StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 633 Dog Emperor, you are fishing again

"Mrgllll glrrm gl! (I will kill you!)"

The amphibious fishman standing on Alfred's hat was screaming and peeing excitedly on the head of the ferocious pirate captain because of his excessive mania and excitement, but the latter didn't care and just stared. Command your pirates to fight against incoming hostile ships.

"Navigator! Enemy report!" Captain Alfred was as furious as the yellow-green amphibious creature above him.

"Six Chimera pirate capital ships were spotted at a heading of 240 degrees and 80 miles, and they were accelerating towards us," the navigator said immediately.

"Charge the main guns and make sure the torpedo tubes are clear!"

This was an unexpected encounter, but these pirates have long been accustomed to fighting life and death battles in the nearby star space on warships. Sometimes they faced armed merchant ships and imperial law enforcement ships, and sometimes they were just as vicious as this. Peers.

Captain Alfred's pirate capital ship rushed towards Captain Buzan's flagship, the Kimera, like a furious beast. The engine roared and the firepower was fully activated. The cluster rocket launcher on the side of the battleship rotated and ejected a brilliant barrage. The Chimera Pirates' fleet also exploded with artillery fire, showing no signs of giving in.

In the shadow of the descending satellite, Captain Alfred's pirate ship rushed into the Chimera pirates' warships like a raging bull, firing huge lasers at a distance of only a dozen or even a few miles. The turrets and rail weapons followed the rotation of the fire control tower to lock on the escort ships and small predatory boats that were wandering among the large battleships.

The two sides no longer have any reservations. The Chimera pirates' flagship is a modified old Federation battlecruiser. These despicable and greedy technology dealers even picked up the starship graveyard left behind after the Bronte Galaxy Federation fought with the UED expeditionary force. Components of the Yamato cannon were found at the site.

The Kaimorian pirate capital ship did not have an energy shield, so it could only rely on its armor to withstand the thunderous strike from the Chimera pirates.

Tavis Cole, who was standing next to Captain Alfred, felt as if the entire ship was staggering, as if it had been whipped hard, and his ears were buzzing. The lights on the bridge dimmed in an instant, and the flickering star map looked like a frightened man gasping for air.

Although Tavis Cole was the son of a powerful Kaimorian crystal mine merchant and had been trained for a long time, being in the middle of two crazy pirate fires still made him pale.

"Their ships and manpower are much more than ours!" Although Tavis has never experienced a real naval battle, this kind of thing can be seen with just his eyes.

The Chimera pirates are well prepared. In order to plunder rare technology, they are not willing to open fire with anyone, even the government forces of the Tyranid Empire. Compared with the Kaimorian pirates who can only piece together equipment from the arsenal of the Guild War, the Chimerans even have certain advantages.

"Everyone can see this, kid." Captain Alfred roared, as if he was in the huge waves caused by artillery fire: "Our battleship is strong enough and has enough firepower, but after all, there is only one .”

"The Chimera people have better equipment and are arrogant." The female ghost said: "They can even challenge the imperial law enforcement ships."

There was another volley of concentrated fire from the Chimera pirate battleships, and the battleship under their feet seemed to have been slapped and pushed away.

At this time, the Chimera pirates' flagship was very close to the Kaimorian pirate ship. Tavis could even see the signal light on the bow of the enemy ship, and countless cannonballs and lasers were shooting from the body of this crazy steel beast. pop up inside.

Another huge pillar of fire rose from the port side of the Kaimorian pirate ship, and the rising flames were draining the air inside the cabin.

The Chimera pirate flagship has moved to the port side of the Kaimorian pirate capital ship and is parallel to it. The port gunfire from both sides is spraying out deadly fire without mercy. This was a crazy, saturated barrage of fire. People standing on the bridge seemed to be able to hear the rattling sound of giant cannonballs being fed into the barrel by the automatic loading device below the deck, and the loud roar of artillery fire.

A small plundering boat of a Kaimorian pirate was struck by a beam of incandescent flames as it sailed out of the bridge, and it immediately turned into a terrifying ball of fire. The terrifying flames danced in the cold deep space until they burned out the last oxygen.

The alarm came from the cabin that was hit, but the people on the shot deck that were penetrated were already dead. There were miserable corpses everywhere, and only one person who had been disemboweled by shrapnel could be heard on the communicator. Human cries.

These injured pirates must not live long. Most of them are not qualified to use the medical kit, because it is much more valuable than human life.

The pirate family controls the pirate ship, but the crew may also be deceived or kidnapped. They may be Camorians or Tyranids, depending on whether the manpower on the ship is insufficient.

Tavis Cole once imagined a magnificent fierce battle between battleships, and only now did he realize how cruel it would be. These pirates carried their own heads and ran rampant among the stars. The brutal desperadoes brought bloody massacres without a care. It was not a romantic and wonderful adventure at all.

"It's time to abandon the ship and escape now." Tavis didn't want to lose his life in this obscure place. He still had a bright future and huge wealth to inherit.

And if you are caught by the Chimera pirates, you will definitely end up miserable. This group of shameless technology dealers love to torture their prisoners of war, or put them into work in their inhumane technology laboratories and factories until they die.

But usually, only when the sinking of the battleship is irreversible, the captain will order to abandon the ship and escape.

Tavis is a kid from a rich family. He must have a chance to escape by asking for a ransom, but sometimes Chimera pirates are more willing to kill and silence.

"There have always been only Camorians who died in battle, and no Camorians who escaped." Captain Alfred glanced sideways at the pale-faced son of a wealthy merchant and said loudly:

"Today, there is destined to be only one winner here."

Captain Alfred gave Tavis a contemptuous look, and the meaning in his eyes was self-evident.

The Kaimorians believe that profit-seeking merchants have no sense of country and nation, and that even pirates deserve more respect than they do. This is a human group that firmly believes that "a real man must fight to the death". They have fought with the powerful Tyranids for four years, and now they are not afraid of anyone.

"Mrgllll glrrm gl!" The little monster above him was still chirping, with a ferocious expression on its face with funny big teeth, but no one cared what it was saying.

"But in my opinion, we will lose soon!" Tavis said to himself, even if you are determined to win, you will still be beaten to a pulp if you deserve it. You are not afraid of death, I still have my father to inherit.

"The supporting families are coming soon. The Chimerans can't be arrogant for long." Captain Alfred's people were dying in piles, and he didn't even blink.

"I often hear people say this, but the loans they lend out are never received." Tavis rolled his eyes, but at least he felt confident.

During the Guild War, the Kaimorian pirates could even be regarded as an unconventional armed force of the coalition. They maintained one or even multiple pirate fleets based on the concepts of guild, family and clan. Many pirate captains were even brothers and cousins. relationship, and maintain a certain degree of contact with each other.

In general, the number of Kaimorian pirates is very large based on the turbulent political situation within the Kaimorian Commonwealth and the unabated and increasing floating population. Although most of the time the Kaimorian pirate families are scattered throughout the Koprulu sector, when necessary they will unite to form a fearsome large pirate fleet.

The Camorians are a contradictory group. Sometimes they fight fiercely among themselves, but sometimes they are very united. Within the family, they emphasize helping each other, even the illegitimate children who are discriminated against, and they are ruthless in dealing with their enemies.

At this moment, a shadow shrouded the bridge. It was the bow of the Chimera pirate flagship. It was advancing hand in hand with the Kaimorian pirate battleship. The guns on both sides of the ship were firing at each other. The turret exploded and even the ammunition depot was detonated. Fire and explosions occur from time to time.

In the midst of the chaos, an armor-piercing round was fired through the porthole into the control room below the deck connected to the bridge. There was an immediate explosion and the death and injury were horrific.

"These beasts are too close to us." Captain Alfred shouted: "Hit me! Our armor is thicker than these eggless bastards!"

"Mrgllll glrrm gl!"

"You're crazy." Tavis just wants to go home now.

Alfred's men were as crazy as their captain. The Camorian pirate battleship tilted and then collided with it at a frightening angle. Suddenly, a violent explosion occurred at the contact surface between the two ships, and sparks Splatter.

Tavis's feet lifted off the ground and flew directly out, hitting the hard deck and almost losing his breath. At this moment, he noticed that the mysterious female ghost was standing motionless on the deck, and she must have activated the gravity boots.

It can be seen that these crazy pirates must often do this. The Camorian pirates knew that it was difficult for their warships to gain an advantage in firepower, so they casually piled up the armor and added a laser drill to the bow of the ship to attack them. The Camorian people were definitely capable of such a thing.

Compared with the sophisticated high-end military products of the Umoyan people, the military products of Kaimorian are frizzy but strong and durable. When placed on an interstellar spacecraft, they also stand out and work wonders.

Perhaps because of their relationship with the Umoyan people, the Chimera pirates' warships were also very sophisticated. The two sides fought for more than half an hour, but no warships were destroyed, but countless ammunition was consumed. But as the other warships of the Chimera Pirates moved into favorable firing positions, the balance of victory and defeat had begun to tilt.

"There is a fire in turrets No. 7 and 22. Captain, our turrets are all misfiring, and we are running out of missiles and torpedoes," a pirate reported.

"Everyone is ready to dock at the port." Captain Alfred did not hesitate at all, as if he had just pulled out the sword from the scabbard.

When the shells are out, you can only believe in taking over, joining forces, courage and faith, or else you will be captured in disgrace, as has always been the case.

Then, the pirate captain walked straight out of the bridge, and the little monster on the hat bared his teeth and screamed, saying in a vicious tone that he would kill everyone.

The pirates on the entire pirate ship were disturbed by the news, and the engineers who were forced to work for the pirates could only risk their lives to repair the damaged hull while preparing power armor for these thugs who were about to go on a killing spree.

Large numbers of Kaimorian pirates wearing brass-colored power armor are rushing towards the docking port in a chaotic manner. Their formation is far less neat than that of the formally trained Imperial Navy, and the armor is covered with layers of spikes, blades and The iron nails add to the cruelty and wildness.

These Kaimorian pirates even acquired the Reaver power armor and modified it to make it more intimidating. This means that either there are imitations on the black market, or confidential information has been leaked in the Tyranid Empire.

"The landing craft is calling the flagship. We have found the big treasure. Line up more people and come here. There are so many good things here that we can't even move them." Just as Tavis Cole was hesitating where to go now,

"Well, Captain, we're rich!"

"Captain? Captain?"


"Captain Alfred is not here." Tavis thought for a while and said.

"Who the hell are you?" shouted the other person.

"We have encountered Chimera pirates and are exchanging fire with them. The support ship will arrive later." The female ghost took over the words: "Tell me what you found. The captain is hesitant whether we have to pay so much for this." Big price."

"It's Buzan's people. Those Chimera bastards are really lingering!" The person on the other side hesitated for a moment, and suddenly realized that if there weren't enough treasures below, Alfred had every reason to abandon the landing ship and go directly Evacuate and give them all to the Chimera Pirates.

He could do this kind of thing, and it seemed normal to the pirates.

"Ms. Grace, we found an abandoned large-scale Goliath robot in this scientific research center. Even if we measure the remaining parts, it is estimated to be 20 feet tall." The person opposite hurriedly put it They told everything they knew: "There is an abandoned shipyard here. There are at least three old Federation Behemoth-class battlecruisers in it, and they have basically been built."

"The technology laboratory here is still very well preserved, and the information inside is priceless. The Umoyang people will definitely be happy to spend a lot of money for these! We also found a crystal mine warehouse. Oh my God, even just one of it A small piece of crystal could buy the whores at the Silver Maiden Bar ten times over.”

"Can you find the number of this scientific research center in the federal database?" Tavis felt nervous. He thought there would be good things in it, but he didn't expect there to be so many. This is simply a gold mine exposed to the sun, and no one can resist such temptation.

"No." The other person said impatiently: "What does it matter?"

"There must be some, let's look for it again," Tavis said.

"Can't wait any longer, the Chimerans have also landed on this satellite." The pirate suddenly shouted: "We need reinforcements!"

"Very well, I will tell Captain Alfred."

When the female ghost named Grace was speaking, Tavis noticed that the corners of her mouth were slightly raised.

Happy New Year everyone.

New Year's Day is coming soon, I have to take a day off and take a rest.

See you next year!

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