StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 602 Nuclear Peaceful Coexistence

It was a smoke-filled and war-torn afternoon. The sun of Phaethon was hanging high above the Cactus Canyon Fortress, with pale white light shining through the dense black clouds.

Like a lightsaber piercing the thick clouds, bright flames lifted up tactical nuclear bombs from multiple nuclear bomb silos. Dozens of smoke columns left by hundreds of nuclear bomb propellers cut the gloomy sky.

In an instant, it seemed like countless fireballs fell from the sky.

The nuclear bomb exploded in the air, and the extreme bright light instantly flooded the world. The huge mushroom cloud held up the deadly umbrella in the vast desert, and the blazing red cloud swept everything with unstoppable destruction.

As if it had received a heavy punch, the insect swarm burned in the wail, and the subsequent shock wave turned into a horizontal wall of air. Everything in its path was wiped out, and the terrifying light and heat and the nuclear particles with death radiation were destroyed. The storm tore apart numerous Brood Lords and Corrupted Flying Insects in the sky.

Unstoppable and irresistible.

Humanity has mastered the power of nuclear energy centuries ago, and it remains the pinnacle of human power today.

"God, this is too scary." Although the bright light has dissipated, Dr. Narud, who was wearing a thick protective suit, still did not dare to open his eyes. He was obviously frightened by the overwhelming zerg and nuclear bombs. At this moment, he was half-kneeling under the black sarcophagus base of the Xel'Naga artifact, his lips trembling slightly.

At the same time, the entire desert was burning, a terrible scene of desolation and death, and the smell of burnt food filled the air. From the roaring missile towers to the flashing rail turrets, the base was covered in thick dust, and the ground was littered with huge shell casings and the remains of black-smoking mecha tanks.

In the dark red sky, ashes are falling one after another, as if the world is made of paper and the paper has been burned out.

Narud's reaction was quite normal and very consistent with the image he had created. In the field of science, he was undoubtedly a master of great confidence, so that Emperor Augustus entrusted him with important projects and resources. On the battlefield, Narud showed a normal behavior that had never experienced war, and seemed to lack courage and threat.

In fact, even those battle-hardened Imperial soldiers turned pale after seeing the scene in front of them. The roars and sad cries in the communication channel always made people feel that they were infinitely close to death.

There are traces of fierce battles everywhere in the fortress, and there are huge craters everywhere caused by the insect airdrop pods. The bodies of the dead zerg and Imperial warriors had not even had time to be removed, and the neatly arranged supply depots and military camps were now in ruins.

In the most brutal places of the battle, the Imperial soldiers in the position had to deal with the monsters emerging from the ground and engage in desperate hand-to-hand combat. Even the Royal Guards suffered heavy casualties, and three Odin mechas were damaged.

"Compared to Genesis and Apocalypse nuclear bombs, tactical nuclear bombs are just little dolls." Augustus shook his head looking at Narud's embarrassment.

It's a cliché, since Korhal was bombed, his brother Prince Arcturus became crazy and ordered the Imperial scientists in the Physics Laboratory to tinker with many nuclear weapons. Corresponding to the Apocalypse level is the Genesis nuclear bomb, the kind that can restart the world with one click.

In comparison, tactical nuclear bombs are much smaller in size.

The killing radius of tactical nuclear bombs is not large compared to those big guys in the empire's nuclear arsenal, but it is enough to turn the surroundings of the fortress into a sea of ​​flames. The tactical nuclear bomb detonated in Phaethon today contains elements that can produce strong radioactivity, and the radiation cloud it produces will contaminate this land for a long time.

The Tyranid Empire has extremely abundant nuclear power, and its nuclear weapons arsenal is sufficient and of various types, enough to turn the planet into scorched earth. Nonetheless, misuse of such nuclear bombs is likely to have serious consequences. Fallout can damage the zerg's genome and cause mutations.

Most mutations cause widespread death, but a very small number of mutations may be beneficial to the swarm, which has had extremely dire consequences.

So far, I can't control that much, and I can't stop eating because of choking.

"Sorry, Your Majesty." Narud still didn't move, his legs and feet seemed to be weak. Even though he appears weak, this guy who is actually very proud at heart will never wet his pants in fear.

"Doctor, now is not the time to cover your ears and tremble." Sometimes Augustus also felt that Narud was overacting, and in the eyes of the emperor, the more scared he appeared, the more he looked like a red-nosed man. clown.

Although Narud is the disgrace of Xel'Naga, he is really not afraid of being like this. He is just as good at acting as always. Under Narud's disguise of joy, anger and sorrow, there was only a mocking sneer.

The long time has almost exhausted the power of Narud's human incarnation, but relying on the power of the Xel'Naga Temple can still compete with the powerful original Queen of Blades.

"Tactical nuclear weapons can only solve this problem for a while. The real trump card is the Xel'Naga artifact's Nova Impact. Get up! The fate of the Tyranid Empire and all mankind depends on you."

"I'm just an old and powerless scientist. These guns and artillery, bugs and viruses are still too exciting for an old man like me." Hearing this, Dr. Narud was so frightened that he seemed to have given birth to endless thoughts. courage. He stood up and readjusted the Xel'Naga artifact.

After being modified by Dr. Narud, the Xel'Naga artifact's Nova Impact overload mode is enough to cover the Phaethon system and wipe out the zerg within several light-years. However, according to Narud, this attack will completely drain the energy of the artifact and must be replenished before it can be used again.

Even if the insect swarm is large in number, such a large number of casualties can severely weaken their vitality, suspend their offensive, and allow the Tyranids to take a breather.

"You are the expert in this field. I don't think there is anyone who knows Xel'Naga's creations better than you. Only when you are here to operate it yourself can everything be foolproof. I can't risk the lives of tens of millions of imperial soldiers," Augustus said. It's the truth. If Narud is reading his thoughts, he will find that the other person is definitely speaking from his heart and every sentence is true.

"Emil, you know me. As long as I can get closer to success, I am willing to do anything no matter what."

Moreover, since all Xel'Naga artifacts have to be modified by professionals like Narud, how could Augustus feel at ease now if he went into the trap without bringing this guy with him.

Emperor Augustus Mengsk definitely respects the old and cares for the young, and both Xel'Naganarud and the Royal Cerebrate can prove that he is not a demon.

"It is my honor to sacrifice my life for you and the empire." Narud was also plotting against Augustus, how could he work for others in vain.

As long as a Xel'Naga artifact is used to eliminate a large number of brainworms at once, the power of the Overlord can be greatly weakened. In addition, the energy collected from the brainworms can also be used to resurrect Eamon.

Thinking about it this way, the humans of Augustus' Tyran Empire are actually just helping Narud to work. How could the latter not do his best?

When Amon returns, the swarm will return to their original destiny, which is to slaughter all living beings as the hounds of the Dark God, and then to their final destruction. Narud has many ways to collect energy, and Eamonn will return sooner or later. It's just a matter of time.

And Narud was convinced that Augustus would use the Xel'Naga artifact to weaken the swarm, because the losses of the Tyranid Empire were too great and the defense line was crumbling. He had no choice at all - even if Augustus knew his plan, Secretly, he was already preparing to kill the god, just waiting for Eamon to show his face and send him back to his hometown in the void.

Of course, this is absolutely, absolutely, absolutely impossible.

"Your Majesty, the bugs are coming up again." An imperial officer running over reminded Augustus: "There are a lot of them."

At this moment, radioactive material from nuclear bombs was falling from the sky. People did not dare to open their armored masks to breathe. Medical soldiers were transferring the wounded to radiation-proof caves. This place is very close to the explosion point, and now even the water in the fortress cannot be drunk, unless those people want their respiratory tract to become necrotic.

The radioactive material of nuclear bombs also does great damage to the Zerg, but it can only slow down their progress. In the distance, dense clusters of cockroaches appeared on the reddish horizon, and the sky was filled with corrupt flying insects. The terrifying self-healing ability of these creatures can even quickly replenish cells killed by radioactive compounds.

The dense army of cockroaches on the ground is covered with hard bone plate armor and moves like a high black wall, while the tall thunder beasts look like moving towers. These monsters armed with giant blades and covered with hard carapace are like biological tanks, and ordinary human weapons cannot threaten them at all.

There was a hellish scene along the way of the swarm, with the ground covered in charred sludge and crystals. Some huge skeletons stood on both sides, and there were dead insects all over the place, like mole cricket mummies dried by the light and piled on top of each other. There were mountains of broken bones and corpses.

As the insect swarm gradually approached, the anti-aircraft guns and rapid-fire turrets on the fortification walls were the first to respond. The precise crossfire net beat one cockroach after another to bloody pulp. Then the heavy artillery also opened fire, and the earth It roared again.

Some injured cockroaches quickly burrowed into the ground, while others wrapped themselves in cocoons full of spikes at extremely fast speeds. Soon, these cocoons would hatch into terrifying destroyers.

The Imperial soldiers are now somewhat numb to this war. They have been fighting bugs in this desert for a day, and they are too lazy to remember how many bugs they have killed, because these bugs seem to be endless. .

Those experts and scholars in the empire who advocated the theory that the zerg were not a threat had to kneel down and beg the soldiers for forgiveness whenever they came to a real battlefield.

"How long do you have to prepare, doctor? If we don't start the Nova Impact, we will fall into a sea of ​​​​worms." Augustus stared at Narud with a fierce look in his eyes. That terrifying look made the other party believe that if he was... If something goes wrong at this time, the emperor will eat him alive.

"Wait one more minute, Xel'Naga's Nova Impact will be almost ready. Your Majesty, only by reaching the peak can Nova Impact be able to exert its fullest effect." Narud fell down next to the Xel'Naga artifact, seemingly not wanting to Lose your own life.

Under Augustus' gaze, the Mitsubishi cylinder glowing with copper-blue light was slowly rotating on the base, surrounded by the light of glory and harmony. Many traces of transformation can be seen on its pillars with mysterious patterns, all of which were written by Narud.

Obviously, the original, or real, purpose of the Xel'Naga artifact was not to kill Zerg on a large scale.

"Your Majesty?" The officer was waiting for Augustus' order.

"Augustus, send more people over! New soldiers are needed to fill the vacancies on the front line!" In the communication channel, Prince Arcturus, who was commanding the defense of the southern fortifications, also said:

"Or get some more nuclear bombs, I remember I brought quite a few."

Prince Arcturus is skilled in fighting and also likes nuclear bombs to open the way. All his fleets are always equipped with an excess of nuclear bombs.

"Shoot another hundred nuclear bombs." Augustus paced in place and corrected his order:

"Shoot them all, Rosenfeld, we have to be more generous when dealing with the zerg."

"You made the best decision," Arcturus said.

"Yes, Your Majesty." The colonel left immediately, looking as calm as if Augustus did not let him launch the nuclear bomb, but just distributed homework to the primary school students.

At this time, some fast-flying alien dragons and corrupted flying insects had already arrived over the fortress, roaring and attacking the imperial soldiers on the ground.

Augustus saw Tychus driving Odin towards him. The Hellfire missile bay behind him instantly fired a long string of dense fragmentation missiles, smashing a group of flying dragons into pieces.

"It's so enjoyable! Fighting bugs is really the most interesting thing in the galaxy. I can chew gum and clean them up at the same time!" He was shouting on the communication channel, obviously in a good mood:

"Your Grandpa Tychus is here!"

At this time, more nuclear bombs are taking off, clearing out a large number of enemies on the ground and in the sky.

"Doctor!" Augustus looked at Narud again.

"It's almost ready." Narud wiped his sweat at this moment, showing a happy expression.


Just as Narud said, the copper-blue light on the surface of the Xel'Naga artifact suddenly brightened many times, looking like a heart flowing with blue blood and a breathing cocoon of light.

Augustus originally planned to adopt a more radical plan, which was to find the location of the current master by sacrificing the brainworm α, and then send death squads to carry the Xel'Naga artifact to directly kill it.

Not to mention that this generation of masters is extremely cautious and transfers to various worlds through wormholes from time to time. Once it fails, it will be in vain to give the Xel'Naga artifact to the Zerg.

By testing Narud's words, Augustus discovered that he strongly advocated killing the master.

Then Augustus deduced that in Narud's plan, the second generation master should be mortal.

If the Lord is purified in the same way as the Queen of Blades, I am afraid that the final beneficiary will still be Eamon. In this way, he not only obtained the energy needed to pull his will back from the void to the real universe, but also obtained the master's body to create the so-called shadow of the void super hybrid, which is the body of the evil god.

"Then activate it!"

This is the achievement title of cooperating with Mengsk, and I have to say it is quite fun.

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