Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 279 - The origin of Xixiu

After handling Li Xianfeng's files, Xixiu and Axian returned to school.

Ah Xian actually wanted to ask Xi Xiu where she came from, but she still couldn't.

I would like to ask why Xixiu can understand words that no one in the alliance understands, why he can translate them freely, and why...

This doubt has been in her mind for a long time. Ever since she met Xixiu, she has been amazed by the power of her soul.

This kind of power is actually similar to the Anvil people.

After the death of an Anvilian, the consciousness returns to the place of origin and grows again into a new Anvilian. The energy accumulated by the consciousness is huge.

But Xiuxiu, she is human.

Unlike the Anvilians.

When the human beings of the Jingsu Alliance die, their consciousness will also die.

That's why the crazy immortal robot project emerged, and the Alliance has been working hard to increase human lifespan for thousands of years.

A Xian's thoughts kept wandering.

As a result, the originally calm mental energy was somewhat exposed.

Xixiu saw her confusion, and the smile on her lips was a little helpless: "Sister Axian, just ask if you want. The legendary world of Anweil ​​is probably much more magical than my origin."

Since she can translate Li Xianfeng's handwriting, which is still a text that they don't understand, she will be suspected by A Xian and others, but there is no way.

If Li Xianfeng's files were not translated, Jiuxing would have to shoulder all the blame for the Qin family.

She, Hong Xixiu, would not let the Jiuxing she inherited carry such shackles and infamy in the long years to come.

She originally wanted where she came from to fade away like the past.

But sometimes, I want to cover it up but can't cover it too tightly. This time, I let out the deepest buried part.

She thought she would never tell anyone where she came from in this life, and thought this was a new beginning.

But she didn't expect that the Jingsu Alliance would have a Li Xianfeng who came more than five hundred years before her, and this legend came from her former planet.

How could she understand this kind of writing that no one had ever understood before? There was only one reason: she and Li Xianfeng came from the same place.

Where is Li Xianfeng from?

Since even the well-informed Wei Lanshan couldn't do anything about this kind of writing, how could Xixiu know?

These are all doubts.

Feng Qiqi and the others must also understand.

That's why his attitude towards her changed a lot.

He regarded her as his junior sister before, but now, he regards her as the inheritor of Nine Stars.

Xixiu felt somewhat helpless.

If A Xian did this again, it would be even more boring, so she decided to explain the matter to A Xian.

When his thoughts were revealed, A Xian did not hesitate any longer: "Is Xi Xiu's origin the same as Li Xian Feng's?"

Xixiu shook his head: "Sister Ah Xian, he and I come from the same star field and the same planet, but we are not in the same time and place. I was born nearly a thousand years later than him."

Li Xianfeng wrote in his handwriting that he came from ancient times that were almost a thousand years earlier than her, when the prosperous times were about to be in chaos.

He was a general guarding the border. In a battle, when he was betrayed by those around him and ambushed by the enemy, he fought with his soldiers until the last moment.

Because he did not wait for rescue, he died on the battlefield with all his strength.

When I woke up again, I found myself in such a strange and magical world.

His homeland was nowhere to be found, not even any area he was familiar with.

Xixiu could imagine his surprise when he first arrived here. After all, the technology in her world had made great progress compared to Li Xianfeng's era. She was surprised by the advancement of the Jingsu Alliance.

An ancient person directly arrived in the future world, and the impact on him can only be imagined.

In Li Xianfeng's handwriting, he wrote about his initial understanding of the world, and the words used are very funny.

When she was translating, if Feng Qiqi and Bai Junge weren't there, she would have wanted to laugh with her belly in hand.

An ancient, ignorant ancient.

Suddenly appearing in the interstellar world, his heart was so rich. After Xixiu read the text, he really wanted to look up to the sky and laugh.

Because the sentences used by Li Xianfeng are so simple and easy to understand, one can see his mental activities at that time at a glance.

Hearing Xixiu's words, Ah Xian was actually a little surprised: "Your planet is not within the scope of the Jingsu Alliance?"

"Yes. I have seen all the star maps, and there is no record of it in any star field."

After she learned the alliance's writing, she checked it, and Li Xianfeng's handwriting also confirmed that that galaxy did not exist in the star field known to the Jingsu Alliance.

"Where is the star map of the Immortal Sun Alliance that Dr. Wei brought back?"

"No. The technology of the Xianri Alliance is much ahead of the star field I am in. Compared with Jingsu and Xianri, my star field is still very backward."

"So, Xiu Xiu, do you still have family there?" If she still has family, but she is here alone, how painful will it be?

Ah Xian stepped forward and hugged Xixiu tightly, wanting to comfort her.

Xixiu sighed in her heart, it seemed that this Anweil ​​man's gentleness was given to her, which was her luck.

"No more, Sister A-Xian, I was and still am alone and have no family."

She had considered him family, but had received no response.

Hearing this, Ah Xian's heart felt even more sorry for Xi Xiu.

She thought that such a detailed and broad Xixiu must have had a warm home in the past, with parents who loved their children just like her.

But she never thought that she had always been alone, so she no longer cared about her world.

That's why she wants to go through this sea of ​​thousands of stars by herself.

"Don't be afraid, Xixiu has a family now, and Wu Jingxian is your family." Ah Xian's words were sonorous and powerful. She had always been like a warm star, shining warmly on Xixiu's heart.

"Well, I know, so I am especially grateful for that encounter in Anweil. When Aunt Lan and I first arrived in Anweil, we liked it very much. At that time, when we looked at the ordinary Anweil ​​people, we thought it was so beautiful. I will definitely do it in the future. I want to make a friend from Anvil."

Xixiu's eyebrows were curved, looking like warm sunshine, and she couldn't feel her complaints about her life experience or feeling that she was too lonely.

That's why her heart is so strong.

Whether it is martial arts or mental strength, she can improve very quickly.

"Well, meeting Xixiu is the luck of the whole Anweil. It is the blessing of the God of the Starry Sky to Anweil. We Xixiu are the best and the best human beings." Axian looked at the girl in front of him and felt proud in his heart. born.

"Yes. I accept this compliment."

"What are you going to tell Feng Qiqi and the others?"

"As long as they know what's going on, there's no need to say anything else."


After confirming that all the power of Jiuxing would be handed over to Xixiu, Feng Qiqi and the others learned the news, and they would truly regard Xixiu as the inheritor of Jiuxing in the future.

After Xixiu told her life story, she felt much more relaxed.

Wei Lanshan saw through it but did not question it.

A Xian is different, and she and A Xian have been living together these years.

Sooner or later she will wonder.

"How did Xixiu come here?" Ah Xian wondered, "Where were you, and how old did you live to be?"

"In order to save my benefactor's descendants, I saved him at the cost of my life. When I came here, I was a little older than I am now, less than thirty years old."

Xixiu's words made Ah Xian even more distressed.

Looking at the expressions of the Anweil ​​people, Xixiu felt happy in her heart.

"Sister Axian, the life span of human beings in my world is very short, less than a hundred years, so when I came here, I was really happy when I knew that I had hundreds of years to live. This has made up for my previous life. The regret of premature death.”

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