Start by getting the thunder ability

Chapter 11: Trick children into eating lollipops

"Miss! These are your favorite foods. I specially prepared them for you."

Soon, the flight attendant from before came over pushing the dining cart with a gentle smile on her face.

While talking to Xiang Meng, he did not forget to give Jiang Hao a kind smile.

It seems that he has forgotten what happened before.

sure! This professional quality is worthy of someone from a big family, who knows the rules.

Jiang Hao looked at those slender and white thighs, recalling the previous touch, wondering if it would be okay to touch them a few more times?

"Sir, do these dishes suit you? If you don't like them, I'll ask the kitchen to make them again for you."

"Oh! I can do it all, I'm not picky about food."

Jiang Hao shrugged indifferently.

"That's good!"

The stewardess smiled sweetly, bent down, put her mouth to Jiang Hao's ear, and breathed out:

"Our young lady is relatively introverted and doesn't understand many things. If we ask your husband to take more care of her in the future, our Xiang family will be richly rewarded."

"Xiaomeng is my teammate. Even if you don't tell me, I will take care of her."

Jiang Hao took a sip of juice and said calmly: "And Xiaomeng is also very strong, and she can take care of herself."

"Brother Haohao!"

Xiang Meng looked at Jiang Hao with tears in her eyes, and was so moved that she almost cried.

Finally someone recognized her.

In the business class, Luo Chen and Zhang Shan sat together, and the atmosphere was slightly awkward.

Luochen looked like I had been abandoned and drank sip after sip.

Zhang Shan looked like he was being despised and drank sips of wine.

Gudu Gudu Gudu

In just a short time, the two of them had drank six bottles of red wine and two bottles of white wine.

The stewardess is sweating like rain. Is this the way to get back the ticket money?

"I hope these two people don't get drunk and crazy, otherwise I will be deducted from my money again if they cause trouble."

The stewardess sighed.

"Brother Shan! Can't you tell, you're pretty good at drinking!"

Luo Chen glanced at Zhang Shan.

"What's this little wine? I'm famous for not getting drunk after a thousand cups."

Zhang Shan burped from wine, his cheeks turned slightly red, he was already a little drunk.

"I won't get drunk after ten thousand cups."

"I won't get drunk after a hundred thousand cups."

"I can drink a million cups without getting drunk."

"Waiter! Bring me some more wine. There must be a winner between the two of us today."

Luo Chen shouted loudly.

"Brother, I have to drink you down today."

Zhang Shan burped, with a smile on his face.

"Sir, you can't drink any more. If you drink any more, it will affect other guests."

The flight attendant gathered her courage and said.

"Brother Shan! What will you do if he doesn't give us a drink?"

Luo Chen looked at Zhang Shan.


Zhang Shan took out his ID, threw it to the stewardess, and shouted: "Get the wine."

When the flight attendant opened the ID, she was so frightened that she didn't dare to beep anymore. She respectfully handed the ID back to Zhang Shan and said, "Sir, please wait a moment."

Then he ran to get the wine.

"Baby, I can't cure you yet."

Looking at the flight attendant's leaving figure, Zhang Shan smiled proudly.

As a seventh-level psychic, he is already a towering figure in the eyes of ordinary people, let alone an investigator of the Investigation Bureau.

People like him, let alone stewardesses, even the boss of their airline company would not dare to offend them casually.

The surrounding passengers were also angry but dared not speak.

Fortunately, the two of them still had some liquor and didn't go crazy.

The plane landed safely.

After Jiang Hao and Xiang Meng came out of the VIP channel, they waited at the exit for a long time, but Zhang Shan and Luo Chen were still missing.

"Brother Haohao, should I have someone go take a look?"

Xiang Meng asked tentatively.

"Wait a little longer, they might be going to the toilet."

Another five minutes passed.

Luo Chen and Zhang Shan finally made their debut.

The two people each held a bottle of wine in their hands, put their arms around each other, and staggered out.

There were several stewardesses following them, all with nervous expressions on their faces.

"Xiaomeng! Let's go."

Jiang Hao turned around and left, not wanting to have anything to do with these two people.


After instructing the receptionist to send the two of them back to the hotel, Jiang Hao and Xiang Meng got into another car and left without looking back.

"Brother Haohao, are they okay? Why do they drink so much?"

Xiang Meng asked worriedly.

"A thousand cups of wine is too little to meet a close friend. They may be bastards looking at mung beans, and they are right in the eye. Let's not disturb them yet."


"Xiaomeng, are you nervous?"

Jiang Hao looked at Xiang Meng and frowned slightly.

Along the way, Jiang Hao was paying attention to Xiang Meng.

Jiang Hao had seen a few people like her before. They were treated as babies by their family, and they had been cared for since childhood. They always wanted to find a chance to prove themselves.

Such people often lose their minds easily when performing tasks, do impulsive things, and risk their own lives and even the lives of their teammates.

Jiang Hao was very annoyed by these people. After becoming a special investigator, he rarely teamed up with others and always investigated alone.

But things are different now.

The missions in the Special Abilities Department are too dangerous. Except for those temporary workers who are superior, everyone else needs teammates to support each other, otherwise it will be easy to lead them.

So he felt that it was necessary to enlighten Xiang Meng.


The girl bit her lip.

"Afraid you can't complete the mission?"

Jiang Hao asked with a smile.

Xiang Meng glanced at Jiang Hao in surprise and nodded.


really! Jiang Hao sighed: "Xiaomeng! You have to remember that we are just investigators, not a large force. Some things are done by us and some are not done by us.

Do you understand? "

Xiang Meng:.

"When we get paid by the country, we should serve the country and sacrifice our lives for the country. However, some risks have to be taken, and some risks are not worth it. In order to complete the task, if we take risks forcibly, we can easily lose our lives, mess up the task, and even kill ourselves. Teammate, so you can’t rush for quick results, you know?”

"I know, but I know"

"But what?"

"I I won't judge."

Xiang Meng's voice is like a mosquito.

"You will listen to me for your next actions. You will do whatever I ask you to do. Don't hesitate. Can you do it?"

Jiang Hao frowned and came up with such a stupid idea.

Girl: "Yes."

"Xiaomeng, you are from the Thirty-sixth Tiangang family. A member of the Xiang family, you can't go back on your promises to others. If you can't do it, you will bring shame to the Xiang family in the future."

"I will definitely do it."

Xiang Meng clenched her fists and nodded vigorously.


Jiang Hao secretly breathed a sigh of relief: "Don't worry! As long as you are obedient, I will help you prove yourself to your family."

"Thank you."

The driver in front glanced at them through the rearview mirror. If he hadn't known that the two were investigators from the imperial capital, he would have called the police.

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Are you trying to trick children into eating lollipops?

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