Starry Sky Fleet, starting from digitization

Chapter 28 Set off again, aiming for Qiansen Star Lake!

Alliance patrol fleet!

Qingyang and others immediately got rid of the surrounding fire rats and returned to the star port.

The densely packed fire rats lost their target and turned directly to the star port, all of them came bravely.

[Severe distortion of the gravitational field detected]

Qingyang looked towards the area where the gravitational field was distorted. Through Tai-1's monitoring equipment, Qingyang clearly saw a black and blue metal ball suddenly appearing hundreds of thousands of kilometers away.

The extremely complex energy circuit gradually became transparent, and the surrounding gravity became more and more serious as the circuit twisted.

In the end, the first fire rat took the lead and flew backwards towards the sphere.

In an instant, the entire group of rats seemed to collapse like dominoes, and they continued to flock to the ball.

There are even meteorites and asteroids several kilometers in diameter mixed in!

Even those level 4 star beasts could not escape the scope of gravity. A circle of ripples appeared around several level 4 star beasts and then dissipated.

Obviously these fire rats wanted to escape into the subspace, but their subspace warp organs were completely disrupted by the distorted gravitational field.

The moment the rats were probably tens of thousands of kilometers away from the starport, hundreds of rays of light flashed between the rats and the starport.

They were battleships several kilometers in size. They were full of machinery, and their silver-white appearance contained a large number of energy circuits.

The warship in the middle has even reached 30,000 meters, with dense orbital guns surrounding it.

Conventional battleship!

However, its energy level far exceeds that of the T8 Star Battleship. Even the T8 Battleship cannot compare to any of them.

At least T7 battleships can compete with the most common battleships among them.

Confederate Army, regular army!

The patrol army seems to be the local garrison, right?

The first time it appeared, the cannons of the huge warship in the center began to shine, and terrifying energy levels burst out.

Qingyang was shocked. The Star Destroyer weapon was far beyond the ordinary level. It had a power level of at least 300,000, right?

In an instant, a bright roar of light hit the rat swarm. There was no explosion, and the gathered rat swarm immediately disintegrated.

No wreckage was left.

"Report! The space scanner has detected a life reaction. It is most likely a Tissotus rat!"

On the bridge of the flagship ship, the officer nodded: "07 battle cruiser, the main gun is calibrated to fire three rounds of Tissot Rats!"

The light gathered again, and three slender beams of light struck a space one after another.

Violent spatial fluctuations echoed, obviously hitting the target.

"Report! The Tissotus is escaping!" the sergeant reported.

The officer's expression remained unchanged: "The energy level has dropped by 90%, and 40% of his body is probably broken. He will definitely die from his injuries.

Record the situation and apply for a escort fleet to strengthen the defense force of this star port. "


In the star port, Qingyang's eyes flashed as he noticed the patrol fleet's final attack.

In the end, he gave up the pursuit.

The Tissotus rat is certainly tempting, but after all it is a powerful species comparable to a level 6 star beast.

Even serious damage may cause casualties, not to mention that the Eternal Fleet is now completely damaged.

Eternal Agreement's self-propelled hull recovery is 5% per hour, and it will take at least half a day to complete the recovery.

"It would be nice if self-recovery could happen at any time, instead of starting to calculate after leaving the battlefield."

Qingyang muttered.

The crisis was over, and Starport officials opened the shield after inspection.

The star gate in the North District was suddenly attacked by Fire Rats, causing a lot of equipment damage.

Full repair will probably take another day.

Otherwise, the support can be reached quickly through the star gate instead of jumping directly.

Except for fearless beasts like the Star Beast, no one in the Alliance territory dares to attack the Star Port.

"Fortunately, there was no hope of promotion in the first place, otherwise I would have suffered a big loss."

The person in charge of the star port could only shake his head helplessly at this. He would encounter one in ten thousand star beast attacks.

Qingyang gave many crew members a few days off and went to the Star Network Academy area to check information.

The commander's school in high school only teaches some basic knowledge and identification of common items, and only about tens of thousands of biological items.

Most of the basic star battleship knowledge is the process under standard circumstances.

The Eternal Fleet is now getting further and further away from the standard line.

This aspect needs to be supplemented in the Commander Academy, at least don't ask Beria, a scientific researcher, about everything.

There must be a commander who can identify the signs of Tissotus rats at a glance.

Of course, learning is a long process. Even if it only takes a few seconds to read the information on hundreds of items in the Star Network, it still takes a long time.

The universe is too big, and the system involving commander's knowledge is equally extensive.

Three days later.

Qingyang exited the star network and made sure that all the crew members were present.

"Chang Xi, fleet status." Qingyang frowned as his brain felt slightly swollen.

It will take at least two days to fully adapt to the vast amount of material.

Chang Xi's shadow appeared with a bright smile, "The shield, armor, and hull have all been restored, supplies are sufficient, and the lost combat units have been replenished."

Noticing Qingyang's discomfort, Chang Xi's pale golden eyes paused.

He immediately came up behind Qingyang lightly and pressed Qingyang's temples with his slender jade fingers.

Without waiting for Qingyang's reaction, the slightly confusing information in his brain quickly became clear, and the discomfort disappeared.


Qingyang was confused, not because Chang Xi could help him organize his brain data, but because she could actually touch him?

Chang Xi explained with a smile: "Data life is also life. The data that carries life and will is a high-dimensional power. It is not difficult to substantiate it, but the current consumption is slightly larger."

It was noticed that Qingyang had fully recovered.

"Commander, continuing to receive knowledge at high speed from the star network is not a good thing for you now."

Chang Xi retracted his hands, bowed slightly with a smile, and dissipated into light particles.

Qingyang touched his head, as if he had been educated?

Out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of a snickering figure, his face turned solemn.

"Ahem, Gu Xue, where are the Guxing people?"

"Hey, I think I don't have enough practical experience, so I'm thinking about how to use my powers more efficiently." Gu Xue replied.

Qingyang nodded, and his mental power spread.

The nine warships began to leave the port area and sail towards the star gate area.

The extra ship is the Xuanjia cruiser that was exchanged for this battle achievement.

At present, the fleet configuration of the Eternal Fleet is relatively complete. There are seven cruisers in total, including two black armors, two long-drive ships, and three hard-blade ships. Without exception, they are all powerful high-end ships.

There are two core battleships, the Huiyue-type battleship and the Taiyi.

The fleet passed through the star gate and immediately appeared in the star gate channel. The star gate channel is a technology that changes the space structure of the main universe.

It only takes a few days to span hundreds of millions of light years, but because the waterway is a fixed area, it is not as flexible as dark space.

The star ring channel is faster, and it only takes one day to travel 10 billion light years.

Unfortunately, there is no star gate or star ring passage directly to the frontier, and it requires at least dozens of transfers to reach it.

The last few times required passing through the military's star gates and star rings.

Gu Xue lay on the chair, holding her face with her hands: "Where are you going next?"

Qingyang raised his head: "The largest star lake on the way to the border, Qiansen Star Lake!"

Qiansen Star Lake also has a name, Qianhe Star Lake!

There are thousands of galaxies bordering Qiansen Star Lake, covering an area of ​​hundreds of millions of light years.

There are countless cosmic wonders and special areas, and the level of danger is even more terrifying. Even the T6 fleet only dares to wander around the periphery.


ps: Brothers, I took a look at the setting again. The setting of the alliance is a bit complicated, and it is difficult to fully express it in normal text.

There are two options now

1: It will be mentioned slowly in future chapters, but there are definitely things that cannot be expressed and perfected through the progression of the plot.

Two: Use a natural way to supplement the general background of the alliance from the conversation between Qingyang and Gu Xue in one chapter, and the specific details will be mentioned in the future plot progress.

If I choose the second option, I will add about 40 chapters to the space of one chapter (it does not occupy the word count of the paid chapters, but it also counts as the main text, because it needs to connect the plots of the previous and next chapters)

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