StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 672 I guess I’m on your jump list

"I'm not crazy." Hearing Augustus's confused question, Stetman was obviously stunned for a moment, as if he was doubting whether he really had a mental problem:

"Doctor Luo Mi also issued a certificate for me."

Maybe this isn't the first time he's been asked similar questions.

"Romy Hadry was a psychiatrist hired from Tarsonis specifically for Dr. Egon Stetman, an authority on modern psychiatry."

Lieutenant Colonel Sparks of the Skigel Research Station immediately explained to Augustus: "The diagnostic results show that Dr. Stetman does not have any mental problems."

"He just ingested too much terazine." Regel, the imperial weapons expert introduced by Stetman just now, sighed: "This dangerous gas can expand the malleability of human thinking and further enhance perception. .For scientists engaged in scientific research, terrazine is of great help."

"But the side effects are also obvious. In severe cases, it can cause hallucinations, mental loss, and even madness. The Beisher people are one such example."

"Yes, it's like a poisonous mushroom." Stetman suddenly interjected, and the words immediately choked Regel.

"You must reduce your intake of terazine." Augustus stared at Steitmann's unfocused eyes: "Dr. Egon Steitmann, we have lost such an amazing and talented person like you. scientists will be a huge and irreparable loss to the Tyranid Empire."

Terrazine is an absolute contraband in the Tyran Empire. The reason why Augustus allowed top scientists like Stetmann to ingest trace amounts of terrazine to increase the speed of research was also to buy precious time before the end was approaching.

The side effects of terrazine don't stop there, the more doses you take, the deeper your connection to the void becomes. At the moment, this means getting closer to the current controller of the void, the god of darkness, Amon. His boundless rage that fills the entire void is what drives people crazy.

This is the price that must be paid.

Those xel'naga scholars in the empire must also be prepared to be devoured by madness before they decide to come into contact with forbidden knowledge.

Therefore, they must also be placed in a heavily guarded place like the Skigel Research Station for close monitoring.

"Ah! Yes, yes, Your Majesty." For a moment, Stetman blushed, blushing at Augustus's compliments.

On the other side, Zeratul, who was following Augustus, just silently looked at this young human who had already become one of the top scientists in the Terran Empire at a young age.

Both scholars and warriors deserve the respect of the Dark Templar.

Zeratul believed that Egon Stetman might seem timid, but he also had a brave and strong heart.

"Take us in to see the new things you have made recently." Augustus waved his hand.

"I heard it's a new technology that uses a psychic matrix to directly jump troops?" Prince Arcturus put his hands behind his back and said astonishingly:

"That's something from the Protoss. We are very optimistic about the prospects of this technology."

If it could, the Empire could warp Tychus in the face of its enemies.

"Yes, we are just borrowing it for use." Reger did not appear restrained at all in front of the emperor, nor did he show off like those guys who were eager to show off.

In the Tyran Empire, Moebius technology is synonymous with black technology.

"Have you developed warping technology?" Zeratul was surprised when he heard this, even with his calmness.

This is no less than the primitive people in the tribal stage rubbing hydrogen bombs with their hands.

The warp gate of the protoss can directly teleport the native protoss troops several light years away to the battlefield, but it only takes a few seconds. From a human perspective, this is a miraculous skill.

The warping technology itself is the result of the protoss' reverse engineering research on the Xel'Naga portal, but even today they themselves have not understood the real principles behind this technology.

In other words, the template is actually placed in front of humans, and they can also research similar things through their own reverse engineering.

However, so far, the Tyranid Empire has not been able to analyze the principle of the Protoss Portal, let alone its prototype Xel'Naga Portal.

I can’t understand even if I copy it.

"With the empire's current technological level, wanting to independently develop warping technology is tantamount to wishful thinking and almost crazy." Regel said frankly: "We can directly teleport soldiers, but we have to use your crystal tower and spirit Energy Matrix.”

What Regel said was not very clear and he was hiding something. But according to what he meant, humans have already developed something similar to the Star Spirit Portal, but the energy cannot keep up, so they can only continue to use Kedarin crystals and psychic matrices.

In the final analysis, whether it is energy or the basic framework of technology, the paths taken by humans and protoss are very different.

But just like this, this is already quite incredible. It is hard to imagine what kind of support the Tyran Empire has invested in technological research and development.

Humanity's warping technology must be very immature now, but given time, they may not be able to make a breakthrough.

"This is enough to surprise me." Zeratul said honestly: "We originally thought that, at least in this era, it would be impossible for you humans to master this technology."

"very impressive."

Zeratul didn't feel that humans had stolen the protoss' technology, but instead admired it.

When the dark end is coming, the Tyranid Empire is a staunch force against Amon the Dark. What else can the protoss be stingy about?

At least, the generous Zeratul didn't care. And Augustus directly brought Zeratul in to see him, which showed that he didn't think he would have any resentment.

"Sometimes, how can you know how great you are if you don't try it." Stetman laughed twice, his face flushed, and he felt that his face was very bright.

Stetman was also involved in the reverse engineering research on the Protoss portal, and he worked almost non-stop. When he was tired, he would reward himself with a shot of terazine, and he would not rest until he fell down with a green light in his eyes.

He doesn't have a lot of ideas and is a jerk. He is so desperate just because Augustus said that everything you do is for the empire and humanity. In his heart, Stetman has always wanted to realize the value of his life.

"I feel honored to receive your praise." Reger bowed and said.

As they spoke, they had already entered the interior of the Skigel Research Station through the elevator.

The interior design of the Skigel Research Station is so stunning that even Zeratul's eyes lit up. The white walls, floors and ceilings look neat and beautiful under the warm orange light, and sophisticated experimental equipment is also displayed on geometric counters that are ordered like a puzzle.

The internal design of the research station obviously incorporates a certain Xel'Naga art style. It is not a simple pile of objects. The walls, floors, ramps and domes are naturally connected into a work of art. The knife was carved stroke by stroke into a huge stone. Supporting the behemoth main body of the building will inevitably require strong high-rise steel frames and concrete supports, but it seems that these traditional materials are not used at the Skigel Research Station.

Extremely coordinated, there is no redundant space, and nothing else can be crammed in. The Skigel Research Station pushed existing boundaries to the extreme, both artistically and technologically.

This made Augustus couldn't help but wonder that compared to destroying the world, Narud might be more suitable for art.

Like an unparalleled giant spaceship, the Skigel Research Station is divided into countless small spaces by countless closed aisles, corridors and grilles. If one wanted to explore every corner of the research station on foot, it would probably take several years.

The research station was filled with a small hum, but it was not noisy or chaotic at all. When passing through a closed cabin marked as highly dangerous, even Augustus's meager ability to sense psychic energy could sense the malice unleashed by hundreds of hybrids.

Here, Imperial scientists at Skigel Research Station will catalog these hybrids based on their origins and genomes to determine their main distribution areas.

It can be seen from this that, as a twisted product of genetic engineering, the hybrids are constantly evolving like the zerg, and new, more powerful hybrid varieties are replacing those that first appeared.

Finally, the vertical elevator Augustus took came to a large laboratory covered with gray metal paneling. The ice-blue light looked slightly dark and cold. The place is filled with consoles, flashing blue holographic screens, and Imperial researchers in white uniforms, and a flood of artificial light pours in from slanted windows cast into the alloy walls.

Among them, a giant crystal tower firmly locked by metal brackets immediately attracted the attention of visitors.

This crystal tower may be as high as a hundred feet tall, its intricately carved void crystal conductors glowing green. With the light and cold air released by the void crystal, a ring of spiritual atmosphere spread around like ripples, and tiny specks of light dust fell on the floor like grains of sand in an hourglass, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

"This is the Xel'Naga Crystal Tower." Regel introduced: "These crystal towers come from the Xel'Naga Temple under the Skigel Research Station, just like the ones found on the Xel'Naga World Ship. .

"The Xel'Naga Crystal Tower is a priceless treasure. They are rare in number and extremely precious." Zeratul also looked up at this huge crystal tower. These mysterious ancient relics are older than all known civilizations. Even if the years pass, It still remains today.

The Xel'Naga Crystal Tower looks very similar to the Dark Crystal Tower used by the Protoss Dark Templar. In fact, the energy they use is void energy. However, the differences can be seen in terms of construction materials and artistic styles.

It is worth mentioning that Zeratul immediately sensed the psychic reactions of many protoss in the Skigel Research Station. It seems that there are actually El Stars here, and there are quite a few of them.

No wonder humans have made such rapid progress. It turns out that this was Tassadar's tacit approval. He even sent a large number of protoss scientists to help Augustus study and deal with hybrids.

These phasers have spent hundreds of years or more refining their craft, and humanity would benefit greatly from learning even a smattering of their knowledge.

"Can this technology really defeat our troops?" Augustus looked away from the Xel'Naga Crystal Tower:

"Is there any risk?"

"The safety is very high." Regel said: "Even if the jump process is forcibly interrupted, the soldiers who have not completed the jump will be temporarily left in the psychic matrix."

This security is even higher than Tal'darin's warp gate, because although the warp distance of Tal'darin warp gate is much longer than that of their cousins, the price is that there is a certain chance that the teleporter will be shred.

Of course, this is not worth mentioning in the eyes of the high-ranking lord Tal'darin, but it is just for eliminating a group of weaklings under his command. He couldn't even survive the jump, and stepping onto the battlefield would be nothing more than a humiliation.

"Without further delay, let's start testing now. We won't be able to stay in Skigel for too long." Arcturus said:

"Regel, tell us when you are ready."

At the moment, they are just waiting at the Skigel Research Station for the fleets of the Moebius Corps to arrive one after another. Once assembled, they will go to the planet Atrias in the Sigma sector to search for the doomsday prophecy spoken by Zeratul.

"I can guarantee that it will be absolutely foolproof." Stetman couldn't help but boast.

"Oh?" Arcturus's smile was cold and his eyes were as sharp as an eagle:

"How can you guarantee that? But don't worry, Dr. Stetman, the Empire will only punish losers."

"Uh-huh." Stetman was startled, then remembered that the harsh and stern Prince Arcturus was far less easy to talk to than the emperor.

"What was I talking about just now?" Stetman broke into sweat on his forehead: "I understand."

"I'm talking!"


"There may be some problems with his memory." Lieutenant Colonel Sparks.

"I've seen it before." Renault complained: "It's Alzheimer's disease."

At this time, Regel checked with several researchers for a while, then walked to the main control panel to operate it himself. His pair of white mechanical prostheses contain secrets that can serve as interfaces to connect to computers to crack the system.

"Start jumping."

As all researchers evacuated from the surroundings of the Xel'Naga Crystal Tower, the jump began:

In the shining beams, an entire Moebius Legion combat team appeared under the ring of the crystal tower, including Moebius Marines, Marauders, Evil Dead, etc. in black and red power armor. Bat-Mechs—even a Thor!

"I have to say." Renault's expression was strange. He never thought that one day he would embrace the glory of battle:

"It looks a little bit evil, it's so weird."

"Unexpected." Arcturus also said: "When can it be put into actual combat?"

"This depends on how many crystal towers we can transform and send them to the battlefield - not only the Xel'Naga crystal towers, we can also use the Protoss." Regel said: "Besides, the Protoss Empire is rich and powerful, and they almost never Damaged Crystal Towers will not be recycled and repaired.”

"For now, it can only be equipped by a few battlecruisers of the Moebius Corps."

"Your memory of the Protoss Empire is still a long time ago, Mr. Regel." Zeratul pointed out that the protoss are not having a good time now.

"Even if it's just a few elite troop equipment, it can often achieve miraculous results." Arcturus was only a little disappointed when he heard Regel's words.

From the transport ship to the surface, even the airdrop pod takes several minutes, but with only the crystal tower, it only takes a few seconds to jump an elite force.

Warp technology allows you to assemble troops faster.

Sorry, I didn't sleep much yesterday due to insomnia. I was too low-energy so I didn't write. I don’t have the nerve to ask for leave for a single chapter.

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