Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 286 - The collective disappeared

Xixiu didn't say the rest.

These people received the wrong information, thinking that the resident commander who came to pick him up was of low strength, or that they must not be the queen of Qing Zhixun who came to pick him up, so they dared to intercept him so blatantly.

Xi Xiu remembered that before they graduated, Qing Zhixun called A Xian via video chat and talked for a long time.

What he said at that time was that the Yuan Ri Residential District decided to send the governor of the Western District to pick up the graduates.

He originally thought he could go back to Gaia, but he could only do so in the virtual network.

Obviously the other party intercepted the information of this video and was very convinced.

"Yes. I deliberately left the door open for them. This time I plan to catch them all."

It's a pity that it's not the leader who comes as usual.

However, the behavior of these people was so wrong, so he had to go to the opponent's battleship and take a look before he could feel relieved.

Xixiu didn't reply.

The opponent's warship did not have an escape capsule to eject. These people were either still on the warship, or, strangely, they all disappeared collectively in the vacuum.

Asian listened to the conversation between the two people and found that the atmosphere was somewhat harmonious?

"Xixiu, which result do you think it will be?"

"Sister A-Xian, I don't know either. Once we go to their starship, we will naturally understand."

After five minutes of rapid flight, Qing Zhixun led a team of 500 people to the remaining battleship of the Minghuo Regiment.

Entering the battleship, they found that it was completely silent, and no conversation could be heard.

Walking on the path leading to the console, there was no prompt from the smart machine.

The place seemed to have calmed down within a few minutes.

This is very unreasonable.

Generally, the intelligent system of a battleship is always on. When an ID that is not in the intelligent system breaks into the system, an alarm will sound.

It also allows people in various positions on the battleship to prepare for battle immediately.

But the level of silence made Qing Zhixun feel a little strange.

This place is very much like the lively market just now, but in an instant all the people in the market disappeared, leaving behind scattered vegetables, rotten eggs, rolling fruits on the ground...

Because when Xixiu and the others entered the console, they found a spinning top-like thing on the console.

Xixiu frowned in thought.

There were still people here before they came up, so they must not have gone far.

Still on this battleship.

Where can there be room for so many people?

Storage compartments, cabins and weapons compartments.

The largest space on the battleship is the storage compartment and cabin, as well as the weapons control compartment.

One of these places holds supplies, one holds people, and one holds weapons.

"Let's go to the storage cabin first. Don't use the robot for the time being." To be cautious, it's better to see this kind of place by yourself.

Moreover, they still don’t know what the triggering mechanism of the immortal robot is.

It wouldn't be good if there were hidden dangers for the future because of coming to such a place.

Following the signs, they first went to the storage compartment and found that there were many transparent instruments, each of which was connected to a data cable.

Qing Zhixun was the first to look inside the instrument.

There is someone in the instrument.

This person will only be a soldier on the battleship.

But the smiles on their faces looked a bit eerie and terrifying.

Xixiu and the others also came over. Damn it, Su Jinbao almost screamed.


The corners of these people's mouths were grinning to the base of their ears, and they looked like they were smiling, but their smiles were so piercing.

Su Jinbao and others looked at each other.

Some don't understand what kind of situation this is.

"Is this the so-called uploading of consciousness, or is it the active separation of consciousness and body?" Ah Xian's words actually echoed here.

Su Jinbao almost got goosebumps all over his body. He pushed Enwit with his hand and said, "Big man, is there something wrong?"

"It's indeed wrong. As far as I know, no one can really grin from ear to ear." Enwit answered seriously.

Xixiu almost couldn't hold back her laughter.

However, A Xian couldn't hold back and laughed directly.

"Haha, Enwit is right."

Xixiu only glanced at the expressions of these people and then withdrew his gaze.

This kind of face that looks like a "corpse" but has an exaggerated smile is so disharmonious no matter how you look at it.

"Are you smiling like this on purpose?" Flora and the others didn't understand why humans could make such an expression.

"Probably. It's impossible for someone to pose for a photo so neatly." Xixiu replied casually.

These people made this expression uniformly, or it may be a fixed expression they will show after entering this instrument.

Xian Quanlong had been taking notes, and Qing Zhixun looked through several of them with his gloves on, and finally asked Lu Zongan to work with him to dismantle a few and go back for research.

"Zong An, quickly access the data from their instruments and bring the data back." Qing Zhixun found that one of the instruments was still beating with data.

Lu Zongan also discovered it. He quickly intercepted this set of data with the device he carried with him. Fortunately, he was fast, otherwise this set of data would have been lost.

After doing this, big beads of sweat appeared on his forehead: "Axun, we finally have a direction."

Lu Zongan was very excited.

Xixiu and the others were also surprised when they saw it.

Then they discovered that the human whose data was intercepted had a strange expression on his face.

Qing Zhixun probed the man's neck and found that there was still a pulse: "Let the medical warriors come and deal with it to save his life."

Everyone present felt that what they saw today really broke many of their previous inherent perceptions.

"Well, let's go to another place."

They went to the weapons bay and living quarters.

It was a bit strange to find that the same situation was found in these two cabins.

"Sister Ah Xian, where do you think they have gone?" Xixiu pondered, this matter was really beyond their understanding.

"It can't possibly be a place like the Origin Land, right?" A Xian couldn't understand the direction of this matter.

After Anvil's death, his consciousness will automatically leave the body and return to the place of origin under the guidance of the God of the Starry Sky.

The bodies of these humans lying in the instrument entered a state of death in an instant.

The consciousness of these people was obviously stripped away by machines while they were awake.

And the expressions on their faces were so exaggerated, it was obvious that they felt great and twisted joy at the moment when their consciousness was stripped away.

"There must be a place to store these consciousnesses, that is, a container." Li Xianfeng's handwriting mentioned before that as long as the container is destroyed, these consciousnesses will die.

"You mean, these consciousnesses followed their data transmission channel and went into that container?" Axian felt that what Xixiu said made sense.

However, how to explain that these consciousnesses can be transmitted through data?

Qing Zhixun heard the conversation between Xixiu and Axian and explained to them: "Their consciousness was broken down into data, and the transmission channel was cleverly set up by the other party to allow the consciousness to pass through."

After hearing his words, the others were deep in thought. Su Jinbao and the others felt that the person who designed this was really crazy.

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