Start as a Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 493 Flying Mantis goes to battle

"Huh..." At this time, all of Lucario's physical strength has been drained. Whether it was continuous attacks or dodges with lightning, for an elf like Lucario who is not good at protracted battles, There is no doubt that it is a continuous high-pressure battle. As long as it stops for even a second, Bulbasaur may recover its physical strength at a high speed, but it still holds on and gives its opponent the final punch.

"Thank you for your hard work," Ye Chuan said, and then took out the elf ball.

At this time Lucario turned around and shook his head towards Ye Chuan.

"I see, do you still want to fight?" Hearing this, Ye Chuan put back the elf ball in his hand with a smile.

Lucario stood in the battle arena and raised his fist.

On the wrist, the silver bracelet reflected light slightly in the sunlight. Although the collision during the battle made the bracelet no longer round, it was like a hand, firmly holding its wrist.

"Lucario..." A girl in front of the TV couldn't help but whispered after seeing this scene: "Thank you..."

"Extreme offensive pressure, timely battlefield command, I'm sorry, I underestimated you." Chen Jiu took out the second elf ball and said:

"So, this is my second elf..."

Chen Jiu narrowed his eyes and said, "Be careful."

There was a flash of white light, and an elf landed on the ground, causing the earth to tremble slightly.

It looks like a turtle, with a huge tree and various rock-like protrusions behind it.


"The aura of this earth turtle..." Ye Chuan was slightly stunned. This aura seemed to be more powerful than the leader level.


He probably hasn't reached the level of a king yet, but if he's at the grandmaster level, Lucario should be unable to deal with him.

"Nothing." Ye Chuan said: "Lucario, use the flame fist!"

Lucario rushed over, and the power of the waveguide enveloped its whole body!


With a punch, the flames enveloped Lucario's fist like a fire dragon, and hit the Turtle's body hard.

"Goooo!" The turtle on the platform remained motionless, like a mountain, unaffected at all!

The sparks were splashed away. Lucario looked at the Turtle in front of him, lowered his arms slightly, and then burst out at high speed, constantly bombarding the Turtle's body with bullet punches! !

The rapid fists even caused sparks to rub out from the turtle's hard body!

At this time, Tutai Turtle was still looking at it, and its huge body seemed to have no intention of moving at all.

"In that case, use the absorption punch!" Seeing this, Ye Chuan said.

The absorption punch can absorb the opponent's physical strength to restore his own. At this time, Lucario's physical strength is about to be exhausted. Since the opponent has no intention of fighting back, Ye Chuan asks Lucario to use the absorption punch to restore his own physical strength!

"Boom, boom, boom!" The absorbing fists hit the Turtle's body continuously, and then Lucario's physical strength began to recover.

"The Tutai Turtle has no intention of fighting back. Is it because the opponent is too fast?!" The host said: "You know, the Tutai Turtle is a relatively bulky elf. Facing Lucario's attack, it seems that it can only be defeated by Forced to defend!"

"No, the opponent's turtle is definitely not forced to defend!" Ye Chuan murmured, and then he observed the turtle. The turtle's eyes were very indifferent, as if it was waiting for something, which made Ye Chuan slightly. Something feels wrong.

wait for what?

Procrastinating like this will not do the turtle any good, because the sunny period is almost over, and Lucario's physical strength is beginning to recover as time goes by.

what exactly is it……

Ye Chuan observed the surroundings, and then began to think about the skills that Tutaigui might possess. Suddenly, he seemed to notice something!

He looked sharply at the ground!

At this time, when Lucario raised his fist again, he suddenly noticed a pulling sensation on the sole of his foot, forcing it to lose its center of gravity and fall to the ground!

It turned its head and found that there were glowing green thorns tightly wrapped around the soles of its feet!

Thorns sprouted from the ground like tentacles.

Skill - tying grass knots!

"I see, are you waiting for Lucario to relax his vigilance and use straw knots to restrict his movement?" Ye Chuan said:

"Lucario, leave quickly!"

Lucario pulled hard on the soles of his feet in an attempt to break free, but found that the thorns on the knot were in the shape of barbs. The harder Lucario struggled, the deeper the barbs penetrated, making Lucario Letting out a slight cry of pain.

"Can't break free?"

"It's useless. The turtle's grass knot is different from ordinary grass knots. The barbs on it will only make Lucario stab deeper and deeper, making it impossible to break free." Chen Jiu said, and then stretched out his hand.

At this time, the Turtle also walked towards Lucario with heavy steps.

"End it!"

Tutaigui suddenly lifted his body, and then landed heavily.

Mount Tai is overwhelming!

There was a loud noise, and the battlefield trembled, and Lucario was defeated instantly!

"Lucario, you have lost the ability to fight!" The referee raised the flag and the venue erupted in cheers!

"Chen Jiu, Chen Jiu, Chen Jiu!" Chen Jiu's supporters waved and shouted.

"He actually chose defense at the first moment, and then tied his opponent with a straw knot when he relaxed his vigilance before finishing him off in one go. I have to say that player Chen Jiu is really tolerant!" said the host.

"come back."

Ye Chuan took out the elf ball and took Lucario back.

"Thank you for your hard work. You have done a great job." Ye Chuan said, and then took out his second elf ball.

The strength of the turtle on the opposite side is far beyond the gym leader level, so Ye Chuan must also show his true strength to fight, otherwise all his previous efforts will be in vain if he overturns in the first round.


Who to send?


What if one ball can't kill the opponent instantly?

Tie grass knots?

"In that case." Ye Chuan took out an elf ball and threw it out——

With a flash of white light, the flying mantis appeared on the field!

"Buzz--" The arc of cold light flowed slowly on the dark sword, as if it had a soul. The flying mantis, whose body was as black as ink, stood on the battlefield, immediately attracting the attention of a large number of people.

"What a handsome flying mantis. He's the same color as the Lucario just now..."

"Not only is it a different color, but you can see that the scythe is not curved like a normal flying mantis. Instead, it looks like two machetes." While the audience was talking about it, the battle continued.

The flying mantis disappeared from the spot, leaving only a dark afterimage.

The next second, it suddenly appeared behind Tutaigui, raising its sickle——

With a sharp cold light, it slashed out with one strike!

"Ding!" A crisp collision sounded, and the Turtle summoned a giant vine tentacle from nowhere and collided with the flying mantis's sickle.

The tentacles glowed with a strange green light, making it impossible for the Flying Mantis' scythe to go any further.

"Green light..." Ye Chuan murmured, and then the waveguide in his eyes flashed.

And the next second, the flying mantis jumped high, and on the ground where it was just standing, several thorns suddenly appeared, which were knots of grass!

"Did you avoid it? It's indeed a flying mantis with high mobility."

After seeing the flying mantis ducking away, Chen Jiu didn't seem surprised, and then he suddenly smiled:

"You know, an honest person who is always gentle will become extremely aggressive if he is provoked."

When Ye Chuan heard this, he said, "So?"

"My turtle is not only capable of defense." Chen Jiu said with a smile.

As soon as he finished speaking, the Turtle's eyes suddenly changed. It let out a low roar, and then its huge body began to slam into the Flying Mantis at a very fast speed!

Every time the soles of the feet came into contact with the ground, the site collapsed into a huge crater. At this time, the Terrapin Turtle, like a heavily armored tank, was constantly attacking the Flying Mantis fiercely!

It is as calm as Xuanwu and moves like a ferocious beast.




The earth was crumbling, and Tutaigui's attack was too oppressive, causing the entire battlefield to be destroyed and torn into pieces.

"It's really scary. Is this extreme violence really the Tutai Turtle we are familiar with?" The host didn't know what to say for a while, because at this time, the Tutai Turtle kept smashing and bombarding, like a violent Like a wild beast.

Perhaps because the aura was too alarming, the Flying Mantis did not approach it immediately, but instead kept avoiding it.

After a while, there was no complete area left on the field, and the turtle also stopped at this time.

Ye Chuan used the power of the waveguide to check the opponent and found that the turtle's aura had not decreased at all, which meant that it had not consumed much energy at all in such a violent attack!

Tutai Turtle suddenly roared and condensed a ball of light.


The ball of light rushed high into the sky, bursting into flames again, and then the turtle absorbed the sunlight and instantly recovered all its energy.

Optical synthesis!

"No wonder they are good at protracted battles. How many can hold on if this drags on?" Ye Chuan murmured.

Too strong, this turtle.

"But..." Ye Chuan smiled, and he and the Flying Mantis made the same knife-throwing gesture at the same time:

"Wouldn't it be more interesting this way?"

"Flying Mantis!"

Flying Mantis's dark golden pupils flashed, and his aura began to rise.

"The eyes have changed." Chen Jiu smiled after seeing this: "Very good."

Now that we have arrived at the national competition, how can we not unleash our full strength?

The surrounding airflow suddenly changed, and the constant wind began to gather on the Flying Mantis' scythe.


With a sound, the Flying Praying Mantis left a deep pit on the spot, and the next second, it appeared next to the Tutai Turtle again.

So fast.

The sickle cuts out!

Tutaigui summoned vines and directly collided with Flying Mantis's sickle. As if in anticipation, Tutaigui saw through the trajectory of Flying Mantis' attack.

"Could it be the power of waveguide to foresee?" Ye Chuan murmured, then smiled: "No, that person doesn't have the aura of waveguide on him."

Then there is only one answer!

"Flying Mantis, fly!"

The flying mantis kicked off its feet, then flew high into the sky and spread its black wings.

At this time, the Turtle also summoned sharp rock thorns and flew towards the Flying Mantis!

Sharp stone attack!

The figure of the Flying Mantis transformed into dozens of shapes in mid-air, and then flew towards the Tutai Turtle at the same time!

Shadow clone!

One knife!

The sword flashed, and the turtle's carapace was sliced ​​open by the flying mantis's sickle as easily as tofu!

But this time the vines were a step too late and did not stop the flying mantis!

"Have you been discovered?" Chen Jiu said.

"The Tutai Turtle is a ground elf. I guess your Tutai Turtle can rely on the vibrations of the ground to determine its position." Ye Chuan said, and then stretched out his hand:

"Flying Mantis!"

The Flying Mantis slashed more than ten times in an instant, causing the turtle's carapace to break apart!

"My guess is correct, but I'm curious about why your flying mantis can break through the defense of the turtle." Chen Jiu said.

"There is nothing that the Flying Praying Mantis can't stop killing." Ye Chuan smiled.

"Really?" Chen Jiu shook his head:

"But don't underestimate me too much!"


At this time, the Turtle suddenly roared, and then green light erupted all over its body, recovering its strength at an incredible speed. The next second, the tree on its carapace suddenly grew, and each leaf gave off a faint green luster.

"Show them what the ultimate skill is!" Chen Jiu said.

"Goooo!!!!" The trees behind Tutai Turtle suddenly erupted into waves of green leaf storms, centering on themselves and constantly sweeping towards everything around them, invading the surroundings like a tornado!

Although the Flying Mantis is fast, this green leaf storm is like a seamless range skill across the entire map, leaving the Flying Mantis with no way to go. The green leaves instantly drowned the Flying Mantis!

"Is this a flying leaf storm?" This was the first time Ye Chuan saw such a circular spreading flying leaf storm. The green leaves spread like waves, constantly impacting the surrounding things!

After the storm ended, the figure of the Flying Mantis appeared in front of everyone's eyes. At this time, it was covered in scars. Although it looked a little embarrassed, its eyes were still looking at the Turtle in the distance.

"It's the grass-type skill Leaf Storm, and it seems to be a very different Leaf Storm. It can actually attack the entire battle field. It's so surprising, it's like a natural disaster." The host said in surprise.

At this time, there was another burst of green light on the Turtle's body. The optical synthesis under the clear sky allowed its physical strength to easily return to its peak, maintaining the best physical condition.

Boom boom.

Heavy footsteps sounded, and the Turtle kept approaching the Flying Mantis.

It is like an insurmountable mountain, blocking the flying mantis.

"Well, my Tutai Turtle is called by many people as an unshakable Xuanwu like a mountain." Chen Jiu said.

"Xuanwu?" Ye Chuan smiled: "It's still a little bit worse."

"Really, but it's enough to deal with your Flying Mantis." Chen Jiu stretched out his hand, and Tutaigui suddenly had a fierce look in his eyes. He once again changed his gentle appearance and rushed towards the Flying Mantis like a ferocious beast.

The Flying Mantis lowered its body and closed its eyes. The next second, the surrounding airflow began to flow faster, converging on its scythe and turning into milky white.

When the people around saw that the flying mantis actually closed his eyes, they all had strange expressions on their faces.

Is this giving up?

"Even if it's a big mountain..."

Ye Chuan looked at the Tutai Turtle rushing over and shouted:

"I'll cut it for you too!"

"Flying Mantis!"

The flying mantis opened his eyes, and the milky white airflow on the sickle suddenly turned into pitch black, and he slashed out instantly!

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