Augustus could use this to rebuild Korhal IV. It is true that destroying Tarsonis can once and for all eliminate the founding family, the long-standing corrupt government, and the stubborn elite class, but the cost will be the evaporation of billions of people and their wealth.

"Stukov refused to surrender to us. This stubborn Earthling also has a certain Spartan spirit, but he is desperately seeking that glimmer of hope." Arcturus may want to Revengeful, but not willing to destroy Tarsonis if he could take it.

"Legendary generals always make dangerous moves, and their tactics often put themselves and their soldiers in a dangerous position," he said:

"Stukov cannot be allowed to drag on. Even if he is the kind of person who would die to express his determination, there must be a purpose for holding on to Tarsonis instead of escaping back to Earth."

Even if the Revolutionary forces completely blockade Tarsonis, the planet will remain self-sufficient for many years.

Of course, the Great Economic Recession and the sharp decline in the quality of life will also make it difficult for Stukov to control the rioting Tarsonis, but the Revolutionary Army will delay here for another month, waiting for the UED remnants to react and begin to attack the Revolutionary Army. When the planet launched an attack, Augustus had to mobilize his troops to defend.

That might be the opportunity Stukov has been waiting for.

"You're talking nonsense. If we could blast Stukov's turtle shell directly now, we wouldn't have to worry about it here." Tychus snorted.

"Of course, if my battle plan is finally approved, Tarsonis is now in our possession." Arcturus glanced at Tychus.

"Use the landing pod to scatter worker bees and insect eggs on the surface of Tarsonis. These monsters will quickly transform into hatcheries and become murderous monsters." He said:

"With brain worm control, these zerg will never cause any harm to civilians."

"Zergs are by no means a weapon that can be easily controlled. The statement that they can never accidentally injure civilians is just wishful thinking. In just this battle, Cerebrate α has shown many uncontrollable characteristics. When it has controlled so many Zerg, I'll hope for more next time." Kerrigan said:

"General Arcturus, it's not fun to be killed by a monster of your own making."

"You have no right to say that to me." Arcturus and Kerrigan have never dealt with each other very well.

"Ahem, this is, uh, Rory Swann, Augustus Mengsk's hard-working chief engineer." Swann's head appeared on the flashing holographic screen, holding a huge wrench and laser cutter in his hand clamp:

"The communication system has returned to normal and the tactical command console is back online. Now you can redeploy your awesome fighter jets and capable boys."

"Well done, Swann," Augustus said. "You and the men of the Corps of Engineers have never let me down."

"Ah, yes, the mules have never let down the millstone. My old guys and I have done a pretty good job. They can withstand the test of wind, rain and hardships just like the federal No. 10 rations." Swan shook his head. He shook his head:

"Now I have to get back to work. The Hyperion has gone through two major repairs and countless minor repairs in five months. It's a miracle that she didn't fall apart due to your tossing."

".I am Lieutenant Serl Gentry, intelligence officer of Nova Squadron." A young officer wearing a Revolutionary Army wide-brimmed military cap appeared in the center of the screen.

"Marshal Augustus, after telepathy-based interrogation, initial results have been achieved. We have located the location of the UED expeditionary force's space-based weapons base station on the asteroid belt of the eighth planet outside the Tarsonis system. In addition, in Tarson There are also a large number of electromagnetic pulse weapon stations on multiple satellites of Nice Sixth Planet."

"These coordinates are being uploaded to the flagship Hyperion's database."

"Thank you, Lieutenant Searle." Officers who can be remembered by Augustus will definitely be rewarded after the war.

"Mark these coordinates and let Duke's Alpha Squadron jump to the blind spot of the enemy weapons station to launch an attack." Augustus said.

By this time, most of the Revolutionary Army warships had repaired their damaged systems. Before the next wave of electromagnetic pulse attacks arrived, the Revolutionary Army fleet had generally restored its combat effectiveness.

Not long after the words fell, the magnificent battlecruiser Norad III had already responded, and as many as 18 revolutionary army battlecruisers disappeared in the sudden blue flash.

Attacks on UED outposts, weapons stations and scientific research stations followed closely, and the angry General Duke had unlimited anger to vent on these earthlings.

General Edmund Duke had good reason to hate Earthlings, not only because many members of the Duke Founding Family had suffered misfortunes, but it was also an opportunity for him to make a name for himself.

Once considered the highest-ranking military officer to surrender to the rebels, Duke was viewed as a disgrace that the federal government would never want to mention. But now, he will return to Tarsonis as a hero and savior.

Although Duke did not have much nostalgia for his birthplace and family, let alone love.

"Received a communication request from Tarsonis, signed by Alexei Stokov." The report from a bridge communications officer made Augustus, Arcturus and others look at him with suspicion. .

"Get in."

Stukov's gloomy face immediately appeared in front of Augustus, and his obviously deflated expression made Tychus couldn't help laughing.

"Marshal Augustus, I thought you were a noble man who kept his promises - I have to admit that I was wrong." Stukov said.

"Nobility is not worth mentioning in the face of the hatred of country and family." Augustus also saw Stukov's ugly expression in his eyes. He was not a person who would put his inner thoughts on his face. If he really If you think that Stukov is at the end of his rope, you will undoubtedly fall into the opponent's trap.

"General Stukov, maybe you don't care about the four billion lives of Tarsonis, but your soldiers deserve to be treated like heroes and not buried in this extremely remote foreign country."

"I'm tired of dealing with your cheap delaying tricks." He said coldly:

"Stukov, I just want you to give me a pleasant word, and you will surrender or not!"

"Surrender or not!" Tychus was flattering, but he obviously didn't realize it.

"." Stukov fell silent, perhaps he was really thinking about Augustus' words seriously:

"I can't believe you, Augustus, will you really let these people escape back to Earth? You are the hero of Koprulu, and you will not do such a thing."

"I promise they will be treated fairly and justly - that they will become citizens of the Tyranid Empire," Augustus said.

"No -" Stukov shook his head heavily and cut off the communication connection.

The next moment, another old man with a gray beard appeared on the screen, his trembling dry lips showing his uneasiness at the moment.

Dr. Emil Narud is the pinnacle of xenobiology.

"Marshal Augustus Mengsk, I have endured Lieutenant General Stukov's atrocities for too long. I want to expose his conspiracy to you in order to ask for your forgiveness - I only joined the Earthling Expeditionary Force. I was forced to have no choice.”

When I re-read the official novel today, I discovered a setting that I had forgotten.

Regarding the issue of when the Yamato Shield appeared, it is clearly mentioned in the official StarCraft novel "Uprising" (2491) that Duke's Norad and Mengsk's Hyperion both have shields, so I think this article's shield The timeline that emerged was fine.

At that time, I was completely convinced by the readers and thought I had made a mistake.

Shields to full! Shields to full! Shields to full, shields to full


Sir, the shields are spent

Sir, the shield is gone.

In addition, I would like to recommend this book from a friend, which is a masterpiece by mc.

MC: Save the world starting from an empty island.

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