Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 236 - Traveling around the capital star

Although Su Jinbao's words sounded exaggerated, Zhen understood that Xixiu really worked hard, and she had become even more powerful over the years.

When Su Jinbao talked about Xixiu killing the starry sky beast, Zhen and Nie Xien covered their mouths and exclaimed, this was bloodier than they had ever imagined.

"Baozi, stop scaring classmate Hong's friends, or classmate Hong will come to settle a score with you." Enwit touched Su Jinbao with his arm.

"Ahem, this is Classmate Hong's 'great achievement'. Of course, others should feel it." Su Jinbao planned to say more, but Enwit kept staring at him with his big copper eyes, which made Su Jinbao feel scared.

Scared! Scared!

Who makes him unable to fuck Enwit now?

Enwit's progress has been so obvious in the past few years. If everyone hadn't trained together every day, he would have thought that Hong was giving Enwit extra lessons in private.

Tarasha and Flora didn't come. Even though they were training at school, they were stimulated by Enwit and worked hard to catch up on their own shortcomings.

In the final course for sixth grade, their group was aiming for first place.

This is also Hong’s wish.

"Student Su, thank you for what you said to me. It made me see a different side of Xiu Xiu."

Zhen looked at Xi Xiu, who was sitting in front and flying the airship with Xue Fanhui. She had a beautiful side face, tight red lips, and clear and clean eyes that emitted a tenacious light.

Ah Xian was sitting by the window, lazily listening to Su Jinbao's words. She never talked much in front of others, but she didn't give off the impression of being too cold.

Anvil people have a natural affinity.

"Can you tell us about Gaia's attractions?" Nie Xien changed the subject.

"Okay, there is no one in Gaia that we are not familiar with. We will also go out for training when we have time."

Su Jinbao talked eloquently to Zhen and the other two, while Damian also made jokes on the side.

There was laughter and laughter on the airship.

Zhen and Nie Xien saw these future warriors with the same appearance as them.

Everyone has the same longing for life and beautiful scenery. Everyone is working hard to do their own thing, for the alliance, for their families, and for themselves.

Everyone has gotten to know each other a lot along the way, and Zhen and Nie Xi'en no longer feel oppressed by Xixiu's teammates.

Even the Ora people look super cute now. Because this Aura star can actually blush and looks a little cute.

When Xixiu turned around, she saw Enwit looking a little at a loss. It turned out that Nie Xien had asked him a question and he didn't know how to answer it.

Feeling Xixiu's gaze, he habitually looked at Xixiu for help.

"Stop teasing Enwit. You should ask his old man about his many children."

It turns out that Su Jinbao was too talkative just now, talking about Enwit going home to challenge his eleven brothers and sisters.

Nie Xi'en was surprised and asked Enwit if so many brothers and sisters were related by blood. Then the stupid Enwit didn't know how to answer.

That his old man can give birth?

Seems inappropriate.

He said that his family needed to have many heirs. How could he tell outsiders this?

Tangled, Enwit had no choice but to ask for help.

Enwit breathed a sigh of relief. It was really difficult to deal with other women.

Classmate Hong is still comfortable to get along with and doesn’t ask too many questions like this.

After closing the topic, they reached their destination.

Gaia's sea is very wide, more than twice the size of its land area.

The planet is huge, with rolling mountains, but there are no very high mountains. There are mostly plains, and the seasons are similar to Xixiu's hometown.

Gaia is home to a wide variety of organisms, but not many in total.

The size of Gaia is about twice that of Xixiu's hometown, but the number of intelligent creatures living here is similar to that of Xixiu's previous life, less than 8 billion.

After the airship stopped at a docking position in mid-air, Xue Fanhui started the transmission device, entered everyone's ID, and everyone was on the ground in a few seconds.

Facing the salty sea breeze and the angry waves, I didn't expect that this seemingly peaceful planet in mid-air and the scenery on the sea would be so spectacular.

Xi Xiu and A Xian followed Zhen and the others. Xue Fanhui and Damian came out for a show this time and will enter service status later.

Xue Fanhui went to Gaia's largest equipment research institute, and Damian applied to go to the front line. He will probably serve on a starship in the future, but the specific fleet has not yet been announced.

Separation is imminent.

Therefore, this was probably the last time he and Xue Fanhui spent together as partners.

"Xixiu, there's still one year left, have you decided where to go?" A Xian looked at a few people playing happily in the waves in the distance.

It was rare that everyone relaxed.

Damian took out a mat from Space Newri and spread it on the beach. Su Jinbao contributed an umbrella, and Youyayouya took out a lot of snacks.

Actually planning to have a tea party.

"Sister Axian, do you have any ideas in mind? We can apply together then."

"I will follow you. I will go wherever you go. I told Wu Jingyang that he will find a way."

"Okay. I'll wait for the central intelligence brain's allocation then. You can tell Third Brother about it."

"Where are they?" Axian looked at Enwit and Su Jinbao.

Although by convention, members of a team are basically assigned to a service location, there are exceptions.

Two partners like Xue Fanhui and Damian, because of Xue Fanhui's outstanding talent, became Master Jian's disciples early on.

Although Damian also majored in equipment, he chose to serve in the fleet.

"Let it go. However, it's best to be together. We have a tacit understanding of cooperation over the years." In the past six years, they have trained together and worked as a team. They have encountered dangers, but they have survived.

In the future, if we move forward together, we should be able to overcome all difficulties.

A Xian feels the same way.

The potential of the Ora people is truly amazing.

The key is that Enwit obeyed Xi Xiu's words, and Su Jinbao did the same. Several people in Team 626 were all brave enough to fight.

Bloodiness is needed on the battlefield, and they also need a strong inner world.

The two of them stopped asking this question after a while, and A Xian and Xi Xiu joined Xue Fan Hui and the others in their splashing battle.

Their protective clothing will not be wetted by sea water at all. The water droplets will roll down along the texture of the clothing and return to the sea.

The light of stars shines on the sea surface of Sitinghai, making the sea surface sparkling.

Zhen came to Xixiu: "It's so beautiful here. It's still different when you see it in the hologram and in reality."

"Well, Gaia's autumn is even more beautiful."

"Xiuxiu, it must have been very hard these years."

"It's not hard work. Don't worry, Zhen. I work so hard just to be able to come back alive and be with you." This was Xixiu's sincere words.

"I know, so Xiuxiu must work harder and take care of yourself in the future." Zhen's tone was very soft, and Xixiu understood her worries.

"Yes, Zhen has to work hard."


Xue Fanhui heard the words of the two sisters and looked towards the sky of Gaia, which was far-reaching and mysterious.

They will definitely be able to survive the next crisis.

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