Start a mysterious island

Chapter 41 You are so cruel to yourself!

Most of the white hair on his body was singed by the flames, and there were many burned corpses of the white ape and alien beast on his body. When the middle-aged man's hand was about to touch the spiritual weapon dagger, the white ape and alien beast opened its eyes.

"Zhuo, I fell into the trap, this guy pretended to be dead."

When he saw the dead white ape and the strange beast, he suddenly opened his eyes. In an instant, the middle-aged man immediately stopped his hand and chose to retreat backwards.

But how could the white ape and beast, which had endured for so long and persisted to this point, allow the middle-aged man to escape easily?


The white ape beast roared violently, and the deafening roar made the middle-aged man dizzy and his retreat stopped for half a second.

And in just half a second, the right hand of the white ape beast with long nails stabbed the middle-aged man in the abdomen as quickly as lightning.

The beast's claws, which glowed with light golden aura, were extremely sharp. If they were stabbed, they would definitely be able to pierce the middle-aged man's abdomen.

At this critical moment, the middle-aged man immediately bit his tongue and forced himself out of the dizzy state. Then he twisted his waist and tried his best to turn his body to one side.

"Chi la..."

The beast's claws, glowing with light golden aura, brushed against the middle-aged man's abdomen. The camouflage uniform worn by the middle-aged man was instantly scratched. At the same time, a large piece of flesh could be seen being grabbed by the white ape's claws. .


The middle-aged man cried out in pain and quickly moved away from the white ape and beast.

After retreating for more than twenty meters, the middle-aged man stopped.

Blood continued to flow out from the severely injured abdominal wound. The middle-aged man was shaking in pain, and his forehead was constantly sweating.

He pressed the wound on his abdomen with his right hand, trying to stop the blood from flowing out of the wound, but the wound was a bit wide. Even though he was pressing it with his own hand, the blood could not help but flow out from between his fingers. .

The experienced middle-aged man knew that he had to find a safe place quickly to treat the wound on his abdomen, otherwise, he would soon die from excessive bleeding.

The injuries sustained by the middle-aged man on the abdomen were nothing compared to the stabbing in the heart of an ape or beast.

After all, the human body is still no match for the alien beasts.

The white ape beast was able to fight a middle-aged man to such an extent without being stabbed in the heart.

And it finally pretended to die and then fought back. This kind of operation is simply not something humans can do.

In the thick grass in the distance, Lin Li, who transformed into a melon-eating passerby, was stunned by the sudden scene. He was so shocked that he even forgot to breathe.

"Damn, this... this strange beast is not dead. In the situation just now, it actually came up with this strategy of feigning death to counterattack.

In one fell swoop, he completely reversed the situation that was not favorable to him... This is so smart! No, it’s not just about being smart, you also have to be ruthless to yourself in order to implement such a plan. "

At this moment, Lin Li was shocked and couldn't help but feel ashamed for the middle-aged man's dillydallying behavior that he had just complained about.

The scene that happened before him vividly taught Lin Li a lesson, telling him that the middle-aged man's behavior just now was very necessary.

Unfortunately, even though the middle-aged man was cautious, he still fell into the other party's trap because the white ape beast was too cunning and ruthless.

Seeing that his Jedi counterattack failed to achieve the effect he expected, a flash of regret flashed in the eyes of the white ape beast.

"Roar..." With a roar, the white ape beast immediately rushed towards the middle-aged man who had been severely injured in the abdomen.

The middle-aged man saw the white ape beast rushing towards him. He immediately raised his left hand and slapped the white ape beast.

Orange fire appeared in the middle-aged man's left hand, and as he clapped his palm, a hot flame spurted out from his palm.

The white ape beast saw the pillar of fire coming, and immediately dodged to the side. The hot pillar of fire hit the ground with a dull sound.


The flames flying everywhere scorched many emerald green plants. Fortunately, there were no dry haystacks around. Otherwise, the middle-aged man's supernatural attack might have caused a fire.

"Damn alien beast, I admit defeat today, but mountains and rivers always meet each other. The next time you meet me again, I will definitely twist off your head and let you die completely."

After driving away the white ape beast with one move, the middle-aged man said harsh words to the white ape beast, then he covered his injured abdomen, turned around and ran away.


When the white ape beast saw the middle-aged man running away, it roared loudly towards the man's fleeing back.

The middle-aged man who was escaping heard the roar of the beast behind the sound, and his steps to escape became more rapid.

However, the white ape beast only roared and did not actually pursue the injured middle-aged man. It stood motionless and just looked at the escaping middle-aged man.

"I didn't expect it! The situation has been reversed. I will never be overturned by a strange beast like a middle-aged man in the future..." Lin Li, who was hiding in the grass, watched the whole process and secretly warned himself.

Then, after the middle-aged man disappeared, something happened that embarrassed Lin Li.

After the white ape beast fought back and pushed back the middle-aged man, it still stood there after a long time without any intention of leaving.

There was only a trace of the sun left in the sky, and it was about to disappear completely on the horizon. In a few minutes, night would cover the wilderness.

"What is this white ape beast doing? Why doesn't it leave? Keep looking in that direction. What's there to see?

The enemies have been repulsed, and the body has been so seriously injured. Now we should seize the time to find a place to find a way to heal the injury. What kind of weird operation is this to just stand there and blow the wind? "

There were mosquitoes in the grass. After they spotted Lin Li, they immediately flew towards him.

After a while, Lin Li received several bites on his hands and face.

Although the mosquito bites were very itchy, Lin Li didn't dare to act rashly now.

He was afraid that due to some noise caused by his little movements, the terrifying white ape beast would discover that there was actually a human being hiding in the grass.

As for the series of battles between the white ape beast and the middle-aged man just now, Lin Li, as a melon-eater, knew it without spending any brain cells to think about it.

If that terrifying white ape beast discovers that there is another human being hidden in the surrounding grass, it will definitely tear itself apart ferociously to relieve its anger.


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