Start as a Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 481 The Admired Ye Chuan

After confirming that Chaomeng was indeed interested in comics, Youyou rummaged around on the desktop and finally took out a comic:

"This is the first episode, for you Kangkang."

Chaomeng glanced at the cover. He could understand the words written on it. As early as in the previous experiment, it had recognized human words. It only saw the words "The Rise of the Second-Second Girl Mage" written on it. The cover was A female mage wearing an eyepatch and a man wearing black armor.

Chaomeng looked through the comics and became addicted to them unknowingly. To him, it seemed that he had put himself into another world and could forget many things.

When he came back to his senses, Chaomeng had already finished reading a comic without knowing it. Chaomeng could more or less understand what it meant by relaxing.

"No more..." Chaomeng looked at the table with some unfinished thoughts, and finally found that Youyou had thoughtfully arranged the remaining books and put them aside.

Chaomeng was stunned for a moment, and then searched for Youyou's figure. At this time, Youyou was at the dining table, hanging behind Ye Chuan like a backpack, laughing from time to time.

"Youyou, help me record it."

"Get it!"

Listening to the conversation over there, Chaomeng looked at the comics in his hands and found that he actually liked this feeling. No one paid too much attention to it, but they cared about its emotions and treated it as an ordinary creature. Why? To live, it doesn't understand yet, but Chaomeng gradually discovers that life is not as bad as before.

Living in darkness, when you see a glimmer of light, you will yearn for it infinitely.

After seeing that he was ignored, Chaomeng opened the second book and started reading.

Just stayed in Feiyun City for three or four days.

Chaomeng’s device was also delivered by special personnel——

"Chaomeng, come here." After Ye Chuan opened the box that was delivered and saw the device inside, he said to Chaomeng who was reading comics on the balcony.

"Contractor, what do you want from me?" Chaomeng walked to Ye Chuan and said.

Ye Chuan was stunned: "Eh?"

What's wrong with Mewtwo?

"Maybe Chaomeng has been reading too many comics recently, and has been homogenized by the lines in them." At this time, Youyou on the side smiled and shouted:

"It looks like it's fun."

"Really..." Ye Chuan thinks having a personality is a good thing. Could it be that Chaomeng has entered the second phase of the middle school?

However, Ye Chuan didn't pay too much attention, as long as Chaomeng's words were not completely unintelligible.

At this time, Chaomeng also realized the problem and did not continue to play in the second class.

"This is a helmet customized for you. It can control your mental wavelength and reduce the impact of your headache." Ye Chuan took out the device. It was a white helmet with a high-tech texture that looked like a High end decoration.

After seeing the device, Chaomeng subconsciously showed disgust: "I hate this."

"I know, but this device is not used to control you." Ye Chuan explained:

“A device is only as good as the user.”

After a few days of getting along, Chaomeng had a high level of trust in Ye Chuan. After hesitating for a few seconds, Chaomeng reached out and took the helmet and put it on his head.

There is no sense of restraint like before, and there is no buckle that grabs the head. After putting this device on, except for a slight cold feeling, there is almost no uncomfortable feeling.

Chaomeng was a little surprised by this.

After Ye Chuan saw Chaomeng put it on, he said: "Try to relax your super power and see if the helmet can suppress it."

After hearing this, Chaomeng slowly closed his eyes and relaxed his suppression of his superpowers.

At this time, the surrounding air suddenly began to become restless, and even the teacups on the dining table vibrated and made a tinkling sound. This was due to the spatial fluctuations caused by the terrifying pressure of Chaomeng's super power.

But soon, the shock subsided, and Mewtwo opened his eyes slightly.

"How do you feel?" Ye Chuan asked. This helmet looked quite handsome when worn.

"Head, there is no pain, but the superpower has also become weaker." Chaomeng replied.

"That's the purpose. After all, this way you don't have to suppress your superpower all the time. You can also relax and use your skills during battle without worrying about going crazy." Ye Chuan said with a smile.


When Chaomeng heard this, although he was reluctant, he still nodded: "Fight, yes."

"Chaomeng, what is your definition of fighting?" Ye Chuan asked after seeing Chaomeng's appearance at this time.

"Destruction." Mewtwo replied.


"Wrong?" Chaomeng didn't understand. Isn't fighting meant to destroy the opponent?

"No, the battle you understand is different from the battle over there. The battle between our trainers is a point-and-shoot discussion. There is no need to destroy the opponent, and there is no need to worry about the punishment after failure." Ye Chuan explained :

"Learn to enjoy fighting."

"Enjoy, fight..." Chaomeng didn't understand.

"Yes, after all, it is the instinct of an elf to yearn to become stronger, but..." Ye Chuan thought for a while, then suddenly showed a faint smile and said:

"If you really don't want to fight, I won't force you to fight."

Chaomeng was stunned. He had never thought that Ye Chuan would say this. In other words, isn't its power needed by many humans?

"Yes, if you don't really want to fight, train, and become stronger, I won't force you." Ye Chuan said:

"For example, among my elves, the Flying Mantis, Fire Dinosaur and Lucario like to fight very much, and they also like to train themselves."

"Secondly, the Round Land Shark is still young, and the Steel Armor Crow prefers to train his body, but his desire for battle is not as strong as the Fire Dinosaurs."

Ye Chuan pointed to the fire dinosaur, and the other party showed the muscles on his arm very cooperatively:


"As for Youyou, look..." Ye Chuan pointed at Youyou who was sticking behind him like a ghost behind him and said:

"Although Youyou will not refuse to fight, she has a wide range of interests. Whether it is games, comics, animation, novels or movies, I support her."

"Yeah, yeah." Youyou nodded her head cooperatively: "Although the battle is also fun, it's easy to lose energy every time."

Seeing Chaomeng in a daze, Ye Chuan smiled and said, "As an elf, you can have the interests you like. Even if you don't like fighting, it's okay with me."

"After all, elf trainers don't just know how to fight."

After Chaomeng heard this, after a while, he suddenly said: "I don't know if I like fighting."

Destroying the opponent is a very boring thing for it.

In the laboratory, countless elves have fought with it, and Chaomeng has long been numb to the wailing and begging for mercy from those elves when they resisted.

"It's okay, you can take your time with this." Ye Chuan smiled.

Chaomeng is very strong. With its help, it may be a strong trump card in the national competition, but as he said, with what Chaomeng has experienced, it is not surprising that it does not like fighting. thing, so Ye Chuan didn't force it. If he really didn't want to fight, it would be a good thing to expand other interests.

After all, Youyou has become a well-known cartoonist, and even the fire dinosaur is a popular figure in the Bizhan dance area.

"Yeah." Chaomeng nodded.

After finishing the device for Chaomeng, Ye Chuan almost felt like he could leave Feiyun City, but in the afternoon, he learned that Mu Lan, the owner of Feiyun City, was discharged from the hospital.

"After all, he was mentally injured. He can be discharged from the hospital after being cured by Bird and rest for a few days." After hearing the news, Ye Chuan thought about it for a while and planned to visit the owner of Mulan Hall. After all, Chaomeng is also his now. Elf.

After telling An Shiyu and the others about this, they went out directly.

An Shiyu left Ling behind because she wanted to make dumplings for dinner, so Ye Chuan went to the gym in Feiyun City alone.

At this time, the gymnasium in Feiyun City was still under repair, but the room where the leader of the gymnasium Mulan lived was not affected, so he still lived in the gymnasium.

Perhaps because he heard that Ye Chuan was coming to visit him, he and his daughter were waiting at the door early.

"Xiao Xi, why do you keep looking out?" Mu Lan stood at the door and said with a smile when she saw her daughter looking out from time to time.

Mu Xiaoxi looked away a little embarrassedly: "No, no."

Seeing her daughter's rare appearance, the smile on Mu Lan's face slowly faded, and then she said seriously:

"Xiao Xi, you won't fall in love with that adult, right?"

"Eh, no, no!" Mu Xiaoxi suddenly trembled and stammered.

"It's fine if there is none. If there is, you should listen to my father's advice. The water here is very deep and you are still young and cannot grasp it." Mu Lan said slowly.

"Dad, I know..." Mu Xiaoxi nodded:

"I am sensible and know that he is not from the same world as me."

"Yeah." Mu Lan nodded.

At this time, a car stopped in front of the gym. Mu Lan and his daughter looked and saw that a boy was walking out.

After seeing Mu Xiaoxi and Mu Lan, the boy said happily: "Xiaoxi, uncle, why are you here?"

Mu Lan and Mu Xiaoxi originally thought it was Ye Chuan, but after seeing the boy, they said with some lack of interest:

"Chen An, why are you here?"

"I heard that Uncle Mu was discharged from the hospital, so I came over to take a look." Chen An said and raised the fruit in his hand.

"I'm interested." Mu Lan smiled and nodded.

"What are you doing standing here?" Chen An asked curiously.

Could it be that you were waiting for him?

"Waiting for a guest." Mu Xiaoxi said.

"Xiao Xi, please take Chen An in first. I'll just wait here." Mu Lan said instead. Chen An is Mu Xiaoxi's classmate who has known her for many years. It's not appropriate to stand here at the door.

"But..." Mu Xiaoxi looked at his father, then at Chen An, and could only say:

"Come in with me."


After Chen An followed Mu Xiaoxi to the lounge in the gym, he sat on a bench nearby and put down the fruit in his hand.

"Okay, if there's nothing else, do you want to go home first?" Mu Xiaoxi said, after all, she still wanted to wait for Ye Chuan to come over.

"Um..." Chen An was a little embarrassed, and finally said helplessly:

"Don't be angry, I was wrong last time."

"I shouldn't tell my friends that you are stupid and easy to cheat...Actually, this is not a bad word, it just means that you are relatively simple."

Mu Xiaoxi looked at Chen An and crossed her arms: "Then, what does it have to do with me? I'm not very familiar with you anyway."

"do not do that."

At this time, the sound of conversation suddenly came from the corridor. After Mu Xiaoxi heard the familiar voice, she opened the door and walked out with a happy expression.

Ye Chuan was still chatting with Mu Lan when he suddenly saw Mu Xiaoxi running out. He was slightly startled, then smiled:

"Miss Mu, it turns out you are here too."

"I came here because I still have things to do in the gym." Mu Xiaoxi explained in a panic, and then said a little embarrassedly:

"After all, dad definitely needs help, so I'll come over and clean, cook and stuff."

Mu Lan on the side added: "My daughter is more like the Gu family. She is a very sensible child."

"No..." Mu Xiaoxi looked a little shy.

After hearing this, Ye Chuan, perhaps thinking of the similarities between Mu Xiaoxi and An Shiyu, spoke in a gentler tone: "You are such a good girl."

"Eh, eh..."

Then Mu Lan took Ye Chuan to the resting place. After opening the door, Chen An who was sitting inside was stunned, because Ye Chuan was the person in the car when he sent Mu Xiaoxi to school!

Originally, Chen An came here today just to ask what the relationship between the man in the car and Mu Xiaoxi was, but they happened to bump into each other today!

"Oh, let me introduce to you. This is my daughter's friend Chen An, whom we grew up with." Mulan introduced.

"Not friends." Mu Xiaoxi on the side added coldly.

Chen An smiled awkwardly, but Ye Chuan smiled and nodded: "My name is Ye Chuan, hello."


After sitting down, Ye Chuan suddenly noticed that Chen An kept observing him repeatedly, not knowing what he was doing.

It's strange, maybe I'm too handsome.

Of course, this was just Ye Chuan's random thought, and then Ye Chuan and Mu Lan started chatting.

Due to some reasons, perhaps because of the presence of an outsider like Chen An, Mu Lan temporarily called her daughter and Chen An out of the lounge, leaving herself alone to talk to Ye Chuan.

Mu Xiaoxi, who was standing outside the door, glanced at Chen An and said unhappily:

"It's all your fault for causing me to come out too."

"That man named Ye Chuan, is your father's friend?" Chen An asked, looking like he was not very familiar with Xiao Xi.

He also relaxed a lot at this time.

"Not friends, and what is that Ye Chuan?" Mu Xiaoxi reminded:

"He is the benefactor of our gym, and he is a very powerful person. Not only that, he will not be like you guys who are so arrogant and discuss the color of girls' underwear."


At this time, Ye Chuan suddenly sneezed in the room and rubbed his nose. Who was talking about him behind his back?

"Are you okay, Mr. Ye?" Mulan on the side asked with concern.

"It's okay, it's just a sneeze, so about that elf..."

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